Woodward Academy: Drew Beaty, Erica Abraham, and Sarah Moreno English 8HP-7 November 16, 2012

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Woodward Academy

The Throne An Original Parable

Drew Beaty, Erica Abraham, and Sarah Moreno English 8HP-7 November 16, 2012 In an old kingdom, in an old time, twin baby girls were born to the King and Queen. One had hair the color of gold, the other the color of obsidian. Sadly, the queen was growing faint after childbirth. As the queen was dying in bed, the King swore to take care of the girls. Before the queen was taken over by dark shadows,

she gave each of her babies a necklace with a diamond from her crown. The queen put a magical power in the diamond . The diamonds were enchanted to reflect the desires of their heart. The following day she died. Eighteen years later, Princess Alaina has found a suitor with eyes the color of sapphire. Tomorrow was an exciting day, for it was her coronation. Her golden hair tumbled down her back like ocean waves on a shore. Her diamond necklace sparkled in the moonlight. Suddenly, something caught Alainas eye in the corner of the courtyard. Ariana approached with a wistful weariness in her eyes.The girl Alaina used to know gone, now lost in the shadows. When they were younger, Ariana and Alaina used to be each others reflections. They did everything together; from playing in the garden together to braiding each others hair at night. Though as they grew up, something changed. Alaina was always getting compliments about her beautiful golden hair and sapphire eyes, while Ariana was discarded; for her bland amber eyes and onyx hair were not enough to catch peoples attention. Ariana became more distant from Alaina. Staying in the shadow of her sister was not enough for Ariana. They were not equals anymore and if anybody looked close enough, they would see the dark shadow forming in Arianas diamond. Envy and greed, disguised as venom, was flowing through her veins and reflected in her necklace. As Ariana neared Alaina, a silver glint came from under Arianas robe. A tacit conversation took place. Alaina knew Ariana wasnt going to let her leave just as much as Ariana knew there was no going back now. Araina could taste the bane on her tongue. How many times was she overlooked? How many people had commented on her sisters likeness to the sun? How many times had she cried alone in the darkness, tears falling like raindrops? Ariana could feel hot tears welling

up in her eyes, a feeling shed experienced too many times to count. She felt the anger scorching her from the inside out. She advanced on Alaina and they locked eyes. Fear hid behind a wall of anger that was building inside her. Six months ago, a prince rode into the kingdom looking for the hand of a princess. Ariana was in the throne room imagining how the velvet throne would hold her when she became queen. The prince threw open the emerald doors and strolled in. Ariana was immediately taken by his deep blue eyes. It was as if the midnight sky was calling to her. The magnetism between them was undeniable. The King walked in and introduced him to both daughters, Ariana first and Alaina second. His stormy blue eyes had a flash of lightning when his eyes met Alainas. He smiled. He didnt smile at Ariana. Her fluttering heart stopped dead. Alaina not only took her suitor, but her throne and Ariana wanted both. Ariana took another step forward. Alaina, not being able to meet her eyes, glanced down. Her eyes caught Arianas diamond. Hysteria washed over Alaina. Shadows caressed Arianas diamond to the point of total darkness. Alaina looked up; Ariana held her gaze. The ghostly castle loomed behind Ariana, and the lights in the windows silhouetted her in a shadowy cloak. The dark cobblestones grew icy cold under Alainas feet. She tried to run, but her feet wouldnt move. Her hands shook. Her heart thundered in her chest. Her shoulders tensed as she silently begged for mercy. Arianas face stayed as if set in stone, not showing any emotion. Ariana took another step, this time towards her right. Alaina took a step in the opposite direction.The rubies glinted in the hilt of Arianas dagger. Arianas face hardened, and she stared at her with piercing eyes.

Ariana remembered watching Alaina and the prince from her bedroom window. It should have been her that he laughed with and gazed at with loving eyes. Who would ever love her when her sister was always in the way? Ariana looked down at her necklace. The shadow forming in the necklace was her only protector. Ariana knew what the diamonds color meant, for she was told when she was very young. Her heart felt cold like the diamond and was filled with poisonous hatred, but what else did she have to rely on? Ariana drew her dagger and flicked it back. A wall of anger and hatred crashed into her and she lunged forward. She could not think. She could only do. Alaina reacted late and bolted as the dagger cut her arm. She sprinted across the courtyard and towards the castle. Alaina clutched her damaged arm and sobbed. She slid to the floor as Ariana sauntered over. Their eyes met. Alainas full of apologetic sadness and pure terror, though Arianas eyes flashed, daring Alaina to try to run again. Her dangerous look kept Alaina where she was. Ariana lept. For Ariana wanting everything her sister had was like chasing a shadow. The closer Ariana got, the farther it became, her greed would pull her towards wanting more. She wanted everything Alaina had and soon she would take her life. Alaina would never have it all again. Pain quaked Alainas body as red bloomed across the front of her dress. A lone crystal tear slid down Alainas cheek. The background noise faded away as Ariana leaned down and said, You left me with nothing, but now I have your suitor, your kingdom, and the throne.


Motifs= shadows, gems, poison Figurative Language

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