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Name: ________________________
Class: _________________________
Little Signs
david and his family arrived at the picnic spot the
children got out of the car carrying rubber floats
david s sister shouted i can hear the sound of
water where do you think it s coming from
children come and help me carry the things from
the boot siad mr tan faher quick i cannot wait to
get there exclaimed sarah
A: Do you have difficulty reading the text above?
B: What do you think is missing from the text?
A: Yes! Those little signs and marks often seen in a text are missing!

Common Punctuation
1. ________________________________

4. ________________________________

2. ________________________________

5. ________________________________

3. ________________________________

6. ________________________________

English Form 1/Little Signs - Punctuation |

Nowenna Willie D. Tamsin


Exercise 1 (Capital Letters)
Punctuate these sentences using capital letters where necessary.

1. there is an old man at the gate.

2. i met yusof at the town library.
3. mount kinabalu in sabah is the highest mountain in southeast asia.

Exercise 2 (Comma)
Insert the comma (,) in the sentences correctly.

1. They needed a pair of scissors some glue old newspapers and some coloured cloth.
2. She went to the grocery shop to buy some flour sugar margarine eggs and milk.
3. The old man bent down picked up the photo frame dusted it and looked at the picture with tears
in his eyes.

Exercise 3 (Full stop, Question mark)

Punctuate these sentences with a full stop (.) and / or question mark (?)

1. Where is my pen asked Paul

2. What would you like to eat for dinner

English Form 1/Little Signs - Punctuation |

Nowenna Willie D. Tamsin


3. The old man said, Please help me walk across this busy road
4. Tom, you have not finished your food, said his mother
5. Cecilia asked, May i borrow your pencil
6. Jane said loudly, Im going to Langkawi Island for a holiday

Exercise 4
Punctuate the sentences using the exclamation mark (!) where necessary. Remember to use a capital letter
to begin the next word.

1. Help someone has snatched my handbag.

2. Keep it up youre doing very well.
3. Hurray were going to Cameron Highlands for a holiday.

Exercise 5 (Apostrophe)
Pick out the words in the sentences below to form contractions. Undelrine them and rewrite the sentences
using contractions in the space given.

1. There are many cows in the field.

2. I have two brothers and a sister.
3. Sam does not like tuna sandwiches.

English Form 1/Little Signs - Punctuation |

Nowenna Willie D. Tamsin


Exercise 6 (Punctuation)
Punctuate the paragraphs below with suitable punctuation marks.

pak samad and his wife siti sell fruits in a fruit stall near the flats they live in one of
the units in the block of flats
one afternoon siti went home for lunch she climbed up the stairs slowly when she
reached her flat on the second floor she saw the door to her flat open she knew that
something wasnt right.
siti shouted help theres a thief in my flat
the thief heard her shouts he dashed out of the flat siti grabbed his shirt but he
broke free and ran down the stairs he stepped on a banana peel and slipped thud thud
thud he went rolling down he cried aloud in pain
ive sprained my ankle and i cant get up please send me to the hospital said the

English Form 1/Little Signs - Punctuation |

Nowenna Willie D. Tamsin

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