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Chapter one Adreona

The low moon cast eerie shapes on the glass windows of consignment shops on the street and shadows danced on the side walk under her shoes. Adreona walked slowly through downtown Briggs. The soft rain made her jet black, waist length hair cling slightly to her pale face. A lone dark car turned the corner and raced down the empty highway, its head lights sweeping briefly to illuminate her piercing silver eyes. Cloaked in dark, rough, black liner and full lashes, they were the most brilliant of her perfect features. Those eyes perched on a face that would seem to belong to a Greek goddess, a goddess who rebelled against her looks with 3 silver hoops piercing the right side of her nose. Her full top lip curled over her teeth as the car speed past. The passenger smiled back out the window, taking in her appearance as a collector would a piece of rare art. When the vehicle had gone from sight, Adreona chuckled softly to her self, knowing their was no one there to hear her. A dark an seductive voice came from behind her. "Showing off are we?" His words sent a shiver down her spine. The warm air chilled by his breath that was caressing the back of her neck. Adreona stopped abruptly, a face of shock replacing her smile. Her heart skipped, stopped, and broke once again. "Damion." She spoke, as she turned to face him. "Addy, your not breathing!" Damion whispered, concern filling his lovely face, he took a careful step forward to her. It was like a switch had turned off in her head, no it had short circuited and blew up, this was her breaking point, she had finally went insane. This thought, the thought of him making her crazy infuriated her. The thought that he just assumed he could just reappear and she would not have to remember the last 12 months. The last year of misery he had put her though? Crying her self to sleep at night hoping he would be there when she woke up? No, she was not going through this again. Why couldn't he just stay gone? These thoughts flew in and out of her head in seconds. She drew a quick breath and turned to walk away. He stepped

in front of her and placed his always freezing hands on each side of her face. Through grinded teeth she spoke. "Let me go, Damion!" Tears ran fiercely down her face along with the now pouring rain, smearing her make-up and making her eyes seem to glow brighter. She shivered uncontrollably as he dropped his hands down to his sides in defeat, his face a mask of sorrow, his beautiful green eyes holding hers, holding such a longing. She almost felt ashamed. Almost. "Addy?" He breathed, his words shaking slightly. "Go away, Damion!" Her voice a well practiced demand she had used on him long ago. But now it held a pure hatred at his name, which she spit at him through her teeth. The tight black spaghetti strap top she wore was not doing well in keeping her warm, nor was the short plaid skirt and black boots that barely covered her shins. Damion shrugged of his jacket and started to place it around her shoulders, she stepped quickly back out of his reach. "Addy?" "What are you doing here?" She ask angrily. "I...I came see you." He said his tone questioning. "To see me? To see ME!!!! Oh how overjoyed I am!" Adreona screamed. "Yes, Addy, I came back to see YOU!" Damion snapped back. She growled and moved around him and continued down the street. Damion effortlessly keep up with her angry pace. "Addy, whats wrong with you? I thought you would be happy to see me!" Adreona stopped short. She turned toward him, the demonically beautiful man whom she had left every thing for, looked at him seriously in the eye, placed her thin hands on his face, and with the hurt that could kill a thousand men in her eyes, she spoke sternly. "I Hate You!" Damion's mouth dropped, his hand shaking violently as he reach out for her. Adreona stepped back, now staring at the ground, shifted her position and walked away. Damion caught his breath slightly and began gasping for air. That delicate, fragile woman had just knocked the wind out of him with 3 words. "Addy?" Damion whispered in to the wind. "Adreona!" He growled sharply, his hurt replaced by anger. She stopped, her clicking heels merely an echo. Her shoulders slumped and she cried out, her tears leaving black tracks on her cheeks.

"Why did you have to come back?" she screamed, "Why?!" "Addy, I love you, I miss you! Why is that so hard for you to understand?!" Adreona drew in a breath, her long dark hair whirling around her face. Her eyes grew dark and her voice dramatically deep. YOU LEFT!!! She barked at him, and then she was gone, escaped right out of his life and ran right over his heart.

Chapter two Damion

He hadnt given much thought to where he was going; he just knew that he had to leave. Australia, maybe; they wouldnt think to look for him there. Canada? No, he would be too tempted to cross the American border, too see her again. London, Paris, Tokyo, South Africa?? All he needed was to be far, far away from Boston. All he wanted was to defy it all and go back. But he couldnt. Damion rocked slowly, rhythmically on the heels of his boots, perched high on the top of an old abandoned elementary school house. Oddly, the fire escape had been removed, perhaps to halt break-ins. So, he took the stairs. He hadnt been in this place since the night he meet her. He needed something to bring him self back to who he used to be. He was a merchant of sorts, a trader. This trait had gotten him in major conflicts. Ones that he couldnt place on her. Adreona meant the world to him. Nothing was worth risking her life.

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