Celebrating A Campus Centerpiece: Chronicle

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Spring 2009


news and information from the Southern Vermont-St. Joseph College Community


Celebrating a Campus Centerpiece

President Karen Gross greets jubilant junior Chris Holland as he moves into Hunter Hall, with the assistance of sophomore Cassandra Brooks.

ts 9 a.m. on a blustery day in midJanuary. Amidst the smell of fresh paint and new carpeting, students move up and down hallways, arms loaded with boxes, books and bags. The excitement in the air is palpable. Weve been anticipating this moment, said President Karen Gross, smiling broadly as she assists and welcomes students to the new 41,000-square-foot living and learning space, Hunter Hall and Greenberg Atrium. Dean of Students Anne Hopkins Gross and Director of Counseling Services Mike Goodwin are also there to greet the new residents, both commenting on the pleasant camaraderie of the day among students and sta. Theres something about the natural setting of this building, said Hopkins Gross. Its really peaceful here. Nestled into the hillside midway between the current residence halls and Everett Mansion, Hunter Hall is a centerpiece on campus, not only for its beauty, but for its functionality. In addi(Continued on page 2)

inside this issue

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New Programs
Presidents Column Faculty/Alumni Prole Sports/Homecoming Class Notes Career Development Upcoming Events

Oerings for a Marketplace Edge

editor: Susan Amberg Biggs contributors: Claire Bennet, Patrick Buckley, Karen Gross, Marion Whiteford
photo, top left: Sam Hubbard

everal new oerings this academic year have been carefully geared to give Southern Vermont College students multiple options for obtaining degrees in currently hot, careerlaunching elds. Build the Enterprise (the business entrepreneurship laboratory), a new Healthcare Management and Advocacy major and a new perspective for Criminal Justice have been strategically designed to give SVC students a leg up in the marketplace when they graduate, according to Provost Al DeCiccio.
(Continued on page 2)
Sophomore Jasmin Alford takes notes during Professor Charles Crowells Entrepreneurship Laboratory, being oered for the rst time this semester. The class is being held at the Bennington Center for the Arts, through a partnership that oers added classroom space to SVC.


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Campus Centerpiece, continued from page 1 tion to the 54 students that moved in this spring (a total of 112 will be housed in Hunter Hall when the third wing is completed), the space includes learning labs for science and nursing (to be completed for the Fall 2009 semester), administrative oces, student congregating space and the soaring, central Greenberg Atrium with a stone replace and oor-to-ceiling windows showcasing breathtaking views. The building as a whole encourages students to work together and allows for comfortable campus gatherings. The Atrium connects three wings of the new space, each reecting earth, re and water with bold palettes of sienna, celadon and aqua. Junior Chelsea Johannesen from Selkirk, N.Y said ., the new structure reminded her of a luxury ski resort. Junior John Connelly of Hackettstown, N.H., told a Bennington Banner reporter that Hunter Hall, brings a whole new atmosphere to campus. Designed by Centerline Architects of Ben-

Greenberg Atrium: At the center of Hunter Hall, a place for reside chats with breathtaking views.

nington, the building was constructed using mostly local vendors, according to SVC Chief Operating Ocer James Beckwith. It was a top priority for us to utilize workers from this area so that they could take community pride in SVCs newest addition, Beckwith said, adding that even the appliances in Hunter Halls new kitchen and laundry were locally bought. Gross praised Beckwiths direction. This was a very thoughtful, deliberate and well-managed project. At a time when many colleges are halting building projects, SVC moved forward condently on Hunter Hall, a $7.5 million venture, initially secured in part with generous gifts from Norman and Selma Greenberg and the late Irene Hunter. I only wish Irene were here to see this, Dr. Gross said, watching the students on move-in day. SVC has seen an increase in enrollment in the past few years which is expected to continue. This new space is just one more, very concrete way in which we are working to helping our students succeed, said Dr. Gross.

