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EXPRESSION OF ASKING AND EXPRESSING CERTAINTY (Meminta dan Memberi Kepastian) Expression of asking certainty is used when you

would ask somebody whether they are certain about something or not. Expression of expressing certainty is used when you are certain enough about something. Here are the examples: Reni : Are you sure that Willy will return to Semarang this week? Rando : Yes, I am sure. He told me so. The red sentence is one example of the expression of asking certainty, while the green sentence is an example of the expression of expressing certainty. Below is the list of expressions of asking and expressing certainty: EXPRESSIONS Are you sure that ..? Are you quite certain about ? Are you sure about it? Are you certain that .? Yes, I am sure Definitely Yes, I am absolutely sure I am certain about it Of course MEANINGS Apakah kamu yakin bahwa .? Apakah kamu cukup yakin tentang ..? Apakah kamu yakin tentang itu? Apakah kamu yakin bahwa .? Ya, saya yakin Pasti Ya, saya sangat yakin Saya yakin tentang hal itu Tentu saja



Here are some examples of conversation using expressions above:


: Are you quite certain that Harry Potter movie will be released this month? Vera : Definitely. I read the news on Suara Merdeka newspaper


: Are you sure that our basketball team will be the runner up in this competition? Yosa : Of course. We have tried and exercised very hard this term.



: Are you sure about our on-time arrival to Singapore?

: Dont worry, we are going to arrive to Singapore on time.

Activity 1
Practice the following dialogue and practice with a partner! Ahmad Ara Ahmad Ara Ahmad : Ara, did you hear the latest news? : No, what is it about, Ahmad? : The destruction of Indonesia forest. : Well, tell me more. : The destruction of our forest is happening rapidly because of illegal logging. It will destroy our forests by the end of this century. Ara Ahmad : Are you sure? : Im sure but dont worry. The government will stop this, so we can save our beloved forests. Ara Ahmad : Thats good news. And after this, we must replant trees. : Well, the bell is ringing. Its time to go to class.

Activity 2
After reading the dialogue above, answer these questions below! 1. How many persons, are there in the dialogue above 2. Who are they? 3. What news, Ahmad has heard lately? 4. Why did the destruction of our forest happen? 5. What is the solution for saving our forest?

Activity 3
Make a group of 2 students and make a dialogue by using certainty or uncertainty! Werkudoro: .. .. Prabu Bismo :.. .

Werkudoro :.. Prabu Bismo : .... Note: ... .. .......................... ..

SHOWING AND RESPONDING TO DOUBT (Mengungkapkan dan merespon keragu-raguan)

EXPRESSION OF EXPRESSING AND RESPONDING DOUBT Expression of expressing doubt is used when you are not certain or doubtful about something. Expression of responding is used when you want to respond somebodys doubt. Here are the examples: Nori : I am not sure that he will finish his study soon. Yudhit : Dont worry. He is trying his best.

The red sentence is one example of the expression of expressing doubt, while the green sentence is an example of the expression of responding doubt. Below is the list of expressions of expressing and responding doubt: EXPRESSIO EXPRESSIONS NS OF OF EXPRESSING RESPONDIN DOUBT G DOUBT EXPRESSIONS I am doubtful about . I am doubtful that I am not certain about it I am not sure that . Don't worry There is no doubt about it Yes, that is uncertain yet MEANINGS Saya ragu tentang Saya ragu bahwa .. Saya tidak yakin tentang . Saya tidak yakin bahwa . Jangan khawatir Tidak ada keraguan tentang itu Ya, hal itu masih belum pasti

Here are some examples of conversation using expressions above: A.

Selena: I am doubtful that Johnny will be on time. Rudy : Dont worry, Selena. He is on the way now.


Selena: I am not sure about this plan Rudy : There is no doubt that our plan will work well.


Selena: I am not certain that I will get the best score in this test Rudy : Dont worry. You studied well last night.

