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Soon the huge cellar was a wonderful spot to have fun and discover their ideas and as a result, in running back and fourth for both to enter into and imaginary game for Courtney and Dylan, and truthfully, if they can not return. What if the spiteful thing takes her away? In the 78-room estate with her five clever brothers, and, each one of them had an entirely astonishing personality. The protagonist, charming and privileged Courtney LivingstonBraun, wishes and desires to flee, from her influential family, but how? In order, for her to be able to live "an ordinary life" with their cousin in the United States.





The airport was dreadfully busy, and they almost misplace her luggage, and the limousine pulls up just in time. Every since she was a toddler, her father have been sending for her to visit England. She was growing up, hotter than ever, and merely nineteen. On the subject of snobs Sax, told me that you are the most snobbish (B) uppity as the other bitches. He did not. Yes, he did, and he saw you at the airport, and laughed how skin-and-bones you are. Oh, really, swinging her hair back and fourth. Youre not starving yourself too get into one of those expensive bathing suits? Definitely, I am not. Oh, Sax can be so bigoted. In a good way, he didnt say much, just ask were you still here. Momentary, he glances down facing the floor, plus he knew that he had pinched a nerd in Brazilian. At the moment she was sort amused by his comments, and at last he made here smile. A tiny smirk came across her face. Go head, and laugh,



hes a total jerk. All at once she began laughing. Yeah, I got someone quite jolly this morning. Yes, plus Im going shopping, and I am parting too Brazil. Oh I see. I knew it, the bathing suit. Oh, shut-up! He grins at her. It was almost noon-time dragging out of one of the Livingston-Braun estate rooms. Oh, shit, it was Drexel Broxton holding his head. Down the stretch hallway, and in spite of last night, he may it at the door of the Austin Wing. He was inebriated from booze, and he stood there bashed. Without thinking he spoke. "Spoil me" might be simply the thing a rich, guy is looking for, gazing at stunning Brazilian, was visiting again. Who, Who can blame women for avoiding Mr. Gaffe Unsex back? ... It was Drexel Broxton, he had dropped by the estate with Abigail, and Anna tired to sober him up before the morning. Comrade, good-morning! Whats up Dreg? By the way sit down, sit down and hear this. Drexel takes a seat. Oh, did you see Traci Shultz last night? Yes, who wouldnt have miss that chic, with that tight black fitted dress she was wearing. Wow! Hey, look Drexel, the chic Traci and her sexy sister, they grew up in this wealthy family, goes too a prestigious prep school, and plays lacrosse, the works. Kyle was falling all over me, showing off her brand new tits. I had too much to drink to drunk to help her. She told me she felt dizzy, her heart started to beat faster and her legs were powerless. ______ Then she told her hidden secret. What?

It made me dizzy and I puked. Soon I was sneaking a smoke often with Sax Remington. I think I am going to pass out. Then Sax he asked her who else was drinking. She said I could not tell you that silly. I heard Anna aided Abigail up the staircase last night, Brazilian replied. Yeah, she was blasted with booze. Drexel take a glance at the clock that was hanging on the wall. Shit he replies, I need to get out here my old man he going to be piss. Before he left, then he asks. Is there a john close at hand here? Certainly, silly it right about the corner of the foyer. The dam estate is so fucking large I thought maybe I had to walk a mile. We, all know you Brazilian, you can be friendly when you desire. Headed for the bathroom and Drexel he goes inside the huge bathroom to wash his face and hands. Glancing at his face, heap, it was flush red; it was in fame, and he began splashing a bit of water on his face, except it did not help any. As they seated, Brazilian and Hewie, began to speak about Drexel. Dam, I know his father, going to be fuming. Admitting he barely works and fucks up other times__________________________________________________________________________ ____. I know, Brazilian replies, plus he has a downright position in the Broxton & Livingston-Braun Corporation. Of course merely since of his fathers wealth, except others said he turned out to be a louse when is sister died. So they say. Did not he have a wife of two week? By all means she left him clearly of his drinking. Who could tolerate his cynical behavior?

Well, the fucking guy, hes loaded. Oh, speaking of loaded Sax Remington was carrying bankroll in his pockets. Beside Brazilian, desire was to marry a wealthy lawyer, whom would lavish her with richness, straight away she excuses herself, and then she leaves out of the Austin Wing. Down the massive hallway, she goes inside the huge study to read the newspaper. In next to no time Drexel, leave out of the bathroom and he goes back into the estate foyer. After all that drinking, and smoking he was not filling very well.


All the way through the foyer were exquisite marble floors, and beyond the door was a huge striking chandelier that hung over his head above the ceiling. Dam someone need too dim these lights. The shimmers lights were awfully bright, and they sparkle. He stood in the doorway of the study, he smartly replies. Who is that knockout? Lusting, as he gazes at Brazilian. "Holly cow," see my angel sitting there. Is she gorgeous or what? All out of blue some sort of mist travel through the room, and her bewitching perfume was about the entire room. This stuff is crazy man I love it. Modish Brazilian merely sat there. Abruptly, a voice far end of the massive hallway, he reply okay angel, let us get you home. It was Maximilian. He sounded like one of those security guys. He beseeched William too have James to bring about the car. Yes, Sir right away. William leaves to fetch James. Promptly, he goes back into the foyer. The car is here Sir. Did you say lunch Drexel replies. Glimpsing, before he departed, Drexel yells, Hey pussycat I see you later. Of course, Brazilian quietly ignore him, she knew he was a bit stung from last night. Come alone son, William replies leading Drexel on the way to the doors. Hey, what a cool tie. Stumbling over his words, "Well, well now Mr. William or Bill, if I can call you that. Most certainly, you can Sir. Diffidently, Drexel could not drive his own car. Out the door they

go. The sun was bright, and on the marble granite steps, and ahead of him was the Livingston-Braun limousine. He was felt a bit sick, and couldnt hold out much longer. He began hallucinating, from the afterward effect of the drugs he had last night, and the bright sun was making him dizzy. There was man standing by the car. Okay, Mr. Drexel. James their chauffeur takes Drexel by the arm. Easy does it dude! He was much less able to withstand the effects of his heavy drinking. Down the granite stairs, James and Drexel go. Hey, man relaxes, and go-slow. What is the hurry? All of a sudden Drexel began too hallucinating again. I thought it appears to be another angel out here. He smiles at Drexel. He replies. James reaches, and next he opens the door of the limousine. Watch your head, he replies. Oh shit man, I got it, and Im not in kindergarten. At last, Drexel gets inside the limousine. He sits down, and James drove off. I thought that angel hair and stuff like that was a problem of the sixties. Riding in the back he reply too oneself that his mother was a lush. She was always juice by the time he gets to their estate. Hovering over the seat he opens the private window to speak to James. Man, he replies. I saw four fine-looking lushes at the Remington Manor. The party was a blast. Oh you say. Yes, Indeed. These girls they all passed out, right in front of Sax Remington and me, plus they had the sexiest dam thongs. On top of it all, they had these fine balloons, "meaning breast." James laughs. I am sure they were very impressive? Hell, stop shittim I man. Hey, besides, this dick-sucker who was

trying to dominate the party with is bitches. He came up too me and, yet desired to know my name. You know what I told them? What! I told him my name was Cobra. You what, James reply. He laughs out aloud. Someway another, Drexel was amusing James, with is long-drawn-out chat. James expresses amusement, by laughing, and carrying on about Cobra. Is that how you spend your leisure time? Sure man it is fucking great. Hey! This is the rich life. You know, the dude at the party, and could not stop playing pocket pool with his joystick. James carried on laughing. He would never stop talking. Shit man I told him my name was Cobra Livingston-Braun, and I live at 11121 Yorkshire. I gave the dim-witted idiotic the address of the estate. Most likely, he would enjoy the company of Cobra. For a split second, Drexel was quite. There came an outburst of laugher again. One way or another, Drexel had a little up his sleeves. He was laughing so hard he began to feel queasy. All of a sudden, he places his hand over his mouth, and the other one to the left sizes of his stomach. James continues on too Broxton estate. I am Feeling nausea, Drexel reply, hey, "James stops the car." Stop the car. Yes, I believe I am going to barf! What James asks? For real man I have to barf. Right now James reply. Yes! He was feeling the sickness as they went on. I understand, sure do not vomit in here. Shit man. Stop the dam car.

Fuck, I got too barf. Okay! Okay! At that period, Drexel grabs hold of his mouth and gripping tightly to the handle of the limousine unexpectedly tries to opens the door. Speedily James pulls the car to the side of the road. Drexel cups his mouth, shit I think it is coming. Without delay James stops the car. Hurriedly Drexel, opened the door, and get out of the car. In a flash, he runs over to the grass and he bends over, and he begins vomiting. In spite of the fact that he was relieving his stomach, uncomplainingly James waited for him. After, he had finished; he walks back headed for the car. The door was still open, and he gets inside of it, he barely craw too the back seat. James hands him a cloth to wipe his mouth. His face was so pale and he was sweating like he had a fever. Clammy and wet his hands were. Are you okay? James replies. Yes, I am fine. Clutching his stomach, he replies. Man this stuff makes you sick at first, and then unexpectedly you are over the hump floating. James restarts, the limousine, and proceeded on the road again. They were about four miles from the Broxton estate. Drexel lives with his father and mother in a 69-room estate; he was awfully egotistic at time. He once had a sister Meg, she and him were the only sidling that his father reared, despite that she had died a few years ago. With no cause she dreads any sort of surgery, and not anyone could


have changed her mind. The Broxtons viewed Drexel giving up college, when Meg had died with displeasure and a great setback in their family. At last, they were at the estate. James, stops the car and he get out, and next he opens the back door for him. As he walks away, he replying back at James, When I get my cash flow at the end of the week, I will treat you to some of the best wino. Without a doubt, James smiles at Drexel and reply indeed Sir. Hey, clue in Abigail I pick my Lamborghini up later. As James was departing from the estate grounds, he heard Drexel uttering words. Taking his shoes off, cursing at the world, fuck he was late for work and a meeting once again. He tosses his shoes into the pool. Shit, I for got about my, flecking meeting today. Thats just great, his father limousine was gone.



At the moment Seiko, was at his feeding bowl, plus Anna had just serves him some fresh water and salmon. Seated there he begin too eat; and it seems he has nothing to eat during the night. Within a matter of seconds, he barely finishes and Anna brings in another bowl. It was more food, and she fills the white porcelain bowl full of salmon. Right away, she takes the other bowl from Seiko, and although he had barely finish one bowl. Seiko quickly jumps to the other bowl, and finished it. He then sits and ultimately, he was full and he could not eat another bit, he began, licking his paws. In spite of all that food, he decides on leaving out of the Austin Wing, and he runs fast down the hallway, then he speedily passes by Abigails estate room and straight down the staircase he goes. At this point of time, without a qualm he actually cares less about Abigail. She, and out her rages, was not his "cup of tea." Besides, Seiko his desire was to have fun, and he knew exactly were to find it, down the massive hallway. On his way to the dance room, he stops at the sizeable grand room, for a split second and he seated himself there, he watches and listening through the door. Seated in the room was Trail, he was on the Tele speaking in some sort of language. The language it had, a sort of, sounded like French, and no doubt Seiko didnt identify with much French or any other language than the British English language.




Bonzer, Madame. Comment vas-tu? Bien et to Madame. Mon nom est Trail. Tut appelles comment? Tout al fait! Le professeur est Francis. Bien sur. Oui merci. Un etidiant Francis. She must have spoken to Trail because he was quiet for a few seconds. He spoke again. Le professuer est Francis? Oui! Monsieur llmest possible de rester France. Jroit a Rome pours six semaines.
Revoir, and then Trail, he quietly hangs up the phone. Well, this tte--tte seems boring, then speedily, Seiko runs from the door, and truthful this was not what he had in mind, listening too some aristocrats French, dialogue he did not understand. One of the servants, she kindly draws in some of the curtains, because the sun was awfully bright during the midday. Jung, Jung. Jung, Jung. Clung, the estate door bell gone off again. William he, promptly opens the doors. There stood Mrs. Query their ballet dance instructor and during the past years her dearest husband had died, and by her late thirties she stops performing. In spite of her husband death, and the physical demand on her body, she continues to work as a choreographer, and began teaching ballet in England. Seiko takes a peek, yes indeed it was Mrs. Query. Bonjour, William she replies. Welcome, Madam, please come in. After


that William, he reply, that Courtney would be down shortly. He closes the estate doors, and Mrs. Query remains in the large main foyer. It was going to be a busy day, plus Brazilian didnt have much time for ballet. She decided on during a few stretches since her body needed it, she was awfully up tight about Abigail and prior too her leaving it needed to be distress. Quietly Seiko ease his way down, and he spots her and then he follow her at the rear to the dance room. While she was in the dance room Brazilian made a couple of phone calls, since she needed a few things too be deliver to Brazil. Courtney could slightly hear anything from upstairs, next she goes to her French doors, in the main foyer, she heard a very soft delicate voice, and after all it couldnt have been anyone else, except Mrs. Query. It was after 10:00 a.m., and here lesson would be starting soon. Down the staircase she goes, and she runs to greet Mrs. Query in the main-foyer. "Bonsoir Madame! Bonsoir, Miss Courtney. Did you make it okay? Of course, I did dear, with a smile. Madame may I get you something, Zairian asks? No thank you Madame, matter-of-fact, I stop by this fabulous modest caf in the village. There no need for anything Courtney replies. Gradually, Zairian departs, and she leaves Mrs. Query and Courtney standing together. No doubt, she was ready to go dress in her ballet attire, and wearing her basis black leotards. In a bulky bag she was carrying her shoes and her glorious music. Courtney was eager for her dancing lessons.


