2012 Court Calendar

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Court Calendar

2012 Court Calendar and Court Services Programs

The 2012 Court Calendar and Court Services Programs publication is available online at www.albertacourts.ab.ca and www.qp.alberta.ca/1140.cfm. Additional copies of this publication can be ordered from Alberta Queens Printer at www.qp.alberta.ca. 5th floor Park Plaza Building 10611 - 98 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5K 2P7 Phone: 780-427-4952 Fax: 780-452-0668 Email: qp@gov.ab.ca If you have any questions or concerns with regard to the contents of the Calendar, contact: Erika Keeler Forms Management Coordinator Court Technology Services Court Services Division Justice and Attorney General Phone: 780-415-1823 Fax: 780-427-1730 erika.keeler@gov.ab.ca

November, 2011

Court Calendar

2012 Alberta Court Calendar and Court Services Programs

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November, 2011

Court Calendar

November, 2011

Court Calendar

November, 2011

Court Calendar

Table of Contents
6 7 8 9 10 15 17 18 19 20 24 27 29 30 35 36 36 37 38 39 39 40 41 47 47 48 48 50 50 50 50 51 Court of Appeal Sitting Dates Speaking to the List Dates Justices of the Court of Appeal Court of Queen's Bench Map Sitting Points Sitting Dates Justices of the Court of Queen's Bench MasterinChambers Sitting Dates Masters Provincial Court Criminal Map Circuits Docket Sittings Judges of the Provincial Court Supernumerary Judges Provincial Court Family and Youth Map Circuits Docket Sittings Judges of the Provincial Court Provincial Court Civil Sitting Days Judges of the Provincial Court Traffic Commissioners Presiding Justices of the Peace Court Directory Court of Appeal Court of Queen's Bench Office of the Sheriff - Civil Enforcement Provincial Court Base & Circuit Points Alberta Review Board Sheriff's Branch, Security Operations Transcript Management Services General Prosecutions Branch Specialized Prosecution Branch Appeals Branch Public Prosecution Service of Canada Courts Administration Service (Federal) Court Services Programs

November, 2011

Court Calendar


Place of Sitting General Appeal Part J Appeals Hearings Opening Day1 & 2 Opening Day1 Mon. Jan. 9 Mon. Jan. 16 Mon. Jan. 30 Mon. Feb. 6 Mon. Feb. 27 Mon. Mar. 5 Mon. Mar. 26 Mon. Apr. 2 Mon. Apr. 30 Mon. May 7 Mon. June 4 Mon. June 11 Mon. July 16 4 Mon. July 16 4 Tues. Sept. 4 Mon. Sept. 10 Mon. Oct. 1 Tues. Oct. 9 Mon. Oct. 29 Mon. Nov. 5 Mon. Nov. 26 Mon. Dec. 3 Tues. Sept. 4 Mon. Sept. 10 Mon. Oct. 1 Tues. Oct. 9 Mon. Oct. 29 Mon. Nov. 5 Mon. Nov. 26 Mon. Dec. 3 Tues. Sept. 18 Tues. Sept. 25 Tues. Oct. 16 Tues. Oct. 23 Wed. Nov. 14 Tues. Nov. 20 Tues. Dec. 11 Tues. Dec. 11 Thurs. Sept. 20 Tues. Aug. 21 Thurs. Sept. 20 Tues. Aug. 21 Thurs. Oct. 18 Thurs. Oct. 18 Tues. Sept. 18 Tues. Sept. 18 Mon. Jan. 9 Mon. Jan. 16 Mon. Jan. 30 Mon. Feb. 6 Mon. Feb. 27 Mon. Mar. 5 Mon. Mar. 26 Mon. Apr. 2 Mon. Apr. 30 Mon. May 7 Mon. June 4 Mon. June 11 Sentence Sittings - First Day of Oral Argument 1 & 3 Tues. Jan. 24 Tues. Jan. 24 Tues. Feb. 14 Wed. Feb. 22 Tues. Mar. 13 Tues. Mar. 20 Wed. Apr. 11 Tues. Apr. 17 Tues. May 15 Wed. May 23 Tues. June 19 Tues. June 26 Motions Court 1 Motions Court Filing Deadlines

Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Calgary
1 2 3

Thurs. Jan. 26 Thurs. Jan. 26 Thurs. Feb. 16 Thurs. Feb. 16

Thurs. Dec. 22/11 Thurs. Dec. 22/11 Wed. Jan. 18 Wed. Jan. 18

Thurs. Mar. 22 Wed. Feb. 22 Thurs. Mar. 22 Wed. Feb. 22 Thurs. Apr. 19 Mon. Mar. 19 Thurs. Apr. 19 Mon. Mar. 19 Thurs. May 17 Wed. Apr. 18 Thurs. May 17 Wed. Apr. 18 Thurs. June 21 Wed. May 23 Thurs. June 21 Wed. May 23

Thurs. Nov. 15 Tues. Oct. 16 Thurs. Nov. 15 Tues. Oct. 16 Thurs. Dec. 13 Wed. Nov. 14 Thurs. Dec. 13 Wed. Nov. 14

All sittings open at 10:00 a.m. unless otherwise directed. Time frames will be calculated from the opening day of the sittings. For purposes of calculating time frames, opening day is the Monday prior to the first day of oral argument, whether or not the Monday of that week is a holiday. Limited to appeals - (1) Against sentence where the appellant is in custody and there is a reasonable possibility that the result of the appeal is that he or she might be released before the next regular sittings of the Court; (2) From conviction where the appellant is in custody and has been refused interim release pending appeal; (3) Such other cases which, because of urgency or special circumstances, are directed to be heard by order of a Justice of Appeal.

November, 2011

Court Calendar


Place of Sitting Chambers to set Criminal Hearing List - 10:00 a.m. 1 Chambers to set Civil Hearing List - 1:30 p.m. 2

Calgary Edmonton Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Calgary


Tues. Jan. 10 Wed. Jan. 18 Wed. May 9 Tues. May 15 Wed. Sept. 12 Tues. Sept. 18

Wed. Jan. 11 Wed. Jan. 18 Wed. May 9 Wed. May 16 Wed. Sept. 12 Wed. Sept. 19

Unless otherwise directed, the Criminal Speak to List will consist of all Criminal matters (excluding Sentence Appeals) where the notice of appeal is filed more than ten business days prior to the speak to date. Unless otherwise ordered, the Civil Speak to List will consist of all Civil matters (excluding Part J appeals) where the Appeal Digest and transcripts have been filed, where six months have elapsed since the notice of appeal was filed, or where a judge or Case Management Officer directs that the case be so entered, whichever occurs first.

May, 2012

Court Calendar

Justices of the Court of Appeal

Edmonton The Honourable C.A. Fraser Chief Justice of Alberta
The Honourable Mr. Justice J.E.L. Ct The Honourable Madam Justice C.M. Conrad The Honourable Madam Justice E.I. Picard The Honourable Madam Justice C.D. Hunt The Honourable Mr. Justice R.L. Berger The Honourable Mr. Justice P.T. Costigan The Honourable Madam Justice M.S. Paperny The Honourable Mr. Justice K.G. Ritter The Honourable Mr. Justice C.D. OBrien The Honourable Mr. Justice P.W.L. Martin The Honourable Mr. Justice J. Watson The Honourable Mr. Justice F.F. Slatter The Honourable Madam Justice P.A. Rowbotham The Honourable Mr. Justice J.D.B. McDonald The Honourable Madam. Justice M.B. Bielby The Honourable Mr. Justice B.K. OFerrall Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Calgary Calgary Edmonton Edmonton Calgary Calgary Edmonton Calgary

May, 2012

Court Calendar

November, 2011

Court Calendar

2012 Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta - Sitting Dates

Sittings of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta for the trial of civil and criminal causes, and for the hearing of motions and other business will open at the times and locations listed below. Where the opening day of a Court sitting week is a holiday, the sitting will commence on the following day. Unless otherwise noted, sittings commence at 10:00 a.m. Sittings are reduced during the following vacation periods: - July 3, 2012 through to and including August 31, 2012 - December 27, 2012 through to and including January 4, 2013

Trials of Civil and Criminal Causes will commence:

Calgary and Edmonton On January 9, 2012 and thereafter continuously during all juridical days.

Trials of all Civil and Criminal Causes outside of Edmonton and Calgary will open:
Drumheller Fort McMurray February 21 September 17 January 16 March 26 June 18 November 13 January 17 February 28 Wed. April 11 (3 days) Wed. May 23 (3 days) September 11 October 23 December 4 High Level Hinton Lethbridge April 10 January 30 September 10 January 9 February 6 March 5 April 23 June 18 September 10 October 22 November 19 April 23 November 5 February 6 April 30 September 10 December 10 January 31 March 13 April 24 June 5 September 25 November 6 December 18 October 29 March 5 October 22 January 16 February 21 March 19 May 14 June 25 September 24 October 29 December 3 May 7 January 30 February 27 April 16 June 4 September 4 October 9 November 5 December 10 June 18 December 10 March 5 June 11 October 15 February 14 March 27 May 8 June 19 Wed. October 10 (2 days) November 20

Grande Prairie


November, 2011

Court Calendar

Medicine Hat

January 9 March 12 May 7 September 4 November 13 January 16 February 21 April 10 May 14 September 10 November 13

January 30 March 26 May 22 October 1 November 26 January 30 March 12 April 30 June 4 September 24 December 3

February 13 April 10 June 11 October 22 December 17 February 6 March 26 May 7 June 18 October 15 December 17

Peace River

Red Deer St. Paul

Every week, except during the vacation periods. January 9 February 6 March 12 April 10 May 14 June 11 September 10 October 15 November 13 December 17 January 16 February 21 March 19 April 23 May 22 June 25 September 24 October 22 November 26 January 30 February 27 April 2 April 30 June 4 September 4 October 1 November 5 December 3


Every week, except during the vacation periods.

Calgary and Edmonton Every juridical day at 10:00 a.m., commencing January 9, 2012 Arraignments are held at 9:30 a.m. on most Fridays. Specific dates are noted online at www.albertacourts.ab.ca, Court of Queens Bench Assignments. Drumheller On the following Thursdays at 10:00 a.m.: January 12 February 9 April 5 May 3 June 28 July 5 September 27 October 25 December 20 with Arraignments at 1:00 p.m. March 8 May 31 August 9 November 22


November, 2011

Court Calendar

Fort McMurray

Arraignments are held on the following dates at 10:00 a.m.: January 9 February 27 April 2 May 14 July 12 September 17 November 5 December 17 January 30 March 12 April 16 June 4 August 16 October 1 November 19 February 13 March 19 May 7 June 25 September 4 October 22 December 3

Regular Chambers commencing the following dates at 10:00 a.m.: January 10 February 28 April 3 May 15 July 11 August 29 October 2 November 20 Grande Prairie January 31 March 13 April 17 June 5 July 25 September 5 October 23 December 4 February 14 March 20 May 8 June 26 August 15 September 18 November 6 December 18

Chambers are held every Monday (Tuesday if Monday is a holiday) plus the following dates commencing at 10:00 a.m., except during July and August which are specified in the dates below: Telephone applications will be heard at 12:30 p.m.: January 11 February 10 March 7 March 23 April 20 May 16 June 13 June 29 July 30 September 5 September 21 October 17 November 2 November 28 December 14 January 13 February 22 March 9 April 4 May 2 May 18 June 15 July 3 August 13 September 7 October 3 October 19 November 14 November 30 February 8 February 24 March 21 April 18 May 4 June 1 June 27 July 16 August 27 September 19 October 5 October 31 November 16 December 12

Arraignments are held on the following dates at 2:00 p.m.: January 16 February 27 April 10 May 22 July 3 August 13 September 24 January 30 March 12 April 23 June 4 July 16 August 27 October 9

February 13 March 26 May 7 June 18 July 30 September 10 October 22

November, 2011

Court Calendar

November 5 December 17 Hinton

November 19

December 3

On opening day of the Sittings plus: May 31 July 23 November 26

with Arraignments at 10:00 a.m. and all other matters at 2:00 p.m. Lethbridge Family Law Chambers are held every Monday at 1:30 p.m., excluding May 28. Regular Chambers are held every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m., excluding May 29. Arraignments are held every second and fourth Monday at 10:00 a.m. Arraignments are not held where the Monday is a non-sitting day. Medicine Hat Regular Chambers are held every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. with Special Chambers at 1:30 p.m., excluding January 26. Arraignments are held every third Thursday at 9:00 a.m. commencing January 19, 2012. Peace River Commencing the following dates at 1:00 p.m. unless otherwise indicated: January 11 March 21 June 13 August 2 at 10:00 a.m. September 5 November 28 February 15 April 25 July 5 at 2:00 p.m. August 16 at 10:00 a.m. October 3 December 12 February 29 May 23 July 19 at 10:00 a.m. August 30 at 10:00 a.m. October 31

Arraignments are held at 10:00 a.m. on Fridays during above-noted weeks and at 2:00 p.m. on July 5 and August 2. Red Deer Every Monday and Wednesday at 10:00 a.m., excluding statutory holidays and January 25, May 28 and May 30, and on the following Fridays: January 13 February 3 February 10 March 2 March 9 March 30 April 27 May 4 May 25 June 1 June 22 June 29 September 21 September 28 October 19 October 26 November 16 November 23 December 14 December 21 Arraignments are held at 10:00 a.m. on the first Monday of the month during the regular Sittings. Where the first Monday is a holiday, arraignments are held the second Monday of the month.
13 November, 2011

Court Calendar

Arraignments during the Summer will be held at 10:00 a.m. on July 13 and August 10. St. Paul On opening morning of the Sittings at 10:00 a.m. plus: July 9 July 23 August 13 August 27

with Arraignments at 2:00 p.m. Wetaskiwin Every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m., excluding May 29 with Arraignments at 2:00 p.m.