Now, after learning the expressions of Asking and Expressing Certainty, Expressing and Responding Doubt, we are going to learn how they are pronounced. Here are some vocabularies related to the expressions above and their pronunciation: Vocabularies Sure Quite Certain Definitely Believe Absolutely Meanings Yakin, pasti Agak Pasti, yakin Tentu saja Percaya Sangat Pronunciation [ ] /kwat/ /s.t n/ / /bliv/ /

Now, your teacher will read those expressions available above and also some vocabularies. Listen and repeat what your teacher says! LISTENING SECTION Your teacher will play an audio recording about conversations using the expressions of Asking and Expressing Certainty, Expressing and Responding Doubt. Work in pairs, listen to the audio recording carefully and transcribe the dialogue. After that, identify what expressions used in each utterance and discuss the result with your partner.

Find the meaning of these expressions and practice uttering them at home! 1. I am definitely uncertain about it. 2. I am not sure that everything is okay. 3. Are you certain enough about it? 4. I am absolutely uncertain that he will finish his job. 5. I am doubtful that they have enough time to do the homework.

ASKING SOMEONE TO REPEAT HIS/HER WORDS (Meminta seseorang mengulang perkataannya)

Asking Someone to Repeat His/Her Words Pardon? You what? Im sorry? Excuse me? I beg your pardon? Say that again, please. Sorry, what did you say? Would you mind repeating that? Im sorry. I didnt catch the last word. Sorry, I didnt follow you. Could you say it again, please? Would you say it once again, please?

ASKING TO REPEAT SOMETHING : meminta untuk mengulang sesuatu

When we want to someone to repeat what he/she says, we may use : - I beg your pardon/ - Sorry, I cant hear you. - Pardon? - Sorry, what did you say? - Sorry? - What? - Can you say that again? - What was that?

SPEAKING SITUATIONS: Asking for Repetition

Phrases for these situations Excuse me? (Said like a question) Pardon me? (Rising intonation) What did you say (your name was)? Did you say . . . ? Can you repeat that? Could you say that again please? What was that again? Sorry, I didn't catch that.

Could you speak up please? Could you speak a little louder?

Conversation Practice
1. Pretend you are being introduced to someone at a party. The music is very loud, and you can't hear your partner clearly. Example, What did you say your name was? Cindy Carton. Did you say Sidney or Cindy? Cindy,like the famous model. 2. Pretend your partner is applying for a passport. Ask him/her for personal information* (name, birth date, address, telephone number, etc.) Then practice asking for repetition. For example, What is your date of birth? August 15, 1981. Did you say August 16th? No, August 15th. *Since this is a "role play," you don't have to use actual (real) information. You may "make up" dates, numbers, etc.

Activity 1
Fill in the blanks spaces with expression of asking someone to repeat what he/she says! 1. Teacher : What country hosted the 2012 Olympic Games? Student : . Teacher : Where was the 2012 Olympic Games held? 2. Coach : You miss too many balls. Athlete : ? Coach : I said, you missed too many balls. Try harder.

Athlete : Sorry, sir.

3. Amira Neny Amira

: I never miss the National news. : .? What news? : The national news. : ? Where is the what? : Go for two blocks. It is on your left next to the hospital. You wont miss it

4. Passer-by: Excuse me, where is the Stadium of Sriwedari? Seller

Passer-by: The Sriwedari Stadium. Seller

Passer-by: Thank you. 5. Sasa Anggi Sasa Anggi Sasa : Excuse me, do you know how to adjust the volume? : ..? How to what? : How to adjust the volume? : Press the left bottom. : Thank you.

GIVING AND RESPONDING THE INTERESTING NEWS Memberi dan merespon kabar yang menarik
To give the interesting news, we can use the following expression: Those are some interesting news. Ive got something to tell you. I have news. Ada beberapa ungkapan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengawali memberikan berita yang menarik seperti: Listen, I have interesting news! Have you heard about the news recently? Do you know that . Did you watch the news last night? I have got some interesting news Look at the dialog bellows! Andi : Have you heard the news??? Ali : What news? - Have you heard that .? - Have you heard the latest news?

