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Research Paper

Finding a research topic 1. Choose a subject that interests you but from which you can still learn much. 2. Choose a subject that is not broad. 3. Choose a subject not too difficult, one for which you can find materials from popular magazines or books aimed at general reading. 4. Choose a subject that has some interest for the average reader. Once you have settled upon a subject, you are now ready to gather materials. Begin by defining the specific problem with which you wish to deal. Select only materials related specifically to your problem. The sources of materials are the following: observation or experience, interview, library and special bulletin and reports. If your source of materials is books, you will need to take note the following: the author or editor, title of the book, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, and call number. If you use magazines as source of material, you will need to the author and title of the article, name of magazines or newspaper, volume number, date of issue, and page number. To ensure the completion of the study and to make research work enjoyable to the researcher, certain criteria should be observed.

Within the interest of the researcher. The research problem or topic should be within the interest of the researcher so that the researcher will focus his full attention on the research work. Competence of the researcher. The researcher must have a workable understanding of his study such as the method of research to be used to the problem to his problem. Specialization of the researcher. Research problem or topic should be within the specialization of the researcher to make research work easier for him. This will also improve his specialization skills, and competence of his profession. Research budget. The researcher should be able to finance or find funding for his research until his study is completed. Personal choice of the researcher problem or topic. This is to prevent from blaming others or offering excuses for any problem encountered. Researchable and manageable research problem or topic. All the data used should be accessible as well as equipment and instruments for research are available and can give valid and reliable results. Also, the hypothesis formulated are testable and the research problem or topic should be able to meet the standards of accuracy, objectivity and verifiability. Within period of time. Research topic should be completed within a reasonable period of time. There must be a project time table. Colegio de Dagupan | Error! No text of specified style in document.

Research Paper

Relevant to the present time. Research topic should be significant, important and relevant to the present time and situation, and of current interest. In addition, it should be able to arouse peoples interest. Add human knowledge. Research topic must contribute a new bit of knowledge to what we already have since all the facts and knowledge are the products of research. Solve problems. Prove the way for the solution of the problems or problems intended to be solved. After research or project have been conducted, recommendations are made for the solution and if implemented can solve the problems. Moral and spiritual values. Research topic must promote divine values and admirable human values including love, peace, goodwill, etc. Quality of human life. Research topic must improve the quality of human life or show how to improve unsatisfactory conditions.

Parts of a research paper Abstract - Contains that brief discussion of the background and objectives of the problem, statement of the problem, short discussion of research design as well as findings, conclusion and recommendations. Title Page - Composes of title of the research, full name of the researcher, the subject for which the research is presented. Also, it includes the college and department of the institution to which the research is presented and the month and year in which the research is submitted. Acknowledgement - Mention the people who guided in the completion of the research. Table of Contents - Lists the chapter headings of the research such as the preliminaries, chapter number, chapter titles and page citations, sub-headings of main headings, bibliography, appendix(ces) with corresponding page. List of Tables - Demonstrate the presentation of the captions of the tables with the number of tables, caption of titles and pages in the research where the table is located. List of Figures and Illustrations - Includes graphs, charts and other illustrations used in the research. It shows the numbers of figures and illustration, captions or title, and pages in the research where the figures/illustrations appear. Chapter one: Introduction Introduction - Background of the study-give an overview of the topic and how the researcher came up with the topic and its questions - statement of the problem-this includes the problem and the specific problems Colegio de Dagupan | Error! No text of specified style in document.

Research Paper
statement of the hypothesis or assumptions-these are the tentative answers to the questions in the SOP definition of terms-important terms that are used in the study Chapter two Review of Related Literature - Present related concepts, works or researches that has similarities to the study being conducted Chapter three: Methodology - Presents the procedures in data gathering such as the design of the study, variables and measures, sources of data, instrumentation, procedure, and treatment of research and data. Chapter four: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data - Presentation and analysis of data as well the interpretation are included in this section wherein the researchers use the data gathered in answering the questions posed in the SOP Chapter five: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations - Summarizes findings to answer the research questions. Also, include conclusions or generalizations from the collected data as well as the recommendation and implications for further research and policy implementation Bibliography -this is the list of the references which you have used in your study (books, online WebPages, magazines, newspapers etc.)

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