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Emotion, and Intuition


elopment of Emo tion

rrts, their power to manipulate would be diminished. They would remain,

inuing their covert tactics, awaiting another potential opportunity to :ivate the old plan. However, the immediate threat to the species would
,moved and the opportunity for growth would be extended.

Tsr FnrB Socrcrv

Just as there would be observable indications that the Zeta plan had suc-

ed there would also be indications that the plan was abandoned. First, nost notable sign would be an increas e in reported instances of UFO sightalien encounters and" communication transmissions. Though the old belief ligm, still colored by the "brainwashing" program, will exist many new :ts and appearances of new belief models will manifest on a global basis. long joumey of healing ideological differences into a common position otherhood through tolerance will emerge. New discoveries will be made re areas of health that will be made available to the masses. Seemingly culous advancements in holistic healing will come into view, helping to I the rift between traditional medicine and contemporary holism. Many technologies, using the sciences of light and sound will be created and ed to health, social, economic and environmenal problems, and much way will be made in finding solutions. Though you will see many of the , features present within the Zeta society, at least for some time, the /eelene&th them will be different-a sense of "lightness" or "absence of ten-

'will be present. lore and more individuals will begin rediscovering their spiritual orienn and make efforts to accelerate their development. Through these
ls strong support systems will emerge within the economic structures of g countries. Companies will be redesigned to allow for the healthy devel:nt of families with home work opportunities and flexibility of hours : readily available. Many large companies will downsize, creating instead ater number of smaller corporations that work in a cooperative rather competitive framework. People will begin to take responsibility for their health care, using the increased spiritual and scientific knowledge availA tum toward "energy medicines" or Keylonta Therapeutics will bring lirected health and healing into the lives of the masses, and large groups rissaries representing these technologies will travel globally sharing their rledge wlth third world citizens so they may begin their own healing proS.

ods of instability within every country as the new ideas that promote successful evolution sweep through the collective conscience of the race, and people will unite through environmental and humanitarian issues. Earth changes, in certain locations will occur as the energies of Earth, like that of its people reach for higher ground. The "Age of Enlightenmenr," will dawn and bring with it many awesome and wonderful surprises. Freedom will be the purpose and the process of these times, and your species will grow and prosper through the knowledge rhar will come inro your system. The old ways will grow side by side with the new, merging into a new perspective that has brotherhood as its core and peaceful co-creation as its objective. within approximarely 50 years the enlightenedzeta and other ET groups working for the advancement of the human species will make their presence known to large numbers of people and begin forming cooperative relationships of learning with the humans who desire this interaction. "Abductions" will no longer take place as the visitors will be able to extend invitations rarher than operate beyond the conscious awareness of the people. (Those responsible for the non-consented abductions will have left your system). It will be a grear age indeed, far different from the repressed "robotic-like" exisrence of holographic reality with covert, centralized conrrol. Your species will rnake the f,nal decision as to which reality it will see by the choices made within your presenr time. choos e well. (This choice will be finalized in zorT AD, through events extensively described inVoyagers II: Secrers of Amenti, and Vol,agers III: The
Angelic Dossier.)

Many rewards await you if you choose to grow consciously, as in the development of HSR your perceptual field will expand along with your abilities to slnthesize a greater range of frequency. You will discover many wonderful things about the world you live in, things that enrirely escaped your view before. As you begin to look at your world in a new way, you will also begin to view yourselves in a new light and reclaim some of the limitless aspects of your being that allow joy to touch you as the life force moves through you. Not only will the choice of accelerating your evolutionary path
protect you by giving you the tools you need to avert holographic inserts and forced matrix transplants, it will also bring to you a whole new "magical" world of perception to explore. And in this new fronrier you will find the solutions to many of your present challenges, both personally and as a human collective.


