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Fongs Wing Chun Curriculum

Frist Year (Siu Lim Tau) 1 Yee Gee Kim Yeung Ma 2 Chair Kuen - (pulling punch) 3 Iron Palm and Wall Bag 4 Siu Lim Tau Form in 3 Parts 1 Part 1 of Siu Lim Tau 2 Part 2 of Siu Lim Tau 3 Part 3 of Siu Lim Tau 5 Wing Chun Chi Gung Exercises 6 Single Man Techniques in the Air (3 repeated moves from Jeong Sau, and back to Jeong Sau) 1 Tan Da Gaan da (4 gate punching) 2 Da'm Jong (5 elbows) 3 Bue Sau (shooting fingers) 4 Fak Sau (cutting up hand) 5 Bong Sau (wing block) 6 Hoi Kwan Sau (outside rolling hands) 7 Ngoi Kwan Sau (inside rolling hands) 8 Tan Pak Sau (both hands side block) 9 Jut Wu Sau ( double snapping)

10 Ding Haan Sau (up and down long bridge hand) 11 Lop Da Sau (grabbing punch) 12 Jut Da Sau ( snapping punch) 13 Pak da (pushing punch) 14 Gaan Jaam Sau (protection of upper gate block) 7 Moving single man techniques from first level with 5 basic stances 8 Chi Sau 1 Chi Dan Sau (basic single sticky hands) 2 Chi Seung Sau ( double sticky hands motion) a. Ngoi Moon (inside gate) b. Hoi Moon (outside gate) c. Chi Sau or Poon Sau (regular motion) d. Bong an Chi Sau (blindfold motion) 9 Lop Sau ( grabbing hand motion) 10 5 Basic Stances 1 Chor ma (turning stance) 2 Seung Ma or Bue Ma (forwarding stance) 3 Toi Ma or Sayi ma (deflecting stance) 4 Tor Ma , Bik ma or bik bo (chasing stance) 5 Sip ma (3 angle stance) 5 Combination Stances 1 Seung Gok ma (forward bracing) 2 Toi Gok ma (backward bracing)

3 Ngoi Chiu Ying ma ( inside facing) 4 Hoi Chiu Ying ma (outside facing) 5 Juen ma (180 degree turn) 11 Double Man Techniques (one is doing the technique while the other is doing the punch) 1 Pak 2 Tan 3 Bue 4 Jut 5 Bong 6 Lop 7 Wu 8 Kau 9 Huen 10 Pau 11 Ding 12 Haan 13 Jaam 14 Fak 15 Tan/Pak/Lop 16 Bong/Lop/Pak 17 Bue/Jut/Wu 18 Ding/Haan/Outside Jut

19 Kau/Gaan/Jaam 20 Huen/Pak/Lop 21 Fak/Jaam/ Wu 22 Jaam/Wu/Pak 23 Tan/Bong/Fok 24 Jut/Bue/Jaam 25 Lop-Da/Jip/Bong-Lop (Both Partners Are Doing the Same Technique from the Single Man Techniques) 1 Gaan Sau (8 Blocks) 2 5 Block with Palms 3 Seung Jing Bok and Wang Bok ( front and side shoulders) 4 Tan Da Gaan da (4 gate punching) 5 Bue Sau (shooting fingers) 6 Kuen Siu Kuen ( punch to punch ) 7 Bong Sau (wing block) 8 Hoi Kwan Sau (outside rolling hands) 9 Ngoi Kwan Sau (inside rolling hands) 10 Tan Pak Sau (both hands side block) 11 Lop Da Sau (grabbing punch) 12 Jut Da Sau ( snapping punch) 13 Pak da (pushing punch) 14 Gaan Jaam Sau (protection of upper gate block) 12 Reacting San Sau ( One partner initiates the Pak Da or Lop Da into the other Jong Sau ,the other partner uses the San Sau techniques to counter back. )

1 Tan 2 Pak 3 Wu 4 Bong 13 Leg Development 1 Jing Dok Lop ma (front single leg) 2 Wang Dok Lop ma (side single leg) 3 Jing/Wang Dang Gurk (slow nailing front and side kick) 4 Jing/Wang Tai Gurk (slow front and side raising kick) 5 Gaan Gurk (5 Leg Blocks) Soo, Bong, Gaan, Pak Sut, Wu Sut 6 Yin/Yang Rotation of Kicking (Front Kick up/ Down, Side Kick up/Down) 7 Jing Gurk Jut Gurk 8 Pak Gurk in Air 9 Wu Gurk in Air 10 Bong Gurk Chai Gurk 11 Huen Jing Gurk 12 Huen Wang Gurk 13 Tiu Chai Gurk 14 Tiu Dang Gurk 14 Theories: 1 The Tao of a Gung Fu man 2 The qualifications of a Gung Fu man 3 The rules of the Fong's Wing Chun Gung Fu Federation

4 Know why and how to do yee gee kim yeung ma & pyramid stance 5 Know history of Wing Chun 6 Know greeting system of titles 7 Know the principle behind the motions- how to do and why you do it 8 Know internal/external structure of Wing Chun system 9 Principles of Siu Lim Tau mental training 10 Principles of Siu Lim Tau motions 11 Know principle of flowing motion 12 Know principle of combining techniques 13 Know the 3 mother families tan/bong/fok and how to categorizetechniques into them 14 Know principle of technique and development 15 Know principle of power and development 16 Basic principle of street survival

Second Year (Chum Kiu) 1 Demonstrate Wing Chun Second Form Chum Kiu 1 Part 1 of Chum Kiu 2 Part 2 of Chum Kiu 3 Part 3 of Chum Kiu 2 Apply each technique in the Chum Kiu form at least one way 3 Dan Chi Sau 1 basic 4 attacks a. Regular

b. Inside Whip c. Outside Whip d. Outside Jut da 2 Gor Dan Chi Sau (attacks in single sticky hands) 4 Chi Sau 1 Leg Dim Ji Gok Chi Sau (light sticky hands) 2 Look Sau (heavy sticky hands ) 3 Ngor Sau (moving sticky hands) 4 Chi Sau Lop Sau 5 Sin Wai Chi Sau (regaining the line) 6 Gor Sau with flowing attacks 7 Changing in Poon Sau ( outside and inside gate) 8 Gor Sau 4 attacks a. Jing Jung Kuen ( Straight Punch ) b. Jing Jeong ( Straight Palm ) c. Pak Da ( Push Punch ) d. Lop Da ( Grabbing punch ) 9 Tan, Bong Fok - 3 family blocks for each of 4 basic attacks in Chi Sau Tan Jing Jung Kuen Jing Jeong Pak Da Lop Da Tan Jut Kwan Kwan Bong Bong Fok Por Jung