She questions Courntey," will Abigail be joining us today?" Before she spoke, she slightly hesitated. Occurring across her face was this peculiar expression. Then she answered, really ashen didnt know what would come out of her mouth. I really do not think so Mrs. Query. Is there something wronged she asked? I believe she has a cold. "A cold you would say?" Yes, Madame she is sick. Courtney hated lying to Mrs. Query, but she had no explanation, about Abigail other than she was on drugs. We cannot waste time; therefore, we should start without her. Yes, Madame, right away. By the gaze on Courtneys face, apparently Mrs. Query knew that she was protecting Abigail; they started without her. Her only desired was to please Mrs. Query, and showing her interested. Brazilian had just finished up her morning warm-ups, and even though, she loves too dance she didnt have the time. She slightly smiles at them both, before the left out of the dance room. In Brazil, her mother Veranda owns a dance studio, and she will have enough time there to dance. She grabs herself a towel, and walks closer just before the door. Good morning, Courtney replies, and then Mrs. Query. Oh, good morning, Brazilian said, and next she left out of the dance room. She goes to for her English breakfast before departing the estate. Zairian walks in. What time is it? It close too noon, she replies. Oh, thanks, and quickly after she made her way back up the staircase too her estate room to change her clothing, since she was going out a bit before her flight. Hoping to catch


up with Jorge her wealthy friend, at the Ultimate Hotel, he will be arriving in England in the city since he, and his father Mr. Flamingo was making a stop before they depart too Brazil. In the estate room Mrs. Smite was finishing up Brazilian packing, even though she wasnt departing until later. In her estate room, she had beautiful, ballet portraits, and huge painting, and a few needle stick work with was skillful done by this old widower Mrs. Leggings. She kept them in the most luxurious wood craving frames while Brazilian was away. Mrs. Smite, she replies. Yes, dear! I will be leaving later, except I have a shopping list of absolute must. You know those preppy clothes are just about out of style. Yes, I know that dear. Well, I would send Carina, except you know she will bring back the most worthless things. So I rather go my self. Of course, you should. Oh, dear how time has changed since I was a girl. Mrs. Smite! William was at her door. Miss Brazilian, your limousine it will be ready within an hour. Yes, thank you William. Oh by the way, William stay away from junk food it is bad for his health. Yes, Brazilian, then he smiles at her, and then he glances at Brazilian. My goodness child! You are turning into a stunning young lady. Yes, that is the reason I need new clothes. Absolutely! They both laugh, and William left down the massive staircase, and Mrs. Smite finished up her packing, and after that she left out of Brazilian estate room.



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Hanh McKay




Calmly seated Seiko decided on peeking in at Mrs. Query and Courtney. The three hours training, of elegance and graceful dancing was tremendously instensive________________________________.They began, and she imply Courtney to do some warm-ups and stretches, before they start, then Mrs. Query goes over to the built-in stereo; gradually she plays some music. Courtney, her first half session was at the barrel focusing on correct techniques and following some center practices and turns. Oh, the music was brilliant it was one of her favorite the classic, "Bach." On her way to the barrel, she takes a glimpse of herself in the huge mirrors; the lights shimmer across the room. Within seconds, she claps her hands and signal to Courtney. Okay, stand in a fine postural alignment, then bend you lower leg, and grasp your ankle, but slowly but slowly, slowly please. She begins following Mrs. Query instruction. I said slowly, grasp you ankle. She grasps hold of her ankle, and the other foot resting on the barrel. She takes another glance at the mirror; appearing as a stork__________________. Very good, Mrs. Query said. Beginning in French exigu en dors a terreexigu en dors en lairTos en dors terre. repas. Tos-en dors en lair. In a hurry, she repeats it again. The dance room was filled with mirrors; barrel for dancing. Bore to death Seiko, was still seated in the doorway, he takes a another glance at Courtney, and she looks like bird in a body suit, except this was no idea of fun to him. In


actuality, he misses Diamond and Tassel his desire was to have fun. Well, he couldnt sit any longer and he lastly raises himself, and goes off to play somewhere alone. Again, Mrs. Query inculcates Courtney repeat each exercise twice. Courtney did them right away.

Develoope releve la seconde pas de bouree" (side, back and front) following floor
turns and then she cool down. Soon she repeated each exercise, whirling like a swan in a lake. Without stopping, she then rotated herself in numerous dancing positions. Ballet dancing was not easy it a talent. For, the second time Courtney returns to the barrel standing in a skilful postural alignment, next she bend her lower leg, and slowly grasp her other ankle with her hand, and then resting one foot on the barrel again. Glancing into the mirror, she spots Dylan, and then he walks inside the dance room. At the stereo Mrs. Query was changing the music, she played, Mozart, another classical. The elegant music it reverberations, and cover the entire room. Courtney releases her hand from the barrel. A split second of rest would be great, she replies. At last, she had taken momentary break. Once again, clapping her hands, Mrs. Query walks over barely ahead of Courtney began speaking in French. "Vous venez souvent en France? Oui,adore la France. "Quand repartez-vous les

Etats-Unis? Dans un mois.

Completely by surprise Dylan goes over and takes Courtneys hand, and he began to dance with her. At the same time as Mrs. Query, she takes nippy break. Exultant she watches Courtney and Dylan dance.


Excellent, she replies. Courtney has shown a magnificent impression in her dancing. Dylan and Courtney dance the entire room, from corner to corner. Graciously in the entry of the door Trail stood. He stood theyre marveling at Dylan and Courtneys in their best performance. All of a sudden, he gave a big round of applause. "What great performance. Myself I may say, "I could not have done it better." Virtuoso dancer, Dylan dazzling across, the dance floor and by all means he is an extremely romantic person. As he moves across the floor, letting Courtney body flow in the air with the music, and next, he gradually, grabs her tiny waist, and next he gently lifts her up in the air, and he began spinning her body like a bottle. She was a bit nerves, knowing that Mrs. Query was observing her, and her legs were awfully prickly as she danced they seem as they were vibrating. Slowly, and slowly, next he eases her downward and their bodies would touch. It seems as he was about too embrace her with a kiss upon her lips. He gently touches his lips against hers, and next then Courtney glided her leg outward, and following his moves, downward her leg to the floor. The two dance amorous duet, then quickly they both sink to the floor with theirs limbs entwined. As they finish Dylan takes a glimpse in Courtneys clairvoyant eyes; she instantly smiles back at him____________________. Desirable, neither one of the other desired to stop dancing. At last she raises her body up, and releases herself from him and gracefully she walks over to the barrel. They were


finished dancing, Courtney glimpses at herself in the mirrors, recollecting the look on Dylan face, and temporarily not able too speak, she said too one self. Be it his individuality, his incredible smile. With his adorable smile Trail walks into the dance room, appalling. "Bravo," bravo!" "Bravo," bravo!" Trail, aside their performance. "Yes, indeed what a performance, Mrs. Query replies. At once there was magnetism as soon, has Trail places his eye on her. "Bonsior, Madame," Trail replies. And with a lovely smile, she replies, "Oui" Bonjour Mousier, Sir Trail". Enticing, he replies. Next he walks over towards her, and grabs her by the hand, and luring her too the floor. Instantly she was taken by Trails chrematistic manners. Then, he replies. Music is said to have qualities of charming savages. Yes, she replies, and then they began too dance. She was a person of outstanding character, and who could oppose the enticement? His sexy vigorous body, he was tempting how any girl could defy him. Mrs. Query was dazzling to find her self the center of attention. For years, Trail had taking such pride in his dancing. Mean while he charms Mrs. Query_______________________ with his graceful movements, and his elegant footwork, hes an incredible dancer. Corner to corner of the entire dance room, they move across the floor. Thus, laughter was nearly in the air, and she was incredibly delighted, having such great fun For a very long time, she was in high spirits





She laughs, and laughs, and she was so blithesome, and she hasnt dance like this for years. Like a clear brook she was full of light, and you could definitely feel and see the lovely laughter on her face__________________________. They were moving their, feet and their bodies to the music, Trail gives a larger view almost too the last few dances. It was profoundly blissful to watch Mrs. Query and Trail having an enormous deal of fun. While they dance, Courtney knew that her lesson was over for the day and Mrs. Query, she always encourages, her too stretch every part of her body prior to cooling down. Dazzle by Dylan performance she didnt desire to stop, she was motionless at the moment. With sweat rolling down his dance attire, he watches Courtney stretch. Shortly, she on her feet and at the barrel, and then Courtney drew her legs up into a fetal position with her right leg slightly over her left. ... A dancer she was, and being on your tiptoes can be tiresome, and she never knew that she had that many muscles in her legs. Oh my god, she replies my legs feel like lead of marble. Dylan is so free and easy, how could someone be so relaxed______________________. He takes a towel, and wipes his face, and another he wraps it about his well-formed shoulders, and next he sipped on his bottle of water. After those few, hard stretches, she felt great, straight to the stream room. He watches until Courtney was out of sight. Every part of her body, either in motion or still, it conveys a sensuous meaning. He had such a sinful


appetite, which he tires so hard to hide. She had left and gone inside the, steam room, and he stood tranquilly there in the dance room glaringly at Trail and Mrs. Query. It appears, as nothing could have disturbed these two. Inexorably, they dance and it was a total joy to watch. His eyes, but with his mind as well, and perhaps you could just discern what he was trying to say. It seems they had a deep sexual attraction to one another, and the cleverness, of Trail seductiveness. He will be having Mrs. Query eating out of his hands. Of undying love how many girls, or say woman have been seduced in his name? Dylan was a shame of his sexual weakness, and instantly he physically would change into his estrange personality. In next, of no time quickly she slips off her tights and her fitted ballet attire. For a second she stood in the mirror glazing at her naked body. Her shape was becoming, dominated of a female form. Next, she goes into the shower and nearby the shower at hand, lying on the shelves were English lavender soaps, and some fragrances and sponges as well as clean white towels. She turns, on the hot water, to clean the salty sweat from her body. The water pours downward like a waterfall on her face, and unto her feet. It was extremely placid; she could barely hear the music somewhat in the background. Eventually, she takes one of the clean towels and grabs hold of it, and wrapped it about her lovely body. The moist in the stream room felt great on her legs, and she lift herself on the bench, and silently she lie down, and virtually right away, she fell off to sleep.


Despite the air of sexual excitement, he withdraws from the dance room, and eases himself through the other doors of the steam room without anyone noticing him. Quickly, he jumps into the shower and dashes a bit of his favorite cologne on while bathing, and after that he grabs a towel. He steps out of the shower, and in a hurry, he wraps the towel roughly about his gorgeous body, and then he eases himself into the other side where Courtney was lying peaceful. Her towel was completely un-wrap from her body. For a short time, he stood there gazing at her lovely body, and her beautiful well-formed legs. Quietly, Dylan he position himself close by her then he laid a small white pillow above to rest his head. He rested himself on the bench, and watches Courtney as she sleep. She tosses and turns about the bench. Bit by bit he takes is hand and reaches it between her well-formed legs and cupping her thigh to rub them in the center. At a snail's pace______________ she soundless turns over on her side. She didnt know that her towel was unraveled from her body. A gentle breeze, travel inside the steam room and unexpectedly; she shivered, except Dylan persists on rubbing his hand up and down her thighs. She had great legs; he would give her that runners legs, they were so soft and lovely to touch they felt like silk to his hands. Wordlessly, he reaches, another time to touch her as she turns on her back; she was exposing her self-lying face up on the bench at the same time as she slept. Slowly, he was enduring, and exploring her body with his hand


and rubbing up and down her stomach in eagerness he reaches for her beautiful pearl breast, and her vagina. Courtney was so tired she was in a serene stage of sleep. Nothing could disturb her and not even a cannon ball, which she was sleeping like a fairy tale beauty that slept for a 100 years. The atmosphere was so tranquil other than, the sound of soft romantic music, "Ronde Je Jame En Liar," classical, which was playing in the background. At once the music stops, and almost right away, the music starts once again, it was "Swam Lake," one of England, most passionate classical that was every performed. A soft movement of the door, and then it opens, and it all at once closes. Promptly, Dylan lifted himself from the bench and he pauses for a second. He walks over toward the door, and quietly he opens it, and then takes a nippy sneak______________. It was awfully segued, and no one could hear at thing, it was located, far at the rear of the dance room. Peeking out of the door, at the dance floor, he instantaneously, heard this meek noise, and the lights were dim and soft, and he could barely see anything. Not a sight of anyone, the dance room was empty, except the music was still playing, and he did not catch sight of Mrs. Query and Trail. Developing slowly was a creepy shadow, stirring across the dance floor, he watches, but it was almost that you could hear the laughter of Mrs. Query and Trail like spirits. The music had stopped playing; next he walks over just before for the stereo. Steadily the shadow it was creeping about up the walls and it moves in his path it felt like flesh, as a result of fear and


horror______________________. Instantly, for some reason, he felt a bit drowsy; a dark shadow of a person or thing appeared in the vast mirrors. Quickly, the undersized silhouette approaches him, and it stops. Afterward, it moves, into another direction of the room. It seems as a disembodied spirit. He calls out, "Who is there he replies?" There where, no answer. The unbending spirit stirred about, yet again. He calls out, "Whom there I ask?" Still there was no answer, and he glimpses over in the way of the vast mirrors, and he could just about see a vivid features and the edge of a person hair, and the end part of a human arm beyond the wrist. It was very sensitive and repulsive. A dissimilar shadow, utter it was a monotonous stifle. Hastily, the silhouette it ran, next it, appears as it was frighten and it astray. He yells, "Come back" The shadow, departed. A gentle voice, calls out. Courtney had wakened, and she thought she was dreaming. She lifts her self from the bench, and walks toward the door. She stood in the doorway; she had this amazing smile upon her face. I barely awakened, and I thought I heard you call out for someone. Bewilder, he turns his body just before and faces her. Softly, she said. Is Mrs. Query and Trail still in the room? No, humbly he replies. I must have awakened you. Yes. How long was I asleep? Not, long at all. You must have been dreadfully, tired from all that dancing, I say. Yes, of course. I did not disturb you? No, not at all, I believe I dreamt, and then I heard a yell. I felt so exhausted I could barely awaken. Yes, I see, he replies. There were bruises, on


my knees. No there are any bruises. You must have been dreaming. Unquestionably, do you recall, the time when grandmother, and our uncanny Nanny, they rubbed your legs down for hours? Yes, I remember. She harks back to the time, hours, and hours how they hurt. Most certainly, I do. Secretly, she where amused by Dylan. She was unaware that he was transformed into his estrange personality. He drew himself closer to her the smell of his cologne. Happening quickly, he grabs her and pulls away her towel. Immediately the door closes. Un-compassionately, he pulls her closer, and presses his self against her, even though his towel was still wrapping about his body, whereas she felt the bud from his body. Oh, do not pull away, he replies. A touch of his lips as a sign of love, it recounted his sexual exploits. She submits abjectly. Vastly he was sexual arouse, and within seconds he louses the knot; from his towel it fell straight away to the floor, then he push her, and shift her to the center against the door. Without clothes; naked where do she put the blame, she desire to break away, except for a brief minute she stood there cripple, with excitement. His sexual attractiveness and his unsatisfied craving it was awfully difficult for her too escape his arms, she act unwittingly, giving him the advantage. They were confined to words and theory; harmless it may seem, even though he was Courtney on flesh and blood. The intense feeling deep affection for Dylan, she desires to give her love, and for the sake of their trust she gently, pulls herself away from him.