Judicial Dispute Resolution

Specific dates for Calgary and Edmonton are noted online at www.albertacourts.ab.ca, Court of Queens Bench Assignments. Dates for other Judicial Centres may be added to the website throughout 2012 and are subject to change.


November, 2011

Court Calendar

Justices of the Court of Queen's Bench

Calgary The Honourable N.C. Wittmann Chief Justice Edmonton The Honourable J.D. Rooke Associate Chief Justice
The Honourable Madam Justice J.B. Veit The Honourable Mr. Justice A.B. Sulatycky The Honourable Madam Justice B.L. Rawlins The Honourable Madam Justice S.M. Bensler The Honourable Mr. Justice L.D. Wilkins The Honourable Mr. Justice D. Lee The Honourable Madam Justice C.A. Kent The Honourable Mr. Justice J.H. Langston The Honourable Mr. Justice P.J. McIntyre The Honourable Madam Justice C.S. Phillips The Honourable Madam Justice M.T. Moreau The Honourable Mr. Justice P.M. Clark The Honourable Mr. Justice S.J. LoVecchio The Honourable Mr. Justice W.P. Sullivan The Honourable Madam Justice C.L. Kenny The Honourable Mr. Justice R.P. Marceau The Honourable Mr. Justice R.P. Belzil The Honourable Mr. Justice G.C. Hawco The Honourable Mr. Justice C.S. Brooker The Honourable Mr. Justice S.M. Sanderman The Honourable Madam Justice B.E.C. Romaine The Honourable Madam Justice D.A. Sulyma The Honourable Madam Justice R.E. Nation The Honourable Mr. Justice B.R. Burrows The Honourable Mr. Justice A.G. Park Edmonton Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Edmonton Calgary Lethbridge Calgary Calgary Edmonton Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Edmonton Edmonton Calgary Calgary Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Calgary


October, 2012

Court Calendar

The Honourable Mr. Justice G.A. Verville The Honourable Madam Justice L.D. Acton The Honourable Mr. Justice T.D. Clackson The Honourable Madam Justice A.B. Moen The Honourable Mr. Justice B.E. Mahoney The Honourable Madam Justice S.J. Greckol The Honourable Madam Justice E.A. Hughes The Honourable Madam Justice M.C. Erb The Honourable Mr. Justice E.F. Macklin The Honourable Mr. Justice V.O. Ouellette The Honourable Madam Justice D.C. Read The Honourable Madam Justice K.M. Horner The Honourable Mr. Justice S.D. Hillier The Honourable Madam Justice J.E. Topolniski The Honourable Mr. Justice A.W. Germain The Honourable Madam Justice J.M. Ross The Honourable Mr. Justice J.J. Gill The Honourable Mr. Justice D.R.G. Thomas The Honourable Madam Justice S.L. Martin The Honourable Mr. Justice A.D. Macleod The Honourable Mr. Justice K.L. Sisson The Honourable Mr. Justice R.A. Graesser The Honourable Madam Justice D.L. Shelley The Honourable Mr. Justice D.K. Miller The Honourable Madam Justice K.M. Eidsvik The Honourable Mr. Justice K.G. Nielsen The Honourable Madam Justice M.G. Crighton The Honourable Mr. Justice E.C. Wilson The Honourable Madam Justice J. Strekaf The Honourable Mr. Justice D.J. Manderscheid The Honourable Mr. Justice K.D. Yamauchi The Honourable Mr. Justice R.G. Stevens The Honourable Mr. Justice P.R. Jeffrey The Honourable Madam Justice M.R. Bast The Honourable Madam Justice S.L. Hunt McDonald The Honourable Madam Justice B.A. Browne

Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Calgary Calgary Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Calgary Calgary Red Deer Edmonton Edmonton Lethbridge Calgary Edmonton Edmonton Calgary Calgary Edmonton Calgary Calgary Calgary Red Deer Calgary Edmonton


October, 2012

Court Calendar

The Honourable Mr. Justice J.T. McCarthy The Honourable Mr. Justice W.A. Tilleman The Honourable Madam Justice J.H. Goss The Honourable Mr. Justice R.J. Hall The Honourable Mr. Justice G.H. Poelman The Honourable Mr. Justice R.A. Jerke The Honourable Mr. Justice P.B. Michalyshyn The Honourable Mr. Justice M.D. Gates The Honourable Madam Justice B.L. Veldhuis The Honourable Mr. Justice C.M. Jones The Honourable Mr. Justice B.A. Millar

Calgary Calgary Edmonton Calgary Calgary Lethbridge Edmonton Edmonton Calgary Calgary Calgary

Sitting Dates
Calgary Drumheller Edmonton Fort McMurray Every juridical day at 10:00 a.m. On request via teleconference as arranged with Calgary. Every juridical day at 10:00 a.m. Commencing the following Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m.: January 24 April 24 July 17 October 23 Grande Prairie February 21 May 22 August 14 November 27 March 20 June 19 September 25 December 18

Commencing the following Thursdays at 10:00 a.m.: January 12 March 8 April 19 May 31 August 16 October 4 November 15 February 9 March 22 May 3 June 14 September 6 October 18 December 13 February 23 April 5 May 17 July 19 September 20 November 1


Every Thursday at 10:00 a.m., excluding January 26, plus: July 12 August 23 July 26 August 9

(With Bankruptcy the 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursday of the month after the Masters list)


November, 2011

Court Calendar

Medicine Hat

The first and third Wednesday at 10:00 a.m., excluding January 4 (with Bankruptcy hearings every third Wednesday following the Civil List) plus: July 11 August 8

Peace River

Commencing the following Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m.: January 11 March 14 May 16 July 18 October 10 December 12 February 1 April 4 June 6 August 15 October 31 February 22 April 25 June 27 September 19 November 21

Red Deer

Every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m., excluding May 29, plus: July 10 August 21 July 24 August 7

St. Paul Wetaskiwin

On request as arranged with Edmonton. Commencing the following Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m.: January 11 March 14 May 16 September 19 November 21 February 1 April 4 June 6 October 10 December 12 February 22 April 25 June 27 October 31

Edmonton W. Breitkreuz, Q.C. R.P. Wacowich, Q.C. L.A. Smart, Q.C. W.S. Schlosser, Q.C. 780-422-2328 Calgary K.R. Laycock J.B. Hanebury, Q.C. J.T. Prowse, Q.C. J.L. Mason R.B. Waller, Q.C. (ad hoc) 403-297-7385


November, 2011

Court Calendar


December, 2012

Court Calendar

Provincial Court Criminal

Docket Sittings All sittings open at 10:00 A.M. except where otherwise indicated. Location

Sitting Days
Every Tuesday Provincial Statutes (courtroom 001) Every Tuesday Provincial Statutes (First Appearance) Case Management Office (CMO) Every Thursday Criminal In-Custody docket (courtroom 001) Every Thursday Criminal Out-of-Custody docket Case Management Office (CMO)

9:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.

Assumption Athabasca

Every 1 & 3 Wednesday Every 2 & 4 Monday & every 1 Tuesday Please note: Effective July 23, 2012 Athabasca matters will be held in Boyle at 10:00 A.M. until further notice. The Sitting Days remain the same.

Barrhead Bonnyville Boyle Breton Brooks Calgary (Criminal)

Every 2 & 4 Tuesday Every 1 & 3 Tuesday Every 2 & 4 Tuesday Every 2 & 4 Wednesday Every Wednesday Every 3 Friday (Provincial Statutes only) Monday through Friday (courtroom 305 In-Custody docket only) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday (courtroom 505 Federal docket only) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday (courtroom 508 Domestic Violence docket only) Monday through Friday Case Management Office (CMO) 4th Floor, North Tower Out-of-Custody docket only 9:00 A.M 9:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.

Calgary (Traffic) Camrose

Monday through Friday (Justice of the Peace Counter) (courtroom 908 - Custody matters only) Every Wednesday

9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.


December, 2012

Court Calendar


Every 1 & 3 Thursday Provincial Statutes (courtroom 001) Every 1 & 3 Thursday Provincial Statutes (First Appearance) Case Management Office (CMO) Every Wednesday Criminal In-Custody docket (courtroom 001) Every Wednesday Criminal Out-of-Custody docket Case Management Office (CMO) Every Monday Every Tuesday & Thursday (Criminal) Every Friday (Provincial Statutes) Every 2 & 4 Wednesday Every 2 Friday Every Monday & Wednesday (Criminal) Every 1 & 3 Friday (Provincial Statutes) Every 1 & 3 Tuesday Every 1 Wednesday & every 2, 3 & 4 Friday Monday through Friday (courtroom 265 In-Custody docket only) (courtroom 267 Federal, Special and Regulatory docket only) Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday (courtroom 268 Domestic Violence docket only) Monday through Friday Case Management Office (CMO) Main Floor, North Tower, Law Courts NonCustody docket only

9:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.

Cardston Cochrane Cold Lake Coronation Didsbury Drayton Valley Drumheller Edmonton (Criminal)

9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

11:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

9:00 A.M.

9:00 A.M. 8:15 A.M to 2:00 P.M.

Edmonton (Traffic) Edson Evansburg Fairview Falher Fort Chipewyan Fort Macleod

Monday through Friday (courtroom 001) Every 1 & 3 Tuesday Every 2 Wednesday (Provincial Statutes) Every 2 & 4 Monday Every 2 & 4 Wednesday Every 1 Thursday Every 1 Thursday Every Wednesday

9:00 A.M.


December, 2012

Court Calendar

Fort McMurray

Every Monday (Criminal) Every Tuesday (Domestic Violence) Every 2, 4 & 5 Tuesday (Federal) Every Wednesday (Non-Custody Criminal) Every Thursday (Provincial Statutes)

9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 1:30 P.M. 9:30 A.M. & 1:30 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

Fort Saskatchewan Fort Vermilion Fox Creek Glenevis Grande Cache Grande Prairie Hanna High Level High Prairie Hinton Jasper Killam Lac La Biche Leduc Lethbridge

Every Thursday Every 1 Tuesday (Provincial Statutes) Every 1 & 3 Tuesday Every 4 Monday of the month Every 1 & 3 Thursday Every 1 & 3 Thursday Every Monday & Wednesday (Criminal) Every Tuesday (Provincial Statutes) Every 4 Wednesday Every 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Monday Every Monday Every 1 & 3 Wednesday Every 2 Tuesday (Provincial Statutes) Every 2 & 4 Thursday Every 1 & 3 Tuesday Every Monday Every Thursday Every 1 & 3 Wednesday (Provincial Statutes) Monday through Friday Every Friday (DV Court) Every Tuesday (Provincial Statutes) Every 1, 2 & 3 Tuesday Every 2 & 4 Thursday Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Criminal Out-of-Custody docket Case Management Office (CMO) Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday (courtroom 009 - Criminal docket) Every 2 & 4 Friday (Provincial Statutes only) Every Thursday Every 2 Tuesday (Provincial Statutes)

9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

1:30 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M 9:30 A.M

9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

Lloydminster Mayerthorpe Medicine Hat

8:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.



