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Assignment - 1

Quality in Technical Concerns


By Muhammad Aatif Saif Khan FA-11/M.Sc.E.M/018 Instructor Dr.Daniel Saeed Pirzada

Fa-2011/M. Sc. EM/018



Assignment - 1

Fa-2011/M. Sc. EM/018


QITC Introduction

Assignment - 1

1. Dr. Juran (1904 2008) gave the quality community a compelling prophecy. He said the 21 st century would be the century of quality. What was it that he foresaw? Did he foresee the expansion of quality into every sector of the economy manufacturing, services, education, healthcare, government, and non-profit? Did he foresee the expansion of quality globally? Did he see a large scale realization of the importance of quality by leaders of all organizations? Or did he see all of these possibilities at once? i 2. The competitive advantage is likely to sway in favour of those countries, societies and organisations that would embrace the stringent quality standards and adopt quality not as an act but as a habit. It demands the faculties to assessing the challenges in the paradigm of quality management in current and future scenario. Current & Future Challenges in the 21st Century Quality Paradigm 3. Using input from 150 panelists in 40 countries, the American Society of Quality (ASQ) study in 2011 has identified and prioritized eight forces of change, namely; Global responsibility Consumer awareness, Globalization, the increasing rate of change, the workforce of the future, Aging population, 21st-century quality and Innovationii that are likely to evolve challenges in the 21st century. Each one of them is explained briefly belowiii:Global Responsibility Our planets finite resources are being called upon by a growing percentage of people in the world, and waste that was once economically acceptable is becoming socially unconscionable. The breadth of global responsibility spans governance, human rights, labor practices, fair operating practices, environment, consumer interests, and contribution to society as described by ISO 26000. Consumer Awareness Consumer behavior moves at speed of the electron pace in both positive and precipitously negative directions. Providers will find themselves needing to respond at similar rates to the collective behavior of customers. New flexible manufacturing technologies will soon allow manufacturers to follow similar paths of mass customization. Economical order quantities of one and zero wait times will become the rule. Globalization Globalization is the only force that has been on the study since 1996. Earlier studies referred to globalization as the 800 pound gorilla of forces. Its strength was twice that of the force that followed it on the list. However, what globalization means, has shifted since 1996 when Fa-2011/M. Sc. EM/018 Page1


Assignment - 1 globalization meant a huge opportunity for companies that could figure out how to capitalize huge new consumer markets. Offering lower cost labour and creating demand. Global is simply the reality in which organizations must learn to compete and win.

The Increasing Rate of Change Product lifecycles are short now. Consumer electronics have lifecycles of six months or less and will be shorter in the future. Industries will be born, become significant in our lives, and disappear with increasing rapidity. Being first to market will be where the riches will be won. There will be little time, or even market, for second place. All this speed will require organizations to better anticipate the future and be prepared to respond to the customers feedback in lightning speed. The cost of missing a cue from the market, at todays speed of information sharing, could be disastrous to producers, if they fail to sense and respond. The Work force of the Future It will challenge our notions of talent, work, workplace, and learning. Organizations will find the need to provide greater considerations of time for learning and larger investments in keeping their workforce current. Aging Population Increasing life expectancies will challenge world resources and place increasing pressures on the cost of providing healthcare to a larger percentage of the worlds population. 21st Century Quality Control and improvement will not be sufficient for the 21st century. Change and transformation will be the emerging tools of quality. Through all this evolution one truth has not changed. Quality is ultimately what the customer says it is, and what the customer is willing to pay for. This truth is shaping organizations, industries, and countries. It is an immutable truth, increasingly so in an information rich environment. Innovation If innovation means the ability of a company to anticipate customer needs, expressed or unexpressed, known or unknown, and bring products/services to the marketplace that excite customers, then clearly innovation is needed in todays changing world, and more so tomorrow.

Fa-2011/M. Sc. EM/018


QITC Coping with the Challenges

Assignment - 1

4. Every challenge has a response and the forces of change enumerated above clearly demonstrate the need for embracing the quality management measures for competing in the global competition as under:Embracing quality at all levels of hierarchy (both management and workers) Application of latest quality management tools Quality Management Education at all Levels Web of Quality Management Training Institutions Stringent Government Regulations & their Implementation Quality awareness Campaigns Quality as a Right of the Customer Transparency in quality processes Larger role of quality in formulation of the strategy Taking advantage from the wisdom of the aging population Conclusion 5. The future approaches with the force of a level-five hurricane, making businesses reconfigure their strategies, reorganize their structures, and reinvent their processes. Unless they adapt, once-dominant businesses will become marginal players, and weaker ones will be swept into the dustbin of historyiv. The global marketplace and domestic and international competition have made organizations around the world realize that their survival depends on high quality v. Based on the future predicted by ASQ in its study, Future of Quality 2011, it will be cogent for the organisations to adapting the stringent quality management techniques for harnessing competitive advantage for sustained growth in the 21st century global environment.


Fa-2011/M. Sc. EM/018


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2011 Future of Quality Study, ASQ, US, pp. 15. Hertz Harry. The Future of Organizational Quality, Quality Digest, Jul 2011. 2011 Future of Quality Study, ASQ, US, pp. 13-15. Breyfogle III W. Forrest. The Future of Quality Management, Quality Digest, Feb 2008. Evans R. James, Lindsay W. William. The Quality System in The Management and Control of Quality, 6th ed; Thomson South-Western, India, 2005, pp. 11.

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