Instead, he grabs her and tries to hold her, except he had fear in his eyes. Charming, but youthful her enchanting bluish appearance, tears fell from her brown/blue eyes, upon her radiant brownish complexion. At once, she removes his hand from her cheek. Clearly, nothing truly happens at this time, and in spite of it all, an upsetting appearance can across his face. Dylan I did not mean too touches you, she replies, blaming herself. She notices the evil appearance amongst his is face, and then she takes another look at him, by all means, I did not mean too up-set you. Softly with her warm gentle hand, she tired to comfort him. At once, he removes her hand from his face______________________________. Get, out! Get, out! Get, the hell out, of here he harshly replies. Snuffle eyes, she bends down and hurriedly picks up her towel. Hung closely to the doors, were a few bath robes, and she grabs it slips it about her body. Fearful, by his behavior, and quickly without looking back, she was trembling and, she rushes out the door. He stood there voiceless. Bewildered, by him she began to cry, next she racing toward the massive staircase, and then up she goes to her estate room. He was changing back, and he recalls, the frightened look on her face. "What did he do?" What could he say to her?" He felt numb and awful inside. He walks back into the dance room, into the bath area. Grabbing hold of one of his awful cigarette, he began to smoke. Cover with smoke, he felt tires, and he lay back on the bench. Without any warning, Zairian goes into the steam room; she


speedily started cleaning it and picking up there dirty towels. Dylan was still lying on the bench, she had a wakened him. A caucus voice, he replies. Hand me my robe. She promptly, hands Dylan one of the clean towels, and a terry cloth robes that was drape in the closet. He rises from the bench, and soon after he walks out of the steam room. The voice of Mrs. Smite calling, she was calling for bunch.




Up in her estate room, Marissa was arranging Courtneys clothing, and she had all sort of sweaters and clothing ranging from fur shearing, mohair, cashmere and wool jackets, pants and skirts. Through the Frenchs doors, her room it had these huge remarkable windows, a bathroom in Toscana style with a huge old English stucco columns, had a starry sky in the central oasis of her bath. Even so her father would forever and a day accentuate it was primed for a Princess. On the other side of her bedroom stood a washing area located round about as well as shower, which had amorously integrated of marble. Up-set, deeply, Courtney goes inside her estate room with this bothered looked on her face. By some means Dylan touching her, she could not bare the thought. She felt like fainting, and her head began too hurt. All she wanted too do for the moment his to lye down on her bed. Marissa glances at Courtneys bothered face and she hurriedly ran over to aid Courtney. Are you okay? Yes, Marissa she replies I am a bit tired from my dancing. While Courtney lay down on her bed, Marissa ease out of the room, and went straight down the staircase. Snuffle eyes Courtney she, rested herself on her delightful Princess bed, she lay without making a sound, facing vast windows. Marissa returns to her estate room, and next she laid a few clean white towels on her dressing table a cup of hot tea.




I just tidy, up and am finished, after that Marissa left out of the room. Poor, Courtney, she just lay three for hours. Slowly, she arises and her desires were to dress herself. Her tea was still sort of warm, and next she takes a sip of it. She walks over just before her window, and takes a nippy peek out of it. Stirring about was shadowy, silhouette. It was, outside, nearby, the grounds. Next she saw a small black cat, it appeared fragile, and it meows and meows. It appeared so awful_____________________. Roughly in circles, about the garden, it moves and lastly the cat it astray. Shortly, after she, returns to her dressing room, and begins to dress for the day. She puts on her wool pants and British jacket, and sitting, beside her bed was a pair of English riding boots. One more time, Marissa returns too Courtney estate room. Courtney, a bit disturb from the peculiar day. Miss Courtney, Marissa replies. Are you Okay? Marissa brings her, another cup of crisp spicy tea. Perhaps this would help. "Oh, yes thank you." She takes a sip of her tea. How was your dance lesson today? Oh, Marissa it was magnificent. Her face began too brightened and at last she was blushing. Oh, you should have seemed Mrs. Query and Trail they were magnificent. I see, she replies. Yes, I on no account seem Mrs. Query dance so grand. Marissa taking a notice that Courtney was having a difficult time putting on her boots; all at once she lends her a hand. Her boots, she was tugging with them for a second. On top of it all Marissa added a superb silk


scarf too her British jacket______________________________________. There you go, she replies! She was dress, and takes a glance at herself in the huge mirror. You are delightful, Marissa reply. So are you! Sebastian, he truthfully adores you. Beyond doubt, Marissa, I no, I no, and he is so handsome. Indeed, he is. After that, Marissa grabs hold of Courtney hands, and they, began giggling like girls. Shall there be anything else, Madame? No, Marissa I am fine. Once again she was smiling, and finally, they both left out of the estate room. 12:00 noon, and Brazilian had already left out of the estate and desire to do some shopping. On her way, she stopped at a store in England. She gets out of the limousine, and Leonard the chauffeur waited on the outside, then she walks in side the store, and this redhead clerk, dress extremely glamorous merely stood there almost during nothing. May I help you Miss, she replies. Certainly, I want the finest earring you have. The store Clerk, Oh, Madame they are awfully expensive. Are they replies Brazilian! She was still very youthful as the other girls, so the clerk did not know who she was at the time. Then Brazilian, she replies. Yes, Madame I know that, and I dont worry about how much they cost, since money is no object. Then the store clerk, replies, Right this way Madame. Carrying her petite bag, Brazilian follows the lady. Over in the other section of the store were beautiful, blouses and skirts. With her hand she grabs


a pretty skirt, and Brazilian was so profound in mixing and matching her skirts, blouses, and sweaters, so she could always be attractive. The clerk she rushes over toward Brazilian. Do you need any assistant? No, well, I think I will take them all. Yes, Madame she replied. Its Brazilian Livingston. Oh, I quite sorry Miss Livingston, well have them pack in a nippy. Before the day was over, she met up with Jorge, and his father in the hotel, at this charming little caf. Jorge, he suggested on a new flavor, to do something different, he replies. One of Brazilian memorable flavors, in England was the lemon, and prick berry and cream. Our bags are already, pack we be leaving out around 3:00 p.m. Brazilian felt that she and Jorge were missing every chance to be alone. Before she is off to the estate at last they departed. She scrolls amongst the caf, while Mr. Flamingo sat sipping on his coffee. Im tired. Lets call it a day, and at last she left.




Straight away, she goes to the Austin Wing for lunch, and even though the sun was shining, except it was an extremely blissfully a cold day. Despite of that it was delightful outside, and somehow the sun seems to shine deeply inside the Austin Wing. Courtney seated herself on her lovely chaise, and shortly she begins to stare out of their massive French windows; and it was so pleasing to gaze at their estate garden. Briskly the wind blew, autumn leaves so peacefully, falling, falling from the trees. As the trees shed their leaves, she searches for a cabalistic understanding_____________________. "Why did God create a world where things change?" Flowers of Lilly were falling to the mist cold ground into one more direction. It seemed as they flutter too the ground, blowing about______________they became part of the little squirrel's winter. Plus, it's great to see two squirrels playing with each other, chasing and running about playing leapfrog across the fence that separates the garden_________________be careful, little squirrel "she whisper" it could scarcely keep up with the other ones. The big red, ones were gathering bit of nuts, birch, and straw, hurriedly off running for cover before the temperatures get really cold. Uncomplainingly, she waited, and shortly after Dylan, he enters inside the Austin Wing, and behind him followed Hewie, and he seated himself down for lunch at the glass marble table. At the far end of the table from where two


golden________________ fine swords amounted in a case on the wall. Through the large French doors at the far end of the gallery, you could see Trail, and quietly followed right at his rear where his two mysterious dogs. They where incredibly robust hefty Rottweiler and one named after the Lord Shultz Von Duke and the other after the lords brother Von Shultz Dumas. Equally, the two had this wait-and-see attitude; they lay down quietly at the entrance of the French doors and waited for Trail good-naturally. "Well," "well." He seated himself at the table. Place upon the, exquisite tables, was bone porcelain, and the table was adorn in delicate pasty linen. Mrs. Smite had prepared a remarkable lunch; she places, a huge platter of salads and fruits on the table. Next, Zairian, walks in with fresh yogurt, following her was Carina, bringing a tray of honey bakes turkey and French toasted with garlic breads. Wow! What splendid lunch we have here. Fit for a King, I may say. On another platter, where bit of slice of pineapple varnish ham. At last, she starts, serving them. First, she pours, the some superb Russian caf, for Courtney and then French wine for the guys. Amongst the table, they began to chat. Princess, you were magnificent dancer this morning. Was I? Yes, Indeed? Except, she replies. Fair enough, I know I could not have done it without Dylan. I never thought I had so much muscle in my legs. They began to laugh, out loud. Laughter filled the air. While Zairian pours


Dylan and Hewie some wine. On the side was, other cups, and she pours them a cup of hot coffee. Hey, hey, let make a toast. Okay, to what. For today, of course_____________________. Cheers! Then he stood up, and raises his glass, and said, Let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth. Compassionately, he smiles at her. Youthful, and Trail was full of fun and spirit, and you could just about see it in his eyes, surely after that recall with Mrs. Query, and it seems he was struck with love_______________________________and entire estate knew that one way or another he became dreadfully flirtatious. Passion was in his eyes for the moment. A warm smile came across her face, and then she glances over in the way of Dylan. "Oh, I see you dreaming?" No Courtney he merely loved struck. Love struck you says? Yes! Of, course did you enjoy Mrs. Query today Trail? Yes, indeed I did. She could have joined us for bunch. She left about and hour ago, and mention that she had to feed her little cat. Oh, how awful. Mrs. Query is a superb dancer. Of course she is she would not have been our instructor; for that reason father would not appoint her. The laughter goes on about, Trail dancing with Mrs. Query. Yes, he replies, and she had very stunning legs. Oh you saw her. Yes, indeed!


She had gorgeous dash head, and her elegant long neck great body and top line, very correct legs, and we know her a superb mover. He and Trail was such, equally flirts. Taking another sips of his wine, he yet again replied. She awfully aroused me. Oh, did her. Yes indeed my love. Hes absolutely right Trail, replies. Even if curiosity arises, he was speaking freely nearly about Mrs. Query. Nonetheless, Dylan merely recollects the moment he had with Courtney in the steam room. Throughout the hour, of the day they were having so much fun time had just few by. While the dogs lay peacefully nearby the French doors. Oh, Trail replies again, take sight of this. "What! What! With a surprising look upon her face, and she did not know what Trail was about to say, but she always was very exciting listening too him. He, began too explain. "During one afternoon, the other day, I saw Duke tangling Tassel in his mouth." "What!" I beg your pardon, she replies. Hewie laughs so loud. Yes the tit-bit dogs were running about. Duke grabs a hold of her, swaying her head back and fourth. Oh, what laughter I had. I thought the meager dog was dead, with a smirk on his face. Oh, that is not funny, at all Courtney, replies. He could have killed her_______________________. No, silly they were merely playing. You call that playing, replies Courtney. Deprived Tassel she replies! Then she takes a look, at Trail. How you dare allow your monastery dogs attack my pure and innocent


Tassel. Do not get up-set he did not hurt him. Oh, you say! Surely, it is not my fault. Trail he quickly, offended himself. Quite honestly, I really doubt, they would hurt though two-bit ragbags. "Rag bags!" Almost step on one the other day. And above they are very costly, dogs. And, he replies. They also protect me, and themselves. What humor, he had, laughing. Of course, ______________________ Courtney, that is a joke. Even though most of the time at night Duke and Dumas acted as a guardian for the estate. You, know they are harmless. Diamond and Tassel will not hesitate, of standing up too other dogs, even the larger ones. It was always exciting to see her antiother-dogs together with Trail hefty dogs which most of the time Diamond and Tassel really enjoy the excitement, tussling about with them. Where is Seiko? Tassel and Diamond looks about. Somewhat they were missing him. Quietly, the dogs lay in the hallway. His eyes wonder fleetingly, and a nippy gaze Tassel glances at the large dogs. Up jump Diamond, and Tassel at the rear, then she speedily runs like a flash of light. They both ran pass Duke and Dumas, and into the Austin Wing. The day was not over, Seiko the feline cat, he suddenly appears, sitting like a king in the hallway, next he spots Duke__________________, and after that he spots Dumas. Within no time, he turns about franticly he raises his tail, and then dashes out the French doors and after that speedily down the huge hallway. By


the way of his cleverness, he swiftly jumps over Duke Head and then onto Dumas rear, and at that instant he darted, back and forth. He actually did take delight in tussling with the bigger dogs today. Seiko was, awfully funny they almost died laughing at him. Well, he was a bit tired for the day, so he did not want to linger about. He eases himself into Abigail room, and jumps up into the massive window seal and he fell to sleep. The phone rings. Ring, ring. Ring, ring. Promptly William answers it. I am sorry, Mr. Livingston is out for the day, but if you leave a number certainly he would get back with you. William hangs up the phone. Yet it rings again. Promptly, William answers the phone and it was for Him. Next William leaves out of the room, and goes to fetch him. In the Sunny Austin Wing, they all were still seated, and Trail laughed at Seiko behavior. It just goes to shows too much sugar is bad for you. Excuse me, Sir there a call for you. Oh thank you William. He was up in a flash, and replies I see you all later. Certainly Sir, he replies, and then he picks up the phone. It was Drexel. Hey, are you feeling for a game of fencing. Sure. Man, I was sick as hell, but it over with. Yeah, I will be there within an hour. Sure___________________. Okay sees yah, he replies, and next he hangs up the phone. See you Chad later, and off he left out of the room. Down the hallway, and he goes to his estate room and grabs his jacket, and a pair of


shoes. As he was leaving, in the hallway he passes by the Austin Wing. Gone for the day Dylan replied. Yes! Out of the estate he goes, and downward to the basement and he gets inside his sports car. The door raises, and speedily he back out of the basement door, waiving back, but not a sole was standing there. It was a bit mystify, other than he kept right on going.