December, 2012

Court Calendar


Every Monday Provincial Statutes (courtroom 001) Every Monday Provincial Statutes (First Appearance) Case Management Office (CMO) Every Tuesday & Friday Criminal In-Custody docket (courtroom 001) Every Tuesday & Friday Criminal Out-of-Custody docket Case Management Office (CMO) Every Monday Every Tuesday Every 1 & 3 Tuesday (Domestic Violence) Every Friday Every 2 Thursday (Provincial Statutes) Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday Case Management Office (CMO) Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday (courtroom 101 - In-Custody docket) Every Monday (courtroom 102 - In-Custody docket) Every Thursday (courtroom 101 - Federal, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault docket) Every Monday (Provincial Statutes) Every 1 & 3 Tuesday of the month Every 1 Friday Every Wednesday Every Wednesday Every Monday (Provincial Statutes) Every 2, 3 & 4 Thursday Every Wednesday Please note: effective October 4, 2011 Slave Lake matters will be held in High Prairie at 10:00 A.M. until further notice. The Sitting Day remains the same. Every Monday Every 4 & 5 Tuesday (Provincial Statutes) Every Thursday Every 2 & 4 Thursday Every Wednesday Every 1 & 4 Thursday (Provincial Statutes)

9:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 1:30 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 8:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

Peace River Pincher Creek Ponoka Red Deer

Red Earth Creek Rimbey Rocky Mountain House Sherwood Park Siksika Nation Slave Lake

9:30 A.M.

9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

St. Albert St. Paul Stettler Stony Plain

9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

9:30 A.M.. 9:30 A.M.

December, 2012

Court Calendar


Every 1 & 3 Tuesday, Every 1 Friday Every 1 & 4 Monday, Every 2 Wednesday (Provincial Statutes) Every Tuesday Every 1 & 3 Friday Every 1 & 3 Thursday Every Monday (except 5 Monday) Every 1 & 3 Monday Every 2nd, 3rd & 4th Thursday Every 1 & 3 Thursday Every Wednesday Every Tuesday & Thursday Case Management Office (CMO) Every Tuesday & Thursday (courtroom 102 - InCustody docket) Every Tuesday (Federal only) Every 1 & 3 Friday (Provincial Statutes) Every 2 & 4 Tuesday

9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

Taber Tsuu Tina Nation Valleyview Vegreville Vermilion WabascaDesmarais Wainwright Westlock Wetaskiwin

8:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.



December, 2012

Court Calendar

Judges of the Provincial Court

Calgary/Edmonton The Honourable A.G. Vickery Chief Judge Edmonton The Honourable A.H. Lefever Deputy Chief Judge

The Honourable J.K. Wheatley Assistant Chief Judge
The Honourable Judge M.G. Allen* The Honourable Judge L.G. Anderson The Honourable Judge H.A. Bridges The Honourable Judge M.M. Carminati The Honourable Judge S.R. Creagh The Honourable Judge F.A. Day The Honourable Judge J.L. Dixon The Honourable Judge D.M. Groves The Honourable Judge J.T. Henderson The Honourable Judge E.A Johnson The Honourable Judge J.B. Kerby The Honourable Judge F.E. LeReverend The Honourable Judge L.E. Malin The Honourable Judge T.J. Matchett The Honourable Judge D.J. McNab The Honourable Judge R.A. Philp The Honourable Judge S.E. Richardson The Honourable Judge M.G. Stevens-Guille* The Honourable Judge P.G. Sully The Honourable Judge D.R. Valgardson The Honourable Judge E.J.M. Walter The Honourable Judge D.R. Wong* Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton

* denotes part-time Judges

25 June, 2012

Court Calendar

Edmonton Region
Edmonton The Honourable C.D. Gardner Assistant Chief Judge
The Honourable Judge P. Ayotte* The Honourable Judge L.J. Burgess The Honourable Judge S.A. Cleary The Honourable Judge D.E. Demetrick The Honourable Judge B.H. Fraser* The Honourable Judge H.W.A. Fuller The Honourable Judge B.R. Garriock The Honourable Judge J.P. Higgerty The Honourable Judge J.R. Jacques The Honourable Judge P.T. Johnston The Honourable Judge N.A.F. Mackie* The Honourable Judge J. Maher* The Honourable Judge V.H. Myers The Honourable Judge L.E. Nemirsky* The Honourable Judge D.C. Norheim The Honourable Judge D.R. Pahl The Honourable Judge S.G. Peck* The Honourable Judge D.G. Rae* The Honourable Judge K.E. Tjosvold The Honourable Judge M.M. White The Honourable Judge K.D. Williams Stony Plain Edmonton Fort McMurray St. Paul St. Albert Edmonton St. Albert Hinton Fort McMurray Vermilion St. Albert Sherwood Park St. Albert Edmonton Hinton Edmonton Edmonton Fort Saskatchewan Stony Plain Leduc St. Paul

Northern Region
Peace River The Honourable E.J. Simpson Assistant Chief Judge
The Honourable Judge M.B. Golden The Honourable Judge T.R. Goodson The Honourable Judge B.R. Hougestol The Honourable Judge J.R. McIntosh* The Honourable Judge G.W. Paul The Honourable Judge J.A. Watson The Honourable Judge C.K.W. Thietke * denotes part-time Judges
26 June, 2012

Grande Prairie High Prairie Grande Prairie Peace River Peace River Grande Prairie Peace River

Court Calendar

Central Region
Red Deer The Honourable W.A. Skinner Assistant Chief Judge
The Honourable Judge W.A. Andreassen The Honourable Judge G.E. Deck The Honourable Judge J.D. Holmes The Honourable Judge J.A. Hunter The Honourable Judge J.B. Mitchell The Honourable Judge D.J. Plosz* The Honourable Judge E.D. Riemer* The Honourable Judge B.D. Rosborough The Honourable Judge K.L. Rostad* Camrose Red Deer Red Deer Red Deer Red Deer Red Deer Red Deer Wetaskiwin Camrose

Calgary and Calgary Regional

The Honourable J.J. Ogle Assistant Chief Judge
The Honourable Judge J.D. Bascom The Honourable Judge P.B. Barley The Honourable Judge A.J. Brown The Honourable Judge R.B. Camp The Honourable Judge G.G. Cioni* The Honourable Judge E.J. Creighton The Honourable Judge W.J. Cummings The Honourable Judge C.L. Daniel* The Honourable Judge M.C. Dinkel The Honourable Judge G.S. Dunnigan The Honourable Judge M.J. Durant The Honourable Judge A.A. Fradsham The Honourable Judge B.R. Fraser The Honourable Judge G.J. Gaschler The Honourable Judge M.L. Graham The Honourable Judge L.R. Grieve The Honourable Judge S.A. Hamilton The Honourable Judge K.Z. Jivraj The Honourable Judge H.A. Lamoureux The Honourable Judge F.L. Maloney* * denotes part-time Judges
27 October, 2012

Calgary Calgary Regional Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Regional Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Regional Calgary Calgary Regional Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary

Court Calendar

The Honourable Judge P.J. Mason The Honourable Judge P.M. McIlhargey The Honourable Judge K.R. McLeod The Honourable Judge G.M. Meagher* The Honourable Judge T.C. Semenuk The Honourable Judge J. Shriar The Honourable Judge C.M. Skene The Honourable Judge M.T.C. Tyndale The Honourable Judge S.L. Van de Veen The Honourable Judge H.M. Van Harten The Honourable Judge R.J. Wilkins The Honourable Judge G.K. Wong

Calgary Calgary Regional Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Regional Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary

Southern Region
Lethbridge The Honourable J.N. LeGrandeur Assistant Chief Judge
The Honourable Judge E.D. Brooks The Honourable Judge G.R. DeBow* The Honourable Judge F.C. Fisher The Honourable Judge D.J. Greaves The Honourable Judge T.G. Hironaka* The Honourable Judge G.K. Krinke The Honourable Judge G.S. Maxwell The Honourable Judge S.L. Oishi The Honourable Judge E.W. Peterson The Honourable Judge P.G. Pharo The Honourable Judge D.G. Redman Medicine Hat Lethbridge Medicine Hat Medicine Hat Lethbridge Medicine Hat Lethbridge Lethbridge Lethbridge Lethbridge Lethbridge

* denotes part-time Judges

28 October, 2012

Court Calendar

Supernumerary Judges
The Honourable Judge P.L. Adilman The Honourable Judge R.W. Bradley The Honourable Judge D. Brand The Honourable Judge D.J. Buchanan The Honourable Judge P.M. Caffaro The Honourable Judge H.R. Chisholm The Honourable Judge A.G. Chrumka The Honourable Judge F.W. Coward The Honourable Judge H.D. Gaede The Honourable Judge K.D. Hope The Honourable Judge D.G. Ingram The Honourable Judge R.A. Jacobson The Honourable Judge T.G. Schollie The Honourable Judge J.C.M. Spence The Honourable Judge B.C. Stevenson The Honourable Judge L.S. Witten The Honourable Judge S.E.W.J. Wood Edmonton Edmonton Medicine Hat Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Lethbridge Camrose Edmonton Edmonton Lethbridge Red Deer Edmonton Calgary Edmonton Edmonton


August, 2012

Court Calendar


August, 2012

Court Calendar

Provincial Court Family and Youth

Docket Sittings All sittings open at 10:00 A.M. except where otherwise indicated. Location

Sitting Days
Every Tuesday Provincial Statutes (courtroom 001) Every Tuesday Provincial Statutes (First Appearance) Case Management Office (CM0) Every Thursday Youth docket (courtroom 001) Every 1 & 3 Wednesday (Youth) Every 2 & 4 Monday (Youth) Every 1 Tuesday (Family & Child Enhancement) Please note: Effective July 23, 2012 Athabasca matters will be held in Boyle at 10:00 A.M. until further notice. The Sitting Days remain the same.

9:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. 9:30 A.M.

Assumption Athabasca


Every 2 & 4 Tuesday (Youth) Every 4 Wednesday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 1 & 3 Tuesday (Youth) Every 1 Monday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 2 & 4 Tuesday (Youth) Every 2 & 4 Wednesday (Youth) Every 1 & 4 Friday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 1 & 4 Friday (Youth) Monday through Friday Every 1 Thursday (Youth) Every 3 Thursday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 1 & 3 Thursday Provincial Statutes (courtroom 001) Every 1 & 3 Thursday Provincial Statutes (First Appearance) Case Management Office (CMO) Every Wednesday Youth docket (courtroom 001) Every 1 Thursday (Youth) Every 1 Thursday (Family & Child Enhancement)

Bonnyville Boyle Breton Brooks

1:30 P.M 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. 9:30 A.M.

Calgary Camrose



1:00 P.M.


December, 2012

Court Calendar

Cochrane Cold Lake

Every Tuesday & Thursday (Criminal) Every Friday (Provincial Statutes) Every 2 & 4 Wednesday (Youth) Every 1 Thursday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 2 Friday (Youth) Every Monday & Wednesday (Criminal) Every 1 & 3 Friday (Provincial Statutes) Every 1 & 3 Tuesday (Youth) Every 4 Tuesday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 1 Wednesday & every 2, 3, & 4 Friday (Youth) Every 1 Friday (Family & Child Enhancement) Monday through Friday (Youth) Monday, Tuesday & Thursday (Family)

9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

Coronation Didsbury Drayton Valley

11:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.


9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 2:00 P.M. 9:30 A.M.


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday (Child Enhancement)

Edson Every 1 & 3 Tuesday (Youth) Every 3 Monday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 2 & 4 Monday Every 2 & 4 Wednesday (Youth) Every 1 Thursday (Youth) Every 1 Thursday Every 3 Friday (Youth) Every 3 Friday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every Tuesday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 1 & 3 Tuesday (Youth) Every 2 & 4 Wednesday Every 1 & 3 Tuesday (Youth) Every 4th Monday of the month (Youth) Every 1 & 3 Thursday Every 1 & 3 Thursday (Youth) Every 3 Thursday (Family & Child Enhancement)

Evansburg Fairview Falher Fort Chipewyan Fort Macleod Fort McMurray Fort Saskatchewan Fort Vermilion Fox Creek Glenevis Grande Cache

9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 1:30 P.M. 9:30 A.M.


