S-Edit Manual

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Introduction to Tanner Tool BEGINNERS GUIDE To begin a project the first step is to create a project To do so click on File in the menu, and select new -> New Design and the following window opens.

Click on the browse button and select the folder were the project has to be saved. Once this is done, give a design name and click ok. To create a cell, click on cell on the menu and select New View the following window opens

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In the cell space give a cell name say inv or any name appropriate to the experiment and click OK. Once this is done the following window comes up.

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On the left hand side window click on the add button and the following window comes up.

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Now select the library by following the path given below. My Documents / Tanner EDA /Tanner tool V13.0/ Libraries / All/ All tanner And click OK Click on the Devices option on the left hand side and the following window comes with a list of devices on the left hand side.

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Perform DC Analysis, AC Analysis and Transient Analysis for the Inverter circuit :

To design an inverter a PMOS and an NMOS are required. Hence click on the left hand side device list for NMOS and the following window pops up.

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As is visible on the left hand side an NMOS transistor is displayed. Click on Instance button and the following window comes up.

To change the name of the device the new name can be changed by giving a new name in the instance name box. The device is selected and pasted on the cell window by click on the right button of the mouse. To come out of this mode press ESC button. The size of the device can be reduced or increased by scrolling the window.

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Similarly select the pMOS device also and paste it in the cell window as shown in the snap shot given below.

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To connect the devices we need a wire which is available by clicking the button on the top menu. Connect the gates and the drains of the PMOS and NMOS devices as shown below.

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To select the sources click on the MISC option on the left hand side window. Now select GND and give it to the nMOS source as shown below and connect it using wire.

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Similarly select VDD and connect it to the source of the PMOS as shown below.

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To do DC analysis select DC source from the path given below which is on the left hand side of the window. SPICE _ ELEMENTS -----Voltage source The voltage source is renamed as Vdc and pasted on the cell screen and the +ve terminal is connected to the gates and the ve terminal is connected to GND as shown below.

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To give a voltage range of your choice take another instance of Voltage source and in the properties window give the voltage range as 3.3 Volts as shown below. Connect bulk of PMOS and NMOS transistors to the source of the devices using wire. Also give the labels to the nodes by clicking L on the top menu and give appropriate lable name such as where Vdd is given, give the label name as Vdd, where GND is connected give GND and input node name as in and output node name as out as shown below.

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To print input and output voltages select Spice_Commands on the left hand side window and then select the printvoltage option below and paste it on the cell nodes where ever it is required. In the properties of Print Voltage select DC .In this case it is in the IN and OUT node as shown below.

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To conduct DC analysis click on Setup Simulation button which is a on the top menu next to the simulation button. Then the following window pops up.

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Select DC sweep analysis on the window and give the following parameters. Source or parameter name should be the input source to be sweeped. In this case it is Vdc. Since h Spice code by default takes all voltage sources with a V prefixed, the source name will be VVdc.

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start value = 0 Stop value = 3.3 Step = 0.1 Click on General.Here we have to give SPICE File Name, File Search Path and Library Files. SPICE File Name is the spice file which is created with the extension .tanner. File Search Path is got by selecting the path below by browsing My Documents/ Tanner EDA /Tanner EDA tools V13.0/Libraries/ Models In the Library files path give the library file path as below. My Documents/ Tanner EDA /Tanner EDA tools V13.0/Libraries/ Models/Generic _0.25lib TT Do not forget to add TT after selecting the generic file. Next select the spice file i.e. .sp file from the folder created by the user. Now the window will look as given below.

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Next click OK button. Run the simulation. Next T Spice will open automatically and will give the spice netlist as shown below

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If there are no errors, W-EDIT which is the waveform editor will open automatically and display the waveform expected as shown below.

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Transient Analysis. For doing the transient analysis, one has to use an pulse source. Hence in the S-Edit, remove the DC source and use the Pulse source by selecting the Spice elements in the left hand side menu and select the Voltage source in the options and in the interface select Pulse instead of DC. The rise time, fall time, pulse width, period etc specifications can also be given as per the design specification.

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Now paste the pulse source instead of the DC source in the S EDIT window as shown below.

In the properties window of the Pulse source change the name and give vHigh as 3.3 V and vLow as 0 V. Select the print voltage and change the print analysis for both the node in their respective properties and select TRAN option.

