Activity Codes

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Activity codes and values

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Activity codes and values

Activity codes and values enable you to filter, group, sort, and report activity information according to your organization's unique requirements. For example, if your organization has more than one location, you can create a Location code with values such as New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. You can then associate activities with a specific location, such as New York. You can define three types of activity codes, global activity codes, EPS-level activity codes, and project-level activity codes. You can assign global activity codes and values to activities in all projects. You can assign EPS-level activity codes and values to the EPS . EPS-level activity codes are useful when you don't want certain codes to be accessible to all users, or project-specific. You can assign project-level activity codes and values to activities only in the project for which the codes were created. Each activity code can have an unlimited number of values.


If possible, you may want to create EPS-level activity codes at the highest level of the EPS so all projects that belong to a lower level EPS will have access to these codes.

Assign activity codes and values to activities

1. Choose Project, Activities, then select the activity to which you want to assign a code and value. 2. Display Activity Details, then click the Codes tab. 3. Click Assign. 4. Select the activity code value you want to assign. You can only assign one value per code. 5. Click Assign, then click Close. Note

You can assign global activity codes to any activity. You can only assign project level activity codes to activities in the project where the codes were created. You can only assign EPS-level activity codes that have been assigned to the selected activity's project. Any EPS-level activity code associated with an inaccessible EPS node will appear under the "No EPS ID" node in the Assign Activity Codes dialog box.

Activity codes and values

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Change activity code value assignments

1. Choose Project, Activities, then select the activity whose assigned code value you want to change. 2. Display Activity Details, then click the Codes tab. 3. Double-click the code value you want to change 4. Select a new code value, then click Select.

Remove activity codes and values from activities

1. Choose Project, Activities, then select the activity from which you want to remove a code and value. 2. Display Activity Details, then click the Codes tab. 3. Select the activity code and value you want to remove, then click Remove. 4. Click Yes.

Create global activity codes

1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose Global. 3. In the Select Activity Code section, click Modify. 4. Click Add, then type the name of the global activity code. 5. In the Max Length field, specify the maximum number of characters for the activity code's values. 6. Click Close. Tip

To change the order in which global activity codes are listed, select the activity code you want to move in the Activity Code Definitions dialog box, then click Shift Up or Shift Down.

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Create global activity code values

1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose Global. 3. Select the activity code for which you want to create a value, then click Add. 4. Type the value's name. 5. Type the value's description. Tips

You can arrange activity code values hierarchically using the arrow buttons on the Activity Codes dialog box. You can define the maximum number of levels in an activity code hierarchy on the Data Limits tab of the Admin Preferences dialog box.

Edit global activity codes

1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose Global, then click Modify. 3. Select the activity code you want to edit. To change the activity code's name, type a new name. To change the maximum number of characters the code's values may have, specify a new number. To change the placement of the code in the list, click the appropriate arrow. 4. Click Close. Tip

If you change an activity code, your changes apply to all activity assignments.

Edit global activity code values

1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose Global.

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3. Select the activity code whose value you want to change. To change a value name or description, double-click the item you want to change, then type the new text. To change the placement of the code in the list, click Shift Up or Shift Down. 4. Click Close. Tip

If you change an activity code value, your changes apply to all activity assignments.

See Also: Edit global activity codes

Delete global activity codes

1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose Global, then click Modify. 3. Select the code you want to delete, then click Delete. 4. Click Yes. Note

When you delete a global activity code, all code values associated with the deleted activity code and all activity assignments to those activity code values are automatically deleted.

Delete global activity code values

1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose Global. 3. Select the code whose value you want to delete. 4. Select the value you want to delete, then click Delete. 5. Click Yes. Note

When you delete a global activity code value, all activity assignments made to that activity code value are automatically deleted.

See Also: Delete global activity codes

Activity codes and values

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Create project-level activity codes

1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose Project, then click Modify. 3. Select the project to which you want to add the activity code and click Add. 4. Type the name of the project activity code. 5. In the Max Length field, specify the maximum number of characters for the activity code's values. 6. Click Close. Tip

To change the order in which project activity codes are listed, select the activity code you want to move in the Activity Code Definitions dialog box, then click Shift Up or Shift Down.

