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Self care deficit: bathing, dressing, feeding, toileting related to Fatigue Self care deficit may be the result

of transient limitations, such as those being hospitalized. In the case of my patient, he is deficient in self-care due to frequent fatigue that he feels and weakness. Due to prolonged bedrest he is unable to fully provide himself care. CUES/EVIDENCES Subjective: Wan a koy gana maligo ug maglihok-lihok kay kapoy kaayo akong lawas; As verbalized by the patient Objective Dry, tangled hair Lethargic Bedrest Frequent yawning Weakness noted Vital Signs: BP = 130/70 mmHg T = 36.3 degC CHR: 87 bpm RR: 17 cpm OBJECTIVES After 3 days of nurse patient interaction, the patient will be able to perform selfcare activities within level of own ability. Specifically, the patient will be able to: Identify individual area of weakness or needs. Able to take a bath on her own Verbalize that he is no longer tired to perform his Activities of Daily Living Assist with necessary adaptations to accomplish ADLs Plan time for listening to the clients feelings and concern INTERVENTIONS The nurse will assist the patient in achieving the goal which is to perform self-care activities within level of activity RATIONALE EVALUATION GOAL PARTIALLY MET: Patient was able to partially perform self-care activities within level of own ability To be able to provide deeper intervention depending on the assessed reasons of unparticipation To enhance commitment to plan, optimizing outcomes, and supporting recovery and health promotion To encourage client and build on success To discover barriers to participate in regimen and to work on problem solution To enhance clients capabilities and promote independence

Assess barriers to participation

Promote clients participation in problem identification and desired goals and decision making

Refer to and assist with rehabilitation

Provide positive reinforcement for all activities attempted, note partial achievements

This provides the patient with an external source of positive reinforcement and promotes ongoing effects To note if interventions are appropriate and working To foster self-care and selfdetermination To reduce risk with injury and promote successful community functioning To help manage in lowering the glucose level

Provide ongoing evaluation of self-care program Encourage keeping a journal of progress and practicing of independent living skills Review safety concern, modify activities or environment

Incorporate new activities into daily routines

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