Jaam/Wu Kau Bong Bong Por Jung Lop/Pak

5 Lop Sau 1. 4 Basic Attacks a. Bue b. Pak c. Soo ( Dai Jeong) d. Gum 2 Gor Lop Sau with 4 basic attacks 3 Ma Bou Lop San 4 Chasing Faan Sau 6 Two hand block with 8 basic blocks 7 San Sau with kicks 8 Flowing single man techniques with stances 9 Man Sau (asking hands) 1 Pak Da 2 Double Pak Da 3 Pak Lop Da 4 Tan Fok Da 10 Double men exercises 1 using the 4 San Sau drills to form the exercises 2 using the 4 Lop Sau drills to form the exercises 3 using the 4 Man Sau drills to form the exercises 11 Slow sparring with Man Sau, Lop Sau and San Sau

12 Ma Bo Jou Wai - Combining Stances 13 Wing Chun 8 Kicks : 1 Jing Gurk ( Front Kick ) 2 Wang Gurk ( Side Kick ) 3 Tiu Gurk ( Instep Kick ) 4 Soo Gurk ( Sweep Kick ) 5 Jut Gurk ( Snapping Kick ) 6 Chai Gurk ( Scrapping Kick ) 7 Dang Gurk ( Nailing Kick ) 8 Deng Sut ( Raising Knee ) 14 Wing Chun 8 Kicks Principle : 1 Deng ( Raising ) 2 Dang ( Nailing ) 3 Soo ( Sweeping ) 4 Tui ( Jumping ) 5 Chai ( Scrapping ) 6 Huen ( Circling ) 7 Jut ( Snapping Down ) 8 Tiu ( Snapping up ) 15 Combination of Kicks : 1 Bue Sau Jing Gurk 2 Fak Sau Wang Gurk 3 Lop Sau Dai Jing Gurk

4 Outside Kwan, Dai Wang Gurk 16 Theories : 1 Principle of Chum Kiu 2 Principle and Theory of Line 3 Principle and Theory of Timing 4 Principle of Structure 5 Principle of Emptiness / Quietness / Sinking / Softness

Third Year (Mok Yang Jong)

1 Demonstrate first half of Mok Jong 2 Application of each motion of first half, at least one motion 3 Chi Sau 1 8 ways of flowing power in sticky hand 2 Lut Sau Chi Sau- closing the gap 3 Lay Wai Chi Sau - leaving the gap in sticky hands 4 Hung Jai Chi Sau - controlling hands 5 Joi Ying Chi Sau -chasing the shadow in gor sau 4 Breaking timing in lop sau in 4 basic attacks 1 Bue 2 Pak 3 Soo 4 Gum

5 Breaking timing in san sau in 4 basic attacks 1 Tan 2 Pak 3 Bong 4 Wu 6 Breaking timing in man sau in 4 basic attacks 1 Pak Da 2 Double Pak Da 3 Tan Fok Da 4 Pak Lop Da 7 Chi Sau 1 Sitting Chi Sau 2 Ground Chi Sau 8 Creation of flowing techniques 1 Combination of all single and double men techniques 2 Knowing the principles of creating a flowing technique 9. 3 kicks on ground1 Day har jing gurk 2 Day har wang gurk 3 Day har tiu gurk 10 Chi dan gurk - single sticky legs 11 Chi seung gurk - double sticky legs 12 Sor gurk - leg trapping

13 Bei gurk - leg ducking 14 Blocking kicks in hand gate 15 Slow hand sparring with flowing techniques 16 Mui fa jong exercise - plum flower stances 17 Joi ying - follow the shadow with stances 18 Demonstrate 6 and half point pole 19 Pole single man exercises1 Bue gwan 2 Tiu tan gwan 3 Huen bue gwan 4 Lan bue gwan 5 Gan bue gwan 6 Soo bue gwan 7 Haan bue gwan 8 Tan fok gwan 9 Pak fok gwan 20 Theories: 1 Principle of the 8 ways 2 Principle of the 8 kinds of power 3 Principle of dummy and pole 4 Principle of plum flower 5 Principle of creating techniques flow

Fourth Year

( Bue Gee ) 1 Bue Gee Form 1 First half of Bue Gee Form 2 Second half of Bue Gee Form 2 Application of each motion of Bue Gee form in Chi Sau 3 Demonstrate Second Part of Dummy 4 Demonstrate the Bat Jaam Do and know the 8 Sections 5 Chi Sau 1 Sam Yan Chi Dan Sau (single 3 man sticky hands) 2 Sam Yan Chi Seung Chi Sau ( double 3 man sticky hands) 3 Sam Yan Lop Sau 6 Toi Dit Chi Sau (take down chi sau) 7 Kum La Chi Sau ( joint locking chi sau) 8 Chi Sau Chi Gurk (sticky hands and legs) 9 Man Sau Chi Sau 10 Application of 8 kinds of Power in Chi Sau 11 8 Families 1 Punch 2 Palms 3 Kicks 4 Elbows 5 Stances 6 Methods

7 Shapes 8 Fingers 9 Knees 10 Legs 11 Blocks 12 Power 13 Timing 14 Hands of each family -tan, bong, fok 12 Ji Yau Bok Gek (free sparring with hands and legs) 13 Day Har Bok Gek (ground fighting) 14 Chi Gwan (sticky pole) 15 Chi Do (sticky knives) 16 Know 108 Motions on the Dummy and the 8 Sections 17 Know 108 Motions on the Sui Lim Tau Form 18 Know 108 Motions on the Chum Kiu Form 19 Know 108 Motions on the Bue Gee Form 20 8 Kicks on the Dummy 21 Refine Whole System 22 Theories: 1 Principle of Dummy-- how and why to do each motion 2 Know How to Make Your Own Dummy 3 Principle of Bot Jaam Do 4 Principle of Street Fighting

5 36 Strategies of Wing Chun 6 Principles of Bue Gee 7 Principles of Circle Lines 8 Principles of Take down and Trapping 9 Principles of 8 Kicks Application 10 Principles of Ground Fighting 11 13 Principles of Wing Chun Optional Subject (continuing education ) 1 Learn Healing of Injuries ( dit dar healing ) 2 Learn School Operation 3 Learn How to Organize and conduct Seminars 4 Give Lectures on Wing Chun 5 Practice spiritual development

