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Graphic Science (MEL 110) (2-0-4)

COURSE OVERVIEW: 1) Lettering, Projections of points, lines and planes (Orthographic, Isometric, Axonometric, Oblique, Perspective) 2) Auxiliary Projections 3) Dimensioning and Sectioning 4) Geometric constructions 5) Projection of solids 6) Intersection of surfaces 7) Development of surfaces 8) Computer Aided Drawing Instructions for the Practicals
Part I: First practical will be held in CAGI Lab. (Room:III 331). The next three practical (covering Lettering, Orthographic and Isometric Projections) will be held in WS204. The students are required to do those practical using freehand sketching on tracing sheets (A4 size i.e., 210mmX297mm). Students must bring the following for free hand sketching laboratory classes: 1) Tracing sheet Pad with a graph paper 2) HB pencils 3) Eraser It is important to note that students will not be allowed use scale or compass for the first four turns. Part II: For the rest of the practicals beginning with laboratory sheet No. 5, students will do the work on drawing sheets for which they are required to bring the following instruments/stationary: 1) Half Imperial size (approx.21.5X15inches) good quality drawing sheet perfectly cut to size 2) Cello tape for fixing sheet on top of the desk, 3) Engineering compasses (one small and one big size) 4) Divider 5) Pencils, one each of H and 2H grades (HB Pencil will not be allowed from lab sheet No.5) 6) Mini Drafter 7) Metric Scale & eraser Each laboratory sheet will be evaluated (max marks = 10). All the work in laboratory sheet has to be completed in 3 hours and fifty minutes of practical class. Nobody will be allowed to complete laboratory work at home. Work will have to be submitted at the end of the class and will be evaluated accordingly. Attendance: All students must attend every lecture and laboratory class. Equal weightage will be given to attendance in lecture and laboratory classes. Each lecture class will be treated as one turn and each laboratory of four hours will be treated as two turns. There will be approximate 28 lectures and 14 laboratory classes in a semester. However, to account for sickness or other such contingencies, the attendance requirement will be a minimum of 75% of the classes actually held. The grade of students having attendance lesser than 75% will be calculated based on effective marks. The effective marks will be calculated by multiplying the total marks (summation of marks obtained in laboratories, minors, quizzes and major) with a factor (actual attendance in % /75). For example if a student obtains a total marks 60 (out of 100) and attendance is 50%, then his/her effective marks will be 40 {effective marks = 60*(50/75)}. Any student obtaining effective marks lesser than 30% and attendance lesser than 75% will be awarded F grade. How to compensate if a Student is absent on the day of his laboratory class? a) Due to medical reason: If student submits Medical certificate immediately after he/she is fit, then the student can complete the laboratory sheet (which was missed due to illness) within three weeks of resuming the classes in any of laboratory class. In such a case, take signature of the Faculty, in whose class the laboratory sheet is done, on the blank sheet at the beginning and also at the end of the class. The sheet is to be submitted to the faculty who will pass on the same to the concerned faculty. The Faculty would also mention the problem-numbers not attempted by the student. Zero will be awarded if sheet is not submitted within three weeks.

b) Due to some other reason: Student can complete sheet on Buffer day. One four hour laboratory class shall be arranged as buffer day at the end of semester. Students will not be able to
claim Attendance by attending buffer day. Weightage: Lab. work: 25 %. Two minor Tests: 30 %. Two quiz: 15%. Major Test: 30%. Text Books: 1) Fundamentals of Engg.Drawing, Luzadder 2) Engineering Drawing, N.D.Bhatt VERY IMPORTANT: The students must retain all the evaluated laboratory sheets till the grades are awarded at the end of semester. Each evaluated sheet must have the signature of the instructor who has evaluated it. Any student may be asked to submit this record for verification at any time during the semester. A student who is not able to produce an evaluated sheet stands to loose marks in that laboratory Sheet.

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