A piercing intense glare came all the way through the windows. He began holding his hands over his eyes, and somehow he seems a quite annoyed, by the light coming in the room. The sun was brighter than ever today, it seems it could just about blind anybody. Hasty he spoke, and he asked Zairian to draw the curtains. Within second one of the window, unfastened, and flopped back and forth in the wind. Somewhat, he began to curse. "What the hell" Close the damn windows! He had completely had forgotten his manners. Draw the curtains, he replied once again. Yes! I like the sunlight, and it never had been drawn, before, Courtney replies. It was her desire too have light filtered through all the windows, she enjoyed the sun light. Lament he spoke that is the reason we have electric. Zairian was startled by his sudden outraged. Promptly, she left out of the room to fetch a drape to fit over the window. She walks back into the Austin Wing, carrying a large drape. This may cover one side of the room. A moment, or so the drape was fine, and all of a sudden, Trail he stood up and he begins applauding. In the study Brazilian phones, her father at his office, Im sorry I call you at work, but this is important father. At the office. Oh, what is it Love (Brazilian)? Father I purchase a car. Certainly dear! I need you to ship it too Brazil, right away.


Okay, Love that would be fine. Have someone to bring or mail the paper immediately. Okay father, she replies. She was spoil, and he loves her dearly. He did even ask her how much it cost, but it didnt really matter, just as long she was happy, and at last she hung the phone up. Afterward, Trail, Courtney, and Dylan were finishing up their lunch, and Zairian pours each one a glass of wine again, before she leaves. You ought to see this. Dylan sort of whispers into Courtneys ear and Trail was standing like a shining night and amour. He begins to speak, "Lady and Gentleman lend me your ears. Oh my, surely, he was not reciting "William Shakespeare." Indeed my dear, he replies. He was stung with high spirits. "A Princess should bow, before her Prince." In the midst of laughter, Courtney she leisurely stands up with grace and pose. "Certainly Sir she replies." Then she bowed for them both. Prior to taking a seat, she replies, "Gentlemen shall bow before a Princess." Indeed, we shall they both replies. Dylan and Trail rapidly stood up and takes a bow, toward Courtney. Unpredictably, Trail takes Princess by the hand and he kisses it, and she smile back and curtsey again toward him. Gracefully, he begins to recital the poem of William Shakespeare, after she had taken her seat. His recital.


O me! What eyes hah Love put into head, which have no correspondence with true sight; or if they have, where my judgment is fled that censures falsely what they see aright?
Without warning, the drape fell to the floor, and the room was exceedingly bright. It was so bright it could pears and eye. Grasping his hands to his eyes, yet again, Trail started complain-ting. Damn, he replies!" He was really getting annoyed this time. Curtly, he spoke with out even thinking. "I thought I told Zairian to cover the dam windows?" Snappily, he calls Zairian back again into the room. Zairian!" Zairian!" Get, that damn window I told you. She at once returned to the room, and next with a callous tone, Trail replies, how many times I need, too tell you lazy ass bitches, to do something. Oh, my lord she replies, I am regretfully, Sir! She was so startle, by his outraged. Except the drape it fell down, again to the floor. Get another one Damn it! Tassel, she next runs under the table, they heard a whimpers. What, happened__________________________? You must have kicked her, or step on her tail. Yet, again she whimpers. Damn it, Trail replies! Beneath, the large table she seated herself. Fragile and hurt, and he began bellowing at her. Get from up under there you stupid bit mutt. Yet


again, he seems to be placing his hand over his eyes, and screaming, in agony. Irritated he spoke harsh, and except poor little Tassel she whimpers. Peeping, her petite head from under beneath the table, she ran out from beneath it, and next she turns and sits gazing at Trail. Remorseful, he replies, Tiny Tassel, definitely I did not mean to hurt you. Come, here he replies. Shivering, and scare, she did desire to have nothing to do with him. Well, damn it tiny mutt go-away. She runs out of the room, and next Diamond takes a peek around the table and sat beside Tassel_______________________. Backing up, like a bull he began to; raise his teeth, defending her, and to protecting what was his. After ward he furry barks, somewhat he knew that Tassel was hurt. Look, what you did! You hurt them, Courtney replies. It was dreadfully bewildering they had never seemed him behave like this before. Something must have been bothering him. Are you okay, Trail? Kind heartily, Courtney replies. Yes, I am okay! It is the dam light. Meekly, Courtney, spoke, "is there something wronged with your eyes? No! He replies rudely, he lifts up from the table. Unforeseen, he pushes the chair so as to it merely more or less fell to the floor. Dylan rises up to aid Trail. Leave me alone you dam fool___________________! It is okay little Princess, Dylan replies too Courtney. Somewhat, the dogs


were terribly frightened of him. Diamond, holding his head up high, and hurriedly, they ran through, the French doors, into the massive hallway, and poor Tassel she ran fast as she could. Tassel, please comes back, I am sorry. Please, he replies holding his hands, over his eyes. He felt remorseful after kicking the tit-bit dog. "Damn it, I told her too bring another drape. At once, the other servant she brought another drape, except the first one it just kept on falling. Trail, stop it what, is the matter with you, Courtney she meekly replies. "Okay, okay!" Still holding his hands over his eyes, they were burning from the sunlight. "Sorry!" "I am okay he replies. I am admitting that I can not see a thing." Dylan felt the fuming in Trail voice________________________. Abruptly, he leaves out of the room. Having such a great deal of fun, the room became still, and placid and bitter was in the air, and the joyous laughter gone away. Courtney, and Dylan where terribly baffle by his manners, it was un seemed before. Next she gently replies, what happen? I had never seemed him act like this before. Neither, have I. Her mind wonders off, and perhaps, he had the same illness. It couldnt be, "Multi-personality?" Their doctor Pollock, he tested the hold entire family, and the only one, found with the illness was Dylan. It would be absolutely terrible, to know if any one else in the family has it. Soon after, Trail had left the Austin Wing. She and Dylan sat there


serenely___________ with tearful eyes, gradually she starts reciting the other part of the poem. Her desire to finish off what Trail had began. Somewhat; equally they were disturbed by his harsh manners. She gets up from the table and then seated herself in a chair nearby the large windows. If that were fair whereon my false eyes dote, what means the world to say it is not so?

If it were not, then Love doth well denote Loves eye is not as true as all mens no. How could it? O how can Loves eye be true? That is so vexed with watching and with tears?
Exceedingly romantic Courtney voice carries her far away to his heart with words, and afterward Dylan, finished the other part of the poem.

Oh dear, No marvel then though I mistake my view, The sun itself sees not till heaven clears. O cunning Love! With tears thou keepst me blind, Lest eyes well seeing thy foul faults should find! By William Shakespeare



Roundabouts the chair, Dylan goes over and he tenderly grabs holds of her hand. Little by little, a gently smile came across her face, and she stares up at him recollecting her thoughts. His tenderness of his voice, while he whispers to her, truly I am regretful for this morning. She accepted his apology. It is all right, and lightly he places his finger on her lips. Allay, he said, and next he walks over just before, their black grand piano and seated himself down right in front of it. Gradually he begins to play with a dismayed face; he began carrying on like "Bach" in the 18th century. She watches him as he played. His finger skillfully moves across keys of the piano like English, lord and you might vision the audience, rising for a standing ovation after, he brilliantly recording his music. Above all, he is awfully gorgeous one of them all, and who could not keep their eyes off him. Embering, azure eyes and his ashes flaxen hair make it extremely tough for countless ladies, not to gaze at him. Instantly, they would fall profoundly in love. Entire, next of kin, they all knew roughly of him. Not a soul, knew much about his, Multi-Personality, but the close family. It wasnt hard to hide it, they would article, how, he was the most, intelligent person, they every came across. His, change. Multi-Personality and This Multi-person, and those who surfaces sometimes from him. But why?




Couple of years ago, it was dredge up that their Father had sent him too numerous doctors and priests because of his illness. Nervous doctors had recognized it as come apart, as two men, and the others would entitle it witchcraft______________________. Without any cause or warning, he seems so powerless, and his face you may catch sight of the misery, and limitless times he distorted himself into a dissimilar person. Close relatives, and his name was Von Milestones. They don't know he might have inheritance it through the means of their insane Uncle; he was one of their fathers. Time after time, Father and his brothers would speak about Milestone, his brilliant. It was always mention that somewhat, that Dylan was awfully much identical too Milestone. Their family Priest Sherwood, he always emphasized the important of ones characteristics. Accordingly, it is enormously significant to be ones own person, he would reply. The majority of his life Milestones was exceedingly gentle and kind, and he was incredibly likeable amongst people, despite other times lots of people, hated him. A lot of doctors detested his intelligent, and like always Milestone he was always testing their astuteness. It was said that he began too spend days alone carrying this mad and outrage against the world, and his desire to slumber during the midst of the days. Milestone began smoking though dreadful cigarettes. Immeasurable years he lived lonesome in his well kept estate, it was just about fourth of miles, from the family estate. Hush, hush apart from that know one knew how he died. At the end of his death the relatives, they all chosen on burying


Millstones body beneath the massive estate. All at once Dylan stops playing and he sat momentary at the head of the piano, gazing out the picturesque French windows. Nearby the estate garden, somewhat was stirring and next he lifts himself from the stool, but at the same time, the stirring stops, and it had vanished. He excuses himself and then he left out of the room. She was alone again, wishes she had friends and others to dine with her. It was moving about the hallway. The shallow was getting bigger, and then emerge into the Austin Wing. Seiko begin hissing, at the moving shadow. His tail rises, and he dance panicky about. Out of know where, he comes dashing in, he jumps in the chair, and, suddenly he started purring. Seated himself down into Courtney lap, and afterward he curves his warm body. He was quite content after his feeding and all Seiko desire were to sleep. A chill and this brittle air came all the way through the room. Without warning, Seiko jumps out of Courtney lap he runs just before the door hysterically. It fleetingly, stirs, and then vanished into their enormous corridor. In next to no time Courtney, gets up from the bulky couch, and she taken a glance out-side the massive windows; and she caught the sight of some thing moving roughly, and it appears, as it was Dylan. She heard this faint cry, and no one was there. She walks just before, the door. Unconscious, she calls Dylan name. "Dylan!" Dylan!" Is that you? Dylan, Dylan she calls once again!" There was no reply.


He was nowhere in sight. She turns about and, then she goes back near the couch were she was resting, and then she ease, herself back into the comfortable silk chiffon chair. Soon after that she fell off too sleep, into a serene stage. He returns too the Austin Wing, then he watches Courtney has she was napping. Speechless, he stood there, as she tossed and turned herself about on the couch. All of a sudden she had awakened from her sleep. Oh, I did not know you were here, she replies. I heard something outside the window, so I decided on checking, to see who was out there_____________________________. Same here, I heard it, and I thought perhaps it was you. Then he spoke, you care too follow me, he replies. Where too, she replies? Oh, let just have some fun, okay. Sure. Let us go, and she followed him out of the Austin Wing. Outside, they left headed for the large cellar. She replies are we going to collect some wine for to night? No, Marissa had already gathered it.




It would merely take him about and hour, and at a full speed he racing downs the main road. At last he was insight of the Broxton estate, and he hurriedly pulls-up in his racing car into the circular driveway. He gets out of his car, and walks to their vast door__________________________. Stood there was one of the Livingston-Braun, boys at the massive front doors. All at once the strident door bell rung and their butler Mr. Doors, he opens it. Welcome son. He steps inside the estate and as he glances about, Doors he replies, I will phone Drexel for you. Thank you Sir. After that he leaves, the foyer to phone Drexel. In the large foyer He patiently waited for Doors return. In the sixty-seven (67) -room estates, hanging right in the center of the room was two grand oil paintings, of the Broxton family. On their main floor, it includes a family library, private offices, which include a study and a Billiard room, to the right of the estate________________.


Their walls were covered, with these wall paintings, and the windows were enhancing with stained glass. Part of the estates upper level of the estate is where their own privacy rooms joined two their bedrooms and baths, and their servants quarters and rooms where beneath their huge underground room. After a long wait, Doors returns to the foyer, and sharply he replies, that Mr. Drexel, will be seeing you in the fencing room. It is downward just before, the east side of their underground room. Oh, thank you, Sir. Doors left out of the foyer, and downward the stairs he goes headed for the basement. Just as he was getting closer to the bottom, there were hundred of Swords, and Noble blazes mounted on the long walls. Surely it would take you back into century, where men were brave kings and knights who protected and adored their ladies giving you a hunch of stride back in time. It was giving, you the ambiance of the graceful era of old world England. At last he was at the base of the stairs. Mirror was covering entire room. Luring himself out of his defensive position Drexel was in full swing, he was using his 18th century sword. En-garde, he calls out swinging his blaze, back and fourth, in full motion, swinging, and pointing his blaze at the standing dummy. It appears his other opponent was the surrounded mirrors on the walls. He was dressed in his white protective garment and his blaze guard mask. Well as He was extremely skillful at the game of fencing, and quickly, Drexel turns in the direction of Hewie pointing his sharp blaze at, his chest, and next he removes his mask to greet him. He was at and halte.


Hey, my friend! Downstairs, a lovely youthful woman, or you we may say girl, appealing Camilla one of their servant; she was bringing a tray of fresh fruits. She was down the stairs, and greeted them both with her head. Promptly she serves them both some superb red wine. For a split second, they both take a sip of their wine and kindly, Hewie takes a nippy glimpse at her, and he smiles. After that she quietly set-off, and up the staircase, and finally she was out of their sight____________________________. Oh shes quite captivating? Drexel turned the other way, without saying a word. With no doubt, she wasnt significance at the moment to him. He catches a glimpse of Drexel gaze. Quite naturally, he felt, and knew that Drexel was bedding her, except she was even still now innocent, and appealing to him. They both set their wine glasses down on the table, and next Drexel he replies. Dont just stand there dude, grab you a suit and a mask, they are hanging over there in the closet. Sure! There closet where full of white suits, and masks. In a hurry, and next he goes over to the closet and, takes out one suit, and a mask. He put on one of the white suits, and then a pair of gloves and, next the protective mask. After that he goes over to the cabinet, and he opens it, and he grabs a noble sword from the bracket, holding the sword up in the air. Man, this sword is remarkable! Oh, thats nothing it one of my fathers, he pick it from Spain. It was priceless. It was the one that sat in the back, with a shinning and peering, sharp blaze. Something you may see, in one that gothic, museums. Nothing, like it before, must have been passes down




through century. The handle was cover with black, and silver, with carving of someones initials on the blaze. He was ready for his opponent he assumes an on-guard position, next he advances slowly.

Ales and they both parted at each other.

The blaze was cutting, and strong. Drexel has him surrounded and he was teasingly to lure Hewie out of his offensive position, and fighting at close quarter, then he ducks. En-garde Drexel calls out, both of them swinging their blazes back, and fourth. You could see, the flicker and hear the blazes as they hit one another. To score Hewie, had to hit Drexel blaze target area with a sword point, next he moves in closer on him, and yet he was at a dangerous play, his body was an easy target. Both were still fighting at close quarter. He ducks again. He had to get out of Drexel way. After that, he had to open a line for him too attack. Next he stabs Drexel in the chest.