Andi : Mali pulled off a stunning fight back to draw 4-4 with Angola after trailing 4-

0 with 11 minutes left in the opening game of the Africa Cup of Nations. Ali : Really, it must be very interesting games last night.

Andi : Yach, You should watch it. Dalam percakapan diatas Andi menggunakan ungkapan have you heard the news? untuk memulai memberikan berita yang menarik kepada Ali. Ungkapan- ungkapan yang lain yang telah dijelaskan juga dapat digunakan untuk mengawali memberikan sebuah berita yang menarik. To give response to the interesting news, we can use the following expression: Tell me more about it! What news? - What is it about?

SHOWING AMAZEMENT Menunjukkan kekaguman

Showing Amazement (Menunjukkan kekaguman) Perfect! Amazing! Thats wonderful! How fabulous it is! What a nice dress you are wearing! What a lovely flower arrangement! Wow, thats really cool! Listen to your teacher Complete the dialogs below based on what you have heard. Responding (Tanggapan) Youre right. It is. Yeah. Yup! Thank you. I think so. Thats right.

Activity 1
Dialog 1 Ms. Yuni : you know, the air pollution has become 1)__________in our town. Ms. Ajeng: 2)___________? Ms.Yuni : The air pollution in our town is a serious problem, isnt it? Ms.Ajeng : Oh, yeah. You are right. Guess what! The pollution comes mainly from 3)_______ Exhaust. Ms. Yuni : Yup! Thats why I prefer 4)___________to motorcycle.

Ms.Ajeng : 5)____________. Dialog 2 : Gadis Vena Gadis Vera Gadis Vera Gadis : Look at the river! Its so dirty 6)___________! : 7)____________? What did you say? : The river is so disgusting. : 8)_____________. Thats because many people throw waste there. : Source of 9)_________, right? : Thats right. I think we should stop throwing any forms of waste into the river. : Yup! I hope other people think 10)__________.

Activity 3 : Fill the blanks with suitable expression (Giving and responding the interesting news) 11. Rini : .. Sinta : What news? Rini : My favorites band will play in the city tonight. : .. : ..? : What is it about? : The Indonesian football team defeated Malaysia 2-1 : ? 12. Fajar : Ive something to tell you. Anis 13. Anto Dito Anto Fajar : My father gave me a gift.

14. Ryan : Listen! Ive got hot news. Ayu Ryan : Ani has a new boy friend. 15. Hanna : Yogi : The minister of Education will visit the school

Teks procedure merupakan jenis teks untuk menunjukkan cara/bagaimana melakukan sesuatu melalui langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan. Teks prosedur dapat berupa langkah-langkah membuat sesuatu ataupun menggunakan sesuatu (manual book). Langkah-langkah tersebut harus dilakukan dengan runtut sesuai urutan nomor. Hal itu berbeda dengan tip. Tip dapat dilakukan tanpa harus mengikuti urutan nomor. Teks prosedur terdiri atas unsur-unsur berikut; 1. Aim/ goal : mengemukakan atau memperkenalkan sesuatu yang akan dibuat atau dikerjakan/dilakukan. Biasanya muncul dalam teks sebagai judul. 2. Materials : menjelaskan bahan-bahan atau material yang dibutuhkan. Bagian ini bukan merupakan keharusan, tetapi biasanya ada dalam teks prosedur. 3. Steps : mencantumkan langkah-langkah dalam membuat atau melakukan sesuatu. Adapun ciri-ciri teks prosedur adalah sebagai berikut; a. Menggunakan simple present tense, seringkali dalam bentuk kalimat perintah (imperative). b. Menggunakan kata hubung temporal (first, then, next, finally) atau penomoran untuk menunjukkan urutan. c. Menggunakan proses material (material process).