As in every other discipline, such as math or science, proper terminology is important so that explanations related to Wing Chun are clear and concise. Chinese terminology is sometimes useful, because it offers a shorter way to describe things. There is no need to

get carried away however, by referring to everything in Chinese. Thus, a punch should be called a punch. The following terminology uses the most common spelling which has appeared in the literature. 1. Wu sau - Guarding hand 2. Tan sau - Palm up hand 3. Bong sau - Wing hand 4. Fook sau - Bridge hand 5. Pak sau - Slapping hand 6. Lap sau - Grabbing hand 7. Gan sau - Dividing hand 8. Kwun sau - Trapping hand 9. Huen sau - Circling hand 10. Gum sau - Pressing hand 11. Chum sau - Sinking hand 12. Jut sau - Jerking hand 13. Lan sau - Bar hand 14. Bil sau - Poking hand 15. Jip sau - Receiving hand 16. Mun sau - Searching hand 17. Tie sau - Lifting hand 18. Tok sau - Uplifting hand Note: a thrusting hand, or poking hand, or pointing hand, or just a poke is called Bil sau. In Cantonese, the term sounds more like "Biu sau"; therefore you will sometimes see this spelling. For the non-Chinese, it is easier to pronounce Bil sau, so we prefer the latter spelling. We recommend using the simplest spellings. Therefore, use Tan sau, rather than Taun sau or Tahn sau. TIP: use Pak Sau, Lap Sau and Huen Sau to deal with obstructions Techniques can now be described as follows: Person A throws a punch. B uses an outside poke or outside Bil sau to defend.
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I began my training in the 12 seeds of Yuen Kay Shan Wing Chun Kuen which consisted of the following:

1. Ji Ng Chuie - the principle straight punch in Wing Chun 2. Pien Shen Chuie - A slant body straight punch utilizing the shift 3. Duk Lung Chuie - a combination Bong Sao/Gwa Chui/Ji Ng Chuie 4. Jin Chuie - A straight sidebody punch 5. Noi Liem Sao -The Tan Sao motion 6. Oi Liem Sao - The Fuk Sao motion 7. Noi Dop Sao - The inner Dop Sao motion 8. Oi Dop Sao - The Outer Dop Sao motion 9. Yum Yeung Jeung - Inside/Outside Hands 10. Gaun Sao/Gwa Chuie - Gaun Sao and Backfist combination 11. Sam Bon Sao - Triangular hand 12. Pok Yik Jeung - Spreading Wings motion These twelve motions train how to issue force and position the body for combat. These twelve motions were an integration of Cheung Bos teaching of Wing Chun Kuen, as basics for the Yuen Kay Shan Wing Chun Kuen as taught by Sum Nung. The entire system of Yuen Kay Shan Wing Chun that Kwan Jong Yuen taught me is based on just twelve principles which are embodied in twelve key words: 1. Kuen (fist) - Kuen is to strike with the fist. 2. Kiu (bridge) - Kiu is to bridge the opponent's gap and cross over to attack. 3. Jeung (palm) - Jeung is to strike with the palm. 4. Bong (wing) - Bong is to use the bridge to dispel an opponent's force while in contact 5. Jee (finger) - Jee is to use the fingers in combat. 6. Chi (stick) - Chi is to stick with your opponent. 7. Mor (touch) - Mor is to touch your opponent's bridge. 8. Kou (hook) - Kou is to hook your opponent's bridge. 9. Lap (grab) - Lap is to grab and control. 10. Dop (ride) - Dop is to use Fook sau to ride on your opponent's bridge. 11. Tang (deflect) - Tang is to deflect inwards


Dong (ward off) - To deflect outwards

Wing Chun Glossary

Bak gek = sparring Bai ying =losing body structure or loss of balance Bai ying chi sau = irregular structure sticky hands Bai ying jing ngau gurk = to regain lost balance by controlling with a front instep kick Bai Ying ngoi au gurk = to regain lost balance by controlling with an inside instep kick Bat jaam do = eight slash knives; the name of the Wing Chun butterfly knives and the knife form Bat sin choi chi sau = 8 immortal table sticky hands for demonstrations Bau ja geng = whipping or explode energy Bau ja lik = explode power Bik bo = jamming stance in the knive form Bik ma = chasing stance with the pole Bo lay ying = glass technique Bok = shoulder Bong an chi sau = blindfolded sticky hands Bong do = wing arm block with the butterfly knives Bong family = a family of Wing Chun techniques that contact on the little finger side of the wrist Bong gurk = outer shin bock with the knee turned outward Bong sau = wing arm block contacting on the wrist area

Bue do = shooting or thrusting with the knives also the stance to step forward Bue gee = shooting fingers Bue gee ma = outward circling stance Bue gwan or bue kwan = shooting or thrusting with the pole Bue jong sau = centerline thrusting block or strike with the thumb side up, contacting on the thumb side of the wrist Bue ma = shooting forward stance with the pole Bue sau = shooting fingers block, contacting on the little finger side of the wrist Chaam = to sink, one of the principles of the Siu Lum Tau Chaam geng = sinking power to duck away from attacks Chaan bo = go forward and jam stance in the knive form Chaan do = a upper slash or chop with the butterfly knives Chaan jeong = to "push out" with the palm; an upper gate palm strike that drills out with the palm Chaap kuen = low punch Chai gurk = any kick that stamps down; also a scraping kick contacting with the blade edge of the foot Chai sut = to stomp downward with the knee Chair kuen = pulling punch; the Wing Chun basic rotational punch Chan dai jeorng or dai chan jeorng also juk jeong = to "cut in"; a low knife edge palm strike, contacting with the little finger side and with the palm up Chan gang = neck chop with the little finger side of the palm down or palm up Chan jeong = "knife edge" palm strike contacting with the little finger side of the palm Cheen chor ma or jing chor ma = forward bracing stance Chi = 1) internal energy 2) sticking

Chi dan gurk = single sticky legs exercise Chi do = sticky knives Chi gok chi sau or ji gok chi sau = light sticky hands Chi geng = sticking energy Chi gung = internal energy exercises Chi gurk = sticky legs exercise Chi gwan or chi kwan = sticky pole exercise Chi sau = sticky hands exercises; there are many types of chi sau Chi sau chi gurk = sticky hands and legs exercise Chi seurng gurk or chi gurk = double sticky legs exercise Chi sun = body sticking Choi geng = taking over power Choeng kui jeong = long bridge palm that drills as the stance turns, contacting with the little finger side of the palm; from the Bue Gee form Choeng kiu lik = long bridge power Chong jou si gan = creating timing Chor ma = "sitting" horse stance, the basic turning stance Chor do = stomping with the knife handle Chou gurk = snapping front kick Choung chi = aggressive energy Choung geng = forward, aggressive power Chour kuen or chour tau kuen = hammerfist Chui meen joi ying = follow the structure; straight on facing and chasing Chui ying = facing straight-on structure; facing the shadow