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Select setup simulation option and select transient / fourier analysis option. In that enter the following parameters. Stop Time: 2u Maximum Time step: 1u Print Start Time: 1n Print Time step: 10n Use initial Conditions: False Startup mode: Op Again check for the library file, spice file etc in the general option as listed in the DC analysis section. Once all the parameters are entered successfully , click OK and save the cell design. Once this is done run the simulation by clicking on the simulation button. Again T Spice opens automatically and runs the spice compilation and if there are no errors, W-EDIT opens automatically and the waveform is displayed as shown below.

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It is clearly visible that the input and output waveforms are inverted.

AC Analysis. The AC analysis is done by selecting AC input voltage source from the Spice_ Elements options. In the properties window of the AC voltage source enter

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Mag = 1m Phase = 90 And Vdc which is the bias voltage and is calculated from dc analysis. This is approximately 1.5V A capacitor has to be put at the output node for AC analysis. A capacitor of 1nF or 1pF is sufficient. The value of the capacitor is calculated depending on the design specification. The schematic looks as below.

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Once these parameters are setup, select the properties of Print voltage and select AC in the analysis window. Once all the settings are done, click on setup simulation icon. Now select AC analysis and enter the following parameters Start Frequency : 10 Stop Frequency: 100000K Number of frequencies: 20 Sweep Type: dec Analysis Name: AC Again check for the library files and the spice file paths as in the case of previous analysis case and click OK. Once this is done click on Simulation button. T- Spice opens automatically and complies the Hspice code generated automatically. If there are no errors, then the W Edit will open automatically and the waveform will be displayed as shown below.

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To calculate the cutoff frequency calculated Am / (2)0.5 and find out that value on the Y axis. Where this intersect with the ac analysis plot on the x-axis is the cut off frequency.

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EXPERIMENTS UNDER TRANSIENT ANALYSIS Experiment 1 : Design an Inverter for Symmetric delay. i.e TLH = THL Take Wn = Ln = 0.25 and change Wp. Start from Wp = 0.25u , 0.35u, 0.45u, 0.55u, 0.65u, 0.75u For these different values of Wp plot TLH & THL v/s Wp. Wp on X- axis and TLH & THL on Y axis. The point where TLH & THL intersect is the Wp to be chosen for symmetric delay. Total delay Tp = (TLH + THL) / 2 For the above mentioned experiment take the following specification C= 10pF Fall time = 1ps Rise time = 1ps Period = 2us Pulse width = 1us In the simulation set up set the following parameters Stop time = 10u Max time step = 1u Print start = 1n Print time step = 1n As Wp increases TLH should decrease and THL should increase.

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Experiment 2: Design an Inverter for varying delay by changing the capacitances. Total delay Tp = (TLH + THL) / 2 Keep all the parameters of the above experiment constant and vary load capacitances CL = 3pF, 5pF, 7pF, 10 Pf, 12pF, 15pF Plot a graph of CL on X axis and Tp on Y axis. As CL increases total delay Tp should also increase. EXPERIMENTS UNDER DC ANALYSIS Design an inverter for a threshold voltage of given value by manipulating W and L values of the pMoS and nMoS transistors.

EXPERIEMENTS UNDER AC ANALYSIS Design an inverter for a given cut off frequency by manipulating load capacitance CL. Keep the following parameters constant. Wp = 0.55u, Lp = 0.25u, Wn =0.25u, Ln = 0.25u Plot a graph of CL V/s Cutoff frequency.

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Perform DC Analysis, AC Analysis and Transient Analysis for common source amplifier :


EXPERIMENT UNDER DC ANALYSIS Draw the following circuit in S- edit

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Let W=0.5u and L= 0.25u .Use 10K ohm resistor and do DC sweep analysis as explained in the previous section. Also print the input and output voltages. The following waveform should be displayed.

The operating point is where the input and output plots intersect each other. Here it is 1.61V. Thus the result concluded is that the for a transistor with (W /L ) = 2 the operating point is 1.61V.

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EXPERIMENT UNDER TRANSIENT ANALYSIS Draw the circuit for transient analysis as shown in the figure. Use an sinusoidal source. Give offset the operating point calculated in the DC analysis.

