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The Paradoxical Case of Britains Attack on its own Green Movement in Canada

By Matthew Ehret-Kump
Many onlookers who understand that the core of the British Empires program for depopulation and the subversion of the nation-state leans upon its control of the environmentalist movement, have found it somewhat paradoxical that British puppet Stephen Harper has made headlines this summer by passing sweeping reforms under the C-38 omnibus bill, which has overturned decades of environmentalist legislation designed to stop development in the name of wildlife conservation. This reform has thus opened up new corridors for streamlined resource extraction across the board. British sponsored environmental groups have been abandoned, and have been screaming all across Canada, but with very little resistance from the opposition NDP which has up until now represented the voice of Green in Canada. In fact, in the weeks before and after being sworn in Privy Council member to the Queens Privy Council on September 18 2012, NDP leader Thomas Mulcair has Thomas Mulcair has uncharacbegun his unlikely deteristically come out defending fence of the oil sands and both the Alberta oil sands, as Enbridge pipeline. well as the new Enbridge pipeline to the Pacific. we must ask: Is Canada being set up to replace Australias role as supplier of Chinas natural gas needs? Surely, the arrival in Ottawa of a new Chinese ambassador, who was formerly posted in Australia provides one clue. The additional hype surrounding Canadas comparative advantage relative to Australias in exporting natural gas published in the KPMG 2012 Competitive Alternatives report is another. The proposal by state owned China National Offshore Oil Co (CNOOC) to purchase Canadas Nexen gas company for $15.1 billion should be viewed within this greater context. If this deal, now held up in court due to the fact that CNOOC is a state owned company, should pass, a flurry of other state owned energy companies primarily from Asia and the Middle East promise to follow with similar purchases with Korea, Kuwait, India and Malaysia already topping the list. According to BPs Statistical Review of World Energy Report of June 2012, of all remaining private global (not state controlled) oil reserves, 62% are found in Canadas oil sands. 10.6% of overall world oil reserves are in Canada. It is appropriate here to point out, that were it not for the demand from Asias markets, the Plan Nord set in motion by the now fallen Quebec Liberal Party of Jean Charest never would have begun. Quebec is now engaged in applying the Alberta oil sand model of resource extraction under the $80 billion PPP investment into opening up Quebecs resource rich North. Just like the Alberta oil sand model, the Quebec model entails zero nation building, but is based entirely upon the logic of converting minerals into money as fast as possible within the closed-system logic of market theory. Were the Three Power Alliance of Russia, China, and the USA adopted in the short-term however, coinciding with a global Glass-Steagall reorganization of the financial system, would not only stymy the threat of World War, but usher in a nuclear renaissance as well. If Canadas thorium rich soils were tapped and an advanced liquid salt nuclear crash program following Chinas lead were adopted, geopolitical manipulation around humanitys reliance on finite fossil fuels would no longer be used to the advantage of the British Empire as it is now, but rather an unbounded potential for growth would be realized and the creation of new resources for the benefit of all would be the result.

Why the anomalies?

Conservative Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver, speaking to a group of Asian businessmen has promised that Canada hopes to build infrastructure to liquefy and export nine billion cubic feet per day of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) to Asia through five proposed coastal plans. With the building of new pipelines from Alberta and BC to the Pacific starting with Enbridge, and Chinas existential need for fossil fuels for its survival, the risk of China falling prey to the addiction of Canadas cheap resources is very real. The British of course, are intent on loosening the bonds of survival which have thus far held Russia and China together against the British drive for World War and are deploying every asset available to do so. This fact is especially pertinent as the schism deepens between China and Australia due to Australias hosting two U.S. military bases antagonistic to China. As China currently imports a vast portion of its natural gas needs from Australia,

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