Chum bo = cat sinking stance in the knife form Chum jong = sinking elbow bock; immovable elbow line Chum Kiu = 1) searching for the bridge 2) the name of the second form, sinking the bridge Chum sun = to evade by sinking the body, ducking Chun geng = short thrusting power Chun geng kuen = one inch punch, a short punch Chuun lop = moving stancework between the poles in the mui fa jong Chung kiu lik = long bridge power Chung kuen = straight punch Churng wai = stealing the line Churng wai chi sau = stealing the line or regaining the line in chi sau Da= a strike or hit Da m'jong = 5 elbows exercise tai jong = raising elbow gwai jong = diagonal downward elbow wang jong = outward horizontal elbow pai jong = inward horizontal elbow sau jong = retracting or rear elbow Daai geng = directing energy Dai = low or lower level attack Dai bong sau or dai pong sau = low level wing arm block Dai chan jeong = low knife edge palm strike Dai Lim Tau = big idea which is built up from the little ideas in the Siu Lim Tau form

Dai gurk = low kick Dai au gurk = low roundhouse Dai jing gurk = low front kick Dai wang gurk = low side kick Dai jeong or haa jeong = low level spade thrust palm strike Dan chi sau = single sticky hands exercise Dan tien = the center of energy in the body located about two inches below the navel in center of the trunk Dang gurk = nailing kick Dang gwan or dang kwan = snapping straight down with the pole Day har au gurk = roundhouse kick on the floor Day har chi gurk = sticky legs on the floor Day har jing gurk = front kick on the floor Day har wang gurk = side kick on the floor Day ton bok gek = ground fighting Deng or tai gurk = raising kick Dim gwan or dim kwan =stabbing pole Dim ma = stamping in the pole stance to give more energy Ding sau = bent wrist block or strike contacting with the wrist area Dit da = injuries such as bruises, sprains and strains Dit da jau or dit da jow = herbal liniment for bruises, sprains, and strains Doi gok gurk = low diagonal leg block or strike Doi gok kuen or wang kuen = diagonal punch from outside across the centerline Dok gurk Siu Lim Tau = single leg form of Siu Lim Ta

Do = butterfly knives Do bo = moving stances with the knives Duun geng = short inches power Faan dan chi sau = bouncing sticky hands Faan sau = continuous lop sau basic attack to break through the opponent's structure Faan kuen = circling punch either inside or outside Hoi faan kuen = outside whip punch Ngoi faan kuen = inside whip punch Faan kuen or faan sau = continuous attacking with controlling while alternating punches as in pak faan sau, bue faan sau and lop faan sau Faan sun = to regain the body position Faan sun jing gurk = to regain the body position with a front kick Fak do = upward deflecting block with the knives Fak sau = upward deflecting block swinging the forearm down and up, contacting with the little finger side of the wrist Fat do = right power in techniques Faun au gurk or fong ngau gurk = reverse roundhouse Fay jong = flying elbows Fong sau sin wai = blocking line Fok family = a family of Wing Chun techniques which use the palm Fok gurk = a downward leg block or strike contacting with the muscle next to the shin bone Fok sau = a palm controlling block with the elbow down

Fok sut = an inward knee block or strike Fong sau sin wai = blocking line Fung ngan kuen or fung an kuen = phoenix eye punch with the index knuckle forward Fuun do = an outward or sidewards slash with the butterfly knives Fuun sau = an outward or sidewards horizontal chop Ga chok = bouncing technique off of an opponent's structure Gan jip geng = indirect power Gaan da= simultaneous low sweeping block with a punch Gaan gurk = 3 leg blocking exercise with the following blocks: dai jing gurk = low front kick blocking with the calf muscle bong gurk = shin block jut gurk = snapping block Gaan jaam = simultaneous low sweeping block with a forearm deflecting block or chop Gaan jaam do = simultaneous low sweeping bock and upper deflecting block with the butterfly knives Gaan sau = a low sweeping block. There are two kinds of gaan sau hoi gaan sau = an outward low sweeping block ngoi gaan sau = an inward low sweeping block Gaan sau = 5 blocking motions ngoi gaan sau = inside low sweeping block tan sau = flat palm-up block contacting on the thumb side of the wrist hoi gaan sau = outside low sweeping block jaam sau = forearm deflecting block wu sau = guard hand block

Gee = fingers Gee gok chi sau or ji or chi gok chi sau = light sticky hands Gee gok geng or gum gok geng = feeling power Geng or ging = energy; the 8 types of Wing Chun energy are: 1. bau ja geng = explode power 2. chi geng = sticking power 3. keng geng = listening power 4. juun geng = drilling power 5. jek jip geng = direct power gan jip geng = indirect power 6. yaan geng or daai geng = guiding power 7. lin jip geng = connecting power 8. choung geng = aggressive power Gin kuen = moving side punch for pole exercise Goiu ying = adjusting the body structure Goot do = cutting knife attack Goot gwan = cutting down with the pole Gor dan chi sau = attacks in single sticky hands Gor lop sau = attacks in lop sau Gor sau or guo sau = attacks in sticky hands Gour yung = guts or determination and self-confidence to win Gu deng chi sau = sitting sticky hands Gum gok geng , gee gok geng or ji gok geng = feeling energy Gum jeong = low palm edge strike Gum sau = downward palm block or strike with the elbow turned outward Gum ying = body feeling Gung gek sin wai = attacking line

Gung lik chi sau = heavy sticky hands to develop power Gurk = leg or kick The 8 positions of the kick are 1. jing gurk =strike with the top of the heel just below the arch 2. wang gurk = strike with the outside of the heel on the little toe side 3. soo gurk = strike with the inside of the arch 4. yaai sut gurk = strike with the middle of the heel downward 5. tiu gurk = strike with the instep with the toes pointed 6. jut gurk = strike with the lower calf and achilles tendon 7. tai sut = strike with the top or side of the knee with the leg bent 8. chai gurk = strike downward with the knife edge of the foot