En-garde, he calls. After that they both remove, their protective mask,
and gloves. Hey that was clever! Was I? Yes, Indeed! Afterward, they went on dueling for hours. Hewie was quite skillful and mastering in fencing, and when it comes too fencing he was sort of a Marquis type of guy.


Anyway, Maximilian IV he was the oldest sibling of the males, and he had studied law in Scotland, dreadfully time-consuming. His studies kept him traveling and visiting lots of places, and he also studied aboard in Germany. He


was so extremely intelligence, and handsome. Various, of people had pointed out this lead him to increase his status and popularity toward fathers wealthy friends. He always enjoys especially conservatisms folks, and he could throw away majority of his free time yachting or at the horseracing tracks. He had carry on and received his named, after their great-grandfather Maximilian Livingston-Braun Senior, and the same attractive, which he had dark hair with and blue eyes that fitted him splendidly. The firm comprise of five floors providing roughly100, 000 square foot_________________________________. At hand were various furniture permutations to respond to the specific needs of each business group. Uncle Lyle, ex-wife Georgiana had chosen colors, and finishes, fabrics and she carefully selected to introduce contrast and interest; with warmer color accents where used in the breakout areas, restaurant and nodal points. They were getting closer to the firm, and James had taken a shorter route this time, since in actuality it merely takes an hour to get there, nonetheless he knew that Maximilian was in a big rush, to the their Law Firm. It was somewhat established in 1940, whereas their father noble-great grandfather Braun, inherit and then he pass it to father, and soon as he became a young man, he inherit. Other relatives and friends were members, and majority them worked at the Firm. At this point, there were no doubts in father mind; and he knew that Maximilian________________________ would be exceptionally comfortable in working and being the Executive. Being a noble man as well Father subjected


for him to take upon the Law firm; and the day father granted him the firm, he replies in this manner._________________ His aim was for the firm to run like clockwork with everything on time and everything done precise. So he did. It has been every since he had taken control. Giving orders was not thorny for him, and he knew how to be firm, and hold his grounds; Uncle Lyle, and Uncle Sid was for every reminding Father what a grand son he had. He barely arrives at the firm, and definitely, Maximilian, staff where not intrude on; and it look as if to be a second home for Mr. Livingston-Braun. No doubt, he knew that Maximilian would be exultant to see him. Astound, the door attendant greeted him. Hello Mr. Livingston, at the appointed time he opens the door with an indisputable smile. Good morning, Mr. Livingston. Briefly, he passes the central offices. The receptionist was a charming brownhaired woman she nodded her head, and calls up to Maximilian office. Swiftly Mr. Livingston goes inside the elevator with Courtney, after the door closes. At last, they were on the fourth floor. An unusual, receptionist with blonde hair was seated, and wearing a linen light brown suit. Has they approaches the receptionist, she greeted both of them. Good morning, please continue, as I was not present father reply. Abruptly, he walks in Maximilian office, Good morning son. Immobile Courtney stood, and clutching on too her father hands, and next Chase, comes in and he takes Mr. Livingston-Braun hat, and coat, and place it on a lovely rack. At once, he replies too Courtney, shall I take your coat young


woman? Sketchily, she takes this peculiar glance at him. She at once replies, Yes. Slowly, her father lets go of her hand, and then she seated herself gracefully in the executive lounge. This time, Ballard he walks into the lounge. Concisely, he replies to father, Shall I get you something Sir? Firmly, Maximilian replies to Chase, please have one of the women bring father a cup of coffee. Make that black please. Yes, sir right away. Shortly after, Chase leaves the room, and then Father takes a seat. Sitting in his circular chair, Maximilian was speaking with a client on the phone, soon he replies, at the time covering one hand over the phone. I will be with in a second. Politely, father, he replies, Dont mind me. For a second time, Ballard returns back too the lounge, and following at his rear was the older woman. Yet again she was carrying a lovely tray bringing father his coffee. As she laid the tray down on the table she promptly leaves out, without saying a word. Sir, shall there be anything else? Ballard, he ask father. No, Ballard that would be all. All of a sudden, Maximilian covers his hand over again, Father it is Mrs. Stinker, and she is at us again. In that case, he replies, every time someone mentions taxes; Mrs. Stinker she files off the handle. Yes, I do commit to memory of Mrs. Stinker. By way of a straight face, father he right away replies, and she is a dreadfully thorny client to work with. Respectfully, father allows Maximilian to finish the conversation with Mrs. Stinker.


Once more, he covers his hand over the phone, Father Mrs. Stinker if she keeps flying off the handle like that, she going to have and heart attack, she laid out about $410,000 for taxes and her insurance. I no, I no son, she can be awfully prickly. Letting that women sticking her thorns inside of you, is like getting pock by many rose shrubbery. Oh, is she, Maximilian replies. Mrs. Stinker is dreadfully rude and tricky to work with, except for a long period of time she had been an old client of minds. I can recalled the time when we both where fresh, in this business, and she, gotten the best of me, after that I never trusted a woman like her again. Did you know shes also planning her burial and putting up her houses to charity? Even if she stated, over and over again, prior to her dying and she is definitely, not going to leave her nasty-nephew any of her money or her estate. Good-naturedly father, sits waiting for his Maximilian to draw too and end with Mrs. Stinker. There seated, in the sizable lounge waiting for him patiently was Courtney. To some extent she had notice everything bestow the impression of being untouched. Her devoted brother Maximilian was extremely busy; he covets to draw to a close prior to Courtney and father arrival. The holiday hours were hectic, and it seems as the phone from stockbrokers, business clients, and insurance claims were phoning every other minute. Promptly, another calls; and next Maximilian goes on with his business call. There was one more look of Chase; he walks back into the lounge, unexpected he replies. Miss Courtney, dear shall I get you a cup of tea? No thanks, Mr. Chase.


No Sir, she graciously replies. Sorry Dear, Maximilian is a bit tied up today, and come along my child. Perhaps we could find rather worthwhile for you to do. She stood there with this gawk upon her face. Would you be partial to go along with me around the building? She had no interest in seeing the other workers today; and all she desires was to visit her big brother Maximilian. Let down, and this was not what she accepted to hear. Unmannerly, excusing herself, and she hastily walks into Maximilian office. Tearing eyes, she shouted out, I have been waiting, Maximilian you supposedly be taken me out for lunch today. All the same, father he twists around, and he glimpse at Courtney teary eyes. Compassionately Maximilian he smiles at her, and replies, of course dear, I am quite busy today. I just hire a Chief Executive, to lighten up my load. He glances at Courtney teary eyes. Father replies, Come here my dear love. She was so smother love; and she never knew what it would be with out it. Oh big girl dont cry, he replies. Like a big girl, she tired to dry her eyes. After that she replies, One day I am going to leave. I desire to do something on my own. What, would that be my dear child Father replies? Undeniably, father, I know how to make my on decisions.

Wir fahren nachste Woche nach Australien (We will be going to Australia
next week referring too the German and father). Replying to, Wayne! Gib mir


die Zeitung! Wayne hands the German the newspaper, and reply Is there
anything else Sir? No that would be all for now Wayne, thank you. After that, Wayne left out of Maximilian in office. The German, client walks inside again, and he seated himself nearby father, and Courtney. Just a bit Courtney, could speak German get by. Throughout the time Ellis was visiting, he taught a few words. Today, she felt if that she was being unnoticed. Yet again, she surprise them all speaking German.

Wenn ich eine Million Dollar hatte, wurde ich mir ein grobes Huas bauen lassen.
Genuinely the German man, he smiles as she tired to speak, he understood her fairly well. Compassionately, father he replies to Courtney. Honey you have a considerable estates here in England. With this terrified appearance on her face. How could her rivalry with her brothers, and cousin over the Estates? She knew, exactly that the estates were passed down to the males relatives. He had realized that he was dealing with a strongminded girl. Shortly, after she began staring at the pictures on the walls, within a split second she thought amongst her cousins residing in the United States. At last, Maximilian, just about had come to an end for today; this way he could spend time with Mr. Waken shire and his client. A woman just walks into the door. Maximilian lifted his head, and there stood the most stunning creature, that he ever set his eyes on. Excuse, me Sir, she replies. Next, the tall German excuses himself, and he walks out of the office, and down the hallway too the elevator with the woman.


Still seated, father he then replies to his son. I may say son she was awfully attractive. Yes, she was utterly appealing. He commits to memory the chatter he had with Mrs. Smite this morning. Son you know that Marcus and your Uncle Lyle will be returning home soon. Of course father I know that. Can you hark back to the time Marcus was a baby boy, and we all suggest, that he should be taken always from is insane father. As a youthful boy he stays in the United States in the care of a good nanny for numerous years. Yes, father I do commit to memory of Uncle Chester insanity. Quite, well father, hes quite a grow-up boy now. Yes, father it would be great too see Marcus again. Besides, son I have not seemed him from the time when he was an offspring. He bares strong memories of my brother. So, there you and Marcus can take a visit to West, Side Care. Oh, can I go father, and see Uncle Chester? No sweet heart, it wouldnt be a great idea at this time, but soon. Okay! Of course, father. Courtney! Yes. So hurry alone to the estate, and I will be home shortly. Even if, she sought after throwing away her time today with Maximilian, it was fun seeing him. In the midst of everything he was extremely busy closing the firm prior to the holidays. Right away, he subjects Courtney depart to the estate straight away. Undeniably that was a terrific idea, and then father, he excuses himself, and goes into the lounge. The old woman, she returns to the lounge, with their coats and hats.


Straight away, Courtney runs headed for the lounge and next she grabs her coat and hat, and hurriedly she follows behind father. She knew it would be a magnificent surprise for everyone; factual Sebastian and Bartholomew would be coming to the estate to receive Uncle Lyle and Marcus. Out the lounge they left, and into the elevator, and downward it goes to the main lobby. Beyond the firm sat father limousine and James stood there, and as they were approaching he opens the door, and at once Courtney and father gotten inside. She takes a nippy glance back at the firm before they drove off. Alone the ride Courtney stares out the glass window, her thoughts of the moment Dylan laid a hand on her, and father he simply sat back and read the daily newspaper, and enjoying the ride, out of the large city, unto the rural area. On their way back to the estate, the countryside was so delightful and breathtaking to catch sight of far and wide scores of castles, ruins and lovely vineyards as they pass throughout the ride.




In the early hours Trail left out of the estate he had a game of ruby to play. Up out of her warm bed she climbs. Courtney she was ready to go, apart from she was in a bit hurry, and it was another dancing lesson for her. Out of her French doors, she goes, and passes by Dylan estate room. He seems quite still, and resting in, and perhaps he was not in the mood for dancing, Courtney chosen to go without him. By now the music was playing and Mrs. Query was waiting patiently for Courtney downstairs in the dance room. Straight to the dance room, she rushes down the hallway, and down the staircase. Bonsoir, Madame, she replies. Bonsoir, Courtney. Today was an awfully anxious day for Courtney, and she was extremely excited this week. It was Uncle Lyle, and Marcus homecoming, and she had not seemed them since last year and particularly it had been years since the entire family had seemed Marcus. Mrs. Query was awfully kind, so she suggested that they should have a half-session for today. Oh, Mrs. Query that sounds terrific. Sweat heart let us get started. Certainly! Well I suppose we will start without, Miss Abigail. Certainly, Courtney graciously replies. Hurriedly she sat on the bench lacing up her ballet shoes. After that she fleetingly, goes over before the barrel, and takes a peek at herself in the huge mirrors, the lights shimmer transversely in the room.


Within second Mrs. Query, claps her hands quickly, then she signal to Courtney. Okay, she yells. In a hurry Courtney runs over to the center of the dance room, and next she stood in a fine postural alignment, then she bend her lower leg, and grasp her ankle, but slowly, and after that she places the other foot resting it on the floor. Superbly, Mrs. Query replies. She began, with the, French exigu en dors a

terre...exigu en dors en lairTos en dors terre.repas . Tos-en dors en lair.

Courtney, she repeated each exercise twice, in a hurry. Develoope releve la

seconde pas de bouree (side, back and front) following floor turns and then she
cools down. She continues to repeat each exercise, as quickly as she possibly could. Okay, that was marvelous, and one more time, chapping her hands together. Once more, Courtney repeated the exercise. They can be awfully enervate. Courtney bends her left legs and slides her upper body into a lateral direction providing her body a perfect balance. Pushing away from the floor she turned swiftly into a pirouette, working her foot in a whipping action, while she pulls her other leg up into the retire position, exhaling she stood there. You are improving, Mrs. Query replies. Within no time, her session was over. She stops and braces herself. Relax, relax, and then cool down she replies. At last she had cool down, and was less rigid than before. After that, as Mrs. Query gathers her things. She sat on the floor removing her ballet shoes. Just keep practicing, she replies, you will be a magnificent Ballerina someday.





That was fantastic newss to here, from Mrs. Query. She was a dreadfully exigent coach and it was exceedingly thorny for anyone too has favorable toward in her class. After all, she was finish, and she was a bit tired, except she was extremely keyed up. Good-bye, Mrs. Query, Courtney replies. Good-bye, dear. Lastly, Mrs. Query left out of the dance room, down the huge hallways, and headed for the foyer. Good-bye, Revoir, she gently smiles at William has he politely opens the door. Mrs. Query left of the estate. William he closes the door behind her, and resumes his duties.




Uncle Lyle, and their cousin Marcus, and his twin brother Seth barely disembark in England is extremely cold it where told they will be arriving on plane and later by ferryboat through Dover port. Marcus, and Seth had meet up with Uncle Lyle through the terminal has he arrive. Seth, explain to him that he would be wearing his Lamb wool coats, English fur hat, and favorite jeans, and carrying a duff bag, and Marcus with his backpack, so that he wouldnt miss them. Father, his oldest brother Uncle Lyle; he had lives in the United States for a couple of years, nearby the coast areas, not very far were Marcus was coming from. They spotted Uncle Lyle seated at the terminal. Over here, they reply, Seth yells out. Marcus caught a sight of him, and his first impression seeing Uncle Lyle and England all over again was seeing the magnificent white cliffs of Dover. Great to see you! Well we need to hurry they both went rushing downward the terminal, at the rear was Uncle Lyle. Quickly, they had gotten into the ferryboat. The closer to England they were getting, their guides were extremely helpful answering questions and pointing out significant thing since Marcus, he has not seemed England for quite a while. On the ferry, Uncle Lyle, Seth and Marcus stops for an hour or so to have and Continental Breakfast and coffee.