December, 2012

Court Calendar

Grande Prairie

Every Monday (Youth) Every 1, 3 & 4 Tuesday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 4 Wednesday Every 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Monday Every 2nd Thursday of the month (Family & Child Enhancement) Every Monday (Youth) Every 4th Wednesday (Family & Child Enhancement) Please note: effective October 4, 2011 High Prairie Family & Child Enhancement Sitting Day will be Every 4 Tuesday at 9:30 A.M. until further notice. Every 1 & 3 Wednesday (Youth) Every 4 Wednesday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 2 & 4 Thursday (Youth) Every 4 Thursday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 1 & 3 Tuesday (Youth) Every Monday (Youth) Every 1 Tuesday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 2 & 4 Friday Every Wednesday (Youth) Every Thursday (Family) Every Thursday (Child Enhancement) Every 1, 2 & 3 Tuesday (Youth) Every last Wednesday of the month (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 2 & 4 Thursday (Youth) Every Monday (Youth) Every Tuesday (Family) Every Tuesday (Child Enhancement) Every Thursday (Youth)

9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

Hanna High Level

1:30 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

High Prairie


9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.


Killam Lac La Biche

Leduc Lethbridge

9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 2:00 P.M.


Mayerthorpe Medicine Hat

2:00 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M.



November, 2012

Court Calendar


Every Monday Provincial Statutes (courtroom 001) Every Monday Provincial Statutes (First Appearance) Case Management Office (CMO) Every Tuesday & Friday Youth docket (courtroom 001) Every Monday (Youth) Every 3rd Tuesday of the month (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 1 Friday (Youth) Every 1 Friday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 2 Wednesday Every Thursday (Youth) Every Friday (Child Enhancement) Every Friday (Family) Every 1 & 3 Tuesday of the month (Youth) Every 3 Monday (Youth) Every 1 Monday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 2 & 4 Tuesday Every 3 Wednesday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every Wednesday (Youth) Every 4th Tuesday (Family & Child Enhancement) Please note: effective October 4, 2011 Slave Lake matters will be held in High Prairie at 9:30 A.M. until further notice. The Sitting Days remain the same. Every 1 Tuesday Every Thursday (Youth) Every 1 Wednesday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 2 Tuesday (Youth) Every 1 Wednesday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 1 & 3 Friday (Youth) Every 2 Friday (Family & Child Enhancement)

9:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

Peace River

Pincher Creek Ponoka Red Deer

1:00 P.M.

9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 1:30 P.M.

Red Earth Creek Rocky Mountain House Sherwood Park Siksika Nation Slave Lake

1:30 P.M. 9:30 A.M.

St. Albert St. Paul

9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.


1:30 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

Stony Plain


November, 2012

Court Calendar


Every 1 & 3 Tuesday, Every 1 Friday Every 1 & 4 Monday, Every 2 Wednesday (Provincial Statutes) Every 3 Friday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 4 Friday (Youth) Every 4 Friday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 1 & 3 Thursday (Youth) Every Monday (except 5 Monday) (Youth) Every last Tuesday of the month (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 1 & 3 Monday (Youth) Every last Monday of the month (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 2nd , 3rd & 4th Thursday (Youth) Every 1st Thursday of the month (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 1 & 3 Thursday (Youth) Every last Thursday of the month (Family & Child Enhancement) Every Wednesday (Youth) Every 4 Wednesday (Family & Child Enhancement) Every 1 & 3 Wednesday (Youth) Every 4 Wednesday (Youth Trials) Every 2 Wednesday and every 4 Thursday (Child Enhancement) Every 2 Wednesday and every 4 Thursday (Family) Every 2 & 4 Tuesday (Youth) Every 3 Tuesday (Family & Child Enhancement)

9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M.

Taber Valleyview Vegreville


WabascaDesmarais Wainwright



9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 1:00 P.M.



November, 2012

Court Calendar

Judges of the Provincial Court Family and Youth

Edmonton The Honourable J.M. Filice Assistant Chief Judge
The Honourable Judge W.S. Andrew The Honourable Judge M.J. Burch The Honourable Judge D. Dalton The Honourable Judge J.G. Easton* The Honourable Judge J.D. Franklin* The Honourable Judge G.B.N. Ho The Honourable Judge J.C. Koshman The Honourable Judge P.E. Kvill* The Honourable Judge S.C. Miller The Honourable Judge M.J Savaryn The Honourable Judge A. Veylan Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton

Calgary The Honourable L.K. McLellan Assistant Chief Judge

The Honourable Judge G.J. Burrell The Honourable Judge E.R.R. Carruthers* The Honourable Judge L.T.L. Cook-Stanhope The Honourable Judge K.J. Jordan The Honourable Judge T. LaRochelle The Honourable Judge S.E. Lipton The Honourable Judge R.J. OGorman The Honourable Judge S. Prowse O'Ferrall The Honourable Judge J.R. Shaw The Honourable Judge V.T. Tousignant Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary Calgary

* denotes part-time Judges

36 November, 2012

Court Calendar

Provincial Court (Civil)

Calgary Edmonton

Sitting Days
Monday through Friday Monday through Friday

9:30 A.M. & 1:30 P.M. 9:30 A.M. & 1:30 P.M.

NOTE: For information on Civil Claims in Grande Prairie, Fort McMurray and Peace River contact the Court of Queen's Bench office. For the other regional areas contact the Provincial Court Criminal office.

Judges of the Provincial Court (Civil)

Calgary/Edmonton The Honourable L.D. Young Assistant Chief Judge
The Honourable Judge L.L. Burt The Honourable Judge K. Haymour The Honourable Judge N.R. Hess The Honourable Judge D.B. Higa The Honourable Judge M.A. McCorquodale The Honourable Judge G.W. Sharek The Honourable Judge J.L. Skitsko Calgary Edmonton Calgary Calgary Calgary Edmonton Edmonton

* denotes part-time Judges


September, 2012

Court Calendar

Traffic Commissioners
Full time - FT Part time - PT
Edmonton D.R. Ackroyd, Q.C. - FT I. Yaverbaum, Q.C. - FT S.N. Douglas - PT T.H. Langeste PT J.J. Moher PT F.Y. Roy PT A.R. Schlayer - PT Calgary M.A. Brown - PT J.K. Conley - FT D.C. Elliott - FT J.G. Szekeres - FT P.B. Higgerty - PT L.G. Morris - PT E.P. Newcombe - PT L.L. Plater - PT J.L. Schwager - PT S.J. Taylor - PT

Grande Prairie D.B. Logan - PT Lethbridge R.D. Price - PT Red Deer D.C. Ellis - PT S.T. Gorsalitz - PT Medicine Hat C.B. Wheatley - PT


September, 2012

Court Calendar

Presiding Justices of the Peace

Edmonton D.J. Blais- FT J.L. Lester FT A.A.E. Wilson, Q.C. - FT I.A. Zaharko - FT J.L. Booth - PT J.A. Bowron - PT W.M. Faulkner - PT E.E.P. Johnson, Q.C. - PT J. Kibsey - PT M.A. King - PT R.M. Saccomani - PT M.S.D. Smith - PT R.S. Stelmaczonek - PT Calgary F. Airth - FT W.D. Milne - FT W.J. Shiplett - FT T.C. Brennan Q.C. - PT J.L. Clark - PT M.C. Dunkley - PT C.S. Macdonald - PT S.D. Morgan - PT A. Verenka - PT S. Wan - PT


December, 2012

Court Calendar

Court Directory
Court of Appeal
Edmonton Law Courts 1A Sir Winston Churchill Square Edmonton, AB T5J 0R2 TransCanada Pipelines Tower, 2600, 450 - 1st St., S.W. Calgary, AB T2P 5H1 S. Stushnoff Registrar D. Umrysh Deputy Registrar I. Moore Deputy Registrar P: 780-422-2416 F: 780-422-4127 P: 780-422-2416 F: 780-422-4127 P: 403-297-2206 F: 403-297-5294


Court of Queen's Bench

Calgary Calgary Courts Centre Suite 705-N 601 - 5 St S.W. Calgary, AB T2P 5P7 Court House 511 - 3 Ave., West PO Box 759 Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0 Law Courts 1A Sir Winston Churchill Square Edmonton, AB T5J 0R2 K. McAusland Senior Manager P: 403-297-3864 F: 403-297-8617


J. McGuckin Manager

P: 403-820-7300 F: 403-823-6073


M. Lavorato Senior Manager D. Royan Manager S. Logan Manager

P: 780-422-2492 F: 780-427-0629 P: 780-422-2492 F: 780-427-0629 P: 780-422-2492 F: 780-427-0629 P: 780-427-8713 F: 780-422-9736 P: 780-643-1137 F: 780-643-1062 P: 780-643-1137 F: 780-643-1062 P: 780-743-7136 F: 780-743-7135

Edmonton Family Law Centre (Divorce/ Family Law)

Law Courts 1A Sir Winston Churchill Square Edmonton, AB T5J 0R2

B. Haynes Senior Manager B. Petryk Manager E. Captain Administrator

Fort McMurray

Court House 9700 Franklin Ave Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4W3


M. Campbell A/Manager

December, 2012

Court Calendar

Grande Prairie

Court House 10260 - 99 St. Grande Prairie, AB T8V 2H4 Court House 320 - 4 St., S. Lethbridge, AB T1J 1Z8

R. Hunt Manager

P: 780-538-5340 F: 780-538-5493


G. Chadsey Manager

P: 403-381-5196 F: 403-381-5128

Medicine Hat

Law Courts 460 First St., S.E.

Medicine Hat, AB T1A 0A8

W. Garner Manager

P: 403-529-8710 F: 403-529-8607

Peace River

Court House 9905 - 97 Ave. Bag 900-34 Peace River, AB T8S 1T4 Court House 4909 - 48 Ave. Red Deer, AB T4N 3T5 Court House 4704 - 50 St. P.O. Box 1900 St. Paul, AB T0A 3A0 Law Courts 4605 - 51 St. Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 1K7

P. Testawich Manager

P: 780-624-6256 F: 780-624-7101

Red Deer

S. Mitchell Senior Manager T. Kintzel Manager W. Whelan Manager

P: 403-340-5220 F: 403-340-7984 P: 403-340-5220 F: 403-340-7984 P: 780-645-6324 F: 780-645-6273

St. Paul


E. Segboer Manager

P: 780-361-1258 F: 780-361-1319

Office of the Sheriff - Civil Enforcement

2nd Floor, 108 Street Building 9942 - 108 Street Edmonton, AB T5K 2J5 D. Weatherall Sheriff P: 780-422-2481 F: 780-422-3011


April, 2012

Court Calendar

Provincial Court Base & Circuit Points

Calgary (Criminal, Traffic, Civil, Family & Youth, and Calgary Regional) Calgary (Criminal) Calgary Courts Centre Suite 402-S 601 - 5 St S.W. Calgary, AB T2P 5P7 B. Hage Senior Manager P: 403-297-3122 F: 403-297-2932

Calgary Courts Centre Suite 402-S 601 - 5 St S.W. Calgary, AB T2P 5P7 Calgary Courts Centre Suite 607-S 601 - 5 St S.W. Calgary, AB T2P 5P7 Suite 113 104 1 Ave. N.W. Suite 101 800 Railway Ave. 213 1 St., W. 1611 15 Ave. 98 McRae St. 9911 Chiila Blvd., Sarcee AB Calgary Courts Centre Suite 203-S 601 - 5 St S.W. Calgary, AB T2P 5P7 Calgary Courts Centre Suite 606-S 601 - 5 St S.W. Calgary, AB T2P 5P7

C. Robitaille A/Manager

P: 403-297-3122 F: 403-297-3179

Calgary (Regional)

L. Blair-Kaye Manager

P: 403-297-3010 F: 403-297-3237

Airdrie Canmore Cochrane Didsbury Okotoks Tsuu Tina Nation Calgary (Traffic & Civil) Calgary (Civil)

P: 403-948-5840 P: 403-678-2355 P: 403-932-3223 P: 403-335-3424 P: 403-938-7953 P: 403-297-3010 M. Siller Manager P: 403-297-2283 F: 403-297-2220

