MCQ - Test 2

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Batch 2012-13) Students Name Time: 30 Min. Choose the Correct Alternative :- Please tick () correct one only. 1. The force of skeletal muscle contraction cannot be increased by: A. increasing the frequency of activation of motor units B. increasing the number of motor units activated C. increasing the amplitude of action potentials in motor neurons D. recruiting larger motor units 2. The number of Na+ channels/m2 of membrane in myelinated mammalian neurons is maximum in the : A. Cell body B. Dendritic zone C. Initial segment D. Node of Ranvier 3. The duration of action potential in a skeletal muscle fiber is typically : A. 5 ms B. 25 ms C. 100ms D. 200ms 4. Cell volume and pressure is mainly dependent upon activity of : A. Na glucose cotransporter B. Na+- K+ pump C. Glucose transporter D. Na+- Ca2+ exchanger 5. The ATPase activity of which of the following proteins is altered to regulate skeletal muscle contraction? A. Actin B. Myosin C. Troponin D. Tropomyosin 6. Ryanodine receptor is located in the : A. Sarcolemma B. T-tubule C. Terminal cisterns of sarcoplasmic reticulum D. Cytosol 7. Rigor mortis is due to: A. Damage to actin & myosin B. Rapid sequestration of Ca in ER C. Increased Myosin ATPase activity D. ATP depletion 8. The major source of calcium for contraction of skeletal muscle is: A. ECF B. Cytosol C. Mitochondria D. Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) 9. Which of the following statements regarding type I muscle fibers is incorrect ? A. They are rich in myoglobin B. Their oxidative capacity is high C. Their myosin ATPase activity is high D. Their glycolytic capacity is high 10. Staircase phenomenon (Treppe) is due to : A. Increased availability of calcium B. Summation C. Tetanus D. Increased excitability 11. The minimum stimulus strength that produces a action potential in nerve or muscle is: A. Rheobase B. Chronaxie C. Twice rheobase D. Twice chronaxie 12. Which of the following ions is not transported across the cell membrane by a primary active transport mechanism? A. Na+ B. ClC. K+ D. Ca2+ 13. Cardiac muscle cannot be tetanized because of: A. Accommodation B. Its slow rate of repolarization C. Calcium influx during phase 2 D. Na Influx during phase 1 Date : 6/9/2012 Roll No. MM: 30

14. What is the primary ionic basis of the prepotential in the SA node? A. Ca influx through transient T Ca channels B. Inwardly directed long-lasting Ca current C. Outward Na current D. Potassium efflux through leak channels 15. Hypokalemia would be expected to result in : A. Increased neuronal excitability B. A more negative RMP C. No change in RMP D. in firing level of neurons 16. When heart rate is about 75 beats/min, the duration of ventricular systole is about: A. 0.1 s B. 0.2 s C. 0.3 s D. 0.4 s 17. Regarding the ionic basis of action potential in cardiac muscle cells, all are true except : A. Phase 0 : Na influx B. Phase 1: K influx C. Phase 2: Ca influx D. Phase 3: K efflux 18. Neuromuscular transmission is impaired in A. Myasthenia gravis B. Botulism C. Lambert-Eaton syndrome D. All of the above 19. Heme is converted to bilirubin mainly in the : A. Kidneys B. Liver C. Spleen D. Bone marrow 20. What is the effect of vagal stimulation on the membrane potential of the SA node ? A. Increases calcium infux B. Increases the slope of the prepotential C. Increases K+ efflux D. Increases intracellular cAMP 21. The maximum pressure rise in the ventricle occurs during : A. Ejection B. Isovolumetric contraction C. Protodiastole D. Diastasis 22. During the cardiac cycle, aortic valve closes at the end of: A. Isovolumetric contraction B. Rapid ejection C. Diastasis D. Protodiastole 23. Most important regulator factor for erythropoiesis is A. Tissue oxygenation B. pCO2 C. Erythropoietin D. Hemorrhage th 24. In Sickle cell anaemia ,in each - chain at 6 position A. Gluatamic acid replaces valine B. Valine replaces Glutamic Acid C. Both D. None of the above 25. Each Hb molecules carries how many molecules of oxygen ? A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 D. 6 26. True about free Hb is all except A. viscosity of Blood B. causes in BP C. Interfere with fluid exchange at capillary wall D. Damages kidney 27. All of the following help in the maturation of RBCs except A. Castles intrinsic factor B. Fe C. Vit. B12 D. Folic acid 28. For Foetal Hb all is true except A. Resistant to alkalies B. Greater affinity to O2 C. -chain replaces chain D. Has less affinity to 2,3 DPG 29.Which of the following responsible for oncotic pressure in plasma ? A. Globulin B. Fibrinogen C. Prothrombin D. Albumin 30. Haemoglobin appears at which stage of erythropoiesis ? A. Proerythroblast B. Early normoblast C . Intermediate normoblast D. Late normoblast

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