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Star Wars: The Old Republic Role-Playing Rules


Character Stats: Each Character has 6 main stats. These stats start at a default value of 8. Each character gets 40 points to spend on these stats. Racial Bonuses and negatives get added in after all points are spent. Furthermore each character gets a point to add to any stat they wish every 4 levels (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32). Starting stats cannot be higher than 18 (not counting racial modifiers).
Strength: How strong your character is. Dexterity: How agile and quick your character is. Constitution: How hearty/healthy your character is. Intelligence: How smart your character is. Wisdom: How wise your character is. Charisma: How likeable/charming/strong leader your character is.

Racial Modifiers:
Human: No modifiers Mirialan: No modifiers Miraluka: +1 wisdom, -1 dexterity Zabrak: +1 physical stat of choice, -1 wisdom Cyborg: +1 stat of choice, -1 stat of choice Chiss: +1 Intelligence, -1 constitution Twi'lek: +1 Charisma, -1 wisdom Pureblood: +1 Charisma, -1 stat of choice Near Human Races: +stat of choice, - stat of choice (must even out to 0, no more than a +2/-2)

These stats can grant a bonus or penalty to general dice rolls concerning that stat on the following table:
Stat 1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25 Bonus -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7

Character Level:
Character level is determined by several factors... Every 5 levels of TOR game level = 1 level. This is your base level for things. To get 'Total Level' you add the factors that apply to your character to their base level. Numbers do NOT stack. So a Darth character does not get the 'Intiate and Apprentice' bonuses, only the Darth. Only apply those that are relevant to your character. Characters cannot go above a total level of 40. You can choose an IC character class that most suits your character's abilities. I.E. Jedi Investigator, Smuggler, Jedi Healer, etc.

Level bonuses are assigned from the following:

(Note: Certain level bonuses are useable on only ONE character, such as RP bonuses, guild rank bonuses, and Legacy levels. This is to prevent all of us from having a handful of SuperToons. You can choose which character to apply those points to, so long as you apply them to only ONE character.)

Neophyte Character/Padawan/Initiate: -2 Veteran Character/Jedi Knight/Apprentice: +2 Elite Character/Jedi Master/Darth: +3 HK-51 Companion Unlocked: +1 IC Age Under 20: -1 IC Age 20-50: +1 Belsavis and Illum Dailies Unlocked: +1 (must have both unlocked for the bonus) Social Rank: (2-5) +1, (6-9) +2, (10) +3 Valor Rank 20-40: +1 Valor Rank 41-60: +2 Valor Rank 61-80+: +3 Valor Rank 81-99: +4 Valor Rank 100+: +5 Write a Bio in the 'Personnel Files' section: +1

The Following Bonuses may apply to one character only:

Guild Member (non-probationary, 14+ days): +1

Completed SM Ops: +1 Completed HM Ops: +2 Completed NM Ops: +3 Completed all HM Flashpoints: +1 (except Lost Island) Crafting or Gathering Skill at 400: +1 (only counts one time) Companion Affection Completed: (1-2) +1, (3-4) +2, (5) +3

Guild Veteran (90+ days in guild): +2 Guild Officer: +3 Guild Leader: +4

Legacy Level: (11-20) +1, (21-30) +2, (31-40) +3, (41+) +4

Write an RP Scenario: +1 Help host and organize an RP scenario: +1 Write and Host 3 or more RP Scenarios: +2


Health Levels: Each Character starts out with 4 wound levels. These are how many 'hits' a character can take before becoming incapacitated. This is the base level, you then add your character's Constitution bonus to get total wound levels. Example: Lyr's constitution bonus is a +2, so she would have 4(base) +2(con bonus) for a total of 6 wounds.

Damage System: Each time your character is hit, you subtract between 1-4 health levels depending on the hit. Damage depends on the 'success' of the roll. 1-4: Light hit 1 wound 5-8: Medium Hit 2 wounds 9-11: Heavy hit, 3 wounds 12+ Critical Hit, 4 wounds, bypasses Damage Reduction, stuns character

When you reach 0 wound levels you can roll a Constitution Check at difficulty 15 + number of rounds at 0 Health. If you succeed you can remain conscious but unable to fight until healed. You can perform rudimentary actions in this state, applying a med pack to stabilize yourself, call for help, etc. If you fail the roll you become unconscious. If you become 'stabilized' through healing or an emergency med pack you do not need to make further rolls.