Marketplace Edge, continued from page 1

Incorporating iPhone Technology to Build the Enterprise

The Colleges new Build the Enterprise (BTE) program, which ocially begins next fall, is already creating innovations. This spring, Associate Professor and BTE Director of Entrepreneurship Charles Crowell is oering a new course entitled Entrepreneurship Laboratory, which is exploring the development of iPhone applications that are designed to support new forms of learning, including a possible integration with Moodlea leading, open source, online course management software. Crowell, who has previously won a national award for innovation in graduate program design from the American Council on Education, has teamed up with John Albano, a Massachusetts software engineer who writes applications for the iPhone, and is using their collaboration as a way to enhance online learning in the BTE program. The BTE program covers multi-curricular disciplines including Entrepreneurship, which emphasizes extensive grounding in best professional practices, applications of workplace technology and active engagement with existing organizations. Learners receive extensive expert training and support, are given start-up capital from the College, start their own enterprises and run them in a program-supported incubator during their last two years of study. The BTE program oers concentrations in Sustainable Ventures, Building New Economic Communities and Doing Business in Global Environments.

The role of the Advocacy Specialist is interdisciplinary, Wrightsman explained, since it includes a broad understanding of business and human services. Wrightsman was pleased by the way the programs pilot class drew students from all disciplinesnot just Nursing majors, but Business and Psychology majors as well. There are many, many roles in this business, she said.

Expanding Criminal Justice Options and a Roving Professorship

Alfred D. Chapleau has been named Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice in the Colleges Donald Everett Axinn Division of Social Sciences. He is a former chief prosecutor and Assistant Attorney General for the State of New York. Citing a surge in opportunities in the court system, private security and community-based corrections, Chapleau is helping SVC students expand their ideas of what careers they can enjoy in the criminal justice arena. Theres much more to a CJ major than lights and sirens. Chapleau holds adjunct faculty positions at Albany Law School and the New York State Judicial Training Institute, received a bachelors degree in Political Science from Siena College, a masters degree in Criminal Justice from SUNY Albany and his law degree from Albany Law School. Anne Myrka, new Chair of The John Merck Division of Science and Technology, introduced a roving professorship to SVC, linking coursework on pharmacology to many classes across curriculums that deal with the topic of drugs, including psychology, ethics and juvenile justice, giving students an interdisciplinary experience. An article on her roving professor experience, was recently featured in The Chronicle of Higher Education. Myrka also teaches pharmacology at Albany College of Pharmacy. Myrka received a Master of Arts degree in Teaching Science from SUNY New Paltz, a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from the Albany College of Pharmacy, as well as an Associate in Applied Science degree in Chemical Technology from Hudson Valley Community College.

Students in SVCs new HMA program are learning to navigate todays complex healthcare systems for their future clients.

Learning to Navigate and Advocate in Todays Healthcare System

A new program that creates Advocacy Specialists, the Healthcare Management and Advocacy program at SVC, is teaching students how to navigate todays complex healthcare system so they can help patients and families in multiple organizational settings. Graduates of the program can work in nursing homes, hospitals, doctors oces, small clinics, insurance companies, busi2

nesses, pharmaceutical companies and government oces on aging. The program is utilizing community partnerships with many organizations to oer real-life experiences and, eventually, practicum study in the eld. Piloting the rst class this semester, Introduction to Health Care I, is the Administrator of the Vermont Veterans Home, Colleen Rundell. There is a denite need in the industry for Advocacy Specialists, Rundell said. Because the systems are so complex, there are many more specialties and there are many more issues regarding payment. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the healthcare eld is expected to create three million new jobs over the next eight years. SVC wants our students to meet these growing workforce needs with practical career options, said Patricia Wrightsman, Chair of SVCs Nursing Division.

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bottom: Courtesy of Southwestern Vermont Medical Center