Gurk jong = 8 kicks to the mok jong or dummy Gurng gee kuen = ginger fist punch Gwai jong = a circular downward elbow block or strike contacting with the forearm Gwai sut = a downward knee block contacting with the side of the knee or shin Gwan or kwan = pole Gwang geng = steel-bar power Gwat ji fat lik = bone-joint power Gwat gwan or sut gwan = opening up or blocking the inside or outside lower gate with the pole Gwat sau = a circular controlling technique that carries the subject across the centerline to open an attacking line Haa or chaap kuen = low punch Haa jeong or dai jeong = low palm strike with the side of the palm Haan = economic motion Haan kiu = walking on the bridge or forearm Haan kiu chi sau = walking on the bridge chi sau Haan sau = a long bridge block contacting with the little finger side of the wrist Hau chor ma = backward bracing stance

Hau huen joon ma or hau huen or hau joon =- a turning stance that is executed by stepping forward then turning 180 degrees to face the opposite direction Hau jeong = a palm strike with the back of the palm Hay jong or tai jong = raising elbow strike or block Hay sau or tai sau or ding sau = a raising bent wrist block or strike contacting on the little finger side of the wrist Hay sut or tai sut = raising knee block or strike contacting with the top or side of the knee Ho Kam Ming = a long time disciple of Grandmaster Yip Man; the teacher of Augustine Fong (Fong Chi-Wing) Hoi or oi =outside Hoi bok = outside shoulder Hoi faan kuen = outside whip punch Hoi hurn = outside facing stance Hoi jeorng or hau jerong = back palm strike or block Hoi jung sin = outside line Hoi kwan sau = outside rolling hands block Hoi ma = to open the horse stance Hoi moon chi sau or hoi mun chi sau = outside gate (position) chi sau Hoi moon kuen or hoi mun kuen = outside gate diagonal punch Hoi sik = opening position Hoiu = emptiness, one of the major principles of Siu Lim Tau Hoiu bo = empty step or cat stance in the pole form Hoiu ying = empty shadow

Huen da = simultaneous circling with one hand and striking with the other Huen fok sau = circling one hand into the fok sau position Huen gurk = any circle kick huen jing gurk = circling front kick huen wang gurk = circling side kick huen tiu gurk = circling instep kick Huen ma = circling stance in the pole form Huen sau = circling, controlling hand Huiu ma = cat stance in the pole form Hung jai = control of power Hung jai chi sau = controlling sticky hands motion to block the opponent Hung jai geng = controlling energy Jam jong = stance for chi gung Jaam do = a forward deflecting block with the butterfly knives Jaam sau = a forearm deflecting block contacting with the little finger side of the forearm hoi jaam sau = outside wu sau ngoi jaam sau= inside jaam sau Jau ma or jou ma = combining moving footwork Jau mui fa jong = stancework on the plum blossom Jau sau = changing lines in attacks, going from one line to another Jau wai = moving stances while changing from one line to another Jau wai chi sau or ngou sau = moving sticky hands while changing lines Jau wai yaai sut = moving stances to attack with the knees

Jek jip geng = direct power Jeong = palm strike or chop; the 8 palm strikes are 1. jing jeong = front vertical palm 2. choen kui jeong = long bridge palm 3. hau jeong = back palm 4. dai jeong = low side palm 5. pau jeong = downward vertical palm strike 6. gum sau = diagonally downward palm strike 7. chan jeong = knife edge palm strike to upper body and head with palm up 8. wang jeong = side of palm strike to upper body and head with palm down

Ji gok chi sau, gee or chi gok chi sau = light sticky hands Ji yau bak gek = free sparring Jing = front or center Jing = quietness; one of the major principles of the Siu Lim Tau form Jing bok = front shoulder Jing chor ma or cheen chor ma = forward bracing stance Jing dok lop ma or jing gurk dok lop ma = front single leg stance Jing gurk = front kick Jing jeorng = straight vertical palm strike Jing jung = any strike on the center Jing ma or yee gee kim yeung ma = front developmental stance; it is not a stance to fight from Jing meen = facing to the front Jing ngour gurk = toe up hooking kick or control Jing sun = Wing Chun front-on body structure Jin kuen = punches from the pole horse stance Jit gurk = stopping a kick with a kick

Jip sau = "controlling the bridge"; an arm break Joi geng = chasing power Joi yin = following the shadow Joi yin chi sau = following the shadow in chi sau; a type of chasing chi sau Joi yin jong = folowing the shadow on the floor Jon geng or juun geng = drilling power Jong = elbow Jong dai lik = elbow power produced from practicing the punch Jong gek = elbow pushing from behind Jong sau = 1) a centerline block or strike contacting with the thumb side of the wrist 2) the general name for the Wing Chun fighting position Joong-lo = mid-level Joong-lo kuen = mid-section drilling punch Juen ma = turning and circling stance with the pole Juk dok lop ma or wang dok lop ma = side single leg stance Jung sin = centerline or centerline plane ngoi jung sin = inside line hoi jung sin = outside line Jung sum sin = vertical motherline Juun geng = drilling power Jut = snapping motion Jut da = simultaneous snapping control with one hand and striking with the other Jut do = snapping the knives sideways

Jut geng = snapping power Jut gurk = snapping kick or block Jut sau = snapping block contacting with the thumb side of the wrist Kau sau or kow sau = hooking palm control Keng geng = listening power Kit gwan or kit kwan = opening up or blocking the inside, upper gate with the pole Kuen = fist or punch 8 families of Wing Chun punches are 1. chair kuen = pulling vertical punch 2. chaap kuen = low punch 3. ngoi faan kuen = inside whip punch 4. hoi faan kuen = outside whip punch 5. doi gok kuen = diagonal punch 6. chour kuen = hammerfist 7. joong-lo kuen = drilling punch 8. tai kuen = raising punch

Kuen siu kuen = punch to punch exercise Kuen to = any hand form Kiu = bridge or forearm Kiu li = distance to the bridge Kiu sau = arm bridge Kum la = joint locking techniques Kum la chi sau = joint locking techniques applied in chi sau Kwak sau = double spreading huen sau Kwan or gwan = pole Kwan = rolling Kwan do = rolling knives