Example: Lyr is at 0 wounds, oh no! She just fell, so in order to remain conscious she would have to roll a D20 and beat 16 (15 + 1 round). Lyr rolls a 15. Adding her const. modifier (+2) she gets a 17. Whew! Someone pass that girl a kolto patch!

Armor Type: Max Dex Bonus: The highest bonus your armor allows from your dexterity. The heavier the armor, the more encumbering it is. I.E. the less Dex you get to use. Strength Requirement: The strength stat it takes to effectively use the armor type. Damage Reduction: The Damage Reduction the Armor Type Grants. Defense Bonus: The bonus on defense rolls the armor grants. Heavier armor grants more defense but encumbers the user more.
Armor Type Cloth Leatheris Heavy Leatheris Light Plating Medium Plating Heavy Plating Power Armor* Max Dex Strength Bonus Requirement +7 +6 +5 +4 +2 +2 9 10 12 13 14 12 Damage Reduction 1 1 Defense Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +4 +5

Example: Lyr'inel wears leatheris armor, a gift from her honeyboo. While patrolling on Hoth, she runs into a pirate! The pirate attacks and rolls a 16 + his bonuses of 6 =22

*Requires Armor Systems of at least +1

Lyr needs to roll a defense. Her armor is not only stylish, but very flexible, allowing her to use her total +3 dexterity bonus. However it only grants a +1 to her defense bonus on her roll. So.... Lyr rolls a 4 (DOH!). + her max dex bonus 3 + her Lightsaber skill: 5 + Armor Defense Bonus: 1 = 13 Oh noes! Lyr got shot! The pirate beat her by 9 so Lyr takes 3 wound levels. This is subtracted from her total of 6, leaving her with 3 left! Where's a medic when you need one!

Force/Tech Abilities:
Fighting 'Stance':
We decided to go with something very simple. A character can take a 'stance' in combat. These can change any time, the character just needs to announce them. Being Aggressive: +1 Attack/ -1 Defense Balanced: No modifiers. Being Defensive: -1 Attack/ +1 Defense

Force Shield:
Wis + Force Use roll, Difficulty 10 May be cast on others or self. Sage/Sorcerer only Adds +1 Damage Reduction to Character. Lasts for 1 impact then fades.

Battle Mind:
Sentinel, Marauder, Guardian, Juggernaut, Shadow/Assassin only Character makes a Int + Force Use roll. Depending on the roll the character adds a bonus to either their Attack bonus or Defense Bonus for the duration of the scene. 1-10: No bonus 11-19: +1 20+: +2

Defense Screen:
A temporary shield often used to shield oneself from ranged combat attacks. May be used for self only. Int + Tech Use roll (or other appropriate skill) 1-9: Failure, no screen available 10-19: Screen available, provides +1 Cover defense bonus against ranged attacks 20+: Screen available, provides +2 cover defense bonus against all ranged attacks

In Combat Healing:
A medic or force healer may attempt to heal wounds or stabilize someone while in combat. They must forego any attack option in order to do so. Roll Int + Force Use (healing) or Int + Healing (Tech or appropriate skill) 1-5: Failure 6-10: Target is stabilized will no longer bleed or take periodic damage from current wounds. 10-15: Target is stabilized and healed 1 wound level. 16-20: Target is stabilized, healed 1 wound level, and may take an action in the current round. 21+: Target is stabilized, healed 2 wound levels, and may take an action in the current round.

Exceptional Skills:

You can take your total level value (base level, not in-game level) and apply it to exceptional skill values. You can place no more than a +7 bonus in any category, except your 'specialized skill' that your character was chosen for ICly, which can have no more than a +8. You can list a specialty in any chosen combat skill which will give you the advantage of always winning a tie on the dice if you are using your specialty. However you can only specialize in one thing per skill. If you want another specialty in another type (melee weapon, ranged, etc) in the same class (i.e. to specialize in using lightsabers AND vibroblades) you would have to take two separate listings for the skill. One for each specialty. (Other skill categories can be used, these are just examples.) These skill categories include but are not limited to: Melee Combat (type) Ranged Combat (type) Force Use Martial Arts Piloting (type) Healing (type) Repair (type) Tactics Diplomacy Investigation Knowledge (type) Security (securing/breaking) Survival Intimidate Gamble Stealth Demolitions Computer Use Subterfuge Dance Acrobatics Sleight of Hand

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