M. Clisdell Administrator

P: 403-297-7217 F: 403-297-7374

Note: The circuit point court addresses are being provided for the accused purposes only. Continue to send all court documents to the appropriate base point court location
42 April, 2012

Court Calendar

Calgary (Family & Youth)

Family Address: Calgary Courts Centre Suite 704-N 601 - 5 St S.W. Calgary, AB T2P 5P7 Youth Address: Calgary Courts Centre Suite 201-N 601 - 5 St S.W. Calgary, AB T2P 5P7

L. Lindquist Manager

P: 403-297-3471 F: 403-297-3461

P: 403-297-3473 F: 403-297-4892


Court House 5210 - 49 Ave. Camrose, AB T4V 3Y2 4903 - 50 St. Court House 511 - 3 Ave., West PO Box 759 Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0 401 Centre St. Jct. of Highways 901 & 547 Siksika, AB 226 - 2 Ave. Law Courts 1A Sir Winston Churchill Square Edmonton, AB T5J 0R2

D. Tkachuk Manager

P: 780-679-1240 F: 780-679-1253

Killam Drumheller

P: 780-385-3890 J. McGuckin Manager P: 403-820-7300 F: 403-823-6073

Hanna Siksika Nation

P: 403-854-5531 P: 403-734-3855

Strathmore Edmonton (Criminal, Traffic, Civil, Family Law Centre (PC & QB) and Alberta Review Board) Edmonton (Criminal)

P: 403-934-2151 B. Haynes Senior Manager P: 780-427-8713 F: 780-422-9736

Law Courts 1A Sir Winston Churchill Square Edmonton, AB T5J 0R2

K. McPhee Manager

P: 780-427-7868 F: 780-422-9736

Note: The circuit point court addresses are being provided for the accused purposes only. Continue to send all court documents to the appropriate base point court location
43 September, 2012

Court Calendar

Edmonton (Traffic & Civil)

Law Courts 1A Sir Winston Churchill Square Edmonton, AB T5J 0R2 Law Courts 1A Sir Winston Churchill Square Edmonton, AB T5J 0R2 Law Courts 1A Sir Winston Churchill Square Edmonton, AB T5J 0R2 Court House 9700 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4W3 Multi-Plex Flett St. Court House 10504 - 100 Ave. Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 3S9 5006 - 3 St. Court House 10260 - 99 St. Grande Prairie, AB T8V 2H4 Court House 100 - 4 Ave. Provincial Building 5102 - 50 Ave.

L. Malcolm Manager

P: 780-427-5913 F: 780-427-5791

Edmonton (Civil)

Vacant Administrator

P: 780-422-2508 F: 780-427-4348

Edmonton Family Law Centre (Family & Youth) Fort McMurray

B. Petryk Manager D. Blauel Administrator M. Campbell A/Manager

P: 780-427-2743 F: 780-427-5797 P: 780-427-2743 F: 780-427-5797 P: 780-743-7195 F: 780-743-7395

Fort Chipewyan Fort Saskatchewan

P: 780-697-3631 B. Matvichuk Manager P: 780-998-1200 F: 780-998-7222

Boyle Grande Prairie

P: 780-689-4141 R. Hunt Manager P: 780-538-5360 F: 780-538-5454

Fox Creek Valleyview

P: 780-622-3113 P: 780-524-3663

Note: The circuit point court addresses are being provided for the accused purposes only. Continue to send all court documents to the appropriate base point court location
44 September, 2012

Court Calendar

High Level

Court House 10106 - 100 Ave. PO Box 1560 High Level, AB T0H 1Z0 Court House Lower Townsite Chateh, AB 4607 River Road Court House 4911 - 53 Ave. PO Box 1470 High Prairie, AB T0G 1E0 Court House (adjacent to Alberta Forestry Complex) 122 Forestry Road Government Centre and Library Suite 106 101 - 3 St., S.W. Court House Provincial Building 867 Stony Point Road Desmarais Court House 237 Jasper St., West & Pembina Ave. PO Box 6450 Hinton, AB T7V 1X7 Provincial Building 111 - 54 St. Provincial Building Hoppe Ave. Provincial Building 629 Patricia St.

S. Shumik A/Manager

P: 780-926-3715 F: 780-926-4068


P: 780-321-3832

Fort Vermilion High Prairie

P: 780-927-3732 M. Fjeld Manager P: 780-523-6600 F: 780-523-6643

Red Earth Creek

P: 780-649-2260

Slave Lake

P: 780-849-7210


P: 780-891-3663


K. Hanington Manager

P: 780-865-8280 F: 780-865-8253

Edson Grande Cache Jasper

P: 780-723-8285 P: 780-827-3878 P: 780-852-4438

Note: The circuit point court addresses are being provided for the accused purposes only. Continue to send all court documents to the appropriate base point court location
45 March, 2012

Court Calendar


Court House 4612 - 50 St. Leduc, AB T9E 6L1 4911 - 50 Ave. 5136 - 51 Ave. Court House 320 - 4 St., S. Lethbridge, AB T1J 1Z8 Provincial Building 576 Main St. Court House 244 Chief Red Crow Blvd. Provincial Building 782 Main Street 5126 - 49 Ave. Law Courts 460 First St., S.E. Medicine Hat, AB T1A 0A8 220 - 4 Ave., W. Court House 9905 - 97 Ave. Bag 900-34 Peace River, AB T8S 1T4 2nd Flr., Provincial Building 10209 - 109 St. Provincial Building 028 Main St., S.E. Court House 4909 - 48 Ave. Red Deer, AB T4N 3T5 Provincial Building 4909 Royal St.

M. McMullen Manager

P: 780-986-6911 F: 780-986-0345

Breton Drayton Valley Lethbridge

P: 780-696-3613 P: 780-542-3536 M. McCulloch Manager P: 403-381-5223 F: 403-381-5763

Cardston Fort Macleod

P: 403-653-5142 P: 403-553-5003

Pincher Creek Taber Medicine Hat

P: 403-627-1114 P: 403-223-7941 W. Garner Manager P: 403-529-8644 F: 403-529-8606

Brooks Peace River

P: 403-362-1238 P. Testawich Manager P: 780-624-6256 F: 780-624-6175


P: 780-835-2232

Falher Red Deer

P: 780-837-2433 S. Mitchell Senior Manager K. Saunders Manager P: 403-340-5250 F: 403-340-7985 P: 403-340-5250 F: 403-340-7985 P: 403-578-3668


Note: The circuit point court addresses are being provided for the accused purposes only. Continue to send all court documents to the appropriate base point court location
46 March, 2012

Court Calendar

Rimbey Rocky Mountain House Stettler St. Albert

Provincial Building 5025 - 55 St. Provincial Building 4919 - 51 St. Provincial Building 4705 - 49 Ave. Court House 3 St. Anne St. St. Albert, AB T8N 2E8 Provincial Building 4903 - 50 St. Provincial Building 6203 - 49 St. Provincial Building 10008 - 107 St. Provincial Building 10003 - 100 St. Court House 4704 - 50 St. PO Box 1900 St. Paul, AB T0A 3A0 4902 - 50 Ave. 5323 - 48 Ave. 9503 Beaver Hill Rd. Court House 190 Chippewa Rd. Sherwood Park, AB T8A 4H5 Court House 4711 - 44 Ave. Stony Plain, AB T7Z 1N5 4921 - 50 St. Alexis First Nation Administration Office Alexis Reserve 5013 - 50 St. 5020 - 52 Ave. B. Longley Manager W. Whelan Manager J. McNeilly Manager

P: 403-843-3707 P: 403-845-8220

P: 403-742-7528 P: 780-458-7305 F: 780-460-2963

Athabasca Barrhead Morinville Westlock St. Paul

P: 780-675-4210 P: 780-674-8218 P: 780-939-6805 P: 780-349-3831 P: 780-645-6324 F: 780-645-6273

Bonnyville Cold Lake Lac La Biche Sherwood Park

P: 780-826-3438 P: 780-594-3374 P: 780-623-5260 P: 780-464-0114 F: 780-449-1490

Stony Plain

B. Majeau Manager

P: 780-963-6205 F: 780-963-6402

Evansburg Glenevis

P: 780-727-3986 no phone

Mayerthorpe Whitecourt

P: 780-786-2225 P: 780-778-7117

Note: The circuit point court addresses are being provided for the accused purposes only. Continue to send all court documents to the appropriate base point court location
47 June, 2012

Court Calendar


Provincial Building Box 30 4701 - 52 St. Vermilion, AB T9X 1J9 Provincial Building 5124 - 50 St. Provincial Building 4809 - 50 St. Provincial Court Bldg. 738 - 2 Ave. Law Courts 4605 - 51 St. Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 1K7 5110 - 49 Ave.

R. Westman Manager

P: 780-853-8130 F: 780-853-8200

Lloydminster Vegreville Wainwright Wetaskiwin

P: 780-871-6450 P: 780-632-5415 P: 780-842-7575 E. Segboer Manager P: 780-361-1204 F: 780-361-1338


P: 403-783-7080

Alberta Review Board

D. Collins Registrar Edmonton Suite 1120, Oxford Tower 10235 101 St. N.W. Edmonton, AB T5J 3E9 Law Courts 1A Sir Winston Churchill Square Edmonton, AB T5J 0R2 P: 780-422-5994 F: 780-427-1762

B. Haynes Senior Manager


P: 780-427-8713 F: 780-422-9736

Sheriff's Branch, Security Operations

South K. Hopkins Deputy Director/ Superintendent L. Witbeck Manager/ Inspector R. Hagen Manager/ Inspector North G. Medley Deputy Director/ Superintendent Red Deer & South Calgary Courts Centre Regional Courts South 1101, 620 - 7 Ave SW Calgary, AB T2P 0Y8 1101, 620 - 7 Ave SW Calgary, AB T2P 0Y8 1101, 620 - 7 Ave SW Calgary, AB T2P 0Y8 Law Courts 1A Sir Winston Churchill Square Edmonton, AB T5J 0R2

P: 403-297-2172 F: 403-297-5059 P: 403-297-2172 F: 403-297-5059 P: 403-297-2172 F: 403-297-5059

North of Red Deer

P: 780-422-5200 F: 780-422-2971

June, 2012

Court Calendar

Transcript Management Services

C. Clark A/Manager Calgary Calgary Courts Centre Suite 1901-N 601 - 5 St S.W. Calgary, AB T2P 5P7 #1000 Sunlife Place 10123 99 St., Edmonton, AB T5J 3H1 Court House 4909 - 48 Ave Red Deer, AB T4N 3T5 P: 403-297-7392 F: 403-297-7034

D. Gagne Manager


P: 780-427-6181 F: 780-422-2826

C. Reynolds Manager


P: 403-340-5235 F: 403-340-7986

General Prosecutions Branch

J.D. Sawa Chief Crown Prosecutor Calgary Rural and Regional Response Office: 7th Floor Centrium Place 332 - 6 Ave S.W. Calgary, AB T2P 0B2 P: 403-297-8444 F: 403-297-4311

Drumheller, Airdrie, Canmore, Cochrane, Didsbury, Hanna, Okotoks, Siksika, Strathmore, Tsuu Tina Nation S.M. Bilodeau, Q.C. Chief Crown Prosecutor Edmonton 6th Floor, J.E. Brownlee Building 10365 - 97 St. Edmonton, AB T5J 3W7 1110 Oxford Tower 10235 101 St. Edmonton, AB T5J 3E9 1110 Oxford Tower 10235 101 St. Edmonton, AB T5J 3E9 P: 780-422-1111 F: 780-422-9756

E.O. Yereniuk, Q.C. Director M.C. Doyle Chief Crown Prosecutor


P: 780-427-5042 F: 780-422-9747

Edmonton Rural and Regional Response Office:

P: 780-638-3352 F: 780-638-3371

Evansburg, Glenevis, Mayerthorpe, Morinville, Sherwood Park, St. Albert, Stony Plain S.P. Hinkley Chief Crown Prosecutor Fort McMurray 9th Floor, Provincial Building 9915 Franklin Ave. Fort McMurray, AB T9H 2K4

P: 780-743-7285 F: 780-791-6387

March, 2012

Court Calendar

T.M. Hawkesworth Chief Crown Prosecutor R.E. Marr Chief Crown Prosecutor R.B. Coleman, Q.C. Chief Crown Prosecutor R.K. Robins Chief Crown Prosecutor D.S. Stilwell Chief Crown Prosecutor