It was desolate murky arid cold in England; a little ice had fallen upon them while he waited. The temperature was about 21 degree out. Ivan Ramiro Marlin ski drove the car in the direction to the bottom baggage claim area. Uncle Lyle knew that Ivan will be waiting for them both at the terminal; and like some of the other chauffeurs, he was wearing a traditional black suite, which tailored, to his fit, black shoes and a hat. He stood by limousine waiting uncomplainingly. In front of him were a bride and her groom, lending on a Rolls Royce with their nameplate embedded on the car. The groom was very tall, fine-looking guy, and he had very dark hair, and it appeared his eyes were a striking of a gray color exactly similar to eyes of a cat. Shivering from the brisk cold, they appeared cold, except they were cheerful. Stood beneath the closed window was the bride, she was really attractive in her white gown and there are tears in her eyes. It's the cold wind that makes her eyes water. Lastly, the groom pulls off his dress jacket, and he kindly slips it over her shoulders. Sharply, Ivan he takes momentary look, up at her, and the groom he gives the impression, as he did not care if Ivan was staring at his bride. The car Ivan glances at a distance, from the spot he stood. Many people were embracing the bride and the groom, and one another, and some of them were shaking hands right up until Uncle Lyle, and Marcus steps out of the terminal. After all, the couple, and their many friends gotten inside their cars, and they drove off. As Ivan glances at a distance as the cars drove away, it was quite


attractive from the rear where, tangle ornament, and writing written in white letters, Just Married. Barely, they reach the terminal. Their Luggages were already pick-up and inside the limousine. Hello, Mr. Livingston. Promptly Ivan opens the door and them gotten inside. It was warm, and cozy. After they were seated, Ivan drove off. Uncle Lyle he relaxes, and drew his head back toward the seat for a nippy nap. The windows where clear, and there was no frost at all. Marcus had spotted other travelers and people trying to defrosted their windows, as they pass by. He knew the road extremely well, and it barely taken him just a few hours, to arrive to the estate. Ivan he was handsome, and tall with dark hair and blue eyes. He chatted with Marcus and Seth on the drive to the estate. Ivan and Chafe were young boys when their parents died. Seth remembers that they were not much older than he, at that period of their lives. How is your youngest brother Chafe? We had millions of laugh together, by phone. Hes fine. Chafe at some stage in as a youthful boy, he departed separate to school. Oh, I see. Fair enough. Ivan was so blissful to see Marcus and Seth how well and superb they developed into a youthful male. Seth, had also grown-up, he looks freshly shaven. Marcus and Seth were the fifth, to the boys. Marcus well educated, did his studies in Sociology, and attended his schooling. Seth was bit unique than Marcus, and spoke with this modest accent. His adopted parents, kept, him going to that imprudent school.


I hate those damn schools, their made only for, smart kids. Naturally, Uncle Lyle replies. Those pretentious schools are stately. Who in the hell desires to spend their entire life there with a tutor? Uncle Lyle smiles, back at him. Matter-of-fact, the family will never let you turn them down, Seth. They, disgust me. He sinks into the car seated. Being a Livingston was awfully demanding, but someway another they all dealt with the family ruling. Have you written, or spoken to your father Marcus. Well, hes doing fine. You call that fine, in a mental hospital. Dude hes dwelling in one of those sickbay for insane people. I know that, Seth. Dont forget, lots of our families have been in and out of those types of hospitals_______________________. Man, thats crazy. Im for sure hes okay? Yes, indeed Uncle Lyle replies. He his well took care of. Plus its time for a visit, you two. Well, you can count me out, replies Seth. The old man never owned, up to us any way, so why now? Youre right, but I dont want you two to give up, hes still your father. You call that a father? Thats just a matter of speaking. He sick, Marcus replies. Marcus was such an understanding person, _______________ but Uncle Lyle knew that Marcus was not quite ready to see his father in that state of mind. Speaking of Seth, he beyond doubt doesnt give a damn. While, they were riding, the first raindrops fell on the car, and the coming storm began to fall; briskly the wind was whispering and blowing hard. By the air of the weather, Ivan said we may perhaps go too have a bad one. Possibly!




The limousine pulls up before the mansion best described as palatial it was black and shiny it sparkles like magic; and the wrought iron gates open into a lavish, rolling estate, at the center of which stands the goddess water fountain. Ivan pulls the car into the driveway and opens the door, motioning you toward the daunting double doors of the Livingston-Braun Estate. At last they were here, in England. Ivan gets out of the limousine, and opens the doors. Before long, they were out of the limousine, then together they goes inside the massive estate. William, he stood in the foyer, and next he greeted Uncle Lyle, Marcus, and Seth. Hello, Sir, he replies. Hello William. Father, comes out of the study, and greets his Uncle Lyle his brother, Marcus and after that Seth. Uncle Lyle he appears, distressed and tired, and he seems bit jet lag. William, replies, Sir may I get you a drink? Yes, William I take a triple


scotch on ice. One for you sons, William replies to Marcus, and Seth. No, Sir I believe I have a brandy, I take vodka Seth replies. Well I see someone had tolerance for liquor. Carina takes hold of their luggage, and Ivan go along with her with the extra large luggage. Straight to their estate rooms, they left out. Without delay, William, he requests Marissa to prepare the drinks. To the copious study, Marissa goes over to the bar, and quickly fills the glasses with liquor, and after that, she returns into the grand room with a tray of caf and tea, and in place of liquor on the table. Then she bring father a glass of cool ice tea top with a lime, and handed it to father and a glass of scotch on ice to Uncle Lyle. A drinker Father wasnt, except he, and his brothers always insisted on scotch or a brandy before dinner. As a young boy, occasionally father with his father would have wine on Church communion services. He somehow would remind us that, his Uncle Bryce was an alcoholic, and he swears he would never touch liquor, merely a glass for dinner. Instead________________________________, Marcus, choose to make his on drink, he headed for the bar. Father, was quite fond of Marcus, and knowing that he turned out to be a fine young boy, despite of his father Uncle Chester. He replies too Marcus, how long are you planning to stay son? Marcus, hesitated, before he spoke. He had just taking a sip of his drink, after that, he replies. Well, I was planning to stay about three week Sir, if there is no problem. Problem, youre certainly not a problem son, we have sufficient amount of space you can stay as long as you please. Seated, Seth sips on his vodka. If needed, and if there is a problem you


getting work here in England, perhaps you would like to come on board with our family businesses, or the law firm. Of course Maximilian always can use another assistant, and he would simply take under his wing. Definitely, Sir, I would love too, Marcus replies. Marcus was home again, and felt exultant giving father a genuine hug; and he really did not know how to thank him. What about, you Seth? Im a vagrant. Need, not to ask father he reply. That's, fine son. Thats that, father replies both are staying, even though they all knew how irritating Seth can be, other than they were off-springs of Uncle Chester and he carried a lots of weight in the family. Marcus had suffers anguish, and defeat, since of his fathers illness growing up as a boy. Their father, Uncle Chester was insane, and both boys were motherless. Truthfully, His plans were too returned to the United States, nevertheless, father insisted. Time flew bye while, father, Marcus and Uncle Lyle were exchanging their plans. Excuse me; Seth takes a step out of the study. Everything was clear in the air; Marcus was going to stay on. Uncle Lyle plans were to stay roughly about two weeks, and right after his stay it was business as usual. The entire state were delighted to have Marcus and Uncle Lyle home again; it was getting late, it was about 11:00 o clock, Uncle Lyle replies, Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. They all began too laugh together after dinner, so afterward the family all retired for the evening, before the hours of darkness. Early during the week, they all seated chatting at the lunch table.


Hurriedly, Dylan and Courtney excuse themselves. Leaving out of the room, Courtney her softly, she replies we are back for lunch. That is quite okay, her Father replies. I see those two have some on their agenda today, and what about the rest of you? They all got quiet for the moment. Dylan and Courtney dash to the cellar she laughs with him and giggle and holding each other tightly. Today, it was perfect, and they lithe seven candles, and spins the wine bottle. Silently closing their eyes, and repeating these words three times holding tightly to each other. While seated on the cold floor repeating, and utter these words three times aloud.

Father of the God Transform me to Another Person of the World, Father of the God Transform me to Another Person of the World, Father of the God Transform me to Another Person of the World
Yet again, they were enjoying themselves, yet again laughing and playing the game. Dylan was getting, and feeling closer to Courtney everyday.

For the second time they repeated the words, "Father of the God Transform me to Another Person of the World Father of the God Transform me to Another Person of the World, Father of the God Transform me to Another Person of the World,



Ellis calls Mrs. Smite; she walks in with this wholesomeness smirk from corner to corner of her face. Sharp-witted she was an older Dutch-American woman than their nanny Ms. Vaughn was. Mrs. Smite have been with their father for numerous years. In spite of this, she was so strict and very confident in her job. Never the less, we had to show her respect and no less. She immediately calls the family for lunch. Even supposing, Mrs. Smite one way or another ran the house, she had six others working beneath her. Abruptly, she replies, lunch would be ready in the Majestic Room. Trail bellow out! Why there, Mrs. Smite? The estate had three substantial dinning rooms, and one was the Majestic Room on the Westside of the estate. Trailed, hated the Majestic Room, he replying that the lighting there was, awfully bright during the day, and he insisted they should have lunch in the West Wing. Even though the West Wing was vastly apart of the estate, and no one desire too dine there. Father replies, Thats out of the question. As a result, this conversation was not getting anywhere. We all will have lunch in the Majestic Room, nothing else shall be said. Meekly, Courtney, she then replies to her father if at all possible I think the West Wing would be suitable for all us. Do you think so Uncle Lyle? I agree Sebastian replies. Mrs. Smite gave the impression that to us all this was very upsetting to her, concerning the change in the


dinning. Callously, Father he replies, that it make no different what he thinks, aside for Trail, he may eat were it pleases him, and preferably he rather we all dine together as a family. Trail had his heart set against, dinning in the, West Wing, and there was not a sound from, anyone. It was hard too argue with father. Mr. Livingston, the food is prepared in the Majestic Room, I will see for the other servants. Thats fine Mrs. Smite father replies. Mrs. Smite was the head servant and that is that, nevertheless, father shown great respect, for her, and none less. Abruptly Maximilian he, replies precisely aiding their father decision, during Uncle Lyles painful triumphs. Simply, the family they all gather in the, Majestic Room. It was wonderful decorated in dramatic silk and royal draperies frame the grand dinning room, a lofty huge window and French doors, with oversize chairs that sat, nearby the table. Finally, entire Livingstons all seated at the magnificent table. From wall to wall, and it was covered with custom oil paintings by Picasso in muted taupe and royal blue and gold tones. Above there heads were two breath-taking chandeliers, and a unique majestic carved walls and ceiling. Marcus, Seth and Uncle Lyle were home, and spread out on the vast buffet, where English breads, Scallops on a Broad Bean Puree, Scottish Lobsters. At once the servants were bringing trays, of food and as well as with salads that had apples, spicy dressing. Stood, at the end of the table was the Sommelier handles wine bottles,


which was one of Fathers favorites, and it was the best Red wines, they call it, King Corel. Arian starts filling up their striking sparkling glasses with the wine, there after Ellis then replies, Let all bow are heads. Politely they all bowed their heads, along with Father proclaim, states that he give Sebastian, the permission, too lead the family in pray. He, said a wonderful prayer, and soon after they began too eat and chat. The night was darken, and at the end of the day, they all were back into the great study, then Father he walks over just before the pool table and Ellis follow at the back of him. Skillfully, Father and he played pool. You two Chad, do you care to join us? Marcus, Seth replies, No thank you we rather watch. Why ask, them two are hardly dry behind the ears. For some reason, Ellis calls Ivan out of rage. Yes, sir, he replies. Ivan, I would like you to have the car ready within and hour; and his tone were rudely. Was there something wrong? Dam what is the hold-up; and I in no way seem such leisurely staff, he was replying to the servants. Promptly, Arian brings a tray, and at once, and she places the refreshments and drinks on the table. Blunt reaches over and grabs, himself something. Father, endure Ellis manners simply subjecting him to live on his own. Accordingly, to the family, there seems, to be a power struggle when Father and Ellis, were together, and all Ellis would talk concerning his money. Consequently, Father worthwhile retains his authority, and by no means seems to give in to Ellis, and neither had he given in on Trail. Whereas they were playing pool, father, he continued


to remind, Ellis that, he not that dam old, and surely he not dead. Rarely, the family sees father distress. Okay since you will have concluded. Respectably, Dylan speaks; trying to change the subject with them two was somewhat difficult. Father how about we all go skiing? We always enjoy Breckenridge and your house was great. . This will be our best skiing trip ever! Wonderful place, great hot tub and superb skiing, thanks so much. It was bloody freezing outside and I knew what the cold could do to bare flesh! Maybe I could wait just a few more hours. I could not. Skiing? Father, he hesitated within seconds. I loved when you all anywhere a bit-tiny, my children. Everything was so easy to settle on. I do remember father they merely could ride bicycles or sled. Sled! That is for kids. Yes of course. What shall it be, two week in Switzerland, a different week _________________________________in Australia, and one more week in Aspen? Father was sufficient to grasp throughout all they would say. Very sharp, Dylan, so what is it you need? Nothing father, I thought it would be a great outing and it would be great fun and adventure, and I have especially fond memories of our trip to Britain. It would be terrific Courtney, graciously replies. Yes, father, Ellis replies, let Little Princess make the decision, concerning this trip. Oh, can I, father? Most, certainly, my dear, child, and of course she adores, traveling and visiting country such as, and maybe Australia will be her next destination. ... Indeed, son you must have something in mind. Oh, it is obliged to be the other cars he spoke, around. What car?


