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Multimedia Project : Buy Me! Industrial Revolution Invention Ads Teacher: Mrs.

Phillips Class, Team Name and Student Names: CATEGORY 4 3 Content Thorough description of the Includes basic knowledge invention, the inventor and about the invention, inventor approximate date of invention and approximate date of and persuasive argument on invention.Some Information how the invention will help the about the benefits of the society of its time. invention. Oral Presentation Interesting, well-rehearsed with smooth persuasive and expressive delivery that holds audience attention. Voices are clear and volume is appropriate. Students showed a clear understanding of Garageband with smooth editing of voicetrack without unnecessary pauses or breaks and appropriate volume. Good selection of background music to help deliver the persuasive message of the ad without Team demonstrated excellent collaborative skills, working cooperatively and sharing responsibility for the creation of the ad, without requiring intervention by the teacher to resolve problems in the group. Relatively interesting, rehearsed with a fairly smooth delivery that usually holds audience attention. Voices are clear with some volume problems. Students showed some understanding of Garageband, with good editing of voicetrack with few unnecessary pauses or breaks. Music selection does not detract from the message of the ad. Team demonstrated collaborative skills, worked cooperatively for the most part and shared most of the responsibility for the creation of the ad. Some teacher intervention was required to resolve group problems.

2 Includes some basic information about the invention but omits other required elements.


Delivery not smooth, but able to hold audience attention most of the time. Voices are hard to understand because of low volume or other distracting sounds. Students showed limited understanding of Garagebnad with some editing of voicetrack, but there are breaks and volume problems. Music overpowers the message of the ad. Team demonstrated some collaborative skills, but had difficulty working cooperatively and sharing responsibility for ad creation without the intervention of the teacher.


1 Content is minimal OR there are several factual errors.

Delivery not smooth. voices difficult to understand and audience attention lost.

Students showed little evidence of understanding Garagebnad and editing the voicetrack. Music selection distracts from the message of the ad.

Team did not work well together and required frequent intervention of the teacher to help resolve problems in creating their ad.

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