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H Modern American History Chapter 33 Assignments

Section 1,p. 413 Due: Friday December 7 In your notebook respond in writing to the following: Read the section and relate one experience in your own life that you could compare to that of Franklin Roosevelt when he accompanied Eleanor to a poor neighborhood. Section 2 pp. 414-416 Due: Friday, December 7 Read the section and take notes on the following topic: What were the key programs of the first New Deal and how did they affect Americans? Section 3 pp. 417-418 Due Monday, December 10 Protests and Political Challenges Read the section and answer the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Who were the right wing critics? (all of them) What were their criticisms of the New Deal? Who was Al Smith? What were the criticisms of the left wing? What did Upton Sinclair propose? Define demagogue. How did Father Coughlin oppose the New Deal? What did Senator Huey Long propose?

Section 4, pp. 419-421 The Second New Deal Due: Tuesday, December 11 Read the section and take notes on the following: Note: The Second New Deal would be more concerned with reform of social and economic programs where the First New Deal dealt with recovery. As you read consider the overall question: To what extent did these programs respond to the criticisms we discussed in Section 3? List the provisions of each of the following: REA WPA Wagner Act Fair Labor Standards Act Social Security Act Supreme Courts opposition to key New Deal Legislation including: Why did FDR disagree with the Courts decisions? What step did he take and how did he justify it? What was his real agenda? What was the response from politicians (i.e. Congress) and from the American people? In what ways did the Court begin to change in its interpretations of legislation? Section 5 pp. 422-425 Social and Political Impacts Due: the beginning of class on Wednesday, December 12 Read the section and make a chart in which you list the five groups of Americans and then list the developments of the New Deals as they affected each group. Mark each one with a + or to designate whether it was a positive or negative development.

We will be using this in class for discussion and you will be turning it in at then end of class so do not write this in your notebooks. Thursday, December 13 Section 33.5 continued No written assignment due today but re-read the chart on page 424 of your text. We will be working with that in class today and Friday Friday, December 14 Section 33.6 Legacy of the New Deal, pp. 426-427 Respond to these questions in writing and be prepared to participate in the class discussion for points. What is meant by each of the following terms: legacy, economic security, entitlement programs? We will discuss them as they applied to the period of the Great Depression as well as today. Be able to cite examples. (What does economic security mean to you today?) Read the quotation from FDR on page 426. How was he proposing to add to Americans basic rights? Was/is that a valid expectation? Why or why not? Make a bullet list from pp. 426-427 of the policies put into effect during the New Deal that affect Americans today. Be prepared to give examples in class.

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