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Training Textbook

RC620 , RC180 EPSON RC+ 6.0 , 5.0 Rev.0


Robot Coordinate Systems

Robot Coordinate Systems

Robot Arm Orientations SCARA

Robot Arm Orientations 6-Axis

Hardware Overview(RC620)
* System Configuration

RC620(PC Base Controller)

Back Front

Hardware Overview(RC180)
* System Configuration

RC180 Controller

Seven-Segment Massage

Particular Status Display

Cable Connection

Starting EPSON RC+ 6.0

System Power Up Starting RC+

EPSON RC+ 6.0 Overview

Online Help

Emergency Stop Status Error Status Warning Status .etc

~ 22 P

Writing your first program

Step-1 : Create a new project Step-2 : Edit the program Step-3 : Run the program
a. Press F5 to run the program b. Run by run window

RC+ 6.0 Robot Manager Control Panel

RC+ 6.0 Robot Manager

Jog & Teach

RC+ 6.0 Robot Manager

Speed & Accel

* Continuous joint speed and acceleration depends on robot model.

RC+ 6.0 Robot Manager

Editing Points

Click here to select a line.


Controller Status Storage

What is Controller Status Storage Function ?

Controller Status Storage

Controller Status Storage With Trigger Button

Controller Status Storage

Controller Status Storage & Load Data & View Status with EPSON RC+ 6.0

EpsonRC620/Status/S_serial number_date time Ex : EpsonRC620/Status/S_12345_201006181230

Controller Status Storage

Transfer with E-mail


How to Jog & Teach

Practice ( Direct Teach etc )

The SPEL+ Language

The SPEL+ Language

- SPEL+ is a BASIC-like programming language. - It supports multitasking, motion control, I/O control.

Program Structure
- Every program file has a .PRG extension. - Function ,Fend - 200 characters for one line including the line No. - Must be one function celled main
Function main Fend

The SPEL+ Language

Function Name

Multi-Statements & Comment

Function Test Jump P1 ; Go P2 ; Go P3 Fend

Multi - Statement

The SPEL+ Language

Operators Numeral System



The SPEL+ Language

Data Type

The SPEL+ Language

Variable scopes

main.prg Global Integer g_i Function main Integer i Fend Integer m_j Function test Fend

Global Preserve Integer g_i




Preserved variables are stored In the controllers SRAM.


Motion Command
Motion Command

The SPEL+ Language

Motion Command
PTP motion command

The SPEL+ Language

Motion Command
Modifier for Jump command 1/2

The SPEL+ Language

- If you want to change the a and b value corresponding to C0 to C6, use Arch command. -You can also select menu|Tools|Robot Manager|Arch panel to change the values. Example Arch 0, 10, 60 Arch ( 0~6 ), ? mm, ?mm

Motion Command
Modifier for Jump command 2/2

The SPEL+ Language

( -10 )

Function Determines the default value of the Z joint height for Jump commands. Syntax Example 1. LimZ zLinit 1. LimZ -10 Jump P1 Jump destination 2. Jump destination LimZ zLimit 2. Jump P1 LimZ -10

Motion Command
CP motion command 1/2

The SPEL+ Language

Motion Command
CP motion command 2/2

The SPEL+ Language

Motion Command
Command for 6-axis robot ( PTP + CP )

The SPEL+ Language

Motion Command
Go & Move command

The SPEL+ Language

- Go

- Move

Each joint interpolates the current point and the target coordinate. The trajectory is uncertain. Be careful that the robot doesnt collide with peripheral equipment Move moves the arm from the current position to destination in a Straight line. Move coordinates all axes to start and stop at the same time.

Go P1 Move P2

Motion Command
Speed Specification Commands

The SPEL+ Language

Motion Command

The SPEL+ Language

Speed Specification for PTP motion Command 1/3


S a b

Motion Command

The SPEL+ Language

Speed Specification for PTP motion Command 2/3

a d c b e f


Motion Command

The SPEL+ Language

Speed Specification for PTP motion Command 3/3

Motion Command

The SPEL+ Language

Speed Specification for CP motion Command 1/2

Motion Command

The SPEL+ Language

Speed Specification for CP motion Command 2/2

*Units = mm/sec^2

Motion Command

The SPEL+ Language

Power Low High

Speed 1~5% 1~100%

Torque Low High


Motion Command
Command Window

The SPEL+ Language


The SPEL+ Language

Input/Output Control ( ex.RC180)

PS : Expansion I/O card : Input 32 , output 32 / pcs

Max 4 pcs.

Input/Output Control

The SPEL+ Language

Example : On 1, 0.5, 0 Jump P2

on off


Example : On 1, 0.5, 1 Jump P2

Input/Output Control

The SPEL+ Language

Example : Off 1, 0.5, 0 Jump P2

on off 0.5s

Example : Off 1, 0.5, 1 Jump P2

Input/Output Control

The SPEL+ Language

Input Statement

The SPEL+ Language

Input Statement

The SPEL+ Language

Wait Statement

The SPEL+ Language

I/O Label Editor

I/O Label Editor

The SPEL+ Language

I/O Monitor
I/O Monitor

The SPEL+ Language


Program Control Statements

The SPEL+ Language

Program Control Statements

* For Next
For i = 1 To 5 Jump p( i ) Next

The SPEL+ Language

* Call
Example :
Function main Call sub Jump P0 Jump P1 Fend Function sub motor on Power High Speed 100 Accel 100, 100 Fend

* IfThenElse
If Sw(0) = on Them On 0 Else Off 0 EndIf

- Exercise -


Program Control Statements

* DoLoop
Example: Do Until Sw(0) = on Jump P0 Loop

The SPEL+ Language

* Print , Input
Example: Function InputNumber Integer a Print Please enter number Input a Print a = , a Fend

* Print# , Input# , Cls ( 64P , 65P )

- Print , input , clean the data to specified communications port or device.
Device ID 21 RC+ 23 OP 24 TP TCP/IP RS232


Pallet Definition

The SPEL+ Language


The SPEL+ Language

Specifying Positions in the Pallet

Exercise Pallet ( 67P )

Parallel Process

The SPEL+ Language

-Go -Move -Arch


The SPEL+ Language

- RC180 16 tasks - RC620 32 tasks


Pausing and Continuing Tasks

The SPEL+ Language

Exercise: Multi-tasking( 72,73P)

Task Manager

The SPEL+ Language

Memory I/O

The SPEL+ Language

Exercise: memo I/O 76P

Project Control
Refer to page 77~79.

Remote Control

Remote Control
Auto Cycle Remote Control

Teach Mode with Remote Control

Remote Control
Debugging Remote Control

Remote Control
Selecting Programs

Remote Control
Remote Inputs 1/2

Remote Control
Remote Outputs

Remote Control
Remote Control Software Configuration


Robot Type Axis Greasing Part J1,2,3,4 Reduction Gear Units C3 J6 Bevel Gear G-Series J3 Ball Screw Spline Shaft J1,2 Reduction Gear Units Greasing Grease Type Greasing Interval SK1-A Replacement of motor : 15,000~20,000h SK2 Once a year or every 8,000 h First Time : after 50km operation : 30 day AFB 2nd or more : after 100km operation : 90 day SK1-A Replacement of motor : 15,000~20,000h

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