Choose Transient analysis in the setup simulation window and give the following parameters.
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Stop time = 10u Max time step = 1u Print start = 1n Print time step = 1n On running the simulation one will get the following waveform

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EXPERIMENT UNDER AC ANLYSIS To plot the ac analysis, draw the following circuit

Use AC source and give Magnitude as 1mV and Vdc =1.61V which is the operating point calculated in DC analysis. Use 10pF capacitor. Select AC analysis in the setup simulation window and set the following parameters.

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Start Frequency : 10 Stop Frequency: 100000K Number of frequencies: 20 Sweep Type: dec Analysis Name: AC On running the simulation the following waveform is displayed.

To calculated the cutoff frequency calculated Am / (2)0.5 and find out that value on the Y axis. Where this intersect with the ac analysis plot on the x-axis is the cut off frequency. Change the load capacitance to get a particular cutoff frequency.

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Perform DC Analysis, AC Analysis and Transient Analysis for common drain amplifier : COMMON DRAIN AMPLIFIER EXPERIMENTS UNDER DC ANALYSIS

To conduct the DC analysis of a Common Drain amplifier draw the following circuit. Select a DC source.

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Let W=0.5u and L= 0.25u .Use 10K ohm resistor and do DC sweep analysis as explained in the previous section. Also print the input and output voltages. The following waveform should be displayed.

The output voltage follows the input voltage as shown above. The output voltage increases after the threshold voltage is crossed which in this case is 0.3V.

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EXPERIMENTS UNDER TRANSIENT ANALYSIS Draw the circuit for AC analysis as shown in the figure. Use a sinusoidal source. Give offset the operating point 0f 1.61V

Choose Transient analysis in the setup simulation window and give the following parameters. Stop time = 10u Max time step = 1u

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Print start = 1n Print time step = 1n On running the simulation one will get the following waveform

Calculate and see if the output voltage is a magnified signal of the input voltage and the output voltage should be in phase with the input voltage.

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EXPERIMENTS UNDER AC ANALYSIS To conduct AC analysis draw the following circuit and use an AC source.

Use a 10pF capacitor. In setup simulation give the following parameters

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Start Frequency : 10 Stop Frequency: 100000K Number of frequencies: 20 Sweep Type: dec Analysis Name: AC On running the simulation the following waveform is displayed.

To calculate the cutoff frequency calculated Am / (2)0.5 and find out that value on the Y axis. Where this intersect with the ac analysis plot on the x-axis is the cut off frequency. Here it is 5.54Mhz
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Change the load capacitance to get a particular cutoff frequency.

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Perform DC Analysis, AC Analysis and Transient Analysis for Differential Amplifier circuit : DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER EXPERIMENTS UNDER DC ANALYSIS

To conduct the DC analysis of a differential amplifier, draw the following circuit.

Let the current source be 100uA, and resistors of 10k each is chosen. In the setup simulation window sweep voltagesource_1 source from 0 to 3.3V in steps of 0.1v and keep voltagesource_2 constant at 3.3V.

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On proper compilation the following waveform is displayed.

The intersection point is approximately 3V. This is the operating point. Similarly in the setup simulation window sweep voltagesource_2 source from 0 to 3.3V in steps of 0.1v and keep voltagesource_1 constant at 3.3V.

On proper compilation the following waveform is displayed.

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Again the intersection point is approximately 3V which is the operating point. If both the voltage sources are swept together, the following waveform is displayed.

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EXPERIMENTS UNDER TRANSIENT ANALYSIS Draw the circuit for transient analysis as shown in the figure below.

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Please note the following In the voltage source properties select sinusoidal source. The amplitude of both the sources should be 100mV and one of the voltage sources should have negative amplitude otherwise the difference signal will be zero. In the setup window give the following settings. Stop time = 10u Max time step = 1u Print start = 1n Print time step = 1n On running the simulation one will get the following waveform

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It can be measured and seen that the output waveform is the amplification of the input signal.

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EXPERIMENTS UNDER AC ANALYSIS Draw the following circuit for AC analysis. Note that there should be a phase difference of 90 degree between the two sources and a capacitor is to be added at the output node.