[here will be restructuring in the govemments on all levels, and there be several decades of apparent strife on smaller levcls irs thc pc1)plc im power within their govemments and hegin t() crelll('lltt's,,c'irrl rtnrl
icrirl changt'sncc..l,-'.'1

DnvsropMENT oF EMorroN
The starting point for developrnent of thc Higher Senses is Emotional
Awareness. For ccnttrrics yottr ctrltrrt-cs hirve tirtrgl-rt y()u t() rcprcss, rlist,lvn lrqtl ll(,'glltc clttotiottltl rt',rlity rrtttl t'x|t'ricnt t'. Yrur sl)t.t it's llrr ,'l...r,,'l,,l,t'Ll rr "1,r-1'j11.

tool'rct.rirfirtrrlco['lrro(lrcrltt,,,,l.'llr,r,'rvill l,, l,,ti-

)areness, Emotion, and


Frog in a Fish Bowl

:d perception" in this regard, in which the physically verifiable impressions

ught to you by your five identi{ied senses are considered superior to the more tle impressions of emotion and intuition brought to you by your higher

facility. Emotion contained a power, which seemed to possess a "life of its r." This "power of emotion" was perceived as a threat to the developing :llect, for the intellect could not comprehend the reality through which :tion occurred and so could not bring this "mysterious power" under conrus direction. In the early days, when the 12 tribes were being trained to elop the intellectual perspective, the blocking of emotional sensation was a I used in order to assist the developing human to focus his five sense perceprs outwardly into the objective matter-world. Emotion worked a bit differly then, serving as a form of Instinctual Response such as is apparent in r present day animals. The instinctual response served to bring data directiy n the Soul Matrix into the cellular consciousness, bypassing the "mind" as thlnk of it, creating an interactive response mechanism through which the a.nism would receive direct impulse from soul that would direct it toward the .on-in-time necessary for the organisms survival. The organism would not 'e to "think about or choose" appropriate action responses as they would re "automatically" from the Soul Matrix. As long as an organism, be it animal, human or other life form, had a rng instinctual impulse it would remain under the full control and direc. r of the Soul Matrix. Such beings would not operate out of "free will" nor rld they possess a sense of personal individuation, but would ra[her func. r as individual units of a collective. The human was intended to become a tient, self-motivated being, capable of choice and conscious co-creation h the Soul Matrix, rather than an "unthinking" extension of the Soul trix. So in those early times the instinctual response of emotional cogni' r was partially "dismantled." This involved de-activating certain Keylonta les within the DNA pattem, which created a sense of separation from soul the deuelopinghuman. The separation allowed for a clearer focus in time and ;rer, through which the intellect could evolve and from which individualse

in motion. Through these processes of Keylonta Code activations your species expanded from its earlier digressed forms of relarive simplicity inro the complexity of the present intellectually focused form that you carry. As you grew so did your ability to synthesize emotional frequency, and greater amounts of these latent codes were brought into activation as you progressed through time. Great
power and awareness is stored within these latent code particles, and ir is this power that the maturing intellect sensed as it began to observe and de{ine the quality of perception you call Emotion. To the growing intellect emotion appeared to be "chaotic," unreliable and "suspicious." The intellect had developed into the "logical" reasoning

Soul Matrix and yer another stage of growth would be set

organism evolved those codes could once again be reassembled and integrated into the awareness of the growing consciousness. As humans evolvecl through time certain code patterns would be activated by impulse from the


power you presenrly use to decipher realiry, but that logzc used the assimila. tion of data from only the five senses that you presently know. The sense data and awareness brought in by the seven orher Higher Senses (or "high frequency senses") was blocked from the logical mind by the biological organism, whose physical apparatus did not possess the mechanisms needed for this hlgher sense data to be synthesized into patrerns. That apparatus would not evolve into the physical structure until the latent codes were activated by the soul Matrix. So logic developed, but it was at a disadvanrage, as the pool of informarion from which it had to draw conclusions was limited by the biological immaturity of the human form.


rN A FrsH


To use an analogy, logic developed as a"frog in a fish bowl,', whereas in its yourh it could swim around in circles within the confines of its limited envi-

I identity emerged.

