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Atoms and Molecules / 2(5); 2012 / 361368 Research Article

Rita AG & Jyoti RA

Journal of Atoms and Molecules

An International Online Journal
ISSN 2277 1247

SCATTERING STUDY OF LIQUID CRYSTAL MIXTURES Rita A. Gharde, Jyoti R. Amare* Department of Physics, University of Mumbai. Mumbai 400098, India. Received on: 04-10-2012 Abstract: It is known that there are two types of liquid crystals, Thermotropic and Lyotropic Liquid crystal. Phase transitions of thermotropic Liquid crystals are very important for many applications. We studied the mixture of Nematic and Cholesteric Liquid crystal at various concentrations. Thermotropic liquid crystal occurs at definite phase transition temperature. In our mixture new mesophases have been detected. Characterisations were carried out on Polarising Microscopic, Fabry perot scattering studies and other techniques. Fabry perot scattering studies is a multiple beam instrument capable of extremely high resolution designed which yields bright fringes on a wide dark background. The diameters of the ring were measured at the various temperatures. Temperatures measured by remote sensing IR thermometer. The Liquid crystal material is actually sandwich between a glass cover slip. It is observed the Phase transition which occur at a known temperature were shifted the transition range, with increase in the concentration.. It is used in display application such as LCD monitor with colour Variation and so many others. Key Words: LC-Liquid crystal, FPSS- Fabry perot scattering studies. PMS-Polarising Microscopy studies, PTTs- Phase transition temperature. Introduction: * Corresponding author Jyoti R. Amare, Email: For many application of Liquid crystal characterstics need to be satisfied such as stability of mesophase range of and existence of phases at a desired temperature. Liquid crystal materials generally have several common characteristics; one of the Revised on: 18-10-2012 Accepted on: 25102012

characteristics is the transition temperature

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J. Atoms and Molecules / 2(5); 2012 / 361368 which is here measured over temperature range phases. To achieve useful temperature range, mixture can be used. Small

Rita AG & Jyoti RA transition temperatures and corresponding thermodynamic parameters exhibit continuous dependence on their composition, this means that both the components of mixtures behave like an ideal solution. Therefore, by knowing the transition temperatures and

concentration of optically active material is mixed with nematic compound pitch of cholesteryl increases. In this paper we used the 4-cynophenyl-4n hexyl benzoate (Solid and Nematic pelargonate

thermodynamic parameters of the parent compounds, we can apply the equation of Schroeder and Van Laar (eq 1) to predict the phase diagram of the mixture.



(Smectic Cholestric Isotropic). The study of phase transition of thermtropic liquid crystal is done by polarizing microscopy. The phase transition of liquid crystal between various mesomorphic forms occurs at a thermodynamically defined temperature as the liquid crystal undergoes a change in internal order at the point of phase transition. 4Cynophenyl-4nhexyl benzoate exhibit

F1 = 1


1. F1 is the molar fraction of the component A 2. H01 and T10C are the transition

temperature and enthalpy changes for pure component A 3. H02 and T20C are the transition

mesophases of nematic phases. The miscibility of the low molar liquid crystal is important both for the identification of various liquid crystalline phases and for the preparation of mixtures with well defined phase transitions. Arnold, Scakmann and Demus developed the miscibility rules
10] [7, 8, 9,

temperature and enthalpy changes for pure component 4. T0C is the transition temperature

corresponding to the molar fraction F1 5. T0C should be lower than T20C and higher than T10C (T10C< T0C < T20C ) 6. A phase diagram exhibits a higher or lower transition temperature than the minimum T10C or T20C respectively

which can be summarized as follows:

1) If two LCs are miscible, they are isomorphic and therefore belong to the same type of mesosphase. 2) If two LCs are isomorphic, they need not necessarily be miscible. When two compounds are isomorphic within a certain mesophase, both their thermal All rights reserved 2011

violeates the temperature criteria. The negative , positive of linear dependence of T0C versus F1 is determined by the parameter from equation (1) where 362

J. Atoms and Molecules / 2(5); 2012 / 361368

Rita AG & Jyoti RA etalon, there are many multiple reflections in


the gap between the plates. The rings are obtained in the field of view. The diameter of these rings depends upon the wavelength of the light used and the angle of incidence and the thickness of the air-gap. The fringes obtained in the FP interferometer are based on the following theory. 2. Polarizing Microscopic Studies (PMS): Polarizing microscope is the most widely used method in identifying different phases.

There are several methods used to identify characterization the various liquid crystalline phases Viz. Polarizing microscopy (PMS),. XRD, DSC/DTA, UV. FPSS is used to determine the some new along with known transition temperatures of liquid crystals. We used the FPSS technique for phase transition and PMS for texture studied and comparison of transition temperature. 1. Fabry perot scattering studies (FPSS): Different forms of interferometer are now used for a large number of very different purposes, for example high precision

Liquid crystal substances placed between two glass cover slips. Depending on the boundary condition and the type of phase, varies textures which are characteristics of a phase are observed. Usually the textures change while going from one phase to the other. Polarizing microscopy is powerful tool when used in combination with miscibility of binary mixtures. Liquid crystals phases possess characteristic textures when viewed in

metrology, measurements of refractive index and density, study of surfaces and

microscopy. For high-resolution spectroscopy only two types of interferometer are

important, the Fabry-Perot and Michelson. The FP etalon consists of two glass plates (fused silica) 2cm - 15 cm in diameters, held accurately parallel to one another at a fixed distance t.The spacers are normally made of quartz or invar. The plates themselves are made slightly prismatic, in order to avoid disturbing effects due to reflections at the outer uncoated surfaces. An interference pattern formed by the FP interferometer consists of fringes of equal inclination. Fabry Perot etalon are perfectly parallel, the circular fringes are at infinity. If a strongly convergent light beam is allowed to fall on the All rights reserved 2011

polarized light under a microscope. These textures, which can often be used to identify phases, result from defects in the textures. Polarizing Microscopy is used for various phases like Nematic, SmA, SmB. SmC, When Liquid Crystal goes from a solid to liquid crystal phase, the degree of length order decreases. This is expressed by a decrease in order parameters. In case of orientational disorder it is possible to see changes between different Liquid Crystal Phases of heating and cooling from the textures. 363

