20 Fall 2011

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Bob and Susan Tevault church planters in the

B.I.M.I., Box 9215, Chattanooga, TN 37412 Field Address: Box 2374, 7200 Ozamiz City, Philippines Sent by Franklin Road Baptist Church, Murfreesboro, Tennessee rstev54@yahoo.com Dear Friends, Fall 2011 We are now in the process of nationalizing the Calvary Baptist Church! We have soulwinners, Sunday School teachers, a nice building, and enough tithing members to support the work. The last element to fit into place was the availability of the Filipino pastor that we felt would be best to take the work. Almost two years ago we learned that Bro. Alan Mandang was praying about leaving his present position. He has served for many years in a very aggressive ministry pastored by another American missionary. On several occasions he has preached special meetings at our church and is already greatly loved by the people. The church voted earlier this month that it is Gods will to call Bro. Mandang to be their next pastor. He and his family will be moving here very soon, and by the end of November he will be taking my place. As for me and Susan, we are confident that the Lord wants us to start over again, planting another church here in Mindanao. We have surveyed the cities of General Santos and Koronadal, and are very burdened about the spiritual needs in those cities. Please pray with us about choosing the exact location for our future move. We plan to spend Christmas in the states and then return to the Philippines in January. We greatly rejoice over the nationalizing of the Calvary Baptist Church! It is truly the fulfillment of many years of prayer and work...but the good-byes are already very heart-wrenching. I began telling our inner-circle people that we are leaving, several days before the announcement was made in church. Two of our most faithful men, broke down sobbing in my office. I greatly underestimated how hard this move was going to be. Amidst the emotional turmoil we rejoice that soulwinning has definitely escalated. While waiting for the other soulwinners to return to our meeting place, one of our ladies was able to witness to a group of children. The children listened politely but were not yet under conviction. While the Gospel was being presented, a man backed up to where the children were sitting. Though he tried to appear like he was not listening, the Holy Spirit was clearly working on his heart. By the time I got to him he was fully ready and anxious to trust Christ. We praise the Lord for such precious opportunities. Sincerely, The Tevaults

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