As with many of the other disengaged codes (those from the original r1 Matrices that existed prior to the Host Matrix transplants) these ;tinctual emotive" codes were stored within the cellular pattern and the rl Matrix. A small portion of them were left in operation, giving the nan access to small amounts of Soul Matrix data and serving to provide rugh instinctual basis to ensure appropriate action in regard to survival of organism. These remaining codes became the basis for yotrr "ftght-or[-rt" biochemical reaction response. Thc storec] cttrolivc c,,,.lt's, rrl,rtrg 'uvith clsJ wcrc k,-,1',t 11,111', thc [rtrtttlrtt withitr tlie t..'llrrl:rr' sl trl( lrlt(', s,r ;ts lltt'

ronment, but could not remove itself from that environment to discover the vi'orld which existed beyond the glass. Viewing the world it could see beyond the glass, the world seemed threatening, as the shapes and forms our "frog" could see made no sense. The frog presently had no experiential basis with which those mysterious forms could be correlated and understood. In its youth the frog did not possess the physical apparatus that would allow it to from its fish bowl and explore the odl enuironment it could see beyond. Without activation of the Keylonta Code patterns stored in the cells, the physical body o? the human dil,-rot h"r," th" ability to expancl its perception beyond its five sense world, nor was thc hum:rn zrble to make sense of the strange new worlcl of cmotional irnlttrlsc using thc linrircrl conccl'rtual bnsis tl'rc fivc scnscs
Irror.'i,lct l.


eness, Emotion, and

sense perception of


As our frog grew, and legs began

rvered lt ^o1I/ evolved ore rhe srrange world outside of the glass. As the human biology neurological lnd physiological structures of the body grew' new Keylonta , ,"q,r.t1", were activated, and the body could now begin to synthesize mind rer amounts of the latent emorional codes. The logical/intellectual emerging d begin exploring rhe world of emotional impressions that were it, u*u...r"rs. But instead of leaping our frog became afraid choosing its :ad to swim around in circles within its ever shrinking bowl, closing reached the.point ro the world thar flashed by around it. As your species

to sprout where once were {ins' the frog had the nultiry to leap out of its comfortable bowl and

the logical mind brings only "half of the picture," so you

will never understand the true nature of yourselves or your world if you do
not put that partial picture together with the other pieces that exist within your emotional heritage. You cannot understand emotion by using the logical facilities alone. How long will you remain as "frogs in a fish bowl," swimming around in circles of incomplete logical reasoning? Emotion has is own logic, methods of synthesizing energy and ideas that are unique unto itself. The logic of the mind will bring you conclusions, whereas the logic of the emotions will bring you Cognition. Withour that cognition, operating subconsciously through the emotive facilities, your logical conclusions would make no sense to your conscious awareness. When you cut off emotional cognition from logical perception, you create an artificial boundary within your identity and conscious awareness. The emotional codes stored within cellular structure were intended to be reassem. bled and reorganized, as impulsed by the Soul Matrix, as you evolved through time. As these codes were restructured and assembled into rhe operative codes of your DNA your conscious awareness would receive an ever expanding picture of realiry and cognition. The illusionary perceived separarion between the conscious biological self and rhe soul identiry would diminish as
the codes were progressively assembled, allowing greater amounts of energy, identity and awareness to filter into the physical body and intellectual consciousness. As the latent codes re-assembled, the old "instinctual imprint" of the early human would be combined with the newly developed logical facility, creating a new perceptual modality that would allow for full Soul Matrix cognition to embody within a physically manifest system. If your evolution had moved along as planned, following the impulses generated through the Soul Matrix cycles, your physical form and your logical conscious awareness would have merged with the soul identity, creating a fully cognizanr being in flesh. But your evolution did not proceed as intended, and there were set backs, due in part to the manipulation of your genetic code by other ET

iological development that would allow the emotional aspects of reality . .*"plor.d, rhe iogical mind chose instead to remain rvithin its limited iron-.r-rt of ideas, and "pretend away" the emo[ional impressions that : emerging more and more into conscious awareness. As long as our frog ""*p*lore the world outside the bowl it will not discover that it is .", to captive I equlpped to make sense of that environment, and it will remain to move or grow. The free world rin^the bowl with very little room rnd will remain unavailable. If the human species continues to repress and negate the emotional aspects the logical rs being, which it is now biologicaliy capable of slrrthesizing, exist beyond the limits of its present .d will never discover the freedoms that five'sense s. The human will remain trapped within the bowl of duality and fiveleprion, unable ro grow b"yo.d the conditions created through that as long as it te orientation. The species will never become "fully human" of the seven hlgher senses. lf the spe; off from logical awareness the reality it must is ro evolvJ to fulfill the imprint and role for which it was created, lntent Key' me fully hrmwn. And thls requires integration and synthesis of the a ro,J,"r-thutgive you the quality of perception you call Emotion' ln the infaicy of lntellect it was appropriate for awareness to be placed hi., ir, tiny fish bowl of simple ideas, where it could grow and develop ,,the fins have evolved lr-rro legs," in terms of our analogy, and the ,ly. sr, Afraid nan logic still closes its eyes to the world of emotion and intuition. of emotional cognition that exist beyond charr the territories ,"e, -"iiass,, "ti"iato of polarized perception. Human logic, at its present state of evolu' r, continues to try and comprehend that "magical world" within the limited memorJ. And like our frog, human logic will fines of its own experiendal ,", .o-pr"hend thre true realiry of the world beyond the glass until it leaps i within since its , of the safe little bowl of beliefs" it has been functioning

