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Copyright F.L.

Lewis 2003 All rights reserved

EE 4343/5329 - Control System Design Project

Dominant Mode Approximation

Though most systems of interest are of higher order, they often have a dominant mode, which is a complex pole pair of lower frequency than the other poles. It is often useful to make a second-order approximation that contains only the dominant mode of the actual system. This is achieved by testing the system experimentally to obtain the step and impulse response. This allows one to obtain the POV, damping ratio, oscillation frequency b , settling time t s = 5t = 5 / a , and steady state response y ss , from which one can find the dominant mode approximation a2 +b2 . G ( s ) = y ss (s + a ) 2 + b 2 The dominant mode approximation can be useful for a quick, rough analysis of the system, as well as for the design of simplified feedback control systems.

Nonminimum-Phase Systems
Nonminimum-phase systems have zeros in the right half plane, i.e. unstable zeros. NMP zeros present fundamental limitations to what can be achieved using feedback control. They can add additional delay into the system response time. They can mean that positive feedback gains are needed to stabilize the system, which implies that the root locus should be performed using negative gains. A system is given by s + 10 H ( s) = 2 . s + 4 s + 10 The step response is shown. The system has a stable zero at s=-10 and a complex pole pair. The same system with the zero moved to the unstable location s=10 is given by s - 10 H ( s) = 2 . s + 4 s + 10 The step response of this system is shown.

Note that it is inverted. This is because the steady-state gain is given (by setting s=0 in the transfer function) as - 10 H ( 0) = = -1 . 10 To obtain a positive step response with this NMP system, one must make the transfer function negative to obtain - ( s - 10) H ( s) = 2 . s + 4 s + 10 This has SS gain of H(0)= 1 and the step response is shown in the figure.

Step response of NMP system

Step response of inverted NMP system

System delay added by NMP zero

Note that the step response of this inverted NMP system initially goes negative prior to going positive to settle on the steady-state value of 1. MATLAB can be used to analyze this step response, where one sees that that a system delay of 0.17 sec. has effectively been injected by the NMP zero due to the step response going the wrong way when the system is first excited. This undershoot phenomena is typical of NMP systems. An aircraft transfer function with output measured aft of the center of gravity is often NMP. This means that when the pilot pulls back on the elevator control stick, the aircraft nose moves up and the aircraft begins to climb. However, the passenger sitting in the tail of the aircraft first goes down as the aircraft body pivots down about the cg. After a delay, he also begins to move up as the aircraft body ascends.

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