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Homopolar Electric Motors

Andrs Felipe Arenas R.

Faculty of Engineering University of Antioquia

Len Felipe Serna M.

Faculty of Engineering University of Antioquia

Abstrac- Electric motors can transform electrical energy into mechanical energy by means of electromagnetic fields. This paper describes how Michael Faraday discovered how to make moving and building the first electric motor in the world. Also The homopolar electric generation process refers to a moving electric conductor enclosed by a unidirectional and constant magnetic eld. In this phenomenon, there is a compulsory relationship between the electric eld, magnetic eld and inertia. The generated electric power is directly determined by their magnitude. Another aspect to be considered is the homopolar motor functioning as change some features of this varying elements that will be used and will make the analysis of each case.

I. INTRODUCTION Electric motors can transform electrical energy into mechanical energy by means of electromagnetic fields. Some motors are reversible, can transform mechanical energy into electrical energy to operate as generators. Electric motors are composed mainly of two parts, a fixed part called stator, and a mobile part called rotor . The stator acts as a base allowing it to perform the rotation of the motor does not move mechanically but if magnetically, and the rotor is the rotating element allowing the transmission of mechanical energy [1]. In 1821 the scientist Hans Christian Oersted discovered the relationship between electricity and magnetism. A year later the scientist Michael Faraday discovered how to make moving and building the first electric motor in the world. The most common use of homopolar motors is in generators that are installed in electroplating process plants. These engines are also used in wind turbines and converting wind energy into electricity cheaper than bipolar motors and

require less maintenance. Also some toy cars used homopolar motors[4]. All motors over world were born and currently working from electromagnetism, phenomenon discovered by Danish scientific Hans Christian Oersted in 1821, which analyzed and introduced a new concept electromagnetic, also found relationship between flow currents and magnetic fields. However was Michael Faraday, British physicist and chemist, best known for his discoveries of electromagnetic induction and of the laws of electrolysis. His biggest breakthrough in electricity was his invention of the electric motor [3]. The most simple and basic idea about motors, it is device that can convert electrical power in motion. The history attributed to Faraday as the builder of the first motor thanks to its experiment that constituted in one copper rod that holds a conductive structure, one recipient with mercury, protruding up from the bottom of the cup was a permanent

magnet, a battery and many wires for connect made a close circuit. The homopolar electric generation process refers to a moving electric conductor enclosed by a unidirectional and constant magnetic eld. In this phenomenon, there is a compulsory relationship between the electric eld, magnetic eld and inertia. The generated electric power is directly determined by their magnitude. Every time when there is a owing electric current also a magnetic eld exists and vice versa. Furthermore, inertia is the consequence of a moving mass in the surrounding space (these days also called aether). It is well recognized that the empty space is actually a uid medium of extreme energetic density having strong inertial quali- ties[4]. As mentioned above, this article seeks to investigate and explain some aspects homopolar motor, the importance of this discovery in the development of electrical engineering and as its operation. Using a tool some basics like a AA battery, copper wire of various gauges, screws, and a magnet for the simulation that will Hint for the analysis and development of the article.

Figure 2 Structure of experiment.


It can see that, the better contact of the magnet with wire, the homopolar motor operation is more efficient. After some time the wire heats up. Changing the polarity of the magnet or of the stack, change the rotation of the wire. It was observed that if a branch of this wire is cut its stops but the other continue rotating. changing the battery or magnet, or by varying the wire gauge can modify homopolar motor speed.


The homopolar motor operation is based on the strength of a magnetic field that is perpendicular to the current flowing through the circuit formed by the stack, the magnet and the wire, which generates a torque on the wire and makes this turn. Better the contact between the wire and magnet, there is a greater flow of current, and therefore more power, which improves the performance of the homopolar motor

Figure 1 Faraday`s experiment, the first motor



The main objective is making a Homopolar motor use one alkaline battery, magnetic disk and one copper wire that can unite the positive side of battery with magnetic disk for close de circuit; you can show the figure 2 for more details.

Figure 3 Relationship between current flow and magnetic field. The heating wire is presented by the Joule effect, which says if a driver passes a stream, part of the kinetic energy of the electrons is converted into heat[2] When changing the polarity of the magnet or of the stack changes the direction of rotation as the magnetic field strength remains perpendicular to the current but the opposite direction and thereby causing the torque on the wire also changes. When cutting a branch of the wire is stopped, since there is no current flow through this, however the other branch continues to rotate, because this branch remains in contact with the magnet and the stack. therefore the current flowing through this normally follows. The homopolar motor speed is different when changing the characteristics of one of the elements, due to the current flow through change the circuit and therefore also change the power.

[2] wikipedia. Efecto Joule. 2012 [actualizado el 14 de noviembre de 2012; citado el 29 de diciembre de 2012]. Disponible en [3] Bellis, M. Michael faraday. 2012 [Citado el 29 de diciembre de 2012. Disponible en m. [4] Brauer, H. Ziolkowski, M. Porzing, and K. Toepfer, H, Modelling and Simulation of a Simple Homopolar Motor of Faradays Type, Facta universitatis (nis), vol 24, pp. 221-242, August 2011.

With the completion of this project showed how with some basics such as a battery, copper wire and a magnet, it can build a homopolar motor that generates circular motion. All this based on the theories of Michael Faraday. They built some simple homopolar motors, which allowed to see the behavior of each, and some elements such as changing the battery, wire gauge, or the magnet varied characteristics and movement speed. It is noteworthy that these electric motors are a teaching tool, easy to learn the history of homopolar motors and how they influenced the development of electrical engineering


[1] wikipedia. Motor elctrico. 2012 [actualizad0 el 20 de diciembre de 2012; citado el 29 de diciembre de 2012]. Disponible en

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