Kwan ma = pole stance Kwan sau = rolling hands block La ma = the stable, rooting stance in the pole form Lan gwan or lan kwan = horizontal long bridge pole Lan gurk = horizontal leg block contacting with the shin bone Lan sau = horizontal arm block contacting with forearm and sometimes palm Lau do = twisting the knives inward to block and strike Lay wai chi sau = leaving the gap sticky hands Lik = muscular strength Lik do = the correct power Lin jip geng = connecting power or energy Lin siu dai da = economy of motion Lin wan kuen = continuous chain punching Ling gung jau = muscle liniment Lin wai gurk = flowing kicks Look sau or luk sau or gung lik chi sau = heavy sticky hands Lop = grabbing or controlling with the palm Lop da = simultanteous controlling and striking ; also refers to a partner exercise Lop chan jeong = simultaneous palm controlling and heel palm strike Lop fok = grabbing from fok sau position Lop sau = grabbing hand control; also refers to a partner exercise Lop sau chi sau = lop sau in sticky hands Lou gwan or low gwan = the half point pole technique; a short thrust

Luk dim bune gwan or luk dim boon gwan = six and half point pole form Lut sau = attacking without initial contact with the opponent's bridge; it begins with fighting position Lut sau chi sau = attacking from man sau position and immediately going into sticky hands Ma = stance Ma bo = moving stances Ma bo chi sau = moving sticky hands Ma bo lop sau = moving lop sau Mai jong = the correct elbow position with the elbow inward on the elbow line Mai jong = closing the gap Man = "to ask" Man gurk = asking legs where the first motion sets up the second attack Man sau = asking hands where the first motions sets up the second attack Man sau chi sau = asking hand within sticky hands Mo kiu chi sau = walking on the bridge sticky hands Mo see = traditional lion dance Mok lik = eye power with emotion Mok jong or Mok yan jong = wooden dummy also the name for the wooden dummy form Moon or mun = gate or door say-i moon = dead gate which is closed soung moon = live gate which is open Mui fa jong = plum blossom posts and the name for the exercise of practicing on the posts Ng Mui = the Buddhist Siu Lum nun who founded Wing Chun

Ng'an geng or ng'on geng= elastic power Ngoi = inside Ngoi bok = inside shoulder Ngoi faan kuen = inside whip punch Ngoi geng = internal power Ngoi gung = internal chi exercises for fighting applications Ngoi hurn = inside facing stance Ngoi jung sin = inside line Ngoi kwan sau = inside rolling hands Ngoi moon kuen = inside gate diagonal punch Ngoi moon chi sau = inside gate (position) chi sau Ngoi ngau gurk = inside leg hook Ng'on geng or ng'an geng = elastic power Ngou sau = pushing and drilling while moving in chi sau Oi or hoi = an alternative spelling for "outside" Pai jong = horizontal inward elbow strike Pak da = simultaneous pushing palm block and punch Pak do = catching knives block Pak gurk = inside kick with the sole of the foot with the knee bent Pak sau = pushing palm block or strike Pak sut = inward knee block or strike Pau jeong = flat palm strike with the fingers pointing down. This is applied to the lower body Pau sau = lifting palm block

Ping haan geng = balancing or equalizing power Ping sun = side turning body structure or position; this is not a Wing Chun position Por jung = all techniques that control and "break" the centerline Por si gan = breaking timing Po bai or po pai = double butterfly palm strike Poon sau = regular sticky hand motion Pun doon = determination in a fight Sa bau = the wall bag Sam gung ma or sip ma = 3 angle stance San sau = slow attack exercise San sau chi sau = slow attacks in sticky hands Sat gwan = opening the lower gate to inside or outside with the pole Say bo = retreat and step back stance to deflect in the knife form Say ping ma = low horse stance for pole Say-i kuen = shooting punch Say-i moon = dead gate Sau = hand or arm Sau gwan = retreating the pole Sau jong = retracting elbow strike or block Sau sik or sau sic = closing position in the forms Sau wuun geng = equalizing the point and power; wrist power Seng yum geng = sound power to emotionally trap an opponent Seung = double or advancing

Seung bok = shoulder attacks Seung chi sau = double sticky hands exercise Seung dai bong = double low forearm block Seung heun sau = double circling block Seung jut sau = double snapping block Seung kuen = double punch Seung ma = front advancing stance Seung pau sau = double upward palm block Seung yan chi sau = double sticky hands with three people Seung yan dan chi sau = single sticky hands with three people Seung yan jou wai chi sau = moving sticky hands with three people Seung yan lop sau = lop sau with three people Seung yan man sau = man sau with three people Seung tan sau = double palm up block Si Bok = your teacher's Si-Hing Si Dai = a male classmate who joined a school after you Si Fu = your teacher can be either male or female Si gan = timing 1. si gan sing = regular 2. tor chi si gan = delayed 3. por si gan = breaking 4. chong jou si gan = creating Si gan sing = regular timing

Si gan pui hop = the correct timing and power Si Gung = your teacher's teacher

Si Hing = a male classmate who joined the school before you Si Jay - a female classmate who joined the school before you Si Jo = an ancestor within the system Si ma = deflecting stance that braces the pole Si Mo = your teacher's wife Si Sook or si suk = your teacher's classmates who started after him Sin = line jung sin = centerline ngoi jung sin = inside line hoi jung sin = outside line gung gek sin wai = attacking line fong sau sin wai = blocking line jung sum sin = vertical motherline wang jung sin = horizontal motherline Sing geng= raising power to destroy the opponent's structure Sip ma or sam gung ma = 3 angle stance Siu geng = dissolving power Siu Lim Tau = "small idea form" the first wing chun form Soang jong or wang jong = outward horizontal elbow Soo gurk = sweeping kick Soor jung = sinking elbow down to control the centerline so the opponent cannot move you Sor sau chi sau = trapping sticky hands Soung moon = live gate

Sum gwang = 3 joints in the arm equivalent to the 3 gates to pass Sun ying = body structure Sup ji sau or sup gee sau = crossed arm block in all hand forms Sut = knee Taan gwan = snapping the pole sideways Tai = raising Tai gurk = raising kick Tai gwan = raising pole Tai jong or hay jong = raising elbow Tai kuen = raising punch Tai or dang sut = raising knee block or attack Tak gurk = low instep kick Tan da = simultaneous palm up block and punch Tan da gaan da = simultanteous blocking and attacking exercise Tan do = locking knife block Tan geng ="swallowing" or sucking power to duck or control attacks Tan gurk = forward and upward leg block Tan ma = drawing back stance from horse or cat in the pole Tan sau = palm up block contacting on the thumb side of the wrist Tan sut = outward knee block or attack Tang geng = a rubber- band like power Teut sau or tuit sau = freeing arm block Tit kiu sau = iron bridge