From the Presidents Oce: Dr. Karen Gross


Education is One Investment Holding its Value

These are not easy times. Economic doom and gloom surround us. Weve been bombarded by media stories about the ever-growing cost of education, the paucity of student loans and tales of families struggling to pay tuition. No wonder students and families, particularly scally vulnerable families, are worriedthe media have created quite the frenzy. What matters most to us at SVC is helping our current and prospective students complete their undergraduate education, and despite the rhetoric of recession, I believe this is a goal that is both critically important and scally feasible. In todays climate, an education remains one investment with real valueand that value is holding steady in a tough economy. SVC has a powerful story to share about providing its students with aordable excellence by creating a true living and learning community where personalized education happens at a price that is within reach. Its a fact: Students with a college degree earn more and lead happier, healthier and more productive lives than their high school compatriots. Over a lifetime, college graduates earn 60 percent more than those with a high school degree. This amounts to a dierential in excess of $800,000. Importantly, students at Southern Vermont College have debt loads upon graduation that, while substantial, are about $10,000 less than that of their private college peers in Vermont. Our tuition, room and board are competitive with that of many state university systems and are $10,000-25,000 less annually than some of our
New England collegiate neighbors. But, increased income streams and manageable debt alone are not reason enough to demonstrate the wisdom of investing in education. Our future economic strength depends on an educated workforce. Many of the fastest growing occupations in Vermont, across the nation and around the globe require a minimum of a college degree. Quality careers in healthcare, criminal justice, education and information technology all require completion of an undergraduate education. For students to start and then complete their education, government grants and loans must be available. Federal grants and loans for the current academic year and for academic year 20092010 do not appear to be at risk. Pell Grants and Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants are not being eliminated either, although the dollar amounts of Pell awards could decrease due to the growing pool of needy students. Academic Competitive Grants (ACGs) and Smart Grants do not appear to be on the chopping block, and there are no indications that federal work-study money is disappearing from the landscape. That said, it will be harder, in some cases much harder, for students and families to nd private and often more costly loans to cover the family share of educations costs. State aid may diminish; it already has started in Vermont. There will be some shortfalls between the costs of education and the dollars available through federal and state grants and loans. This is where colleges and their many supporters can and should step up and help. Educational institutions will need to explore and secure expanded institutional grants and newly endowed scholarship programs. They will need to develop and adopt other creative approaches for nancing an undergraduate education. Colleges will also need to provide students and their families with improved scal literacy skills so they can improve their ability to access tight credit markets. At SVC, we are already hard at work on these issues, and we are committed to providing unprecedented personalized assistance in our expanded on-campus college Financial Aid Oce. I appreciate the challenges facing higher education in general and SVC in particular. Still, we cannot aord not to educate our young people. I fear that what has gotten lost in the rhetoric of the moment is one simple point: higher education oers real and lasting value. In todays economy, it is the one investment that holds real promise, and SVC is a perfect place for many students to realize that promise.

What You and Your College-bound Student Should Know About Finances
President Karen Gross Thursday, May 7, 8 p.m. Burr & Burton Academy, Manchester, Vt. Free and open to all area parents and students.

From Cascade to Cave: Campus Trails are Enchanting

It only takes a few moments of traveling
up the winding driveway to see that Southern Vermont College is a place of beauty. The regal Everett Mansion, a central element of the school, is a gem upon the wooded 371-acre campus, but not all of SVCs treasures are so evident. Tucked within the contours of the landscape, hiking trails loop their way around campus buildings and wind up the side of nearby Mount Anthony. John Case, former director of the ACTion Program (now the Success Center) walked the trails nearly every day during his twenty-eight years at SVC. He occasionally led groups of students hiking and snowshoeing through the property. He also brought students out to maintain the trails, clearing brush, digging trenches and cutting away logs that had fallen over the paths. The Apple Trail (1 mile) and the Happy Trail (2.3 miles) are known as the Fitness Trails and

by Claire Bennet

bottom: SVC Artist-in-Residence Alan Nyiri

02, ten mountain trails, each no more than two miles, make wonderful day hikes with something unique to oer. The Cave Trail leads to Everett Cave, which is a marble solution cave (one dissolved out of solid rock by acidic water). The Mount Anthony Summit Trail oers a breathtaking view of the valley and the Green Mountain Range to the east. At the foot of the mountain, a multi-tiered fountain known as the Cascades runs the length of a stone stairway leading into the forest. The woods themselves are nothing short of enchanted. It is not unusual to come across an old statue, tucked away beside the trails and aged by moss and vines. Legends of ghost sitings are told. Living creaturesmany species of birds and animalsmake their homes in these woods. When it is time to head home, majestic Hemlocks act as natures compass as they always grow facing the east. For more information on the SVC trails, please visit www.svc.edu. Claire Bennet is an intern from Champlain College working in the SVC Communications Oce.

circle the campus proper. The Mansion Trail and the Hayeld Trail lead through the elds between the residence halls and the Mansion. Mapped by alumni Chris Donch 99, 01 and Ben St. George