Grande Prairie

3601, 10320 - 99 St. Grande Prairie, AB T8V 6J4 2nd Floor, 201 Pembina Ave. Hinton, AB T7V 2B2 1100 Lethbridge Ctr. Tower 400 - 4 Ave., South Lethbridge, AB T1J 4C7 301, 556 - 4 St., S.E. Medicine Hat, AB T1A 0K8 201 Provincial Building 9621 - 96 Ave. Bag 900-7 Peace River, AB T8S 1T4 601 Provincial Building 4920 - 51 St. Red Deer, AB T4N 6K8 4th Floor, Provincial Building 5025 - 49 Ave. PO Box 115 St. Paul, AB T0A 3A4 104 Market Square Shopping Centre 10404-99 Ave Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 3W2 2nd Floor, Provincial Building 5201 - 50 Ave. Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 0S7

P: 780-538-5338 F: 780-538-5500

Hinton, Edson

P: 780-865-8285 F: 780-865-8328


P: 403-381-5211 F: 403-381-5760

Medicine Hat

P: 403-529-3672 F: 403-529-3121 P: 780-624-6270 F: 780-624-6312

Peace River

A.N. Quist Chief Crown Prosecutor

Red Deer

P: 403-340-5190 F: 403-340-7193

J.F. Rudiak Chief Crown Prosecutor

St. Paul

P: 780-645-6381 F: 780-645-6363

J.L. Morrison Chief Crown Prosecutor

Athabasca, Barrhead, Fort Saskatchewan, Vegreville, Westlock Wetaskiwin

P: 780-998-1269 F: 780-998-9599

R.A. Clark Chief Crown Prosecutor

P: 780-361-1206 F: 780-361-1468


March, 2012

Court Calendar

Specialized Prosecution Branch

S.L. Brown, Q.C. Director Edmonton, Calgary 5th Floor, J.E. Brownlee Building 10365 - 97 St. Edmonton, AB T5J 3W7 Centrium Place Suite 300 332 - 6 Ave. SW Calgary, AB T2P 0B2 P: 780-422-0640 F: 780-422-1217

B.J. Holtby, Q.C. Assistant Director


P: 403-297-8477 F: 403-355-4518

Appeals Branch
S.D. Hughson, Q.C. Director Edmonton, Calgary 3rd Floor, Bowker Building 9833 - 109 St. Edmonton, AB T5K 2E8 Centrium Place Suite 300 332 - 6 Ave. SW Calgary, AB T2P 0B2 P: 780-422-5402 F: 780-422-1106

G. Tomljanovic, Q.C. Appellate Counsel


P: 403-297-6005 F: 403-297-3453

Public Prosecution Service of Canada

Edmonton Epcor Tower Suite 700 10423 - 101 St. Edmonton, AB T5H 0E7 510, 606 - 4 St. S.W. Calgary, AB T2P 1T1 P: 780-495-3553 F: 780-495-6940


P: 403-299-3978 F: 403-299-3966

Courts Administration Service (Federal)

Edmonton Scotia Place, Suite 530 Tower One, 5th Floor 10060 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 3R8 3rd Floor 635 - 8th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 3M3 P: 780-495-4651 F: 780-495-4681


P: 403-292-5920 F: 403-292-5329


March, 2012

Court Services Program

Court Services Programs

If you have any questions or concerns about the contents of the programs listed, please contact: Diane Shearer Senior Manager Family Justice Services Strategic Initiatives Court Services Division Justice and Attorney General Phone 403-297-7125 Diane.Shearer@gov.ab.ca


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

COURT SERVICES PROGRAMS PURPOSE AND APPLICATION This resource was created to provide information to members of the Bench and Bar on the numerous programs and initiatives available through the Government of Alberta, Justice and Attorney General, Court Services. The services outlined provide dispute resolution options to reduce dependency on the Court system and to empower disputants to make their own solutions. Participation in the programs is voluntary or, in some instances, Court ordered. Many of these services are available across the province. This resource will be updated annually. Additional information on the programs may be found on the website at www.albertacourts.ab.ca. PROGRAMS Alberta Aboriginal Court Worker Program Alberta Law Libraries Civil Mediation Service Family Justice Services Law Information Centre


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Table of Contents
55 56 57 59 60 60 62 64 Civil Mediation Service Civil Claims Mediation Program Provincial Court Law Information Centre (LInC) Alberta Law Libraries (All) Alberta Aboriginal Court Worker Program Alberta Aboriginal Criminal Court Worker Program Alberta Aboriginal Family Court Worker Program Family Justice Services (FJS) Informational Services Family Law Information Centre (FLIC) Educational Services Parenting After Separation (PAS) Parenting After Separation for High Conflict Families (PASHC) Focus on Communication in Separation (FOCIS) Intake Services Intake Services Family Court Counsellors Mediation/Dispute Resolution Programs Family Mediation Program - Provincial Court and Court of Queen's Bench Child Protection and Intervention Mediation Program - Provincial Court Caseflow Conference Provincial Court Dispute Resolution Officer Program (Calgary) Child Support Resolution Program (Edmonton) High Conflict Programs Parenting Assessment Subsidy Program Court of Queen's Bench Brief Conflict Intervention Provincial Court


67 69 70


72 74 76 77 77

78 80


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Civil Mediation Service The Civil Mediation Service offers a highly effective way to resolve disputes. Mediation is a private, confidential, and informal process that addresses the concerns and needs of all parties involved in a dispute. The parties attempt to reach an agreement with the help of a mediator. A mediators role is to guide the parties through a problem solving process to resolve their disputes. Mediators ensure that a comfortable environment is created to facilitate the discussion, help the parties define the issues, ensure that the discussion remains on track, and help the parties identify and communicate their priorities and concerns. Mediators support the parties in reaching a decision and do not take sides, make decisions or suggest solutions. The parties come to their own solutions and nothing is imposed by the mediator.


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Civil Claims Mediation Program Provincial Court Objective The Provincial Court Civil Claims Mediation Program offers mediation at no charge to parties with civil claims in the Provincial Court. The program aims to help parties reach a negotiated settlement instead of going to trial. The program is available in several Provincial Court locations throughout Alberta: Edmonton, Calgary, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Red Deer, Grande Prairie and Wetaskiwin. The Edmonton program accepts referrals from judges in the Edmonton Regional Judicial Districts as well as from judges in Edmonton. Mediations may also be held at circuit point locations: Brooks, Canmore, Rocky Mountain House and others. Mediations are carried out by trained and skilled practitioners from the community, whose names are listed on a roster. A team of two mediators guides the parties through the mediation process. The program is governed by Regulation 271/97 of the Provincial Court Act. Cost There is no cost to the parties. Key Criteria For parties to be eligible they must have a Notice of Claim and Dispute Note filed in the Provincial Court. Access Referrals to the programs may come in three ways: Parties may request a mediation appointment at the time they file their Notice of Claim or Dispute Note A judge may refer parties Parties may be directed by the court What happens after the Mediation? If the matter settles at mediation, an agreement is drafted and placed in the court file. If the matter does not settle, a party may choose to proceed to trial. Proceeding to trial means the party must complete the required forms at the conclusion of the mediation. The parties are subsequently sent information about the trial date by the trial coordinator. For more information, please contact: Calgary 403-297-5536 Edmonton 780-415-2701 Grande Prairie 780-833-4202 Lethbridge 403-388-3102 Medicine Hat 403-529-8716 Red Deer 403-755-1437 Wetaskiwin 403-755-1437



November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Law Information Centre (LInC) Law Information Centres provide information about court processes, procedures and information to help self-represented litigants. The centres are designed to provide information to self-represented litigants about available options and resources and to help them make informed choices to resolve their disputes. Objective Law Information Centres (LInC) are open in Edmonton, Calgary, Red Deer and Grande Prairie as part of a new initiative providing coordinated services to selfrepresented litigants (SRL). The Centres Improve access to justice for individuals acting on their own behalf. Increase SRLs access to appropriate information to help them before, during, and following their court appearances. Reduce the amount of court time needed for SRL cases, reducing sitting times, lead times and increasing the number of cases heard in a given period. Encourage ongoing collaborative and consultative relationships among justice service providers/resources. The services provided by LInC will complement existing services for people involved in litigation (for example, Family Law Information Centres, court counter services, Alberta Law Libraries, Legal Aid Alberta). LInC will refer self-represented litigants to other service providers if clients needs fall outside LInCs scope. Types of assistance offered by the Law Information Centre (LInC) Locate and provide guidance on the use of court forms. A direct line to the Legal Services Centre for individuals wishing to obtain legal advice Referrals about justice process and services in criminal and civil matters such as traffic or landlord and tenant issues. Telephone information for clients unable to travel to a Law Information Centre. Cost There is no cost to access the Law Information Centres. Key Criteria Law Information Centres offer information on civil (non-family) and criminal issues. Those needing family law information are directed to the Family Law Information Centres in Edmonton, Calgary, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat and Red Deer. The Grande Prairie LInC office also supports individuals with family issues. Additional visits to LInC for further information are encouraged as a matter progresses through court. Please note that the staff at LInC cannot provide legal advice.


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Access to LInC: Edmonton: 2nd Floor, Alberta Law Society Library, Law Courts, South Phone: 780-644-8217 Calgary: Main Floor, Calgary Courts Centre Phone: 403-476-4744 Grande Prairie: Main Floor, Court House Phone: 780-833-4234 Red Deer: Main Floor, Court House Phone: 403-755-1469 Website: www.albertacourts.ab.ca/CourtServices/LInCLawInformationCentres


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Alberta Law Libraries (ALL) Objective Located in courthouses and provincial buildings in 23 communities throughout the province and with 50 service points, Alberta Law Libraries connects Albertans with information and research services. The libraries provide services to the legal community (judiciary, Justice and Attorney General employees and bar), self-represented litigants and the public. Alberta Law Libraries help by: providing reference and research services to members of the legal community. connecting self-represented litigants and members of the public with relevant legal information resources. Our team of skilled information professionals help clients find answers to their questions, from the location of forms and precedents to the provision of self-help legal materials, books, articles, case law & legislation reflecting their specific information needs. educating Albertans about the Canadian justice system and on the identification and effective use of reliable legal information sources, both print and electronic. providing access to an impressive array of electronic legal research tools and a vast print collection. supplying referrals to other relevant organizations as needed. Cost Access to legal reference assistance and the Alberta Law Libraries collections is provided to all Albertans. There is no cost to access this service. Key Criteria Our team will guide clients, including self-represented litigants and members of the public, to reliable sources of legal information without giving legal advice. Access Hours vary throughout the province, please contact your local library, or check the website at http://www.lawlibrary.ab.ca/ for hours of operation prior to visiting the library. Reference services may also be accessed online using our Ask a Law Librarian service or via e-mail at all.cal@gov.ab.ca (Calgary) or all.edm@gov.ab.ca. (Edmonton). For additional information or to request assistance, please contact: Susan E. Platt, Information, Research and Training Services Manager susan.e.platt@gov.ab.ca Jane Cavanagh, Team Lead (Edmonton) jane.cavanagh@gov.ab.ca Dale Barrie, Team Lead (Calgary) dale.barrie@gov.ab.ca Carolyn Walker, Branch Library Manager carolyn.walker@gov.ab.ca


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Alberta Aboriginal Court Worker Program The Aboriginal Court Worker program delivers province wide services to Aboriginal people who are involved in the justice system in either family or criminal court. The program is intended to facilitate and enhance access to justice by assisting Aboriginal people to obtain fair and culturally sensitive treatment in the justice system, especially during the court process. The Aboriginal Court Worker Program has both a criminal and family component. The Program has been in existence in Alberta for over 35 years. Alberta Aboriginal Criminal Court Worker Program Objective Aboriginal Court Worker Program seeks to facilitate and enhance access to the justice system by Aboriginal people involved in the courts and to ensure they receive fair, equitable and culturally sensitive treatment. Provide all eligible Aboriginal persons appearing in court a program of counselling, other than legal advice in relation to court procedures, rights under the law and availability of legal aid or other resources and referral thereto of such persons who have been charged with an offence under any federal or provincial statute or municipal by-law. Assist Aboriginal people to understand their right to speak on their own behalf or to request legal counsel; to better understand the nature of the charges against them; and the philosophy and functioning of the criminal justice system. Assist in enhancing the awareness and appreciation by those involved in the administration of the criminal justice system of the values, customs, languages and socio-economic conditions of Aboriginals.