Tik gwan = opening the upper gate with the pole Tiu do = snapping up knife Tiu gwan or tiu kwan = snapping up pole Tiu or tio gurk = jumping kick Tiu gurk = instep kick To gwan or to kwan = going forward with the pole Toi dit = take downs Toi dit chi sau = takedowns in chi sau Toi ma = step back and turn stance Tok sau or pau sau = lifting palm block Tong do = slicing knife attack Tor chi si gan = delayed timing Tor ma = step slide stance Tou geng= power that "spits out" or bounces the opponent away Tou ma = advancing forward stance in the pole Tui ma = jumping stance Tun gwan or tun kwan = retracting pole Tung ma = retreating jumping stance in the pole form Wai ji = a good position Wan bo = crossing step stance in the knife form Wan do = circling knife attack Wan ma = step and circle into other stances in the pole Wang or wan = side

Wang gurk = side kick Wang gurk dok lop ma = side kick single leg stance Wang jeong = side of palm strike with the palm down Wang jong or pai jong = inside horizontal elbow Wang jung sin = horizontal motherline Wing Chun Tong = Wing Chun school Won or huen gwan /kwan = following circle with the pole Woot ma = flexible pole stance Wu do = a strike with the knife hand guard Wu gurk = blade edge of the foot block or strike Wu sau = guard hand block contacting with the little finger side of the wrist Wu yi sun - to return the body to a normal position Wu yi ying = to regain the body structure Wu yi ying bong sau = to regain the body structure with bong sau Wu yi ying gum sau = to regain the body structure with gum sau Wun geng, ngon geng, jut geng = jerking power Yaai = to attack stepping down Yaai hau gurk = to attack by stepping down on the opponent's rear leg Yaai sut = to attack down with the knee Yaan geng or daai geng = guiding power Yang = everything that is strong, light, active male, etc. Yang chi = the energy you inhale from air; oxygen Yap jung lou = closing the gap

Yau = to relax; an essential principle of the Siu Lim Tau form Yee gee kim yeung ma =the mother of all stances; the stationary front stance for developing all stances which means two knees going in stance Yee ma = transitions between the stances in the pole Yee ying bo sau = using your structure to recover your position Yim Wing Chun = the young lady that Ng Mui taught the Wing Chun system to. She further refined and improved the system so it is named after her. Yin = everything that is weak, dark, quiet, female, etc. Yin and yang = a pair of opposites that constantly change. All things have both yin and yang and all things change Yin chi = energy you exhale or carbon dioxide Ying = structure Yip Man = the late grandmaster of Wing Chun who taught publically which spread the system Yon geng = elastic power Yuen geng = patience energy also the ability to make the opponent move they way you want Yut bo = turning around stance in the knife form with fak do and also going through the legs with the knives Yut ge chon kuen or doi kou kuen = vertical punch

Ranking Terms
Sijo(see joe) Sigung Founder of System Your Instructor's Instructor (Uncle)

Sibak Sibak Sifu Sisook Sihing Sidai Toe Dai Toe Suen Simu Sigoo Mui Sije Simui

Senior Instructor Instructor's Senior (Uncle) Your Instructor/Teacher Assistant Instructor/Instructor's Junior (Uncle) Senior Student (Older Brother) Junior Student (Younger Brother) Student Student's Student Female Instructor Female Assistant Instructor Female Senior Student Female Junior Student

Technique Terms
Choi Chum Choi Fut Sao Wong Jeong Jing Jeong Dai Jeong Bil Jee Qua Choi O'ou Choi Choap Choi Jik Chung Jik Tek Juk Tek O'ou Tek Hou Tek So Tek Dum Tek Qua Tek Jeet Tek Jeet Da Sut Da Jarn Da Vertical Fist Rolling punches Inside swing hand Horizontal palm strike Vertical palm strike inverted palm strike Thrusting Finger Backfist Hooking Fist Knuckle Fist Straight Blast Front Kick Side Kick Hook Kick Back Kick Sweep Kick Stomp Kick Inverted Hook Kick Foot Obstruction, Stop Kick Stop Hit, Intercepting Hit Knee Strike Elbow Strike

Defensive Movement Terms

Tan Sao Pak Sao Wu Sao Man Sao Palm Up Hand Slapping Hand Protecting Hand Inquisitive Hand

Gong Sao Bon Sao Fook Sao Kan Sao Garn Sao Grun Sao Quan Sao Chum jarn

Lower Outer Wrist Block Raised Elbow Deflection Bent Arm Elbow In Parry Spitting block Splitting Parry Pak sao Fut sao deflection Tan sao Bon sao deflection Sinking elbow block

Trapping Hand Terms

Lop Sao Lin Lop Sao Jut Sao Pak Sao Gum Sao Jao Sao Huen Sao Man Geung Sao Lan Sao Grappling Hand Cross Grappling Hand Jerking Hand Slapping Hand Pinning Hand Running Hand Circling Hand Neck Pulling Hand Bar Arm

Form Terms
Shil Lum Chum Kil Bil Gee Mook Yan Jong Yut Ling Bot Tao- Way of Small thought Search for the bridge Thrusting Fingers 108 Wooden Dummy Techniques

General Terms
Gin Lie Yu Bey Hay, Hey Bi Jong Sao Fot Tek Fot Chi Sao Dar Kuen Ha Da Jung Da Go Da Phon Sao Chi Salute Ready Begin On Guard Hand Techniques Foot Techniques Sticking Hands To Strike Fist Low Hit Middle Hit High Hit Trapping Hands Flowing Energy