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Creating Critical Learners Using Shakespeare and Sociology

wich. One class being taught by the professor, Literature and Society, studies literary examples of the struggles that occur when people want to be more than what they are. Its a sociological course from a literature bent, she explains. I often look to the works of Shakespeare in helping us understand humanity at its core, Sinkiewich said. I tell my students Shakespeare was the combined Steven Spielberg and M. Night Shyamalan of his day. His work appealed to the masses but also to those who got it on a higher level. Ill put my English or Creative Writing students up against students from any school, including the Ivy League, Sinkiewich said. Assistant Professor Scott OCallaghan and I challenge them. They know I wont lower the bar, but I will do everything in my power to teach them the skills needed to get over that bar. When they graduate, Im ridiculously proud. I always cry. I adore my students, Sinkiewich said emphatically. It is obvious they adore her, with current SVC students and alumni having created a Lynda Sinkiewich Fan Club page on Facebook. With a teaching style that both pushes her students and respects them, the popularity of Sinkiewichs classes indicates that she has hit on a winning formula.

J.D. Jackson 82 (right) with W. Ralph Basham, Commissioner, U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Humanities Division Chair Lynda Sinkiewich

In her role as Assistant Professor

and Division Chair of the Hunter Division of Humanities, Lynda Sinkiewichs enthusiasm for language and learning is infectious. My students tell me Im Shakespeare-obsessed, Sinkiewich says with a smile as she pats Billy, the bust of the literary great that sits on a shelf in her oce. I rub his head from time to time for inspiration. When youre really passionate about anything, it rubs o on people, Sinkiewich said. Her love for literature has earned her recent honors. Sinkiewich was invited to the competitive Gilder Lehrman Institutes annual seminar on literature and American history, this year entitled Slave Narratives to be held at Yale University in June. It is a wonderful recognition of Lyndas teaching talent, said Provost Al DeCiccio. Sinkiewich challenges her students to become more active, critical learners and to become readers. Theres no such thing as someone who hates to read, she says, just someone who hasnt learned to love it yet. Sinkiewich credits a love of books (and coming from a line of women who were voracious readers) for giving her the pluck to pull herself up from a life of poverty and be the rst in her family to go to college. With a B.A. in English/Communications from Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, Sinkiewich went on to get an M.A. in English Literature from Norwich University. My students know my story. I put myself through college. If I can do it, they can. I dont think education should ever be exclusive to anyone. Honoring the challenges people face is an ongoing theme for Sinkie4


Protecting Our Borders: J.D. Jackson 82

By Patrick Buckley, Director of Alumni Relations & Annual Giving J.D. Jackson, who graduated from
Southern Vermont College in 1982 with a degree in Criminal Justice, has spent more than 22 years in federal law enforcement, most recently stationed in Washington, D.C., as International Program Manager of the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Oce of Field Operations. CBP part of the Department , of Homeland Security, monitors nearly 7,000 miles of border that the United States shares with Canada and Mexico. CBP also partners with the United States Coast Guard to protect more than 90,000 miles of shoreline. On a typical day, CBP processes more than one million travelers, including 250,000 incoming international air passengers, 40,000 passengers and crew arriving by ship and nearly 800,000 automobile passengers and pedestrians. At every point of entry, CBP must be on the lookout for drugs and illicit or undeclared currency. I enjoy the fact that everyday brings a new situation and set of challenges that I am required to react and nd a resolution for, said Jackson, who is responsible for the safety and welfare of over 18,000 CBP ocers. The well-being of the CBP Ocer and his or her family governs every decision I make. Jackson recently had the privilege of being detailed to the U.S. Secret Service for the Presidential Inauguration festivities in January, covering crowd control, security sweeps and building rooftop patrols. The overall experience was awe-inspiring, Jackson said. Originally from Rensselaer, N.Y Jackson also holds a degree ., from the State University of New York at Brockport and has held various positions with the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service and CBP His work has . taken him around North America, including stops in Chula Vista, California; Beecher Falls, Vermont; and Vancouver, Canada. Jackson and his wife, Krista, have two children, Jordan (age 8) and Kyle (age 6). In his spare time he enjoys golf, weight training, karate (with a black belt in Shotokan Karate), playing sports with his children and working around the house. Jackson says that SVC taught him about responsibility and accountability. Being on my own for the rst time was a challenging experience. You couldnt blame anyone but yourself if you didnt succeed. I have carried this type of thinking right through my professional career. He added that, in relation to todays job market, I would point any college graduate in the direction of the federal government, specically CBP Our . employees receive great pay, great benets, a 20 year-and-out retirement plan and, most important, job security.

