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Alarm Configuration Steps 1 Configure Alarms

This document describes the steps required to create a FactoryTalk View alarm for an object in the Process Library. There are two methods of alarm processing in FactoryTalk View. Both alarm methods are covered. The following examples use the Fail To Start alarm from the P_Motor object. However, the methods described in this document can be used to configure any alarm in the Process Library (assuming the alarm is based on the P_Alarm AOI). . The P_Motor Fail To Start alarm uses the tag FailToStart for the P_Alarm AOI.

1.1 Use with FactoryTalk Alarm and Events

This section describes the steps required to configure a Process Library Alarm on a FactoryTalk Alarm and Event server. In this section, the P_Motor object name is [PO_17]P101_Motor.

1.1.1 Alarm and Event Setup

In the Alarm and Event Setup window, create a new digital alarm.

On the Digital tab of the Alarm Properties window, configure the alarm as follows: Name: The alarm name should include a unique designator for the object as well as a short description of the alarm. In this example the alarm name for the Fail To Start alarm is PO_17 P101 Fail To Start, where PO_17 P101 identifies the P_Motor object and Fail To Start identifies the alarm. Input Tag: In the Process Library, objects with alarms have an alarm status tag that starts with the prefix Alm_. This tag should be used for the Input Tag. In this example, the Fail To Start alarm has the alarm status tag Alm_FailToStart. Thus the complete input tag name for this example is [PO_17]P101_Motor. Alm_FailToStart. Condition: The condition should be Input <> 0 Severity: The Severity may be set to any valid value at the users discretion.

Minimum Duration: The Minimum Duration should be set to zero. Alarm duration is handled by the controller. Latched Checkbox: Leave the Latched checkbox unchecked. Alarm Reset is handled by the controller. Acknowledge Required Checkbox: The Acknowledge Required checkbox configuration must match the Acknowledge Required configuration for the alarm in the controller. This can be set using the Alarm Configuration tab on the device faceplate. Show Alarm as Tag Checkbox: Check the Show Alarm as Tag checkbox. This creates a FactoryTalk View tag for the alarm. The tag name will be the same as the Alarm Name configured above. Message: The Message may be configured as required by the end user. Associated Tags: Associated Tags may be configured as required by the end user. Alarm Class: The Alarm Class may be configured as required by the end user. FactoryTalk View Command: Optionally configure the FactoryTalk View Command as Display {faceplate name} /T{object}. In this example, the command is Display (RA-BAS) P_Motor-Faceplate /T[PO_17]P101_Motor.

The Status Tags configuration allows the updates made in the FactoryTalk Alarm and Event screens to be sent to the controller. On the Status Tags tab of the Alarm Properties window, configure the alarm as follows: Disabled Tag: Enter {object}.{alarm tag}.Disabled for the Disabled Tag. In this example, the Disabled Tag is [PO-17]P101_Motor.FailToStart.Disabled. Suppressed Tag: Enter {object}.{alarm tag}.Suppressed for the Suppressed Tag. In this example, the Suppressed Tag is [PO-17]P101_Motor.FailToStart.Suppressed. In Alarm Tag: Leave the In Alarm Tag field blank Acknowledged Tag: Enter {object}.{alarm tag}.Ack for the Acknowledged Tag. In this example, the Acknowledged Tag is [PO-17]P101_Motor.FailToStart.Ack.

Note: Since the Alarm Tag is a Local Tag in the AOI, the Disabled, Suppressed, and Ack tags cannot be entered using the tag browser. They must be manually typed. The completed configuration is shown below.

1.1.2 Derived Tags

In order to process the Alarm Acknowledge from the controller in FactoryTalk View, a derived tag entry must be created for each alarm. Note that Alarm Acknowledge from the Process Library Faceplates goes directly to the controller.

Tag Name: Enter {Alarm Tag Name}.OperAck for the Derived Tags Tag Name. In this example, the Alarm Tag Name is PO_17 P101 Fail To Start, so the Derived Tag name is PO_17 P101 Fail To Start.OperAck. Expression: Enter the alarms Acknowledge Status Tag. In the Process Library, objects with alarms have an alarm acknowledge status tag that starts with the prefix Ack_. This tag should be used for the Derived Tag Expression. . The complete input tag name for this example is [PO_17]P101_Motor.Ack_FailToStart. Note that this tag name is different than the Acknowledged Tag entered in the FactoryTalk Alarm and Event Digital Alarm Properties in the previous section.

1.2 Use with traditional FactoryTalk View Tag Based Alarming

This section describes the steps required to configure a Process Library Tag Based Alarm in FactoryTalk View. For each alarm two HMI tags must be created. The first tag is the Alarm Acknowledge tag. The second tag is the actual Alarm tag. In this example, the P_Motor object name is [PO_55]P101_Motor and the objects HMI tag folder is PO_55\P101_Motor.

1.2.1 Create the Acknowledge HMI Tag

Create the alarm acknowledge tag as follows: Tag Name: Enter a tag name for the Acknowledge Tag. In this example, the tag is in the folder PO_55\P101_Motor and the complete tag name is PO_55\P101_Motor\Ack_FailToStart. Tag Type: The Tag Type is Digital. Data Source Type: The Data Source Type is Device. Data Source Address: Enter {object}.{alarm tag}.Ack for the Data Source Address. In this example, the tag address is [PO-55]P101_Motor.FailToStart.Ack. Note: Since

the Alarm Tag is a Local Tag in the AOI, it cannot be entered using the tag browser. It must be manually typed.

1.2.2 Create the Alarm HMI Tag

Create the alarm tag as follows: Tag Name: Enter a tag name for the Alarm Tag. In this example, the tag is in the folder PO_55\P101_Motor and the complete tag name is PO_55\P101_Motor\Alm_FailToStart. Tag Type: The Tag Type is Digital. Description: Enter the Alarm Tag Description as required by the end user. Data Source Type: The Data Source Type is Device. Data Source Address: In the Process Library, objects with alarms have an alarm status tag that starts with the prefix Alm_. This tag should be used for the Data Source Address. In this example, the Fail To Start alarm has the alarm status tag Alm_FailToStart. The complete Data Source Address for this example is [PO_17]P101_Motor. Alm_FailToStart. Alarm Checkbox: Check the Alarm Check Box and Click the Alarm button to display the Digital Alarm configuration window.

In the Digital Alarm configuration window, go to the Advanced tab and enter the configuration as follows: Alarm Identification: Optionally configure the Alarm Identification command as Display "(RA-BAS) P_Motor-Faceplate" /T[PO_55]P101_Motor Out of Alarm Label: Enter text as required by the end user. Alarm Acknowledge Bit: The acknowledge bit should be set to corresponding acknowledge tag created in the previous section. In this example, the Acknowledge Tag is PO_55\P101_Motor\Ack_FailToStart. Alarm Acknowledge Bit Auto Reset Checkbox: Leave this blank Alarm Handshake Bit: Leave the Alarm Handshake Bit field blank. Alarm Handshake Bit Auto Reset Checkbox: Leave this blank

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