Marcus, strike up another conversation. Yesterday I saw the ad in a magazine where some person pops up and complains at how he loved snowboarding. Snowboarding, that sounds like fun. Father, adores skiing, and I can see you now putting on your skis... Yelp! To the best ski resorts, mount Vista in Queenstown New Zealand. They all laughed, You got it Princess. Apparently, they knew, Uncle Lyle truly enjoys being with them. I had, not forgotten how much I enjoyed skiing. As a kid, I joked about the almost pathological addiction of my father to skiing. My family enjoyed a lavish lifestyle, which father and his sidling were extremely close and shared many interests including skiing. Okay where? Wait a minute. Oh, would it be Switzerland? Oh, we all can go too Australia or Aspen? Thats superb place, and enjoying the slopes, it is New Zealand. Who say so? Quite frankly, Ellis, replies, I never really enjoyed skiing, because of a number of factors__________________. Oh, Ellis. Wait let me explain, for you jump your guns. Leave it up to you we will never go, replies Sebastian. I never stopped you guys before, right? As I was saying, father simply enrolled, Maxi-Milan and I in skiing classes, and it's was difficult. I broke my leg. Oh, Ellis, Courtney replies. After is explanation, he was voiceless. Well, I tell you one thing, the slopes are hot, but count me out on this one. I too, replied Maximilian. Oh, Maxi. Sorry kidos! Definitely, all should be ready and pack by next week. Next, he, strike up a conversation, He hark back to, during the time father had


giving him sum of money, It was two million dollars on his fifth teen birthday. Father, do you remember giving Ellis, those two million dollars. Most Certainly, I do son. I dont forget were I put my money. They were young boy at the time. During, that time, naturally, Ellis was on a vein of spending his wealth lavishly in the United States, showing off his wealth in his venturesome investments lost of $4000, 000 in the stock market cash at age of nineteen. He was the second to the oldest, from Maximilian, and he had always gotten what he sought after, and when ever he desires it. Father and his brothers adored Ellis, even though many of times they were quite disappointed, in his adventures, and his racial behavior toward, many. About is stay in the estate Ellis became unsympathetic with the servants at times, and comparing, them undeserving people. Maximilian, sometimes mentions, with the purpose of Ellis earning a highly an adequate amount of cash, which was appropriate for his lifestyle, except father would always endow him with sum of money. _________________It was getting late, but their chatting went on, and Dylan knew exactly what to say keeping Ellis allays for the nightfall. Unpredictably, they heard a giggle, and everybody turns about. Oh, my God, Cobra replies. "Little Miss Sunshine, Ivan, and Abigail walks in, smoking a cigarette. She embraces, and gives him a kiss upon his lips. Obviously, you could see she was not staying for lunch. Help clarify this dilemma; Miss Sunshine, she turned into a sexy person, Seth, and Blunt were two precocious


boys. Hello, Father Abigail replies, with this devious smile upon her face. Sunshine, she glances over toward Marcus, "Oh...puu...the sexy ones are always taken. Everyone, watch, while Abigail presses, her body against Ivan leg, and downward his slacks she ran her gentle hand. What is that? "What are you wearing? Sunshine, provocative clothing made Seth and Blunt a bit excited. Her clothing was thin, see-through material. It was extremely cold out. It is my new look, do you like it. Both her, and Abigail look like sleuths. Abigail father, Uncle Lyle held his head down, in disgrace____________________________. I do agree that I am older, but I would agree that her clothing is not the finest alternative we expected. Nonetheless, these two young girls don not seem to have a clue about how she materializes. Surely, you miss me dearest daddy? Abruptly he replies. Abigail, get out of here. Blunt and Seth was blissfully high. Ivan stood there holding Abigail hand. He doesnt see anything wrong in what she is wearing. Father, she replied. What you are ashamed of me? No, Abigail. Ellis, abruptly he replies the word is embarrassed. She is fucking sexy! Seth, somewhat you should learn how to keep your mouth shut. Oh, for heaven, Im sorry I mention it. See, father Seth, had terrific liking in clothing the young girl said. Seth had nothing, but one thing on his mind and that is girls, and drugs. Sure, I had problems with drugs but, Im for sure Im not the only one out there. Well, dont mention me; replied Blunt, I only smoke pot. Pot is a drug. I


know, but its great, you should try it. No, thanks. All at once, Abigail began to parade about the bulky buffet, grabbing food, from the platters. Blissfully, high, Blunt sat there gazing at Abigail. She was one of the rare youthful teen who can strip off all, and he was waiting for the excitement. Tugging on Ivan pants. Her, father glances over at her, and shouted Abigail that enough young lady. Someone get here out of my face. Why father, you desire to touch me? She began to act and behave wildly. Unpredictably, Ivan picks her up and she grab hold to his neck, and then she starts kissing her on the neck. Uncle Lyle was awfully up-set watching her. Right now, prior to me doing something unreasonably, get her out of my sight. Yes, Sir, Ivan replies. He carries; she out of the room, following at the rear was Bunt, and Seth. You could hear them laughing and giggling all the way through the sizeable halls. Uncle Lyle was so furious, at her and he couldnt eat another bite of his food. Heated without a word, he raises up from the table, and left out of the room. Wordlessly, everyone sat and eats their food. Down the massive hallway, swiftly Abigail runs, toward the pool. She pulls offs all her garments, and jumps right in the water. The water it splashes, about the tile floor. Ivan merely stood, there by the pool watching her swim. Seth and Blunt stood on the other side of the pool________________________________________. You, care for any? No, thanks I had enough. Abigail was completely nude, and unaware of anything else that was physically happening. Get, in, she cried out to them. Blunt, and Ivan


began removing their clothes, and gotten inside the pool. The water was cold as ice. Shit, its freezing in here. She looks up at, Seth, and start splashing water on him. Get in. Next she pulls herself up, from the water, the water dribble down her body. Seth, glances over in her direction, and between her soft legs, you could see strands of silky blonde hair on it. She, was awfully tempting, except why bother. All you could see was her soft pink breasts, and vagina. He knew that Ivan truly had eyes for Abigail and for tonight. They couldnt even keep their hands off one another. Ivan grabs hold to her and, quickly he carries her off. The lights were dim, and Seth sat there on the pool floor smoking, a bag of pot, and Blunt puts his clothes back on and join him. A reflection of a shadow, it creeps across the water. Not a sound. Dude, you see that? What! I so fucking high, I can see everything. Seth, raises himself up, and left out of the pool room and behind him the lights gone out. Blunt lay there, and drifted off to sleep. Through, the court yard garden, hurriedly, Ivan and Abigail goes too her estate room. After that she pulls Ivan on the bed. Steadily, he ongoing kisses her and, running his hands down and caressing her body. She smelt so pleasant; she had this enviable body scent, of a flower. Anna! Anna! Were in the hell are you? Afterward replying to her, yelling, you stupid Bitch! She wants Anna to prepare, dinner for them two. All of a sudden, water started to run, and it was Anna. Submissively, Anna replies, Miss Abigail your bath is ready. She had place fresh clean towel, and


her bath had carnation pebbles, of a romantic, fruity floral fragrance, very subtle, scent was in the atmosphere. Momentarily, she takes a glimpse at Abigail and Ivan lying on the bed nude, no doubt, he was in love with Abigail; she had such a lovely body. The majority of the time she spent her days lying nude in her bed. Unsympathetically she spoke to Anna. Please leave my dam room and What in the fuck youre looking at? Get out! Get out of my dam room. All out of the blue, Ivan replies out, did not you hear her? At once, Anna, she runs out of Abigail room, crying. Largely Anna, she fell head in excess of with Ivan, someway another she sought after to marry him. Other than, she was so irritated with Abigail. Abigail has a delightful room and stunning chandeliers; she had luxurious cushions as well as giftware to crisp cotton bed linen and superbly dark hand crafted dresser furnishings from England. Seth returns to the Majestic room, and lend his body against the walls. The boys were dreadfully excited to have Marcus home. At last, they all left the table, and father and the others returned to the study. Seth he managed to escape the corps hall without too many questions from Father. He followed, the boys, down the stairs into the huge basement. All and All, they where full of laughter, they could remember the time the visit to this old house, the most interesting part was in the clubhouse a huge rat was downstairs in the basement jumping up and down. Down in the


basement, were cars ranging from three Mercedes, two Aston Martin Vanquish, which one was Dylan, and two Maserati, and three Ferraris and a couple of safari jeeps and motorcycles. Awesome man, what a collection cars, Seth he replies. On the flipside, of the basement stood two powerful jets and a small private plane, which their Uncle Lyle loves to fly when he visits England. Pick any one car, except your father, our Uncle they remark, he left you that steam racer silver Lotus. It is all yours. For me? Seth was surprise. Bluntly, Bartholomew remarks, he also replies if you dumb ass could drive it. They chuckle, and Marcus knew that his father never care must for him, except he did leave him something. Marcus takes a glance in the direction near the rear of the basement, there's one car was tightly covered. Hey, why is these two cover? Marcus, un-covers one that fathers specially, had for him, the black Lutos. Never, had a car, that cost as much as this one. Marcus he was render speechless. They both were flabbergasted, where are we starting the race,'' said Seth who will start third... Awesome, he remark. Father forever, kept them in the will and inheritance of the family. The last time they all take into account when Marcus was very young no more than year, he was six of age when his father went insane. He was committed in the England Hospital. He was not prepared too see his father, but it was time. Supposedly, next week Uncle Lyle is taking him to the hospital to pay a quick visit to his father Uncle Chester.




The family owned fifth teen horses on their estate, whereas their horses where bred for, excel in the equestrian for the lessons, disciplines and jumping. The older horses are allowed to walk about in the meadow during summer. On the other side of the stable is a burial ground where rows of marble slabs mark the resting places of the favorite horses, and waiting in the stables a few horses where already geared up for riding. The large stable has two-storied building of stone, which it is surrounded with a round tower at one side fifth teen stalls and a small semicircular room, in which formerly was kept the harness, are in the area below. As she approaches, Shadow, Rococo, instantly she spotted Medieval, and then Midnight he was hanging his incredible head out of his stall. Father he had spent at less $160,000 for each origin Egyptian Arabian horses. One name Seabird, the other Aztec and each horse were unique in personality no two horses act or behave exactly alike. In high spirits Courtney, hurriedly about and runs alone to jaunt her horse Celli. Sebastian saddles the horse for her. Why not you ride Shadow, you should from time to time? I love riding Shadow, except I desire to ride Celli. She grabs hold of Celli instead, and secretly, she was breaking Celli in for some reason. Apparently, her friend Mia was coming to England. At this point she was not quite sure, when Mia was going too visit. Within second Marcus replies, Terrific idea Courtney. Celli had never been broken in, so it will be


grand for her to get out of the stables. Each horse was saddle in, and Marcus, and Seth grabs their favorite horse. Marcus was an excellent rider. Slowly, they all were saddles on to their horses and down the long trail they left. Oh Sebastian lets talk about you becoming a doctor. A doctor! Yes, hes desire to come a doctor. Maybe I will try both a doctor and a Lawyer. Oh, Sebastian you are so smart. I thought your desire to become this famous doctor. Yes, Indeed. So how many years would it takes. I suppose it would take somewhat about 6 years, or more to be the best doctor. Of course, I can. Not so! Yes, I can. Well, listen to Mr. brainy. Mind your own business Sebastian, he replies too Seth. Oh, Sebastian dont, let his smartness bother you. Kind heartily, he remarks, surely I am not let anybody bother me. They rode on, down the trail and pass the pond. Hey, Courtney I over heard you speaking to Mia. Is Mia coming to England? Yes, maybe I truly dont know. I will be sending for her during the fall. You are sending for her? Yes! How are you sending for her? Sebastian! Well just asking. Why it is any of your concern, brutally replies Dylan. Its none of your concern. So, stopped probing her? Dont worry yourself Princess, hes merely jealous. Jealous! Dam right you are. What is the matter with you two? Sebastian tried terribly hard to ignore him. Why was he so, infuriated? Okay guys stopped it. What is the matter with you Dylan? In some way, she vowed them with her cleverness and she did not desire either of them to be upset. So, you are paying for her trip. Dammed shut-up! I am sick and tried of


you telling me to shut-up. Do you have to repeat the same dumb, stupid, cockamamie question? Give me a break Sebastian cries out. A break you say? Yes! You two sound so ridiculous, remarks Marcus. May I ask, Who ask you? Nobody! He bellows, out at Marcus. Oh, shut-up! Let end this. It seemed, as this chat is not going anywhere. Jealousy, jealousy! Unexpectedly, he replies. Okay, lets see who gets back to the stable first. Hasty they jaunt their horses, and grabs hold the rings. Okay guys! Courtney you go first. Sure, let go she replies to Celli. Very firmly, she held on too her rings. Speedily it had taken off. Off they, chanted, and the horses were moving like fire. Sebastian was first and at the rear he was Marcus, aside from Dylan, and Seth was high again and actually didnt care. He pulls out of his pocket a case, which it had cigarettes and he lithe it and taking a drag, and gave a puff to Dylan. Within spitting distances, the stables appeared closer, and it was awfully hard for her too win against Sebastian, and Marcus, they were superb rider. Chanting, and Sebastian and Marcus their horses jaunting, about their heads and noses, where pointed straight ahead, then Seth. Even though she began first, she fell at the rear of them, and taking a glimpse back, for Dylan. She spotted him and Midnight was limping. Leisurely Dylan was getting closer to her. Without hesitating she replies. What happen? Nothing truly he replies. Little by little Dylan, was getting closer and he was waking besides Midnight smoking, he, sipped a big one, stopped a minute. I tried to jump a hole; apparently, I must hit something else. I just was trying to take a short cut through the land. At the top of the hill were Marcus and Sebastian.


Loudly they, laugh out loud. Right away Sebastian reaches to help Courtney off her horse. Boorishly Dylan replies. Sebastian! Why do not you leave her alone and, try to keep your god dam hands off her, then straight away Dylan pushes him away. Abruptly, Sebastian spoke, what a fruitcake. Unexpectedly, Sebastian spoke. Oh, he tried to cheat. Oh, Sebastian does not be so ridiculous. You dont even have an idea where your head is. Killers, hen impolitely replies. Why are you being so possessive with her? Sebastian was somewhat confused a bit, and he came to a decision, and then he retreated from Dylan. Straight away, Dylan headed in the direction of the stables. Hello, Mr. Brookshire. Hello, labs, and Miss Courtney. I say did you enjoy the ride. Oh, Mr. Brookshire, she replies; it was breathtaking, and of course, Dylan had an obstacle. What was the obstacle dear, then Mr. Brookshire, he sort of laughs? He was waiting patiently for their return, and another time, he replies, shall I obtain the horses. No, Sir, they replied, I believe we could handle it from here; and you may lend a hand to Courtney if you please. Absolutely, Sir! At that point, Mr. Brookshire takes Courtneys horse. Oh, by the way, Mr. Brookshire, could you watch over Midnight, I believe his left foot is a sort of weak. Certainly, Ill keep and eye out for Midnight. Later Ill come back check on him throughout the hours of darkness, therefore Mr. Brookshire, had know idea, that Dylan and Sebastian, were racing their horses. Dylan, he accidentally his horse hits a hole through the trail, and he was taking a short cut.