Focusing on Financial Aid

Freshman Tyler Morton (left in photo below) traveled with President Karen Gross to the Winooski, Vt., oce of Donald Vickers, (at right) CEO/President of the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC) to tape a video interview on the current state of nancial aid for college students, which aired on public access television. Morton, who hails from North Carolina, learned video production and editing in his rst-year Quest for Success class taught by David Lindenberg.

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SVCs Eschler Named 2008 NECC Soccer Goalie of the Year
Sophomore Aaron Eschler of
Gloversville, N.Y brought recogni., tion to the Mountaineers when the New England Collegiate Conference (NECC) named him 2008 NECC Mens Soccer Goalie of the Year. The Mountaineers were also recognized with the Team Sportsmanship Award. To be recognized by our competition for demonstrating great sportsmanship throughout the season is a very big deal, said coach Tim Penrod. This was truly a competitive season, and I feel that every team in our conference deserves this award. The individual players on our team should be commended for thisthey kept their heads all season long. For the season Eschler tallied 150 saves with 2.32 goals against average (GAA), topping the NECC in saves and save percentage. He played 1,243:48 minutes while notching 52 saves, 2.00 GAA and a .812 save percentage in all six conference matches. Winning the Goalie of the Year guarantees Eschler an automatic spot on the All-NECC rst team. Coach Penrod is impressed with


WINNING FORMGoalie Aaron Eschler is heads and shoulders above the rest as the 2008 New England Collegiate Conference Goalie of the Year.

the sophomore transfer student, citing him as an important component to the teams success. This is a great

honor for a young man who worked very hard all season long, said Penrod. He kept us in every game that we played this season. While he probably received a lot of votes for this honor because of the saves he made, what gets lost in the shue are the little things: commanding the penalty area, communication to the entire team and his distribution of the ball. He is a complete player and I think he is only going to get better over the next two years. Eschler, a Psychology major at Southern Vermont College, is a strong student. I like my psych classes here at SVC, specically ones taught by Professor Glenn Gross.


First year student Joa Claircius, from Clermont, Florida (photo, right) has been named to the 2009 New England Collegiate Conferences Second team, after a breakout year nishing 34th in the country in scoring for Division III schools, with 18.6 points per game. Junior Joe Karnik, from Castleton, New York was named to the NECC All-Conference First-Team, scoring a team high of 405 points overall and averaging 19.3 points per game in 21 games. Karnik is on pace to be a 1000 point scorer with a total of 817 points after this season.

SVC alumni (in light shirts) returned to Epstein Field to take on the 2008-2009 student players. From left to right: Greg Bastek 89, Robert Burke 97, Dan Bosely 08, Gerald Van Loan 95, Michael Collins 95 and William Colantuoni 94. Missing: Adam Pipkin 04. SVC Players, (in dark shirts, front row, sitting): Eric Wells, Dan Cook, Keith Diotte. Kneeling, Assistant Coach Ethan Kipnes, Pete Metzler, Ian Valentine, Pat Warrington, Dave Gage, Adam Northup, Hank Blethen, Rob Murawski. Standing: Team Manager Jon Geissler, Eric Gardner, Roger Manning, Mike Donato, Andrew Morin, Ben Naaktgeboren, Tim Johnson, Brett Pawlek, Mark Hackett, Head Coach Don Schaer. The actual score from the Homecoming showdown was undisclosed, but the Alumni report was a general consensus that, no one got hurt and a good time was had by all.

