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Santa Monica


Neighbor to Neighbor Tidings

Down Town

JAN 2013 ISSUE #1

SMPD Badge #3104 - Retired

New Paper Launched in Santa Monica

PROMENADE: The Santa Monica Op-Ed Press is here. For those who dont know what the Op-Ed is, its the page opposite the editorial page in a newspaper. It presents another view instead of the view expressed in the editorial section which is usually written by a papers editor.
Santa Monica is unique. It has no real newspaper doing journalism that gives critical and unbiased reports of what goes on in the city government.
When The Outlook Newspaper ended its more than one hundred years in Santa Monica in 1998, the town was left without any news source. Some internet news thing called The Lookout started in March of 1999, but since its on the internet it cant be called a newspaper.
The Santa Monica Daily Press then started up and in our opinion it was junk until Kevin Herrera was hired as a writer. He was a rebrand. It was the rst time in several years since the Outlooks demise that real news was being printed in Santa Monica. Herrera started to reveal how corrupt the City government was. The City staff were scared. Their malfeasance was being put on display. There was hope in Santa Monica.
One terried department head was Police Chief James T. Butts Jr. Herrera was reporting on just how poorly run the police department really was. He did some stories that showed the public the real SMPD, and it scared the department.
Chief Butts came up with a plan to shut down Herreras critical pen. He was going to do everything he could to make Herrera a friend to the department. Butts dispatched one of his favorite pals to befriend Herrera. Sergeant Alex Padilla brought Herrera into the SMPD facility and made him feel like one of the guys. Herrera must have felt loved because his critical pen melted. Ever since, in our opinion, there hasnt been one real journalism

story on the police department.

Kevin Herreras journalism was so threatening to the police, that Chief Butts also had police personnel trained in how to befriend to the press. This helped Butts achieved another milestone of his tenure. He made the police department into the Santa Monica Publicity Department that still exits in that form today; A department more about image than substance. Once feared by the police for his mighty truthrevealing pen, it appears Kevin Herrera is now the police departments greatest cheerleader. He might as well wear a Samohi style cheerleader outt complete with a blue and yellow pleated skirt and blue nylon Thong Style Also Available panties that have SMPD in yellow letters across the rear-end. Maybe thats what Chief Butts gave him that turned him into such a cop lover. It appears the Daily Press has also stopped covering the massive City Hall corruption. Since this has happened, theyve become City Halls favorite advertising supplement. Several city departments advertise in the Daily Press, even though City Hall has its own newspaper and TV Station that can handle mostly all of City Halls advertising needs. Instead, thousands of dollars of unnecessary advertising ows from City Hall to the Daily Press. The people of Santa Monica have been the biggest losers since all of this went down, however, now theres an option. You can read the poorly written and totally irregularly issued Op-Ed Press that will be handed out on the promenade and throughout Santa Monica in paper form and is also available on Facebook at our Santa Monica Op-Ed Press page. (Continued on back)


(Continued from front) The Santa Monica City government is anything but a benign organization of caring people who want to do good for the public. Although there are individuals working for the city in a variety of jobs who strive to do a good job; they are in the minority. Within many departments exist criminals and criminal enterprises that even the Maa would envy. The City government is a corporation that is more dangerous and malevolent than those large public corporations that most Westside liberals constantly decry as evil. Liberals should be at City Hall protesting and not outside of Armand Hammers Occidental Petroleum in Westwood. Those large corporations have to create wealth and provide products that people actually need and want. Our City, on the other hand, is a corporation that takes and takes from the citizens mostly for the pockets of City staff. Examples of this will be examined and reported on in great detail in issues to come. Everything from the police departments poor management to the Citys disastrous handling of its Risk Management cases. I do all this work with great personal risk to my life and property. The corruption at the City can get violent at times. When I worked in the police department, I was assaulted by an out-of-control police ofcer. He just wanted to attack someone. I was the only one in the room with my back to him. I had head injuries and broken bones after the unprovoked assault. In the dark early morning hours the day before I was to go to Internal Affairs to report what had happened, some guys in an SUV did multiple drive-by shootings at me at my home. I survived only to later lose my job when I advised some coworkers that I was reporting them for another matter related to my injuries and illness. This whole story will be detailed in upcoming issues. It is a good example of how the City works and costs the taxpayers millions of dollars just in regards to two city workers and bad city management. My experience with the City is multilayered. I was a longtime resident, and I worked in three different city departments. I worked in City Hall at the Rent Control Ofce. I worked at the City Yards in the Solid Waste and Recycling division, and my last job was at the police department from 1995 until I was retired at the end of 2009.





My Credentials. Trinkets that even an Illegal Alien Promenade Security Guard can match. There are many people who work for the City who are much more qualied and experienced than me to write about City Hall management. The problem is that they are either part of the corruption or too cowardly to come forward. Money is a major factor. It turns good employees into accomplices or lickspittles. City Hall pays its employees far more than the job they perform is worth. The police and re departments are the best examples of this malfeasance. Rarely, will any employee, especially a police or re ofcial, step forward and do the right thing about criminal management. But if they do, thats when the management goes into conspiracy and criminal overdrive to silence and harm that employee. Everything that can be done to discredit the individual is done--legal or not.

Santa Monica City Council: Renowned for its Untrustworthiness by Citizens.

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