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Mortal Mind - Character Biography

by Patrick Stoves



Weapon of choice: Eight inch kitchen blade


Special power: Glass


Realm: Torment

Associated colour: Prussian blue DESCRIPTION Maudes appearance is that of an old woman aged 80 - 90 years old. She wears an old musty nighty that was once pearl white. Her hair is long and grey matted with slight curls. Her face is scratched and has deep cuts from shattered shards of glass that have punctured her skin. Eyes of marble that look sunken in via the large bags and smeared dark mauve mascara. Her lips are pursed with an underbite and slight wrinkling on the top lip fades into the other wrinkles on her face. Chapped and peeling lips look frozen dry as if no liquid resonates from her mouth. Corners of the mouth are torn as if glass has repeatedly sculpted and eroded the tissue. Jowls are deep and tight which offset the wrinkles on her face. Below neck skin arches on the left and right parallel to one another almost in a half circle that is thicker at the bottom. Veins can be seen through the transparent stretched skin of her throat and appear empty as if they belong to that of a corpse. A frail body that is slim and has the appearance of someone who is deceptively weak. The powdered white smoke skin of her back and chest hangs over her clothes and is deeply wrinkled. Her skeletal structure is prominent and pokes through her skin in some places. A back that arches like a used coat hanger hook. Spine projecting through her yellow stained nightwear each individual nodule is easily distinguishable even from a distance. Legs are spindly and thin which show the signs of cellulite, blue veins cluster among upper reaches of her thighs. Dirty feet and overgrown toenails that are yellow. Her form is overall human but her body is cold and dead. She likes nothing more than to torment and does it in ways that do not normally kill others. CHARACTERIZATION He is interrupted by the sudden darkening of the sky. The silky white clouds and azure blue hue make way for ice cold ambience and the sound of distant broken glass being walked on barefooted. Its a confident walk, as if the sound of glass puncturing and popping undersole was not an issue for the person walking the path of glass. The colour spectrum of the sky bellows a deep prussian blue but the children and their parents don't notice nor the sounds of glass trodden underfoot. The acoustics of the crunching glass changes to an echoing reverberation, what ever it is it's close. A deep inhaled pulmonary like breath is released and contrasts against the now silent glass. The lungs of this monstrosity gurgle as it peaks maximum air intake and exhales sputum rattling.


Weapon of choice: Brass windup clock


Special power: Sand


Realm: Insanity

Associated colour: Olive yellow DESCRIPTION The smirking smile of brutus is his most prominent feature, wide and callous. Dark black and oily skinned with white'd up face paint and light black raccoon eye makeup contrast. Eyebrows are thick and black almost meeting. Eyes are a brown hazel swirl. His hair is tattered medium length and hanging in strands strawberry blond covered in soft white powder. The bodyshape of Brutus is slightly overweight. His gut overhangs his elasticated pinstripe clown pants, bellybutton exposed. Upper body is adorned with a victorian monarch's suit, frills and padded buttons. Black trim embroidery supplements the white frills and feathers contrast. Unshaven face hair meets at his neck where after a slight space chest hair can be seen at the top edges of his undercoat. On his feet are regal and shiny black Dr martens boots. Socks are thick and burgundy in colour, slightly showing due to the length of his pants. Brutus is an eccentric and longingly will engage in dubious tales of people he has met, places he has visited off planet, things that he owns and talks openly about the other demons as well as what such activities take place in in such realms. He is the closest demon the main character has that could be considered a friend. Brutus has the uncanny ability to rearrange his bone structure as to fit that of any species. Be it dog, cat, primate or farm animal. When changing his form any clothes that Brutus wears will not tear or burst from his body, instead it will stretch to fit the new skeletal structure but may still not quite fit his current state correctly. In morphing to a new shape Brutus's skin will adapt to fit the new structure it covers. CHARACTERIZATION The road is straight and almost unending, a haze from the sun appears above the horizon. Ralph lights a cigarette with the dashboard lighter. Opens glove compartment, inside is a quarter whisky. Takes a drink. A cornfield is seen through the left hand window. In the background a human figure running on all fours at the same speed as the car is visible through the cornfield. His unusual limbs and the fact that he can run like a dog using said limbs is unnatural. Brutus can only be made out through the separation of the evenly placed crops until he falls out of frame.


