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Simone Jiao Mrs. Shelton ENG 4UI September 25, 2012

The Solution
Like every other day, Clara Hawking woke up from a peaceful sleep and found herself in her lab. Aside from the fact that she or anyone else would never have a recollection of the previous day, their lives were very similar to the ones half a century ago. This was something Clara and every one of the 25 billion people on earth learned not to question. Not remembering things was something they could not question. They could, however, remember the year 2072. The story of 2072 was one that was taught to every child when they entered year D. The story gave hope to the citizens of the world, and forced them to appreciate what they did not have to endure. It was in that very important year of 2072 when the impossible had become possible. The Black Death from the who-knows-when-they-were rusty days had once again emerged. The government had called it an accident they had allowed a time traveller to visit a forbidden time period. And he had unknowingly brought back traces of the Yersinia pestis bacterium. Soon, almost half the population had been infected. If they had not already died from blood loss, most victims died within two to seven days from infection. A determined scientist named Edith Newton had finally come up with a solution. The Cure, they called him. She had created a robot so miraculous that many claimed he had been made by God himself. Unlike the standard robots that now cleaned houses and cooked food, this robot was the size of a red blood cell. Once injected into the blood stream, he would analyze his new masters DNA, and decide what belonged and didnt

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belong in their system. Cancer, influenza, and viruses were no longer a concern. This wasnt the extent of what these magical nano technology robots could do, though. Because of his ability to be self-aware, he became more and more intelligent, and was soon able to fix psychological illnesses and disabilities too. The extra chromosome 21 would be removed from masters who suffered from Downs syndrome and bones would quickly mend. With the causes of death dramatically decreased, the population grew. People were happy and healthy. The economy boomed, and would continue to boom as long as the human population was safe. For this reason, every newborn was to be injected with the Cure upon their first breath. They would be given a lifetime of security and happiness, but the government had become much more strict since then to avoid another catastrophe. Like everyone else, Clara was required to have a job, and give back to the government that ensured her perfect life. Clara considered her job to be the most important of them all: she was to monitor the Cure, communicate with him, and track his progress as he evolved. This morning was exactly like every other morning she spent at work. She and her assistant, Erik, were to examine the brain capacity of the Cure. To fill the empty silence while they set up, Clara had an urge to turn on the television. It almost felt like a routine. Right on cue, the familiar theme music for the monthly news bulletin began to play. Without health problems, there was no longer much to report, aside from achievements. But those had been deemed so uninteresting over time in such an average world, they were seldom mentioned. The news report started normally: a few young 200-something-year-olds found dead from natural causes, another couple million casualties of the ongoing war between

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the United States and Afghanistan, a new curfew law those found out past the countrys 11 pm curfew would be killed immediately, as opposed to being fined. Didnt expect that one, Erik commented. Clara had to agree. She could have sworn that the government wasnt this aggressive back in the year Why couldnt she remember? Her mind went blank before she could remind herself to ask Erik if he had similar problems. She was brought out of her trance by Eriks shouting. Clara, youve got to see this! He pressed rewind so she could hear the reporters last sentence. The backdrop on the screen flashed green, signaling a health-related report something Clara had never seen before. Ladies and gentlemen, said the reporter, who looked very concerned about what she was about to say. She took a deep breath and spoke again. Today, at exactly 8 oclock in the morning, 20 scientists from all over the country suffered from a heart attack and all died simultaneously. Our president speaks about the situation. The screen now showed the elderly President Barack Obama behind a wooden podium, surrounded by body guards. Cameras flashed. At this point in time, we have no leads on this current situation, said the President. However, our countrys remaining top medical scientists believe that this has been a. an accident. Clara gasped in sync with the crowd on screen. The crowd began to chatter worriedly. Why this never The last time we had an accide-

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Is this even The President shushed into the microphone and waited for silence before he spoke again. The deceased government officials may have unknowingly consumed a toxic chemical in their lab which voids the protection of the Cure. Scientists that specialize in the Cure are now working to the best of their extent to provide us with answers as to how this could have been possible. In the meantime, we urge all citizens to stay in their homes and to remain calm. We assure you tha- Suddenly, the President choked, took a strangled breath, and went limp. His head hit the podium, sending a loud shriek through the microphone, before he collapsed on the ground. Screaming ensued. The body guards ran over to the Presidents body, but could only stare helplessly. It was obvious that none of them had any medical training. Before this day, there was simply no need for it. A man in a white lab coat rushed on stage and pressed two fingers into the Presidents jugular to feel his pulse. Through the screeching crowd and the news camera that was now on the floor of the stage, Clara could only see the man mouth the words hes dead. It was then that the television burned out, leaving her and Erik in silence. Again, it was Erik that spoke first. The president said that scientists that specialize in the Cure were working on the situation. Isnt that us? I thought we were the only ones, he said uncertainly. We are, said Clara. Maybe he didnt get the chance to ask us, he wanted to reassure the citizens first.

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Deep down, both Clara and Erik knew that couldnt be true. If the President himself was too busy, a government official would have certainly contacted them. However, not wanting to ask a question with no answer, they went to their separate lab stations and got back to work. Still stunned by what she had seen on the news, Clara sat down and let herself wonder what had happened. There hadnt been an accident since the year 2072, thanks to the Cure. What the President had said, or what he had been told was false nothing could void the protection of the Cure. Especially now, with his increased intelligence, he was virtually indestructible. Her thoughts were interrupted by Eriks gasp. She bolted over to his station to see him hunched over his computer monitor. Clara saw that his eyes were stunned and his face was white. He looked at her, shocked. But before he could speak any words, he choked, took a strangled breath, and went limp. Clara didnt need to check his pulse to know he was dead. She leaned over his body to see what was on the screen. Erik was examining the Cures brain activity results. When she saw the numbers that were higher than they should be, Clara, too, knew the answer. It was the vindictive Cure that now controlled them. It occurred to Clara that she ought to tell the government or the news station about her discovery. But what good could it be, to have the world panic? She wouldnt need to decide: she choked, took a strangled breath, and fell to the floor. She woke up the next day. Like every other day, Clara Hawking woke up from a peaceful sleep and found herself in her lab.

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