For the latest SVC sports news: visit www.svcathletics.com

Homecoming Weekend
September 2008
Pictured at the ribbon-cutting photo at left are, (from left to right) Head Womens Soccer Coach Shawn Holcombe, womens team captain Leslie Surdam 09, President Karen Gross, former Director of Athletics (current
top right: Matt Haggerty


Womens Basketball Coach) Ben Kozik, Head Mens Soccer Coach Tim Penrod and mens team captains Elias Ski 11 and Ben Bollinger 09. That weekend, the womens team fell to Mitchell College 3-1, while the mens team defeated Elms College 1-0.


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Class Notes
Darlene Young 74, 91 left her job in customer
service at The Vermont Country Store and is now working in medical billing at Bennington Family Practice. She received her bachelors degree in Health Administration and minored in Gerontology, so she is delighted to be back in the medical profession after leaving the eld 14 years ago. She spent a few days on the Maine coast with family and friends before beginning her new position.

Updated announcements can be found on www.svc.edu/alumni. Send your announcements to the Alumni Office today!

Scott Fruscio 96, fresh o of

his rst triathlon, is running in the 2009 Boston Marathon on Monday, April 20, 2009, to raise money for Childrens Hospital. If you would like to support Scott and his cause, you can e-mail him at scottf10@yahoo.com.

3:AM Magazine. His fourth collection, Maybe a Bird will Sing, will be published later this year. For more information, visit www.jhdwriting.com.

Charles Krawczyk 05 directed the Colleges annual

Haunted Walk in celebration of Halloween. Guests walked through the woods and enjoyed scenes written and produced by SVC students. The event was sponsored by the Colleges Mad Hatters Drama Club. Charles also designed the set and served as assistant director for the Hoosick Falls High School (Hoosick Falls, N.Y production of The Diary of Anne Frank. .)

Kathryn Donovan Mattison 77 has been living in California for more than 20 years. She and her husband, Robert, have three sonsone each in college, high school and junior high school. She would love to hear from classmates; you can e-mail her at kdmattison@cox.net. Simone McCoon Hosein 89 is a New
Member Training Paralegal for Attorneys Title Insurance Fund, Inc., in Orlando, Fla.
Simone and husband Azam

Meredith Macdonald Tuohey 96 and her husband, Michael, welcomed daughter Erin into the world on February 12, 2008. She weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz. Meredith is currently a stay-at-home mom as well as a realtor for Century 21. The couple recently bought a new house in Plymouth, Mass. Jennifer Daks Lee 98
has a background in environmental law but is currently a personal chef who specializes in European and ethnic cuisine. She splits her time between the United States and Galway, Ireland, where she shares an organic sheep and cattle farm with her son Jonathan, her husband Patrick and their sheepdogs. For more information, visit Jennifers Web site at www. celtictable.com.

Sandy Marks 07 nished the masters degree in Environmental Law and Policy program at Vermont Law School in July and is completing an internship with the Larimer County Department of Natural Resources Open Lands Program in Fort Collins, Colo.

Brandon Dean 08 joined the New Hampshire State

Police in August 2008.

Constance Bialkowski McGowan 89 is a full-time

student at the University of Rhode Island, where she is studying nursing. She and her husband, Je, have two children: Alexandra (age 7) and Connor (age 3).

Krystal Douglas 08 began her masters degree at Skidmore in January. She will be studying motivational therapy and ways to help people build and maintain self-condence. She wants to combine this knowledge with her bachelors degree in Psychology and Business and eventually would like to open a wellness center.

Colonel James Baker 91, Director of the Vermont

State Police, has announced that he will retire by June 30. He has served with the Vermont State Police since 1978, including time as commander of the Shaftsbury, Vt., barracks. As director, Baker is in charge of more than 400 ocers and civilian employees. He also taught criminal justice classes at SVC for nine years.

Scott 01 and Erin Potter McEnaney 01

welcomed a baby boy on January 14, 2009. Eli Timothy weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz. and was 19 long.

Tracy Desautels 94 has joined Hoisington Realty

in Bennington, Vt., as a Residential Associate. She completed the program with the American Institute of Paralegal Studies after earning a B.S. in Criminal Justice at SVC. She and her husband, Brian, reside in Shaftsbury, Vt., with their son and enjoy attending his school and sports events as well as camping in New England.