Weapon of choice: The lustettes


Special power: Water


Realm: Lust

Associated colour: Mantis green DESCRIPTION With hair auburn and tight to her face that turns inward at the points Twist is the definition of a perfect raven haired goddess. Her face is wide with high cheek bones and matching wide eyes that tuck neatly under. Long lashes, black eyeliner, mascara and lipstick gloss. Green eyed and skin a healthy white. Her frame is natural in shape and weight, not too big and not too skinny. Wearing a pushup corset that reveals her large bust and cleavage. The corset is amethyst violet with glittering specs of spring green. A black spider web pattern is worked into the shoulders and sleeves of the dress which spirals to a stop at the bicep. The lower portions of twists dress are an all in one corset that merges with the top half, the bottom consists of tight hotpants that meets with the top accompanied with a scrunched up mantis green tutu that curls inward. Legs are long and she wears striped horizontal green and white stockings with seamless suspenders and purple high heels. Desire and lust are Twists game. She will consume your attention and devour your soul in one swift action. Her realm is a sordid and debaucherous affair filled with venetian stone statues of lovers writhing in pleasure. These statues are located at the entrance of her domain either side of the central stone steps that lead to her throne. Pillars follow the path of the stairs either side which have green moss and plant life hanging from on top of the capitals. The resting area at the top of the stone stairs is rectangular in shape surrounded by pillars cusping the room in a half circle. Large tables are on both sides of the room filled with food, all the fruit available is green only. Some of the Lustettes are dining. Offset to the center of the room is the throne which is a perfectly shaped bath with smooth sides in the shape of an ellipse. The bath is full of water and lily pads float on the surface. Looking up at the celling more statues are present writhing in ecstasy as they project from out of the stone disappearing on occasion. CHARACTERIZATION Waiting hand on hip is Twist next to the jukebox. At the bar the locals are drinking, some heavily drunk already. Ralph scans the room and his eyes meet with Twists. His eyes lock into a gaze of fixation. Twist smiles and caresses her shoulder with her chin bashfully.


Weapon of choice: Fists


Special power: Fire


Realm: Despair

Associated colour: Cardinal Red DESCRIPTION Raymond and Relic are one in the same. Raymond being the more subdued aspect, Relic epitomizes rage and fury. Raymond follows classic 1930's dress code. His hair is parted and black to the left with just the right amount of brylcreem. On top a black bowler hat rests. Smart navy blue suit, red tie and red brooch accompany his slim build. Raymond is clean shaven, white skinned and likes to make a mark wherever he goes. Pants are dark brown and his shoes a shiny black freshly polished. Raymonds eyes are golden hazel, flickers of gold penetrate through the hazel. Raymond can sometimes lack any facial features. He instead has what looks like white plaster of paris mold slopped onto his face. This extends only to the far reaches of his face intertwining with his hair. Amounts of the white substance have dried into his hair. The rest of his hair is fully visible with no sign of any white clay, not a hair is out of place. If Raymond were to talk the clay goo would sag and enter his mouth, like chewing gum blowing a bubble then inhaling the bubble. Relic is heavily toned and has large muscles, biceps and calfs being more prominent. His skin colour is red and black as if third degree burns cover his entire body and face. The skin is coarse and curl in places with the texture of an armadillos scales. Relics facial features are deformed. Eyesockets are burned down to the bone. Nose cartilage is missing with only a stump remaining. Lips are semi-visible with heavy scaring making the remainder of what is left. Teeth are charcoal black with glints of yellow where heat stress has occurred. His eyes shaped by the fire that surrounds him in his realm which mimic petrol when mixed with water. Nearly all head hair left is of fair colour, few and far between strands that can be counted individually. Chains and clasps are situated around the torso, chest and wrists. Bare chested and wearing grey khakis torn at the ankles and barefooted. Relics chest is wide and he towers over the other demons by a full foot or more. CHARACTERIZATION Looking for a sign for the nearest rest stop. A billboard with a bikini clad attractive woman in a horizontal position draws Ralphs attention. She is strangely alluring, can't break eye contact, the sign simply says lust in large letters. Underneath the sign a man in a business suit walks by, Ralph is too distracted to notice him and the fact that he has no face. Or that his face is obscured by nothingness.

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