At last Sebastian, he takes Zero to the stables, and after that Courtney replies, Sebastian are you coming with us? No! I am going to wash Zero down, and then brush him, before he goes off to sleep. . Is feeling were hurt, and he was absobloody-lutely sick to tire of Dylan remarks, and that awful wishy-washy attitude. Within a spilt seconds, accomplish with his two dogs, Trail barely arrived at the stable. When did you get here Trail? We thought that perhaps you desire to ride with us. Oh! I was out playing a game of Rugby. How was the game? This has been a crappy day for me, Trail replies. Trail, was sort of the passive type, and he spent many hours alone. Gradually, he kisses Princess upon her beautiful cheeks. Kindly, he replies, How was the ride, Courtney? Splendid, she replies. I just could not keep up with Sebastian, and unbelievable Dylan had and accident. Sebastian he won once more. Oh, I bet Dylan was unhappy about that. Unquestionably, he was upset as usual. Very impressive I was; I kept up with Sebastian when Dylan hit a hole. Firstly, we turned about, and there was no sight of Dylan. Mr. Brookshire brought, Trail his horse, then he replies, Mr. Brookshire, I will be out for about a couple of hours. Absolutely Sir, and quickly Trail grabs a hold on Medieval his horse. Duke and Dumas, loved to run the wooded trails, so they accomplished Trail on his ride. Before he left, he replies. Mr. Brookshire, Duke and Dumas will need a bath after their return. Okay, Sir, I see


you after your ride. Have a nice one. Dylan returned to the estate. Courtney, and Sebastian they waited until, Trail left. Even if Mr. Brookshire was, the

horses attendance Sebastian prefers to pamper his on horses. Their other horses Medieval, Shadow, Rococo, and Midnight were each one was top-quality costing father about $270,000 pounds. Sebastian left and goes to the other side of the stables. Horses in fact obsessed him, he comparing too father both were excellent riders. He spent most of his time in the stables helping the horse Maxey, the handlers and Mr. Brookshire, and caring for horse could be daunting. Sebastian horses are origin from England it cost Uncle Weston about $135,000 each. He had, two awfully, superb Hackney ponies and the other one was an Egyptian Arabian stallion. One names Incas, and the other Suarez and Zero was the stallion. Actually, Dylan didnt even mention that he heard or seem something like a ghost, and the mist Midnight was terribly startle. Soon after, Duke and Dumas goes dashing down the hill and down the estate yards into the wooded area. Dylan was so high off, the grass he takes in, smokes, that he forgotten to tell Trail what happen. Nevertheless, he was out of sight, and rapidly Duke and Dumas headed for large pond. Dashing, into the warm water they both were excited. He robe roughly and hour, and later, he as getting rather famished. He stops. The wooded areas, was peaceful, and there were no sound, except you could barely hear the birds. Mounted on his horse, was a water bottle, and a wool cashmere blanket, he rolled it out and sat down, and had his lunch. Oh,


great, he replies, one of the servants pack his favorite, and it was roasted beef on rye bread, a few bit of beef chuck, just enough for Duke and Dumas. After their mid lunch, they lie down next to Trail. Every thing was quiet, and Medieval wonders in the direction of the pond. Trail, he lay down between Duke and Dumas for a nippy nap. Unexpectedly, he felt a pulled on his ankles. He thought maybe he was dreaming, and he tussle in his mind and cries out except know one could hear him. He could not awaken from his sleep. The pull was harder and harder, he felt as somebody was grasping his legs down. Right away awakens. He calls out for Duke and Dumas, and Medieval, was no were insight. Swiftly jumps to his feet, he was sweating from the frighten encounter. His hands were like ice, he could barely swallow, and then he begins to fill the pain in his ankles. Speedily he rolls up his pants legs to see the pain. There were bruised and scared. How this could be, he replies. His ankles protected, with best cotton Scottish socks. At hand was no one in sight. He gathered his things, and began too rolls the cashmere blanket upon a hurry. On his feet, he started back too the estate. It was getting, dust, dawn and the moon being to flicker all the way through the trees. The darkness fell quickly; he could hear the clamor of a weeping owl from a distant. In high speed he began to pace the road. Unexpectedly, he heard noises coming from the woods, the leaves rattle as something moved it seems as it was getting more rapidly and closer. Out of the blue he stops for a moment, there were not


anything or no one was near. Swiftly________________________ a raucous breeze of wind and dust scuttle right in front of him, not letting him see what was coming next. Yet, again, the wind it whispers transversely the land, he utter to himself, where be those worthless Duke and Dumas? Dreadfully frightened; his heart felt as it stopped, all a sudden it being bounding as steady as it could. Artlessly Trail continues to walk rapidly, and it was getting unpleasantly cold. In next to no time he was closer to the estate; all out of the blue Duke and Dumas comes dashing down the hill. This was not what he had planned. The dogs followed at the rear of he walks a bit and go to the stables. Saddle down, he found Medieval, in his stall clean. Unknown, and h is curiosity rising, of what a short time ago just occur to him. Exhausted and tired from his long hike. How could he explain; he was so sleepy and the pain gotten unbearable to his ankles, next he goes inside the estate to his room. In his room the candles were already lithe, and they were flickering about. He sat in his chair, and began to pulls his shirt and pants off to see the bruises_________________________________________ they were hideous, and he never seemed before, afterward he goes into his bath to shower. He ought to attend his schooling in England, except he felt extremely tire, for the evening, and the darkness settle in. Everything was silent; he became mystified by the marks that were left on his ankles. He began to speak, other languages, but he still had a French


accent. Lust, was in his eyes, after the encounter with Mrs. Broxton. Night after night, a tutors would in up in his bed. Innumerable days he always had his desires women sleeping with him. First light, he would have one of the servants to bring to his estate room, breakfast, but it was Scarlet wine, and a bit of French toast_________________________. Many of the servants would accomplish him in his bed. His studies, at hours of darkness and he would spend incalculable hours in researching on all types of wines, rocks and minerals. Blunt knew that Trail was leaving. Quickly, Blunt puts his ruggedly outfit, pants and jacket sort of barbarian style, and Trail he like wearing his black leathers suits and his riding booths, and hanging from them were these silver chains and buckles. Come on boys both dogs jump to their feet. Next Trail departs out of his estate room, and wearing a pair of dark sun glasses. One of the servants where rather baffled by Trails appearance, they watch him as he left out, and they did not utter a worded. Without turning back, he walks near the east garaged were his motorcycle sits. The two dogs follow at the rear of him. He goes inside, the garage, and quickly grabs his helmet and started his motorcycle. Blunt was already to go, he was seated on his bike, smoking a cigarette. Hey, you ready. Sure, man. What happen to you last night?


"Nothing!" You look weird. Oh, shut up its nothing. So you say. Quickly, a few of his friends, pulls up and could hear the thunderous roaring sound of their motorcycles. Slowly, he pulls off; and he follows at the rear of them on his Triumph Rocket III motorcycle. Suddenly he was out of sight and shortly after Duke and Dumas, return inside the estate.




The day was gloomy and cold. The sun was shimmering a bit beneath the clouds. Ivan was off today, and the morning has arrived. Today was the day Marcus going to visit his father Uncle Chester? He was not looking forward toward this, since his father has not seemed him in quite a long time. James was outside waiting for Father and him in the limousine________________________. They both had gets inside the car. Are you ready son? Yes, Sir Marcus replies. Surely, it want take long, but the ride will do you some good. At once James drove off. Marcus looks outside the window staring at nothing while the car was moving. Gently father padded him on his knee to reinsure him everything was going to be okay. Take your time James we are not in a hurry. Okay, Sir! They went on. The sight of the pastures, land and other large and ruins castles were a little release for Marcus. About a half a mile was Uncle Weston Estate and nearby was his father 61-room estate, which it has been close up for numerous years. All of a sudden James he stopped the car, and Father, desire was to have Marcus to see his father estate. Soon they were there, and they gotten out of the car. At a far-off you could actually see Uncle Westons estate it sat up just before the front and, slightly at the side and the ear of the main estate. Each estate had numerous of acre of royal superbly wooded forestry with strolling, and running trails.


Sure they rather joined_________, and each where divides the estate walls, and they were about 5 miles apart. Magnificent foliage and shrubbery planted over 1000 years ago; and part of it used as hunting grounds. Back to Uncle Weston estate, seated on the, opposite side of the estate was a scenic fishpond;__________________________________________________________ it had the most fascinated bird and ducks, and was majority of the time Sebastian would bring Courtney over to help feed the birds and ducks. It was beautiful to see; finally, they were back inside the car, and I merely taking about an hour to get their James he knew the roads well.





Stood in front of them was well-built gray secrecy brick building, and it seemed as it had hundreds of rooms. With in seconds James he pulls up in front of the large building. A man with a blue suit comes out and opens the door. Good-afternoon Sir, he replies. Marcus and Father get out of the car. Quickly the man he opens the hospital door. Father and Marcus walks in and the man followed them inside the lobby__________________________. Scarcely, anyone was inside the huge lobby. Spread, roughly near a sizeable, windows were plants and flowers, it was so silence, and you could barely hear a pin drop. Another thing the floor shines unsteadily like glass. Finally, a woman with a white jacket comes over, and she knew exactly whom we were visiting_____________________. Good-afternoon Sir, with this unbecoming deep voice, she replied. Every one seemed as their where manage like robots. At last, Marcus and father followed the lady with the white jacket down the hall. Hundreds, of pictures and plaques, lined on the walls, making it give the impression of a gallery. Even, if it was very costly, but it appears, as body was alive. It was awfully depressing, and giving you the notion of a huge hotel, but without any guests or visitors. At last, they were at a bulky cold door, and the lady, she open it. It was great____________________Marcus have gotten that chance to see his father. His bed was neat as a pin, and he had fresh flowers, and a nice chair


setting. It almost looks like an office, with a small couch, phone and books. Uncle Chester sat there facing the windows sitting in a wheelchair. Hello, brother, Father Replies. Hi, he replies. Quickly, Marcus replies, hello father. Unkindly, Uncle Chester replies, who in the hell is thats? Oh, it is I Marcus replies. It wasn't easy to explain to his father, that he was is son. I am your son. I have no sons you fool. Oh, Chester does not be so unsympathetic toward the boy. What boy, he quickly replies. A nurse comes into his huge room. Unexpectedly, he moves his wheel chair to a different spot. He mumbling saying he did not have any sons, and a name of a person, Collier, Collier. Marcus has only a muddy idea what he was mumbling about. Who is, Collier? Hes insane and all at once unspoken words. Somehow father, he tried to remind him of Marcus, he had taken abundant of pictures, but he had destroyed, and broken them all. The frames were found in the trash, their school pictures of him and Seth as they were growing, and send back to the estate. It has been, quite sometime since father had visited his brother, something like a year. Marcus spoke. I tried to call numerous times Father, but somehow you would not take my calls. Not a word was from him. Uncle Walter places his coat down, on the large chair and he began too chat with him. Out of know where. What in the hell are you here for?


Do you recall Seth? No, damn it! Seth this, Seth that, and why in the hell should I know him. We are your sons. What, sons! With this, harden look Father replies. I thought that perhaps you wish to see Marcus your son. Strictly, Uncle Chester, yells Nurse, Nurse, get this fool out of here. Get out! Get out! He was angry and mad. Get out! He shouted loudly. He was going mad, and Marcus did not know what to say to his father. Father I am here to see you, he sympathetic replies. He goes over toward the window, and then he glances out the large hospital window. Sorrowfully, he replies, I love you father. Uncle Chester did not care. You dam foolish boy_____________________! Crying like a baby, cruelly, he replies. No you're not my son, and I dont have a son___________. Get the hell out of here! Uncle Chester started yelling and shouting. You Fool! He cries out to father. Fleetingly, two nurses and a doctor run in the room. Sir, sir, immediately the doctor replied. These are your visitors. Once again, callously, his father replies, I have no visitors__________________________________. So get them the hell out of here. Father he glances over toward Uncle Chester, and then stated, That enough damn it Chester. Leave the boy alone, you are hurting his feeling. Oh, shut up you dam fool you call them feeling. I have never seemed this kid. So why should I see him now. Father, Marcus pleaded, I have tried


countless times, but you wouldnt listen. Why did you come here? Surely, they thought, it would clear his mind and his illness. Get this fool out of here! I will say it a thousand times. I do not have any sons! Get him out of here, now! Mr. Livingston-Braun, Mr. Livingston, one nurse cried out. Shortly after, the doctor and nurse tried to calm Uncle Chester down, but somehow that did not work either__________________________. Yelling and shouting he was about to leap from his wheel chair. A mental strain was in his voice; he was sounding crazy, and repeating these outlandish expressions about Marcus_____________. Furiously, he pushes one of the nurses, and unpredictably he grabs the other by her hair. Forcefully, he grips a hand full of her hair, and then he would not let go. Uncle Chester was a very strong man for his age. Mr. Livingston, Mr. Livingston, she extremely yells. Nothing they could do to retrain him. Silently, Marcus stood their almost paralyzed. Marcus felt so_________horrible seeing his father that way. It was heartrending staring at him, while they administer the medication. Finally, they had to give him an injection. Marcus and father watch Uncle Chester, as he squirms in his wheelchair. The medication was calming him down. It appears, to be making him drowsy. At once the doctor releases his hands from the tension of one of the nurses hair. The other nurses, kindly, she replies_____________________. Sir, you must leave immediately.


He is in no condition to see anyone, now. Seated in his polished wheelchair, Uncle Chester appeared dreadfully helpless and miserable. He was weakening by the medication. Plainly for the reason both father and Marcus strong-willed to leave the room. Down the polish hallway___________________and out of the hospital double doors. Outside, there was an over cast of rain in the air. It was gloomy and coldly. The clouds were darkening, exactly as Marcus heart darkened about his father. He takes a nippy glance, to the rear of the hospital, and silently stood a man staring outside the window from the second floor. He knew that Seth was right in away, that their father was crazy, but the pain, and torment he felt. At last the limousine pulls up, father, and Marcus gets in. They heard this horrifying cry, as they were pulling away from the hospital.








I resided in Fayetteville, North Carolina in the mid South and I have obtained a B.A. degree in Business/Secretary. Beside, being married, and know divorce, I have visited and lived in, Europe Which I have travel, places such as Spain, Italy, France, Austria, Belgium, I also have exploit Puerto Rico, and travel scarcely the entire Island and visited Cancun Mexico. I do have studies in Interior Design and Professional Modeling which I am merely 5'6. apart from being a bit of English and British, and I speak a tiny bit of Spanish, French, German, and Arabic, that what make my book unique.












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