Dan Dix 03 ran in the SVC Invitational during Homecoming Weekend, which marked the unveiling of the Colleges new cross-country course. Thirteen teams featuring more than 100 racers competed on a 5K course for women and an 8K course for men. Dan nished with a time of 30:34.94. James Duncan 04, author of three collections of poetry and short stories, recently had two of his poems published in the online literary magazine,

Engagements & Weddings

Gabrielle J. Santarcangelo 05 and Robin A. Burdge were married October 4, 2008, at the Green Mountain Christian Center on Main Street in Bennington, Vt. More than 150 guests attended the ceremony and reception, which was held afterward at the American Legion in Pownal, Vt. Gabrielle is a legal assistant for Grinnell Smith LLP in Williamstown, Mass., and Robin is a network lab supervisor for Southwestern Vermont Supervisory Union in Bennington.

Eric Anderson 95 lives in Vernon, Conn., and does

civil engineering drafting for the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. He bought a condominium four years ago and is saving up for a house. He attended the wedding of classmate, Andy Parr, on October 11, 2008, in New Hope, Pa.

Linda Campbell 95 has been named Executive Director of Project Against Violent Encounters (PAVE) in Bennington, Vt. She brings many years of work in social services and domestic violence advocacy. Campbell served as the case manager for PAVE for 13 years and has been the assistant director since 2005. Prior to joining PAVE, she worked for 12 years at Bennington College both in psychological and student services.


President Karen Gross toasted a gathering of some of the mid-year graduates, along with faculty and sta in her oce. With your college degree you have achieved an important milestone, Gross told the students. Were proud of you and proud to have you as alumni. From left to right: Joe Frey, Richard Lavariere, President Gross, Jamile Redding, Jennie DAiuto, Lindsay Baker.

Keep the Photos Coming! Please e-mail your 300 dpi jpegs to alumni@svc.edu.

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Farewell to a Special Friend: Irene Hunter
Southern Vermont College mourns the loss of a remarkable community leader, Mrs. Irene Hunter, who passed away on October 1, 2008. Mrs. Hunter was a friend and supporter of the College for many decades. Most recently, through a major gift, she enabled the construction of the new living and learning space, which opened in January and bears her nameHunter Hall. In 2003, the College renamed the division of Humanities in her honor. Mrs. Hunter and her late husband, James Hunter, were supMrs. Hunter at the June 2008 Groundbreaking Ceremony for Hunter Hall.

Job Search (Good) News

Free Career Resources for Students and Alumni

porters of many educational and cultural organizations throughout southern Vermont, western Massachusetts and New York. She and her husband were avid travelers, visiting China, Russia, South

Africa and Antarctica before most Americans did. She loved the Boston Red Sox and was also a skier, golfer, bridge player, voracious reader and had a pilots license. Even as her health was failing, her mind remained as sharp as ever. She never lost her sense of humor and retained her ever-present curiosity. Irene Hunter was an amazing individual who cared deeply about others, said SVC President Karen Gross. Gross shared Mrs. Hunters desire to ensure that the next generation was in good hands, and commented that her generosity literally lifted a generation. We have lost a true friend, but are heartened by Mrs. Hunters legacy, Gross added. We will work hard each and every day to do her proud.

Denise Spencer, Director of Career Development, has been working closely with both current students and alumni to help with job searches in a challenging marketplace. Its important that SVC alumni know, whether they are looking for a career change or need assistance with job or graduate school information, or just peer-to-peer networking, we are here for them, Spencer said. Most of the services in the Career Development Oce are free to students and alumni. On the Web site, resume templates are available for use as well as an online assessment and careerplanning tool called FOCUS. (Contact Spencer for the password: dspencer@svc.edu.) Spencer encourages alumni to complete the graduate survey at www.svc.edu/alumni. Please e-mail us and tell us where you are working and how your education at SVC has prepared you for your career so we can better serve our students and alumni, Spencer said. At this time, the Career Development Oce is especially interested in hearing from the classes of 2003 and 2007. For more information, contact Denise at 802-4474631 or dspencer@svc.edu or visit www.svc.edu/ student/career.html.

SVC marks the passing of:

Leonie G. Honey Jones 33
September 3, 2008

Kathryn McCarthy Shay 57

October 23, 2008

Marylin Cottone 08
February 19, 2009

Frances P Perrotta 36 .
August 1, 2008

Eve C. Baker 65
August 4, 2008

Gerard Farland, Sr.

