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Power Transmission and Distribution Solutions

2.5 Power Transmission Lines

After the route design stage and approval procedure, the nal line route is conrmed. Following this conrmation and approval, the longitudinal prole has to be surveyed, and all crossings over roads, rivers, railways, buildings and other overhead power lines have to be identied. The results are evaluated with a specialized computer program developed by Siemens that calculates and plots the line prole. The towers are spotted by means of the same program, which takes into account the conductor sags under different conditions, the ground clearances, objects crossed by the line, technical data of the available tower family, specic cost for towers and foundations and cost for compensation of landowners. The result is an economical design of a line that accounts for all the technical, nancial and environmental conditions. Line planning forms the basis for material acquisition and line erection. Fig. 2.5-22 shows a line prole established by computer. Siemenss activities and experience Siemens has been active in the overhead power line eld for more than 100 years. The activities comprise design and construction of rural electrication schemes, low-voltage and medium-voltage distribution lines, high-voltage lines and extrahigh-voltage installations. To give an indication of what has been carried out by Siemens, approximately 20,000 km of high-voltage lines up to 245 kV and 10,000 km of extra-high-voltage lines above 245 kV have been set up so far. Overhead power lines have been erected by Siemens in Germany and Central Europe as well as in the Middle East, Africa, the Far East and South America. Outstanding AC projects have been: The 420 kV transmission lines across the Elbe River in Germany comprising four circuits and requiring 235 m tall towers The 420 kV line across the Bosphorus (Crossing II) in Turkey (1983) with a crossing span of approximately 1,800 m (g. 2.5-23). The 500 kV Suez Crossing (1998); height of suspension tower 220 m The 420/800 kV Bosporus Crossing III in Turkey (1999) Furthermore, Siemens has constructed two HVDC interconnectors as turnkey projects that include HVDC overhead transmission lines. The two projects are the 300 kV HVDC interconnector from Thailand to Malaysia (bipole transmission line, g. 2.5-24) and the 400 kV HVDC Basslink project in Australia (monopole transmission line, g. 2.5-25ac).

Pad-and-chimney foundation

Auger-bored foundation

Rock anchor foundation Pile foundation

Fig. 2.5-21: Foundations for four-legged towers

Siemens Energy Sector Power Engineering Guide Edition 7.0


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