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Start Frequency : 10 Stop Frequency: 10Meg Number of frequencies: 10 Sweep Type: dec Analysis Name: AC On running the simulation the following waveform is displayed

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To calculate the cutoff frequency calculate Am / (2)0.5 and find out that value on the Y axis. Where this intersect with the ac analysis plot on the x-axis is the cut off frequency.

Here it is 15.93Meg Hz Change the load capacitance to get a particular cutoff frequency.

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Perform DC Analysis, AC Analysis and Transient Analysis for Single Stage Operational Amplifier circuit :


EXPERIMENTS UNDER DC ANALYSIS To conduct the DC analysis of a single stage operational amplifier, draw the following circuit.

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In the setup simulation window sweep Vdc1 source from 0 to 3.3V in steps of 0.1v and keep vdc2 constant at 3.3V. On proper compilation the following waveform is displayed.

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The intersection point is approximately 3V. This is the operating point. Similarly in the setup simulation window sweep Vdc2 source from 0 to 3.3V in steps of 0.1v and keep Vdc1 constant at 3.3V.

On proper compilation the following waveform is displayed.

Again the intersection point is approximately 3V which is the operating point. If both the voltage sources are swept together, the following waveform is displayed
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Where the output node is the node joining nmos_2 and the rd resistors 2.

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EXPERIMENTS UNDER TRANSIENT ANALYSIS To conduct the transient analysis of a single stage operational amplifier, draw the following circuit.

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Please note the following In the voltage source properties select sinusoidal source. The amplitude of both the sources should be 25mV and one of the voltage sources should have negative amplitude otherwise the difference signal will be zero. In the setup window give the following settings. Stop time = 100u Max time step = 1u Print start = 1n Print time step = 1n On running the simulation one will get the following waveform

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It is clearly visible that the output voltage is the amplified version of the input voltage. Change W/L ratio for different amplification factors.

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EXPERIMENTS UNDER AC ANALYSIS Draw the following circuit for AC analysis. Note that there should be a phase difference of 90 degree between the two sources and a capacitor is to be added at the output node.

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Start Frequency : 10 Stop Frequency: 10Meg Number of frequencies: 10 Sweep Type: dec Analysis Name: AC On running the simulation the following waveform is displayed

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To calculate the cutoff frequency calculate Am / (2)0.5 and find out that value on the Y axis. Where this intersect with the ac analysis plot on the x-axis is the cut off frequency

Here it is 239.37KHz Change the load capacitance to get a particular cutoff frequency.

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Perform DC Analysis, AC Analysis and Transient Analysis for Two Stage Operational Amplifier circuit :


EXPERIMENTS UNDER DC ANALYSIS To conduct the DC analysis of a single stage operational amplifier, draw the following circuit.

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In the setup simulation window sweep both vVoltageSource_3 source and vVoltageSource_4 from 0 to 3.3V in steps of 0.1V. On proper compilation the following waveform is displayed.

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EXPERIMENTS UNDER TRANSIENTANALYSIS To conduct the transient analysis of a single stage operational amplifier, draw the following circuit.

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Please note the following In the voltage source properties select sinusoidal source. The amplitude of both the sources should be 10mV and one of the voltage sources should have negative amplitude otherwise the difference signal will be zero. In the setup window give the following settings. Stop time = 100u Max time step = 1u Print start = 1n Print time step = 1n On running the simulation one will get the following waveform The yellow waveform is the final output which is having a peak to peak amplitude of 690.2mV as shown below.

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Where as the green coloured waveform is the input signal which wjen magnified one can measured the peak to peak voltage of 20.99mV as shown below.

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It is clearly visible that the output voltage is the amplified version of the input voltage. Change W/L ratio for different amplification factors.

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EXPERIMENTS UNDER AC ANALYSIS Draw the following circuit for AC analysis. Note that there should be a phase difference of 90 degree between the two sources and a capacitor is to be added at the output node.

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Start Frequency : 10 Stop Frequency: 100Meg Number of frequencies: 10 Sweep Type: dec Analysis Name: AC On running the simulation the following waveform is displayed

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To calculate the cutoff frequency calculated Am / (2)0.5 and find out that value on the Y axis. Where this intersect with the ac analysis plot on the x-axis is the cut off frequency

Here it is 6.96KHz Change the load capacitance to get a particular cutoff frequency.

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