The logical mind ancl intellect were inter-rcletl to w,,t'k fogcthcr, lrringirrg Tl r,'fiVc I ll tri()ri., ltfCrtrillc llcrCC|l iorr (}{'r'clrlity tlllrtr cilllt'r,,,,t1,1 ,,l,,llr'.

your reality, creating distortions within the eleccrical impulse patterns being sent by the Soul Matrix. These distortions served to further "jumble" the Keylonta Code particles within your cells, disrupting the original code activation sequences. There was originally speci{ic order to the dismantled Keylonta Codes, and their activation sequenccs were "schcciulcrl," s('r to s1-,eak. This or,ler alktwec'l ftrr ir cIcirr l.itlltrvrr), {irr clicrty to follow fr,rrrr llrc Soul Mrrtrix into tlrc hiologit;rl li,t'rrr, Tlrt' tlistol't iolts t tt'ltlt'Ll lry llr,' .rr tivitrr's ol nurrrt r,rrrs Ir'l qr'()ul)s

TUBVTTSNCE MurATroN At different periods in your evolution, these forces entered

,ness, Emotion, and Intuition emergence of this innate order "out of whack" so to speak' and the the appropriate sequence' Codes -J *nr"rsions no longer followed ,,receivers" within the operati."a ,nri did not harre rieir counterpart could not be filtered ).lA and the energy released by these code firings began to "pool" he biological organism. lnstead, this "errant energy" natural order of r the higher frequency sense facilities, distorting the conscious awareness as structur-es. The distortions emerged into the and inappropriate emo' emotional, impulse, creating overly aggressive existing ;;;;" pu,*.r,, that "rtJ,"d into tL'e body through the fight or "fight flight been in operation' The Jht" code structures that had


electrical became overburdened with th"'" "ttotganized the body became unbal' chemical and hormonal process of now apparent within your l, .reuting the propensiry for violent behavior cellular n strain. As this sequence interruption occurred within thecodes in operative "fight'or'flight" ;;;"J was "put on line," through ttre lin' NA, this distortion was geneticelly pased on through your species mutarion i^ spo.udic und r"ndom manifestations of biological

t, prr,"r, ;;r,;J;h"

thus inappropriate emotive reactions. They possess immature intuitiua tlat,t'lt\t ment, and these individuals represent the portions of your genetic striritr tltirt have nor yet fully rnanifested the Intuitive Bridge within their biologictrl structures. The bridge, however, exists as a latent code within rhe DNA, and thus the self-destructive tendencies of humans can be healed through the activation of those codes and the development of the Intuitive Facility. All of you in your present stage of evolution are working toward the development and strengthening of the intuitive facility and the synthesis of those errant emotive codes. For this reason exploring emotion can seem very difficult, as you will find many impulses that do not fi.t within your ideas of "acceptability." You will discover seemingly "senseless" patterns of feelings emerging into awareness, and if these are allowed to govern the direction of the intellectual/ logical facility you will end up with chaos. The logical mind must leam to effectively direct, not repress, the emotional energies' 'We have explained to you the emotional rnutation that is now present your species strainbecause Jou need to know what )ou are dealing with as within


,sychological mal alignment.

