Yojana Magazine The Emergence of Hydroponics

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Yojana Magazine The Emergence of Hydroponics Ever wondered, living in an urban landscape comprising of only concrete platform, where

sight of a clean open land for cultivation is a far fetched dream, is there any possibility of growing your choicest plants and tasting your favorite vegetables grown in your own farm? In the first instance, most may just laugh over it. One would wonder how it is possible for a plant to grow without soil & without access to nutrients. Well its no longeran impossibility. Basically, plants needs light, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water and nutrients (17 essential nutrients). Soil is the medium for water and nutrient. In a city, it is difficult to expect enough land and soil to grow plants because it is almost fully covered by concrete and in other areas, soil is exposed to heavy pollution. We can however, have a plant cultivated not in field but on desk, lets say its called Desktop Cultivation. Q. What is Hydrophonics? Discuss its benefits and drawbacks. Answer: Hydroponics (from the Greek words hydro, water and ponos, labor) is a technology for growing plants in nutrient elements needed for optimum plant growth with or without the use of an inertmedium such as gravel, vermiculite, rockwool, peatmoss, saw dust, coir dust, coconut fiber. The term Hydroponicswas coined by ProfessorWilliamFrederick Gericke of the University of California at Berkeley in the year 1937 (`Hydroponics, an Italian term that connotes water working and was coined in the 1930s). Gericke created a sensation by growing tomato vines twenty-five feet high in his back yard in Benefits:
Utilization of space: one of the main advantages of hydroponics is the possibility of using urban

spaces which hitherto had not been considered adequate for growing food i.e. balconies, small gardens, party walls, rooftops.
Optimum water consumption: water is recycled and does not pollute the environment. : Its a

3R technology. Where water is reduced, reused and recycled in the process of cultivation of crops.
Hydroponic products are healthier: Pesticides are rarely used in hydroponics and pests and

diseases that affect crops come from their direct contact with the soil are also absent. Table. Vegetable production in Hydroponics Vegetables Carrot Cucumber Garlic Area in m2 Grams per Day 2 1 1 113 226 57

Ginger Leek Lettuce

1 1 1

57 57 226 113 113 113 226 226 226 226 1979

Green Bean 1 Onion Peapod Potato 2 1 4

Salad greens 1 Greens Tomato Total: 2 2 20

No crop rotation: with hydroponic gardening there is no need to practice crop rotation. The reason

for crop rotation is because certain plants leach certain element out of the soil, rendering the soil useless for extended use by the same crop. With a hydroponic system, the same type of plant can be grown year after year.
Saved time Since the hydroponics system uses a sterile environment, weeds are generally absent

and thus there is efficient use of time and labor.

Better control: Hydroponic systems allowbetter control over such things like pHconditions. This

is something that can be difficult to regulate with traditional growing methods.

Intangible benefits: Hydroponics can be a recreational and enjoyable pastime. Elderly people,

children, stressed-out executives, individuals with various degrees of disability, and even busy housewives can find a source of permanent satisfaction in hydroponics. Disadvantage/Draw Backs
Initial cost is more: Here the basic cost is more due to requirement of plastic or wood tubs,

pumps, timer, pipes, pH and EC meter.

Requires specialized knowledge: It is necessary for solution preparation, maintenance of pH and

EC, nutrient deficiency judgment and correction, ensuring aeration, maintenance of favorable condition inside protected structures, etc. Conclusion Hydroponics has taken plant cultivation to the next level. In a country like India, where urban concrete conglomerate is growing each day, there is no option but to innovate to help improve production and produce healthier plants. Though the initial cost is high, there are many advantages of growing plants using hydroponics. Not only does it need less space and time for growth, but it also helps in water conservation and nutrients recycling. Especially for people living in urban areas where there is massive

space constraint, this technique can help to realize your dream of having your next meal from your own farm produce.

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