Hot Weather Ops by Airbus

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OLM FBW 2006 Toulouse 26-28 September 2006

Presented by

Michel DOCUS Group Manager A320 Operational Standards

Hot Weather Operations

Sandy environment


Introduction Current situation Need to change ? Hot Weather Operations Procedure Sandy environment Conclusion
Hot Weather Operations Procedure 2 OLM FBW 2006

AIRBUS 2006 S. A. S. All ri ghts reserv ed. Conf identi al and proprietary doc ument.

Recent customer questions concerning hot weather

linked to IATA Operational Safety Audit

AIRBUS 2006 S. A. S. All ri ghts reserv ed. Conf identi al and proprietary doc ument.

Also questions concerning operations in sandy environment

Hot Weather Operations Procedure

OLM FBW 2006

Goal of this presentation :

Review Airbus procedures in hot weather conditions Modification of volcanic ash procedure to cover operations in
sandy environment
AIRBUS 2006 S. A. S. All ri ghts reserv ed. Conf identi al and proprietary doc ument.

airline inputs Get

Hot Weather Operations Procedure

OLM FBW 2006


Introduction Current situation Need to change ? Hot Weather Operations Procedure Sandy environment Conclusion
Hot Weather Operations Procedure 5 OLM FBW 2006

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Current situation
Recommendations for Hot Weather Operations

Exist, but disseminated

AIRBUS 2006 S. A. S. All ri ghts reserv ed. Conf identi al and proprietary doc ument.

Hot Weather Operations Procedure

OLM FBW 2006

Current situation
Recommendations for Hot Weather Operations


AIRBUS 2006 S. A. S. All ri ghts reserv ed. Conf identi al and proprietary doc ument.

Hot Weather Operations Procedure

OLM FBW 2006


Introduction Current situation Need to change ? Hot Weather Operations Procedure Sandy environment Conclusion
Hot Weather Operations Procedure 8 OLM FBW 2006

AIRBUS 2006 S. A. S. All ri ghts reserv ed. Conf identi al and proprietary doc ument.

Need to change ?
Hot Weather Operations Procedure

dedicated procedure would be more convenient A Would complete existing procedures

AIRBUS 2006 S. A. S. All ri ghts reserv ed. Conf identi al and proprietary doc ument.

Would necessitate change in documentation Would not change the procedures proced

Decision will be based on YOUR inputs Decision will be based on YOUR inputs

Hot Weather Operations Procedure

OLM FBW 2006


Introduction Current situation Need to change ? Hot Weather Operations Procedure Sandy environment Conclusion
Hot Weather Operations Procedure 10 OLM FBW 2006

AIRBUS 2006 S. A. S. All ri ghts reserv ed. Conf identi al and proprietary doc ument.

Hot Weather Operations Procedure

Ground Operations

Consider External Power to reduce APU


Consider keeping doors and blinds closed

AIRBUS 2006 S. A. S. All ri ghts reserv ed. Conf identi al and proprietary doc ument.


Select high pack flow

Hot Weather Operations Procedure


OLM FBW 2006

Hot Weather Operations Procedure

Engine Start

Consider manual start


to degraded bleed performance,or with a reduced EGT margin, or


AIRBUS 2006 S. A. S. All ri ghts reserv ed. Conf identi al and proprietary doc ument.

performance of the external pneumatic power group

Hot Weather Operations Procedure


OLM FBW 2006

Hot Weather Operations Procedure


Check brakes temperature Consider Packs OFF


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aware of possible lateral jerks (thermal vortices) Be

Refer to FCOM bulletin (n 829/1 on SA) (n 815/1 on A330) (n 816/1 on A340)

Hot Weather Operations Procedure


OLM FBW 2006

Hot Weather Operations Procedure

Landing Check brakes
(maintenance actions)


(If available)
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brakes > 500oC: If

Avoid applying parking brake
Hot Weather Operations Procedure 14 OLM FBW 2006


Introduction Current situation Need to change ? Hot Weather Operations Procedure Sandy environment Conclusion
Hot Weather Operations Procedure 15 OLM FBW 2006

AIRBUS 2006 S. A. S. All ri ghts reserv ed. Conf identi al and proprietary doc ument.

Sandy Environment

Some airlines operate in

sandy environment

Airline questions about procedures to be used

AIRBUS 2006 S. A. S. All ri ghts reserv ed. Conf identi al and proprietary doc ument.

Today, no procedure for Sandy Environment OPERATIONS IN VOLCANIC ASH procedure exists But,
(FCOM 3.04.90)

Hot Weather Operations Procedure


OLM FBW 2006

Sandy Environment
Main sand effects on aircraft

Engines / APU wear increase May impair bleed operation Braking performance reduction

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Similar to volcanic ash effects Operations in volcanic ash procedure apply

Hot Weather Operations Procedure


OLM FBW 2006

Sandy Environment
FCOM Changes

Sand will be mentioned

AIRBUS 2006 S. A. S. All ri ghts reserv ed. Conf identi al and proprietary doc ument.


Similar recommendations apply when operating from sandy or dusty airport. DUST or SAND

Hot Weather Operations Procedure


OLM FBW 2006

Sandy Environment (FCOM 3.04.90)

Main APU and engine recommendations on ground:

Avoid using the APU Crank engine before start Limit engines thrust during taxi Avoid using Engine Bleeds Avoid reversers use

AIRBUS 2006 S. A. S. All ri ghts reserv ed. Conf identi al and proprietary doc ument.

Hot Weather Operations Procedure


OLM FBW 2006

Sandy Environment (FCOM3.04.90)

Main APU and engine recommendations in flight:

A/THR OFF and Decrease thrust (terrain permitting) Select engine anti ice ON Select wing anti ice ON Select HI pack flow Start APU

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Hot Weather Operations Procedure


OLM FBW 2006

Sandy Environment
Additional Recommendations: 2

with all engines

- To limit engine thrust and subsequent sand ingestion

Case 1: Case 2: turn initiated into the wind turn initiated down wind


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U-turn, initiate the turn nose down wind (case 2). To prevent sand to be blown back to engine intake To not impair visibility

Differential thrust application Differential thrust application

Hot Weather Operations Procedure


OLM FBW 2006


Introduction Current situation Need to change ? Hot Weather Operations Procedure Sandy Environment Conclusion
Hot Weather Operations Procedure 22 OLM FBW 2006

AIRBUS 2006 S. A. S. All ri ghts reserv ed. Conf identi al and proprietary doc ument.


Review of Hot Weather procedures Necessity of a dedicated procedure in the FCOM ? Update of Volcanic Ash procedures to cover sandy
AIRBUS 2006 S. A. S. All ri ghts reserv ed. Conf identi al and proprietary doc ument.

Any airline inputs ?

Hot Weather Operations Procedure


OLM FBW 2006

Anything to drink ? Anything to drink ?

AIRBUS 2006 S. A. S. All ri ghts reserv ed. Conf identi al and proprietary doc ument.

Hot Weather Operations Procedure


OLM FBW 2006

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