August 2, 2008

Lucy Pello LeRay 40

December 15, 2008

Joyce A. Wengloski 74
July 16, 2008

Michael C. Gibbons
January 19, 2009

Richard Powers 42 Mary Harris Clickner 48

October 22, 2008

Tracie Anne Tiernan Fetter 77

November 3, 2008

Martha Jane Hanselman

January 18, 2009

Randall John Strickland 82

June 8, 2008

Jackie Tiss
November 25, 2008

Why Giving Matters, Especially Now

Hundreds of alumni, friends, businesses and foundations support Southern Vermont College.
Some want to honor a classmates memory or a favorite faculty member; some seek to preserve our historic home, the Everett Mansion; still others are motivated to support a student group or athletic team that was an instrumental part of their college experience.

This year, amidst economically challenging times for everyone, some students and families
are experiencing sudden needs that will seriously impact their ability to nance and nish their education. A college degree remains one asset that is not depreciating in value. The College asks you to help us ensure that our students are able to complete their education.

Please consider a gift to the Annual Fund: a gift can be made online at www.svc.edu/
support or send a check to Institutional Advancement, 982 Mansion Drive, Bennington, VT 05201-6002 by June 30. Thank you for your generosity!

Support the Southern Vermont College Fund today! www.svc.edu/support

I chose SVC because the people that I met when I came to visit believed in my potential. My time here at the school has given me the tools that I will need for my future success.

Laura Sullivan 10


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Upcoming Events
Roger Martin, author of Racing Odysseus

Student Consumerism and the Ivory Tower: An Address from a College President Who Went Back to School
Thursday, March 5, 6 p.m., Everett Theatre

SVC Recognized by Henry Louis Gates III at National Conference

At the Presidents Institute for the Council of Independent Colleges in Florida this January, Southern Vermont College was recognized by Dr. Henry Louis Gates III, Alphonse Fletcher University Professor and Director of the W .E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research at Harvard University. A leading cultural critic and writer/producer of several PBS documentaries, Gates has been awarded, among many distinctions, the MacArthur Foundation genius grant, the George Polk Award for Social Commentary and was named one of Time magazines 25 Most Inuential Americans. SVC President Karen Gross was present at Gates keynote address to leaders from over 300 colleges and universities across America when he cited SVC as one of the colleges in America doing exemplary work in recruitment and retention, with a remarkable track record for helping rst-generation and minority students succeed. Dr. Gross spoke with Dr. Gates briey after the address. I thanked him for the recognition, and Dr. Gates thanked me for helping our students, Dr. Gross said, It was a magical moment for all of us at Southern Vermont College.

Psychologist Dr. Justin Coey

Quality Improvement in Healthcare: The Role of the Student

Roger Martin

Tuesday, March 31, 2:30 p.m., Everett Theatre

Spring Open House

Sunday, April 18, 9 a.m.3 p.m., Burgdor Gallery

Anita Hill, author of Speaking Truth to Power and professor at Brandeis Law School

Choosing Americas Better History: The Supreme Court, Civil Rights and the Promise of Citizenship
Anita Hill

As part of the Four Colleges Issues Forum Thursday, April 23, Bennington Center for the Arts

Andre Dubus III, author of House of Sand and Fog, The Garden of Last Days

Southern Vermont College 82nd Commencement

Sunday, May 17

Alumni Reunion Weekend

Friday and Saturday, May 15 & 16
Andre Dubus III

Family & Homecoming Weekend

Grand Opening Celebration of Hunter Hall & Greenberg Atrium
September 26 & 27

Visit www.svc.edu for more details


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For more information and to register for this special opportunity, please contact the Oce of Alumni Relations at 802-447-6357 or alumni@svc.edu. The ceremony will begin at 1:00 pm on the front lawn of the Everett Mansion. Alumni up through the Class of 1959 will walk across the stage and be recognized by President Karen Gross.

The College invites alumni who graduated 50 or more years ago to attend Commencement Exercises on Sunday, May 17, 2009.


address service requested 802-447-6357 www.svc.edu/alumni
982 Mansion Drive Bennington, VT 05201-6002


Ofce of Development and Alumni Relations
3/6/09 9:40:27 AM

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