Create project-level activity code values

1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose Project. 3. Select the activity code for which you want to create a value, then click Add. 4. Type the value's name. 5. Type the value's description. Tips

You can arrange activity code values hierarchically using the arrow buttons on the Activity Codes dialog box. You can define the maximum number of levels in an activity code hierarchy on the Data Limits tab of the Admin Preferences dialog box.

Edit project-level activity codes

1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose Project, then click Modify. 3. Select the activity code you want to edit.

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To change the code's name, type a new name. To change the maximum number of characters the code's values may have, specify a new number. To change the placement of the code in the list, click Shift Up or Shift Down. 4. Click Close. Tip

If you change an activity code, your changes apply to all activity assignments.

Edit project-level activity code values

1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose Project. 3. Select the code whose value you want to change. 4. To change a value or description, double-click the item you want to change, then type the new text. To change the placement of the code in the list, click the appropriate arrow. 5. Click Close. Tip

If you change an activity code value, your changes apply to all activity assignments.

Delete project activity codes

1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose Project, then click Modify. 3. Select the code you want to delete, then click Delete. 4. Click Yes. Note

When you delete a project activity code, all code values associated with the deleted activity

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code and all activity assignments to those activity code values are automatically deleted.

Delete project-level activity code values

1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose Project. 3. Select the code whose value you want to delete. 4. Select the value you want to delete, then click Delete. 5. Click Yes. Note

When you delete a project-level activity code value, all activity assignments made to that activity code value are automatically deleted.

See Also: Delete project-level activity codes

Promote project activity codes and values

You can promote, or change, a project-level activity code and its values to a global or EPS-level activity code with global or EPS-level values. 1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose Project, then click Modify. 3. Select the code you want to promote, then click Make Global or Make EPS. 4. Click Yes, then click Close. Tip

If you promote a project-level activity code and its values, your change applies to all activity assignments.

Create EPS-level activity codes

1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose EPS, then click Modify. 3. Click Add to select the EPS to which you want to add the activity code.

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4. In the Activity Code Name field, type the name of the EPS-level activity code. 5. In the Max Length field, specify the maximum number of characters for the activity code's values. 6. Click Close. Tip

To change the order in which EPS-level activity codes are listed, select the activity code you want to move in the Activity Code Definitions dialog box, then click Shift Up or Shift Down.

Create EPS-level activity code values

1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose EPS. 3. Select the activity code for which you want to create a value, then click Add. 4. Type the value's name. 5. Type the value's description. Tips

You can arrange activity code values hierarchically using the arrow buttons on the Activity Codes dialog box. You can define the maximum number of levels in an activity code hierarchy on the Data Limits tab of the Admin Preferences dialog box.

Edit EPS-level activity codes

1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose EPS, then click Modify. 3. Select the activity code you want to edit. To change the code's name, type a new name. To change the maximum number of characters the code's values may have, specify a new number. To change the placement of the code in the list, click Shift Up or Shift Down.

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4. Click Close. Tip

If you change an activity code, your changes apply to all activity assignments. Any code associated with an EPS-level you do not have access to, will appear under "No EPS ID". You can not modify or delete EPS-level activity codes listed under "No EPS ID".

Edit EPS-level activity code values

1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose EPS. 3. Select the code whose value you want to change. 4. To change a value or description, double-click the item you want to change, then type the new text. To change the placement of the code in the list, click the appropriate arrow. 5. Click Close. Tip

If you change an activity code value, your changes apply to all activity assignments.

Delete EPS-level activity codes

1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose EPS, then click Modify. 3. Select the code you want to delete, then click Delete. 4. Click Yes. Note

When you delete an EPS-level activity code, all code values associated with the deleted activity code and all activity assignments to those activity code values are automatically deleted.

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Delete EPS-level activity code values

1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose EPS. 3. Select the code whose value you want to delete. 4. Select the value you want to delete, then click Delete. 5. Click Yes. Note

When you delete an EPS-level activity code value, all activity assignments made to that activity code value are automatically deleted.

See Also: Delete EPS-level activity codes

Promote EPS-level activity codes and values

You can promote, or change, an EPS-level activity code and its values to a global activity code with global values. 1. Choose Enterprise, Activity Codes. 2. Choose Project, then click Modify. 3. Select the code you want to promote, then click Make Global. 4. Click Yes, then click Close. Tip

If you promote an EPS-level activity code and its values, your change applies to all activity assignments.

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