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Although certain ideas or types of knowledge can be taught, ethical matter cannot, because it is a matter of individual choice

Ethics could be taught, but some people do not learn the lessons well
The general conclusion can be drawn; we tend to think of ethics as the set of values or principles held by individuals and groups. Each individual has his own ethics and groups also have sets of values with which they tend to identify, we can think of ethics as a study of the various sets of values that people do have. This could be done historically and comparatively, for example or with a psychological interest is determining how people form their values and when they tend to action them. Ethics also can be thought as a critical enterprise. We would then ask whether any particular set of values or beliefs is better than any other. Are there good reasons for preferring them? We will examine various ethical values and types of reasoning from a critical or evaluative stand point. This examination will also help us come to a better understanding of our own and various societies values. Ethics is a branch of philosophy. Ethics or moral philosophy asks basic questions about the good life, about what is better and worse, about whether there is any objective right or wrong, and how we know if there is, although not everyone agrees on what philosophy is, let us think of it as a discipline or study in which we ask and attempt to answer-basic questions about key areas or subject matters of human life and about pervasive and significant aspects of experience

My project is a result of the inspiring and thoughtful guidance and supervision of my project guide Prof. Komal Kamra, I am deeply indebted to her whose help, time, support, inspiration, stimulating suggestions and encouragement helped me in all the times of research and writing of this report. This project has widened my horizon to various areas under general knowledge regarding the practical and real aspects of Business Ethics. This has added to the real importance of including the subject in BMS course. Last but not least, this PROJECT has definitely helped me to achieve something, which will be useful to us in near future and hence am thankful to all persons who have helped in gaining such useful knowledge. To end with, I thank the people who helped me indirectly but without their assistance this project was not possible. I thank all my friends and dear ones for their kind support.

Table of Contents
Sr. No.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Code of Ethics Business ethics Code of Ethics in Business Types of Ethics Five Sources of Ethical Standards Business Code of Ethics Business Ethics and Values Ethics important in Business Ethical Management is crucial to Business success Ethics at the Workplace Work Ethics Professional Ethics Laws Enforcing Ethical Conduct Ethical Dilemma Business Ethics and Professionalism 10 benefils of Managing Ethics in the Workplace 8 guidelines for Managing Ethics in the Workplace Ehtical Issues Reasons for Unethical Practices Suggestions for Ethical Decision making The Ethics Role of Human Resources 1-6 7-9 10 - 14 15 - 18 19 21 22 25 26 28 29 30 31 37 38 41 42 43 - 44 45 57 58 63 64 66 67 69 70 71 72 73 74 76

Topics Covered

Page No.

20. 21. 22.

Business ethics and the HR role: past, present and future Ethics and People Management Conclusion

77 82 83 85 86

Project Submitted by,

Hitesh Panjwani TYBMS {SEM- V}

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