'he Soul Matrix, in an attempt to override this undesired mutation' of accelerir"t"d more of the latent Keylonta codes with the intention -ttr" errant codes could be cleared' by linking body', developmen, ,o 'it" in the DNA. what this translates inro alr"ady opemtive

you begin to expl.ore emotional reality and deuelop yur higher senses. There are techniques that you can learn to use to assist in emotional healing, intuitive development and activation of your Higher Senses. The techniques may make little sense to your conscious mind because presently you do not consciousl.y

is yet another perof th" development of your conscious awareness' could be synthesized. ,J *"a" througtrwhi.r, ,rr"r" additional energies ,i* intuition"began, as the intuitiue farility was added into your biologi"f between the original trucrure. The intuitive facility serves as a bridge arising from the mutation' -lr. .od", and the divergent impulses again be syn,"gf, if-r" inruitive facility "LotioJ impulses could once conscious 1og*? ,f-r-"gf-, the body urri i,,,o the linear patterning of the the excessive electrical Lntellectual mind. Wrtho,rt th" intuitiue'facil'uy would have overloaded the bio' rlses from the distorted emotional codes that ;i;;; ;i the body, creating a wide arrav of growth abnormalities evolution of the species' Ld have permanently stunted the




rhroughoutyourknownhistorythe..violencemutafion,,directedevents of this mutation' as ,in thJhuman drama. Your lineage bears the imprint Humans trapped trated by your p.op"rrrlty tow"ard self'destruction' to synthcsize the rin the self-destructive pattems were, and are, unable 'kxrtl of clcctrical i,rful'"t corning into the botly fnrrrr rlre [)NA and

internal energ1 dynamics. To evolve the emo' tions and intuitions effectively, you must monipulnte the Keylonta codes con' tained within your cells, and you cannot do this without the direction and knowledge supplied by your Soul Marrix. In setting the conscious intention to link with the energies of the Soul Matrix, Jou open the door for the needed information to enter your conscious awdTeness. For this reason it is of primary importance that you deuelop the conscious ability to communicate directly with your soul matrix. .As long as your logical mind refuses to learn the subtle dynunics of energy direction through the mind,you will not be able to bring into your awareness theknowledge you need to effectively clear the emotionel energies. No one can clear your emotional imprint without you first consenting to the process. Once you have agreed to the process consciously, the Soul Matrix will begin to impulse you toward the actions necessary in the outside world that will facilitate this healing. lf you are to become whole, if you are to integrate with the Soul Matrix, if you are to become fully human , )ou must clear andheal the the workings



being. Repressing emotion, drugging emotion out of existence , and f eoting the power of yur emotions will not promote healing. It will cause





,r fliglrt",,,.^.1,,,,,i,1,r. Tl.i,


ttt,'ttlrrl ittltl

further builclup of errant energy and more biological and psychological manilc:tlrtir )lt: ()f it tlttttrl it' llllttlr('.

eness, Emotion, and Intuition 'hose of you who have developed your intuitive abilities represent the rn of your species who have begun to utilize the Keylonta Codes that activated to-bypass the mutation. You are {urther along in Jour genetic

the territories and majesty that once were your own. Tieat yourselves as thc rr,1aky that Jou are, and treat your fellow humans (regardless of their position) irs beloved members of thar lineage. In taking responsibility for your own emotional reality and committing to the healing and evolution of your personal being, you will emerge triumphant, one by one, into the palace of your awakened identity. Then you can begin to call the others home. Your species can heal, and it must if its contin-

g. Most

hrrirm have operational intuitive facilities that synthesize y, emotion and sense data for you on a subconscious level. Those of you