Materials :

Some strawberry 9 table spoon sugar 2 glass plain water Some ice

Steps : First, cut the strawberries into two parts or what ever you want Then make a liquid with water and sugar before o Prepare a glass of water o Pour some sugar into the glass and then stir it o A liquid of sugar and water is ready to use Before make strawberry juice, prepare the blender and make sure its switch is on

After that everything is ready, pour the liquid of water and sugar into the blender Then pour same strawberries into the blender(as you like)and the ices Press the on button to switch it on Wait for a minutes Then press the off button to switch it off Open the blenders cup and then pour the strawberry juice into the glass.(before, you have prepared the glass) To make your juice more beautiful, put some strawberry on the lips of glass and put straw Your nice strawberry juice is ready to drink

Activity 1 Arrange these steps in the correct order! 1. [ [ [ [ 2. [ [ [ [ 3. [ [ [ [ 4. [ [ [ [ How to operate the digital camera; ] Press the shutter release button. ] Lock the focus. ] Turn the panel to the automatic focus. ] Get the focus. How to use a rice cooker; ] Put two glasses of water. ] Plug in the cooker and turn it on. ] Wash a glass of rice. ] Put the rice into the cooker. How to send an SMS. ] Send the message. ] Choose the message menu. ] Select the phone number. ] Write the message. How to turn on a computer. ] Press the ON/OFF button. ] Make sure the computer is plugged in. ] Read and follow the instructions. ] Select the program to run.

5. How to iron the clothes. [ [ [ [ ] Move the iron on the clothes. ] Set the temperature. ] Plug the iron in. ] Prepare the place and the clothes.

Jenis teks report merupakan jenis teks yang memberika informasi tentang sesuatu berdasarkan laporan pengamatan secara sistematis. Jenis teks ini umumnya mendeskripsikan gejala alam, lingkungan atau ha-hal pada pengetahuan alam. Yang membedakan teks report dan deskriptif adalah teks report menjelaskan hanya secara umum sehingga deskripsi sebuah teks report dapat beurpa simpulan umum. Tujuan komunikatif teks Untuk memberikan deskripsi tentang sesuatu berdasarkan laporan pengamatan secara umum/in general Struktur teks 1. General identification Pada bagian ini, diberikan klasifikasi secara umu subjek laporan yang akan dibicarkan 2. Description Mendeskripsikan subjek yang dibicarkan dalam bagian klasifikasi umum.

DOLPHIN The dolphin is a toothed whale that is related to the porpoise. The dolphin has a long, streamlined body; some species have a prominent beaklike snout. The dolphin travels in schools and can swim at a speed of up to 25 mph. After a gestation period of one year, the female gives birth to one young. The young suckles (or nurses) for up to two years. Dolphins are intelligent, playful animals. One of their favorite things is to surf the waves created by boats. They emit a variety of sounds to communicate with other dolphins. Like other toothed whales, they use echolocation (which is like sonar) to avoid obstacles and to locate prey. There are 37 species of dolphins. The best-known North American species are the common dolphin, the bottle-nosed dolphin, and the killer whale. The common dolphin is found mostly in the Mediterranean and the North Atlantic. It is about eight feet long including a six-inch snout. The common dolphin is brownish-black above with dark flippers and snout. Its belly is white in color. There are bands or stripes of tan or yellow on the sides. The common dolphin travels in schools of up to a thousand or more individuals. It feeds mainly on fish. The bottle-nosed dolphin or bottlenose, is found in warm and temperate North American coastal waters. It is dark gray above with lighter under parts. The bottlenose can reach up to 12

feet long and has a three-inch snout. The bottle-nosed dolphin feeds on fish, squid, and crabs. They can be trained to perform at zoos and aquariums. They are also used in research on animal communication and learning. The killer whale is found in all seas. It is black above and has a white belly. There are white patches above the eyes and on the flanks. The killer whale is about 30 feet long with a blunt snout and a long, pointed dorsal fin. The killer whale feeds on fish, seals, marine birds, and other species of whale. Although killer whales can be aggressive, they have been trained to perform at zoos and aquariums. Dolphins belong to the family Delphinidae. The common dolphin is Delphinus delphis; the bottle-nosed dophin,Tursiops truncatus; and the killer whale,Orcinus orca.

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