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Exequiel B. Cebrian, Jr.

Educ 910/310 August 14, 2012 Reaction Paper # 3: Your slip is showing By Yoly Villanueva-Ong

Let me start my reactions on the article about Your Slip is Showing by citing the bible verse in 1 Timothy 6:10 that says, The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some leaders in either high or low position in the Government involved in doing hankypanky are not new to us. We always hear, see in news media or even victims of such malign practices. It seems these heartless and thick-faced people I think are already consumed by their great desire of money to get rich quick. I read a book about The Seven Habits and please let me cite what the book says, according to Stephen R. Covey, In all of life, there are sequential stages of growth and development. A child Learns to turn over, to sit up, to crawl, and then to walk and run. Each step is important and each one takes time. No step can be skipped. This is true in all phases of life, in all areas of development and even achieving things that we really want to reach. Consequently, we sometimes look for a shortcut, expecting to be able to skip some vital steps in order to save time and effort and still reap the desired result. But the answers are obvious. It is simply impossible to violate, ignore, or shortcut this development process. It is contrary to nature, and attempting to seek such a shortcut only results in disappointment and frustration. Sometimes I am wondering why these potent leaders of todays are no longer afraid doing such activities when in fact they are so much blessed by God to entrust things, to lead, to protect, and implement the equality and justice for all I guess their slip are now showing. The role of Public Relations in our country has a significant and relativeness to the growth and develoment of our country. I do believe PR has vast influence to do the paradigm shifting of the perceptions of the laymens about what is happening. Since the role and functions of PR can be an eye opener and legitimate source of information to the public of what is really going on in our current situation and, thus, public relies on it. I think they must be

authentic and transparent of releasing news without conceptualizing the whole truth in order not to driven the public into quandary. As the clich goes, advertising you pay for, PR you pray for. Because before the press release reliable news to the public without detecting the relation of the source. I like also to ponder on what Ong written on her article, PR are deliberate and trained image builders while the latter are opportunistic hacks masquerading as journalists. The former are out in the open and paid honestly for the service they render. The latter hide behind secret bank accounts and warp the integrity of their chosen calling. Henceforth, the predicaments to the public to whom we give trust and get reliable informations are nowadays become absolutely flat and resulted perplexity.

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