rave linked the intuitions to the logical mind, who have expanded your ahead of 's and ideas to encompass conscious intuitive development are ame, as you are learning to consciously direct your energies and follow npulses of the Soul Matrix. Biologically you are accelerating in evolu' rs you are assimilating greater amounts of the Keylonta Codes within cellular structure. You are becoming more aware and knowledgeable your contemporaries who rely upon the logical facilities and emotional ;sion alone. You have more power, more awareness and more responsitoward the conscious evolution of your species. And your first responsiis to be healing yourselues through clearing the emotional energies and ng the energy of the soul matrix to flow into your biologlcalform. Then you ,e prepared to help others of your kind approach the subconscious forces nove them. 'hrough the intuitives will come many healing therapies aimed at clear' re emotional imprint, many ideas and practices that may seem foreign to rgical/intellectual minds of those who are still directed by the subcon' s forces. Before you scoff at these "illogical" modalities, take inwentory of ittle you really know about the natwe of your identity, the workings of yur and the plupose for your existence. Before you discredit the practices that ,llow your logical mind to grow, find humility, and realize that you have L to leam. Allow your "frog" of loglc to leap beyond the confines of its bowl. cur contemporaries, who have already passed through the maze of limit' leas, guide you gently into your own healing through expanding your , Try some of the new mind technologies that are auailable to Jou now, and ask ul matrix to guide you. You car heal, ad through the prittate healing of each dual will come the healing of the species. bu have been progranmed,by those who wish to see you fail in the ful:nt of your evolution, lo remain in drnkness' living in a world of duality in :r you are always at the mercy of subconscious forces. They would like to ru remain fearful, frightened by the chaotic energy you can feel within and of a seemingly chaotic universe within which you reside. Do not them to crinl You have the power within you to succeed beyond your rst dreams, to experience realities free from the diseose, sorrow and confu' hat your polarized perceptions create. So mzch wonder awaits you ds Jou

uation is to be secured. There are many, from many places willing to help you. But only you can reach for growth, only you have the power to command the fulfillment of your evolution. Only you hawe the ability to awaken yourselves to see the realities beyond the illusions of your rhree-dimensional world. Only while you are sleeping, unaware of the truth of your identity, can the Zeta and others bring harm to you. You cannot be manipulated by holographic inserts or forced matrix transplants if your senses have developed to the point of seeing behind them and your logic has grown to understand how to avert them. If your logical/intellectual awareness would get out of its own way, your emotional and intuitive facilities would bring your enrire being into balance under the direction of the Soul Matrix. As long as you allow "logic to rule" you will not grow to understand the logzc of the higher senses. Your logical mind can be the frog who becomes the prince, or it can become the toad, burying itself in the sands of fragmented perception. \7e suggest that you muster the courage to leap out of the bowl of your limited ideas and perceptions and begln to explore the suange new worl.d of multidimensional reality and identity that flashes by everywhere
around you.
Just beyond the distorted emorional imprints you will discover the origznal pattern and sequence of the emotional codes. The emotions, in their organic

form, possess a logic and a beauty that you can barely fathom. There is an order and intrinsic strucrure which is created and maintained through the Keylonta codes, and these are anythingbut chaotic. Your logic has become disconnected from the greater structures of which it is a part. Just as the Keylonta
Codes were used by others to create this artificial separation cmd resulting chaos, so too can they be used to restore the organic order and relink the logical mind to its
wholeness of identity.

In other transmissions we will offer information on the technologies you can use to heal yourselves. \7e will introduce those of you who desire to know more to the Keylonta codes, and teach you how you may begin using Keylonta Therapeutics to accelerate your healing and evolution. Meanwhile, there are
lnany ncw rnincl-tcchnologies available, many communications from other kn,rwlctlgcirlrlc s.rttrc:cs thitt cuu scr y()u ()l'l y()ur way towurr-l awakcning. Vlrr ( rlll lrr()l('( l y,,trt-sclvt's [hrttt c,rvcrl rrrrrrrillulrrli,rn, liol,,grrr|lrit inst'r'l s lrrrrl

b the truth of your heritage arul take your rightful plnce within the unirterse.

rrc likc

rct\alfanily tlctl'rronctl hy jcirkrtrs flctiorrs, iln(l y()tr cirn rcc'lrtlttt


areness, Emodon'

urd Inwitron

intention'of-linking by making the matrix transplants 'conscious forced

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of subtLe eners) to con' yo.,, sarelv. Learn
and vott our conscious mind

is the most imPortan'

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you away from harmfttl

soul Rem'E'mbet' the

safe' and you will be Remember and awaken' a}iacent Earth our discussion'o f ttre we will :"':* to to discuss ln the next section V" :?]'"'tt*" ii"o ''r*a'r'o"'uttitla'i' q,hich srstem in


t'l t'


"' " " Earth system: the fuure of your "t ou cut :;;;; iJ".'


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Y" lo[ illustrate to



[T $: *[;;' why itltt"lill,J the



is impcn'





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