Cost There is no cost in accessing this service Key Criteria Clients must be of Aboriginal ancestry What happens after? (only if required) The Aboriginal client will be provided with information on the nature of the charges, rights, court procedures, roles and responsibilities, alternative justice options and possible outcomes. The client will be provided with information and availability of legal and community social resources and make client referrals to these services as required. Access The Aboriginal Court Worker Program can be accessed at any point during the pre-court or court appearance process.


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Native Counselling Services of Alberta Aboriginal Criminal Court Worker Program locations: Bonnyville: 780-826-4403 Brocket: 403-965-3933 Calgary: 403-237-7850 Calling Lake: 780-331-2127 Edmonton: 780-423-2141 Fort Chipewyan: 780-697-3195 Fort McMurray: 780-743-1888 Grande Cache: 780-827-3800 Grande Prairie: 780-532-9359 High Level: 780-926-3159 High Prairie: 780-523-3282 Hinton: 780-817-2526 Lac La Biche: 780-623-4869 Lethbridge: 403-329-6140 Lloydminster: 780-875-2551 Peace River: 780-624-4622 Red Deer: 403-352-2461 Slave Lake: 780-849-4914 St. Paul: 780-645-5250 Valleyview: 780-524-4449 Wabasca: 780-891-3818 Wetaskiwin: 780-352-2461

First Nation Service Provider Aboriginal Criminal Court Worker Program locations: Siksika First Nation Court Worker Services: 403-264-7250 Blood Tribe Court Worker Services: 403-737-2555 Tsuu Tina First Nation Court Worker Services: 403-238-5649 Yellowhead Tribal Council Court Worker Services: 780-483-9404; for services to Alexis, Morinville, Rocky Mountain House and Stony Plain. For registration, program information and locations, please contact: Native Counselling Services of Alberta Director of Operations 10975 124 Street Edmonton, AB T5M 0H9 Telephone: 780-451-4002 Tsuu Tina First Nation Director, Tsuu Tina/Stoney Corrections Society P.O. Box 70 3700 Anderson Road Calgary, AB T2W 3C4 Telephone: 403-238-5649 Yellowhead Tribal Council Director, Community Corrections Society 300, 17304 105 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5S 1G4 Telephone: 780-483-9404 Siksika First Nation Senior Manager, Justice Department P.O. Box 1609 Siksika, AB T0J 3W0 Telephone: 403-264-7250 Blood Tribe Director, Kainai Community Corrections Society P.O. Box 530 Stand Off, AB T0L 1Y0 Telephone: 403-737-2555


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Alberta Aboriginal Family Court Worker Program Objective Aboriginal Court Worker Program seeks to facilitate and enhance access to the justice system by Aboriginal people involved in the Alberta Provincial Family Court and to ensure they receive fair, equitable and culturally sensitive treatment. Provide a culturally appropriate province-wide program for Aboriginal individuals or families appearing on child protection, parenting, contact or guardianship matters before the Provincial Court of Alberta Family Division. Provide Aboriginal clients with language interpretation services, and assistance in understanding Family Court procedures and the individuals legal rights and privileges. Provide advise, assistance, non-therapeutic counselling and support to Aboriginal individuals or families involved in Provincial Family Court regarding the facilities, programs and resources available in the community.

Cost There is no cost in accessing this service Key Criteria: Clients must be of Aboriginal ancestry What happens after? (only if required) The Aboriginal client will be provided with information on the nature of the family matter, their rights, court procedures, roles and responsibilities and possible outcomes. The client will be provided with information relating to the availability of legal and community social resources and make client referrals to these services as required. Access The Aboriginal Court Worker Program can be accessed at any stage during the pre-court or court appearance process. Native Counselling Services of Alberta Aboriginal Family Court Worker Program locations: Bonnyville: 780-826-4403 Brocket: 403-965-3933 Calgary: 403-237-7850 Calling Lake: 780-331-2127 Edmonton: 780-423-2141 Fort Chipewyan: 780-697-3195 Fort McMurray: 780-743-1888 Grande Cache: 780-827-3800 Grande Prairie: 780-532-9359 High Level: 780-926-3159 High Prairie: 780-523-3282 Hinton: 780-817-2526 Lac La Biche: 780-623-4869 Lethbridge: 403-329-6140 Lloydminster: 780-875-2551 Peace River: 780-624-4622 Red Deer: 403-352-2461 Slave Lake: 780-849-4914 St. Paul: 780-645-5250 Valleyview: 780-524-4449
64 November, 2011

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Wabasca: 780-891-3818

Wetaskiwin: 780-352-2461

For registration, program information and locations, please contact: Native Counselling Services of Alberta Director of Operations 10975 124 Street, Edmonton, AB T5M 0H9 Telephone: 780-451-4002


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Family Justice Services (FJS) Family Justice Services (FJS) is a group of programs and services offered by the Government of Alberta, Justice and Attorney General in collaboration with the Courts of Alberta. FJS works directly with individuals and families to find appropriate solutions for family law issues. Programs are available to qualifying parties either at no cost or a subsidy may be available depending on the program. FJS offices are located throughout the province. Informational Services Family Law Information Centre (FLIC) Educational Services Parenting After Separation (PAS) Parenting After Separation For High Conflict Families (PASHC) Focus On Communication In Separation (FOCIS) Intake Services Intake Services - Family Court Counsellors (assessment /referral, form completion, court presentation) Mediation/Dispute Resolution Programs Family Mediation Program - Provincial Court and Court of Queens Bench Child Protection and Intervention Mediation Program - Provincial Court Caseflow Conference - Provincial Court Dispute Resolution Officer Program (Calgary) Court of Queens Bench Child Support Resolution Program (Edmonton) Court of Queens Bench High Conflict/Assessment Services Parenting Assessment Program - Court of Queens Bench Brief Conflict Intervention - Provincial Court


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Family Law Information Centre (FLIC) Objective FLIC is available to provide information, materials, assistance and referrals to the general public (particularly self-represented parties), the legal community, the judiciary and government offices/agencies regarding court procedures and documentation required for most family law matters. Upon request, FLIC also provides Child Support Guideline calculations to self-represented parties and to the judiciary. The Family Law Information Centre has available all the prescribed forms for court applications under the Family Law Act and the Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act as well as a number of fill in the blank forms to assist individuals with various applications under The Divorce Act. FLIC will also assist with other common applications under provincial and federal legislation addressing family law matters. Information and/or procedural assistance is offered on many topics relating to family law, including:

Child support Spousal/partner support Child custody/access or parenting time* Guardianship of or contact with a child

Enforcement of time with a child Inter-jurisdictional support issues Divorce and corollary relief proceedings Family violence restraining/protection orders

*Note that FLIC offers limited assistance for parenting applications as all applications by self-represented parties applying for parenting/guardianship/ contact under the Family Law Act are referred to the Family Court Counsellors for assistance. The Family Law Information Centre also administers the following programs for Court of Queens Bench: Court Generated Orders Program Dispute Resolution Officer Program (Calgary only) and Child Support Resolution Program (Edmonton only). The Family Law Information Centre provides direct assistance to the judiciary. Staff from the Centre reviews all desk divorce applications (Calgary and Edmonton) and consent orders (Edmonton only), to ensure compliance with the formal requirements of the Child Support Guidelines. Cost There is no cost for the services provided by the Family Law Information Centre.


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Key Criteria Individuals applying on family matters to the Provincial Court or the Court of Queens Bench, regardless of financial or marital status. Please note that staff at the Family Law Information Centre cannot provide legal advice. Access Albertans can access the Family Law Information Centre in person or by telephone. For more information, please contact: Calgary Family Justice Services 403-297-6981 Edmonton Family Law Centre 780-415-0404 Grande Prairie Law Information Centre 780-833-4234 Lethbridge Family Justice Services 403-388-3102 Medicine Hat Family Justice Services 403-529-8715 Red Deer Family Justice Services 403-755-1468

Dial 310-0000 first for toll free access in Alberta. Information, materials and forms are available at the Self-Help Centre on the Alberta Courts website: www.albertacourts.ab.ca/Familylaw


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Parenting After Separation (PAS) Objective Parenting After Separation is a six hour seminar offering information to parents about the separation and divorce process, the effects of separation and divorce on children, techniques for communication when parenting apart and legal information that affects parents and children. Parents who live near a judicial centre and have issues concerning child support or parenting time may access this service. PAS teaches parents the importance of working together to meet childrens health, social, educational and emotional needs. The program encourages parents to attend mediation and to consider other dispute resolution options. Course topics include: Orientation to the Legal System Relationship Building Promoting Childrens Coping and Resilience Parenting Plan Cost There is no cost to the parties. Key Criteria Participation is mandatory in Court of Queens Bench family law matters under Practice Note 1 or when directed by a Court of Queens Bench Justice in Provincial Court family law matters when ordered by a Judge Voluntary participation is also encouraged Participants must register prior to attending What happens after the course? Each participant will receive a certificate that confirms their completion of PAS. The certificate should be given to your lawyer or filed at Court if court ordered. Access Participants must contact the program directly to register. For registration and program information, please contact: Brooks 403-504-8026 Calgary 403-440-3833 Camrose 780-679-1240 Canmore 403-609-3743 Drayton Valley 780-514-2204 Drumheller 403-820-7300 Edmonton 780-413-9805 Edson 780-865-8280 Fort McMurray 780-743-7136 Grande Prairie 780-532-0373 Hinton 780-865-8280 Lethbridge 403-320-4232 Lloydminster 780-853-8130 Medicine Hat 403-504-8026 Peace River 780-624-6256


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Red Deer 403-343-6400 St. Paul / Bonnyville 780-645-6324 Slave Lake 780-523-6600

Spruce Grove 780-962-7618 Stony Plain 780-963-8583

Westlock 780-349-5253 Wetaskiwin 780-361-1258

Dial 310-0000 first for toll free access in Alberta www.albertacourts.ab.ca


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Parenting After Separation For Families in High Conflict (PASHC) Objective Parenting After Separation for Families in High Conflict (PASHC) is a three hour seminar available to all parents who have already completed the six hour Parenting After Separation course. It is a requirement for parents directed by the Court to attend. PASHC offers information about the process of separation, how to emotionally disengage from one another and how to identify and renegotiate boundaries. Parents will be encouraged to develop a parallel parenting plan, which can be an effective tool to reduce conflict and minimize the contact between parents. Course topics include: Parental Enmeshment and Disengagement/ Disinterest Parenting Plan for High Conflict Families Anger, Abuse, Power and Control Child Development and the Needs of Children Renegotiating Boundaries (Skill Development) Cost There is no cost to the parties. Key Criteria Participation is voluntary unless ordered by a Court. Completion of the six hour PAS course is a prerequisite. Participants must register prior to attending. What happens after the course? Each participant will receive a certificate that confirms their completion of PASHC. The certificate should be given to your lawyer or filed at Court if court ordered. Access Participants must contact the program directly to register in advance. For registration and program information, please contact: Edmonton 780-413-9805 Calgary 403-440-3833


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Focus On Communication In Separation (FOCIS) Objective Focus on Communication in Separation (FOCIS) is a six hour, skill-based course teaching parents how to communicate effectively while living apart. FOCIS aims to enhance the communication skills of parents, reduce parental conflict and improve long term outcomes for children. Upon completing the course, parents will be able to decrease tension and stress for themselves and their children by reducing conflict through improved communication and problem solving skills. Course topics include: Impact of parental conflict on children Importance of listening Understanding conflict, conflict styles and conflict cycles Effective use of questions, paraphrases and summarizing techniques Mindsets and perceptions Anger I statements Cost There is no cost to the parties. Key Criteria Parents who are parenting apart Parents are not permitted to attend the course together Participation is voluntary or attendance may be ordered by the Court Referrals to the program can also be made by lawyers, Family Court Counsellors, Mediators or self-referred What happens after the course? Participants completing the course will receive a certificate. Access Participants must be registered in advance to attend. For registration, program information and locations, please contact: Calgary 403-297-6981 Edmonton 780-644-5092 Fort McMurray 780-790-9474 Grande Prairie 780-532-0373 Lethbridge 403-320-4232 Medicine Hat 403-504-8026 Red Deer 403-343-6400 Wetaskiwin 403-340-7187

Dial 310-0000 first for toll free access in Alberta www.albertacourts.ab.ca


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Intake Services Objective Intake Services Family Court Counsellor Services are available to assist individuals parenting apart to resolve parenting disputes and to access the Court system. Services may include: Information on options and services for resolving child-centered disputes Referrals to services and programs Information on the effects of separation and conflict on children Assistance with negotiating agreements and resolving disputes Assistance with court applications such as parenting, guardianship, contact or enforcement of time with a child Assistance with arranging court dates Assistance with court presentation in Provincial Court Cost There is no cost to the parties. Key Criteria Available to Albertans with dependent children with family law issues relating to their children Mandatory by regulation in Calgary and Edmonton for self-represented parties filing a Family Law Act parenting, contact or guardianship claim in Provincial Court. What are the possible outcomes? Information and referrals to resources and services A written agreement A Consent Order A Court Order Access Participation in the program may be voluntary (self-referral), or may be directed by the Courts. For appointments, program information and locations, please contact: Calgary 403-297-6981 Camrose 780-679-1777 Edmonton 780-427-8343 Fort McMurray 780-743-7380 Grande Prairie 780-833-4200 High Prairie 780-523-6173 Hinton 780-865-8384 Leduc 780-427-8343 Lethbridge 403-388-3102 Medicine Hat 403-529-8716 Red Deer 403-340-7187 Vermilion 780-853-8120 Wetaskiwin 780-361-1308

Dial 310-0000 first for toll free access in Alberta.