J. Atoms and Molecules / 2(5); 2012 / 361368 Experimental details: In this paper we used the sample of the CLCs Cholesteryl pelargonate (97%) (A) And 4cynophenyl-4n hexyl benzoate (97%) (B) and their mixtures in appropriate proportions by weight [A+B, 2A+3B, 3A+2B, 3A+7B, 7A+3B] have been investigated. The sample has been studied using low power (2mw) HeNe laser as the optical source. A Fabry-Perot etalon coupled with a spectrometer telescope forms the rest of the experiment set up. The LC sample was heated by an indigenous electric heater. The laser light scattered by the LC sample at 90 to the incident beam was allowed to fall on the Fabry-perot Etalon and the Fabry- Perot rings were obtained. The angular diameters of the rings were measured at various temperatures. The temperature were measured accurately using a Remote Sensing Infra-red thermometer having a resolution of 0.1
0 0

Rita AG & Jyoti RA table (1). New transition temperatures are denoted by *. Table (1) Sample Name A B 3A+7B 3A+2B A+B 2A+3B 7A+3B Phase transition temperatures(0C) 77, 70*, 80*, 80.5. 92 40.2, 42*,44*, 44.4, 46*, 48*,48.6 57*,72*,77,81*,94* 47*, 53*, 76*, 81.9*, 92.6* 42,45*,67*, 77, 84* 48, 52.7*, 75*, 83*, 92.5* 56*, 67*, 70, 78*, 90*

Analysis on FPSS: Graph 1 : Graph of Pelargonate

Cholesteryl Pelargonate

C The measurement of Scattering were of plotted Angular The graphical Vs


6.5 6.0

Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 3 Ring 4 Ring 5

experiment mappings

5.5 5.0 4.5


Temperature show an abrupt variation (20 to25 with a spectrometer of least count = 1) at the mesophase transition temperatures Cholesteric Liquid crystal (CLC) mixtures as well as individual component of A and B. Observations: In FPSS study we found the different transition tempraratures. The phase transition temperatures of the liquid crystal samples in pure as well as mixture are shown in below

4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70






Tem C p

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J. Atoms and Molecules / 2(5); 2012 / 361368 Graph 2: Pure 4-n cynopheyl -4nhexylbenzoate (B)

Rita AG & Jyoti RA Graph - 5

Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 3 Ring 4 Ring 5

5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5

Diameter of FP rings in Degree.

ring 1 ring 2 ring 3 ring 4 ring 5


3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 30 40 50


0 20
60 70









Temp C

Graph - 6 Graph 3: mixture of Pelargonate (A) + 4n cynopheyl-4n- hexylbenzoate (B)



Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 3 Ring 4 Ring 5

Diamete of FP in Degree.

A +B

R in g R in g R in g R in g R in g

1 2 3 4 5

Diameter of FP ring in degrees

0 20
0 30 40 50 60 70









Temperature C
80 90

T e m p era tu re

Graph 7 Graph 4
3A + 7B

Diameter of FP in degree.

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring

1 2 3 4 5

Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 3 Ring 4 Ring 5

Diameter of Fp in Degree.






30 40 50 60 70















Temperature C

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J. Atoms and Molecules / 2(5); 2012 / 361368 Analysis on PMS:

Rita AG & Jyoti RA

Fig - 1

Fig - 5

Fig - 2

Fig - 6

Fig - 3

Fig - 7

Fig 4 All rights reserved 2011

Fig - 8 366

J. Atoms and Molecules / 2(5); 2012 / 361368 Results and Discussion: In Fabry Perot Scattering Studies more Phase transition temperatures are found than Polarizing Microscopy. From the study of PMS we observe the textures and analyzed References:

Rita AG & Jyoti RA

1. "Investigation of a AFLCs using FabryPerot Etalon" Liquid Crystals: Chemistry, Physics, and Applications, SPIE

vol..4759, Poland (2002) S. J. Gupta, R. Gharde & A. Tripathi. 2. "Phase Transition Temperatures of Liquid Crystals Using Fabry-Perot Etalon"

the transition temperatures as well as nature exhibited by liquid crystals. The number of phase transitions increases as the percentage of one component takes precedence over the other. The Phase Transition temperature shows more complex behavior at the lower heating cycle and diverse concentrations. We found SA (fan shaped crossed polarized) in figure 1, SG (mosaic texture) in figure 2, Phase transition isotropic in figure 3, SC (Broken fan shaped texture) in figure 4,5,6 and 7, N (nematic) texture in figure 8 in our study. We observed Focal Conic Behavior in CLCs mixtures. In some concentration fan like texture has been broken and able to see only through PMS. Conclusion: By the FPSS technique it is found that in some of

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temperature has been extended by 20-40C and lower by 4 -6 C and are confirmed by PMS. Acknowledgement: I would like to acknowledge the help and encouragement Dr.D.C. Kothari given Head to of the me by



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