Cuomo Said Aiming at Guns

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M O N D A Y , E C E M B E B3 T , 2 O I 2 - Y O L . C C L X N O . ' I 5 3 D
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Cuomo SaidAimingat Guns

firearm purchasesto one every 90 days, according to the Law NewYork Gov.Andrew Cuomo Centerto PreventGunViolence. is planningto introducea packIn an appearance Albany on ageofgun-control legislationin radio show "I-ive from the State the coming weeksthat could in- Capitol with Fred Dicket''earlier clude limits on muitiple gun pur- this month, Mr. Cuomosaid he chases,a broader assault-weap- planned a new packageof gun ons ban and magazine size limits, said people close to the negotiations. The governor said the The people said Mr. Cuomo,a Democrat, eagerto be among state'sassault-weapon is the first governors to sign new ban'hasmoreholes 8un laws in the aftermath of the Dec.14schoolshootingin New- than Swisscheese.' town Conn, and a Christnas Eve shooting in Webster, N.Y. One of the measwes Mr. reguJations but said it was too CuomoS administration is con- soon to discussspecifics.His fosidering is a statewide Iimit on cus,he said, would be on assaltt the number of guns that may be weapons and changing the purchased by a single person state's l2-year-old ban on the over a period of time, t}te people guns, which he said "has more said. Only three states and the holes than Swiss cheese." District of Columbiahave laws New York alreadyhas someof restricting multiple firearm pur- the strictest gun-controllaws in chases. New York City also limits the nation and is one of onlv

seven states with an assaultweaporlsban in place, but Mr. Cuomosaid he would consider ehangingthe state'sdefinition of an assau-lt weapon to include more grn types. He said current law defines assault weapons thal capac"more by cosmetics trv." Administration officiais are still considering the possibility of limiting the size of firearm magazinesand redefining assault weaponsmore broadly,but people on all sides of the talks said Mr. Cuomo'ssuggestion of possibly 'tonfiscating" or requiring mandatoryseli-backs of assaultweaponsis impractical and would likely face viruient oppositionfrom gun owrers. Mr. Cuomo'sadministration is discussing legislationwith Senate Republicans,who havejoint control of the state Senate, and with the Democratswho control the Assembly.People close to Pleasetum topage A19

ContinuedfrompageAlZ The tragediesin Connecticut the negotiationssaid the talks and upstate New York could are progressing, albeit slowly. makeit easierfor lawmakers on Many of New York,s Senate both sides of the aisle to come Republicans aren't opposedto to the negotiating table. The new laws but are insisting that Senate,long-dominated Reby the legislation include stiffer publicans,will be jointly conpenaltiesfor crimes committed trolled by Republicansand a with illegal guns, something breakawayconference indeof manyAssembly Democrats have pendent Democrats whose historically opposed, leader,Jeff Klein, openlyfavors Michael Whyland, a spokes- stricter gun controls. man for the Assembly DemoOn Sunday, Assemblyrnan Dacrats, said it was unclear vid Weprin, a Democrat from whether the conferencewould Queens, said he would introquce support increased penaltiesnow, legislationto increasecriminal because more detailsare needed penalties for people who help on the proposals, felonsobtainguns,a reactionro 'We're continuing to have the shootingsin Webster. discussions this," Mr. Whyon After the tragedies,Assembly Iand said. Democrats might be more open Any new gun-control efforts to increased penaltiesbeing atwould likely face vocal opposi- tachedto illegal gunsthan they tion from nationaland stategua havein the past, he said. lobbyistswho havecontributed "I think the recent events,in thousandsof dollars to lawmak- Newtown,Conn.,and certainly ers' campaignsover the past the incident that just happened severalyearsand arguenew gun near Rochester, still raq you it's laws won't fix the problem of know? We still feel raw,,,said gun violence. Mr. Weprin. 'With the tragedy that just "There is nothing that is being proposedthat we would sup- occurred, and the federal moport," said Tom King, president mentum and the tenuousleaderof the New York State Rifle and ship the Republicans have now Pistol Association. .,The laws in the state Senate,I think evthat havebeenproposedwould eryone is aligned to pass comdo absolutely nothing to make prehensivegun control legislaour poplesafer." tion in both houses," said. he

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