Mook Jong

Wooden Dummy

Forms & Training

Gu Lao Wing Chun's basics are trained through the forty points outlined below: 1. Ji Ng Chuie (Meridian Punch)- Also known as Yat Ji Chung Chuie, (Sun Character Thrusting Punch) this is Wing Chuns signature punch with short explosive power with the vertical fist, the fists are held relaxed until impact and force is exerted with the entire body. 2. Duen Kiu (Short Bridge)- The Short bridge is equivalent to the Cern Jum Sao (Sinking Bridge ) movements. In application, it teaches the concept of Por Jung, breaking the centerline. The hands are open and relaxed and cut down vertically to the opponents attacking bridge. 3. Ba Gua Long Na (Eight Directional Dragon Grab)- Uses the double grabbing hands (Lop Sao), the lead hand held upwards in a clawing motion, while simultaneously the rear hand grabs and pulls the opponents bridges, setting the opponent up for a kick, throw or strike. 4. Sae Mun (Four Gates)- refers to the four gates using the on guard stance (Bai Jong); one exercises the left and right positions of the forward stance (Ji Ng Ma) and the left and right Chum Kiu horse stance positions 5. Siu Fuk Fu (Small Subdue the Tiger)- Uses an alternating left and right double Gaun Sao with phoenix eye fists; similar to the Gaun Sao section of the Biu Jee set. 6. Dai Fuk Fu (Big Subduing Tiger)- This technique is basically the same as the above, but using triangle steps to enter at an opponents side gates 7. Pien Shen Chuie (Slant Body Punch)- This is the Ji Ng Chuie using the Wing Chun shift. In application you may strike to your opponents outside gate, crossing over his attempted blow. 8. Pien Jeung (Slant Palm)- This tactic uses palm heel with the fingers pointed to the centerline to strike the opponent. The same short explosive power is used. 9. Biu Jee (Darting Fingers)- Although the movement implies the fingers, the technique in application utilizes the forearm when striking the opponent at the acupoints ST9 and LI 18 10. Wan Wun Yiu/Tiet Ban Kiu (Emergency Bend at the Waist and Iron Bridge)- Trains the practitioner to bend forward or backwards at will and can be coupled with hand techniques. It is similar in application as the fade and slip in western boxing. 11. Chum Kiu (Sinking Bridges)- Uses a double sinking bridge arm position that breaks into the centerline of the opponent

12. Gwai Ma Chuie (Kneeling Horse Strike)- This tactic utilizes the kneeling horse and a phoenix eye fist to deliver a blow aimed at the groin. This gives an insight into Wing Chun applied at a low line level. 13. Pien Shen Jeung (Slant Body Palm)- Uses the side palm as a slashing palm maneuver using the front/back shifting 14. Gao/Dae Jeung (High and Low Palms)- The high and low double palms are actually horizontal butterfly palms with palms facing the opposite direction 15. Lian Wan Fai Jeung (Linked Fast Palms)- utilize are a Tan Sao/Pak Sao combination followed with a circular Saat Jeung/Chong Jeung combination 16. Hoc Bong (Crane Wing)- uses the arm in an upwards 90 degree or 45 degree maneuver to attack or defend 17. Dai Bong (Big Wing)- the Big wing is a low Bong Sao position used to defend against a low attack 18. Jung Bong (Middle Level Wing Hand)- is the standard middle level Bong Sao 19. Noi Liem Sao (Inside Cutting Hand)- This is the inner line hand utilizing the Fuk Sao in a circular fashion 20. Oi Liem Sao (Outside Cutting Hand)- the outer line hand position utilizes Tan Sao in an outward circular fashion 21. Fu Mei (Tigers Tail)- The tiger tail is a short backward hammer-fist strike to the opponents groin 22. Gua Long Jeung (Hanging Dragon Palm)- Combines the dragon claw and Ji Ng Chuie in combination similar to a Fuk Da or Lop Da 23. Fu Biu Chuie (Darting Tiger Blow)- The darting tiger blow is the equivalent to Fuk Sao combined with a phoenix eye strike 24. Sam Jin Chuie (Three Arrow Blows)- Is done with one hand (high, middle and low straight punches or equivalent with Lien Wan Chuie 25. Sam Bai Fut (Three Bows to Buddha)- utilizes the Tan, Pak Sao and Gum Sao to stop multiple blows 26. Dip Jeung (Butterfly Palm)- Is the equivalent to the Bao Pai Jeung attack and defense 27. Siu Poon Sao (Small rolling hands)- Trains the Luk Sao or rolling hands of Wing Chun 28. Poon Sao (Rolling Hand)- This tactic is similar to a Pak Sao/Lou Sao combination, but close to the body. It is the main transitional move in Wing Chun 29. Juk Da (Slanting Strike)- The slant strike is equivalent to the slant body Jut Da 30. Juk Kiu (Slanting Bridge)- The slant bridge is essentially Tan Da done with a shift 31. Dang Jeung (Hammer Palms)- The hammer palms are the equivalent to the second section of Siu Lien Tao utilizing the Gum Sao. There are 4 positions: left, right, double frontal and double rear. 32. Ping Lan Sao (Level Obstruction Hands)-The level bar arms is the equivalent of the Kwun Sao or Tan/Bong position 33. Lui Kiu (Double Palms)- Utilize a double Tan Sao position to bridge the gap on an opponent 34. Chong Jeung (Thrusting Palm)- is the equivalent of the forward palm strike of Wing Chun done to the opponents face or chest.

35. Fan Cup Chuie (Flipping Upper Cut)- Is similar to the Chou Chuie from the Chum Kiu set 36. Cup Da Sao (Covering Hitting Hand)- utilizes th Bong Sao immediately followed up with a Lop Sao and downward back fist (Gwa Chuie) 37. Cern Lung (Double Dragons)- The double straight punches 38. Pien Shen Dip Jeung (Slant Body Butterfly Palm)- alternating low palm strike 39. Charp Chuie (Piercing Strike)- is basically a Wu Sao with a fist combined with a straight punch 40. Bik Bong (Pressing Wing Hand)- is the Wing Chun elbow strike Training includes the complete application of each point while standing, with steps, during chi sao (sticking hands) and with an opponent during san sao (separate hands). Also taught in the curriculum are Chi Sao, application of the Gu Lao 40 points on a wooden dummy, practicing the Gu Lao points with knives (called "Yee Ji Cern Dao") and pole exercises collectively known as the Luk Dim Boon Gwun

Kuen To (Boxing Sets), the Jong (Dummies), the Gwun (Pole), the Do (Knives), and the Biu (Darts) Dit Sa Jeung (Iron Sand Palm). Chi Sao (Sticking Arms) San Sik (Separate Forms) Sup Yi Sik (12 Forms), Jee Ng Choi (Meridian-Line Punch) Sam Sing Choi (3 StarPunch) and Lien Wan Choi (Continuous Punch), Bak Hok Kam Wu(White Crane Catches the Fox), to short routines like Duk Lung Choi (Single Dragon Punch) Siu Lien Tao (Little First Training , also known as Siu Nim Tao, Little Idea), Chum Kiu (Sinking Bridge), and Biu Jee (Thrusting Fingers). MukYan Jong (Wooden Man Dummy). the Teng Huen Sao (Rattan Circle Arm); Fei Jee Gung (ChopStick Gung); Da Yeung Juk (candle punching), Sun Hei Gwai Yuen (Kidney Breath Returns to Source). San Hei (Yielding Breath) and Gong Hung (Expanding Chest). The Luk Dim Boon Gwun (Six and a Half Point Pole), Seung Dao (Double Knives),

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