73 November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Family Mediation Program Provincial Court and Court of Queens Bench Objective Family mediation is a voluntary facilitative process that provides families with an opportunity to meet with a Family Justice Services Mediator. Mediators assist parties to communicate, negotiate and to cooperate focusing on the needs of the child(ren) when resolving disputes. Mediators encourage parties to work collaboratively and avoid the adversarial court process. Mediation agreements are not legally binding. Issues that may be addressed in Family Mediation: Options and services available to parents and children Parenting time Contact issues Communication Child support Spousal support Property matters Cost There is no cost to families who meet FJS financial eligibility criteria. Key Criteria Available to parties who are considering or have commenced actions in Provincial Court or Court of Queens Bench Court action is not required to participate in the mediation process Must have at least one dependent child (under 18 years of age) One party must have a gross annual income of less than $40,000 per year Mediation cases are screened for appropriateness by mediators Participation in the FJS Family Mediation program is voluntary and both parents must agree to participate in mediation. What happens after mediation? When an agreement or a partial agreement is reached, a Mediated Agreement will be prepared by the mediator. Parties are encouraged to seek independent legal advice regarding any agreements that are reached in mediation. If both parties agree, they may choose to file their Mediated Agreement with the Court as a consent order. Access Referrals are accepted from parents/clients, lawyers and Family Court Counsellors. Justices of the Court of Queens Bench and Judges of the Provincial Court may also refer parties to mediation. Lawyers may attend with their clients.


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

For program information, appointments and locations, please contact Family Justice Services: Edmonton Calgary Regional 780-427-8329 403-297-6981 403-340-7187 Dial 310-0000 first for toll free access in Alberta. www.albertacourts.ab.ca


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Child Protection and Intervention Mediation Program Provincial Court Objective When a child or youth is assessed to be in need of intervention by a caseworker from Human Services difficult decisions are made that the child, youth, guardians and/or others with a significant connection to the child may disagree with. As enabled through the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act, mediation is an option to resolve disputes. In court contested matters, mediation can be used as an alternative to litigation with proven benefits including in most instances mutually agreed upon solutions to previously contested issues, improved communication and increased mutual understanding. In other matters which do not involve a contested court application, mediation is also successfully used to resolve disagreements. Mediation provides an opportunity for the participants to talk about important issues in a safe, confidential environment. Referral to mediation can be made by any of the potential participants by calling the Human Services Mediation Supervisor or Family Justice Services office at the numbers listed below. Cost There is no costs to the parties. Key Criteria On contested applications made under the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act a referral is automatically made through the Courts to this program. On other Human Services matters, the program is voluntary. What happens after mediation? When mediation results in an agreement or plan, a summary report is provided to each participant. In Court related matters, the agreement/plan is placed on the childs file with Human Services, and pending approval from respective guardians may be shared with the parties lawyers or entered into the Court record. In matters that are not before the Court the agreement/plan belongs to the participants and will only be shared with others, including the caseworker, if the participants agree. Participants complete an evaluation at the end of each session. Access The caseworker or potential participants contact Family Justice Services directly or request this service through Human Services.


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

For registration, program information and locations, please contact Family Justice Services: Edmonton 780-427-8329 Calgary 403-297-6981 Regional 403-340-7187

Dial 310-0000 first for toll free access in Alberta. www.albertacourts.ab.ca Human Services Athabasca: 780-675-6874 Calgary: 403-476-4620 Edmonton: 780-427-7161 Lethbridge: 403-381-5555 Red Deer 403-361-6993


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Caseflow Conference Provincial Court Objective The Caseflow Conference is a program in the Provincial Court of Alberta in Edmonton and Calgary. It is an alternative (via regulation) to a docket appearance in Court before a Judge. The objective of this service is to assist separated families with applications under the Family Law Act resolve disputes, and/or ensure parties are ready to proceed to court. The Caseflow Conference provides an opportunity for the parties to discuss the application(s) in a private, less formal atmosphere than a courtroom. A Caseflow Coordinator will provide information about resources available to help parties resolve their disputes. Claims may be finalized if the parties consent to terms of orders, for example: Parenting Order Contact Order Guardianship Order Grandparent/Third Party Contact Order Child Support Cost There is no cost to the parties. Key Criteria Mandatory by regulation in Calgary and Edmonton for self-represented parties filing a Family Law Act parenting, guardianship or contact claim Participation in Caseflow Conference may be waived by a Caseflow Coordinator Attendance is optional for represented parties or child support claims Counsel may access Caseflow Conference for Family Law Act applications What are the possible outcomes? An agreement between the parties A draft Court Order An adjournment to Court, Judicial Dispute Resolution program or trial A referral to Mediation or a Parent Education course (i.e. Parenting After Separation [PAS] or Focus on Communication in Separation [FOCIS]) Access Referrals to Caseflow Conference are through an FJS Intake Worker, legal counsel or Provincial Court Judge For program information and locations, please contact Family Justice Services: Edmonton 780-427-8343 Calgary 403-297-6981

Dial 310-0000 first for toll free access in Alberta. www.albertacourts.ab.ca

78 November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Dispute Resolution Officer Program (Calgary) and Child Support Resolution Program (Edmonton) Objective The Dispute Resolution Officer (DRO) program and the Child Support Resolution (CSR) program are administered by the FJS Family Law Information Centres in Edmonton and Calgary respectively. CSR meetings are designed to help litigants resolve child support issues before attending at the Court of Queenss Bench. The DRO Officer may, in addition, address other family law issues between the parties to try and resolve these issues before their court date. The DRO and CSR programs are governed by Court of Queens Bench Family Law Practice Note 4 which establishes the criteria for participation. The parties (and their lawyers, if applicable) meet for one hour with DRO/CSR officers, who are staff lawyers or lawyers from the private Bar who will discuss the matter with the parties, assess the state of their financial disclosure, describe the requirements of the Child Support Guidelines and help parties resolve their dispute. If parties are able to reach a settlement, the DRO/CSR officer will provide instructions to draft a Consent Order which is submitted to the court for review. If parties are unable to resolve their issues, the DRO/CSR officer sets out next step(s), including directions about further financial disclosure to be provided by either party. Cost There is no cost to the parties for DRO/CSR meetings. Key Criteria Dispute Resolution Officer Program - Calgary Mandatory for all applications for child support matters in the Court of Queens Bench. DRO meetings are available on a voluntary basis for applications for child support in Provincial Court. Child Support Resolution Program - Edmonton Mandatory for all (interim or variation) for child support applications by self represented parties. Access Individuals can access these programs through the Family Law Information Centres in person or by telephone. For more information, please contact: Calgary Dispute Resolution Officer Program 403-297-6981 Edmonton Child Support Resolution Program 780-427-1907

Dial 310-0000 first for toll free access in Alberta. www.albertacourts.ab.ca

79 November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Parenting Assessment Subsidy Program Court of Queens Bench Objective The Parenting Assessment program provides subsidies for intervention and assessment reports for the Court of Queens Bench. The interventions and assessments are governed by Practice Note 7 and are used in a small minority of cases involving parenting, contact and guardianship issues with separated or divorced parents. When families are at an impasse, Court intervention is required and the Court may seek assistance from independent parenting experts such as psychologists or social workers. The parenting expert may provide an assessment or a short term intervention. An assessment is an objective evaluation carried out by a parenting expert. Issues that may be addressed in an assessment report: Parenting skills Psychological profile Living arrangements Family history Social history Criminal / Child Protection history Future plans Child(ren) needs Relationship between child(ren) and parties The Court may specify the issues to be addressed in the assessment or intervention. Cost The parties are responsible for the costs of the intervention or assessment; however, subsidies may be available through Family Justice Services. Each Order for an intervention or assessment must address funding, time lines for funding and each parents responsibility for funding. Before ordering an assessment or intervention, the Court must determine the ability of the parties to pay. If the parties cannot pay and subsidies are not available, an intervention or assessment must not be ordered. Key Criteria Participation in FJS programs, including mediation, PAS and PASHC may be required or waived by FJS staff prior to a subsidy application Available for families in the Court of Queens Bench The Practice Note does not apply to matters under the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act The parenting expert may be chosen by the Court or with the agreement of the parties


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

What happens after the Intervention or Assessment? When an intervention results in a written resolution (e.g. Parenting Plan), the Court may require the parties to file the resolution with the Court. Where an intervention does not result in a written resolution, the Parenting Expert shall communicate the result of the intervention via letter to the Court. The Court may use the written resolution or letter as the basis for a Court Order determining appropriate parenting arrangements. When an assessment has been complete, the Parenting Expert must prepare and deliver an Assessment Report to the Court and all legal counsel. The Court may direct that an Assessment Report be admitted as evidence in any proceeding in which the best interest of the child, who is the subject of the Report are at issue. Access The Court, lawyers or parties contact Family Justice Services in order to be considered for a subsidy. For more information, refer to Practice Note 7. For program information and locations, please contact: Edmonton 780-427-8329 Calgary 403-297-6981 Regional 403-340-7187

Dial 310-0000 first for toll free access in Alberta. www.albertacourts.ab.ca


November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Brief Conflict Intervention Program Provincial Court Objective Brief Conflict Intervention offers an additional resource to separated parents who are unable to resolve their parenting disputes. The program is available in Provincial Court locations throughout Alberta. The program provides appropriate cases with a maximum of ten hours solutionfocused intervention from a specialized clinician, such as a psychologist or social worker, over a six to seven week period. The clinician may assist parents: Understand their child(ren)s needs Explore and understand their conflict Focus on parenting in the future Use their strengths to solve problems Create (or draft) parenting agreements Cost There is no cost to the parties who meet the FJS financial eligibility criteria. Key Criteria There is a parenting contact, claim or variation claim filed in Provincial Court The application is between parents One of the parties has a gross income of less than $40,000 per year There is no current Human Services involvement Any criminal charges regarding assault have been dealt with by the Court The parents have attempted mediation before Brief Conflict Intervention (in some cases mediation may be waived) The parents are willing to participate or have been ordered to attend The parents are willing to travel to the clinicians office for appointments Parents must be approved by a Family Justice Services staff to be eligible for funding What happens after the intervention? The clinician will forward a summary report to Family Justice Services. The summary report will outline issues resolved and those that remain in dispute. The summary will not contain recommendations. The summary report will be available to the Court. Access Participation in the program may be voluntary or ordered by Provincial Court Judges. Lawyers, mediators and professionals working with families are also encouraged to refer clients to the program. For more information, or an application, please contact Family Justice Services: Calgary 403-297-6981 Edmonton 780-427-8343

Regional 403-340-7187
November, 2011

Court Services Programs

Dial 310-0000 first for toll free access in Alberta. www.albertacourts.ab.ca


November, 2011

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