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Performing a backend cleanup and factory reinstallation of NAS on an NX4 Celerra

Environment: Product: Celerra NX4 Network Server Environment: Product: CLARiiON AX4-5F8 Array Environment: Feature: CLARiiON NaviExpress Storage Management interface Environment: EMC SW: NAS Code 5.6.39.x Environment: Feature: Celerra Startup Assistant (CSA) Change: Performing a factory reinstallation of NAS code The purpose of this solution is to assist users in performing a fresh reinstallation of an NX4 system when Navisphere Express is the management tool being used. Root Cause: Caution! NX4 systems are pre-installed and pre-configured by EMC Manufacturing. Normally, this solution will not be necessary, except for rare situations that could require a complete system reinstallation. The normal Celerra "deconfiguration" and "backend cleanup" of a Celerra Storage Group, LUNs, RAID groups, and Initiator records, can be achieved under most circumstances by using the following procedure:



Connect a null modem serial cable between a service laptop or desktop and the Serial Console port on the back of the Control Station. Note: Serial Console port is located on the right-hand side of the Control Station when viewed from the back of the system, indicated by a "wrench" symbol.

2. 3.

Open a HyperTerminal session on the Client Workstation using the following settings: 19200 bits per second, 8 data bits, parity None, 1 stop bit, flow control None, and terminal emulation ANSI. Click on the phone icon to establish the serial output in HyperTerminal, then log in to the Control Station as User 'nasadmin', and then su to root ($ su ). Break down the Proxy ARP configuration to a "Not configured" state (if applicable), as seen by clariion_mgmt -info output below: Comment: Main purpose here is to get the SP IP configuration back on the private internal network in order for the factory install to succeed # /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -stop Checking if running as root...yes Checking if model is supported...yes Checking for integrated system...yes Checking if interface eth3 is configured...yes Checking if SP ( is up...yes Checking if SP ( is up...yes Step 1/12: Changing SPA IP address. Changing SPA IP from to (subnetmask, gateway abridged------------Note: If the command fails, run the command again with the following additional syntax: # /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -stop -skip_rules # /nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -info Error 12: Not configured



Unset the NAS_DB environmental variable and stop NAS Services. (Make sure you are not in a /nas directory when issuing the nas stop command.): # unset NAS_DB # /sbin/service nas stop


Destroy the Celerra array configuration using the following steps [deletes RAID groups, LUNs, Storage Group (Removes HBA Initiator records), array security, disables Access Logix] Note: For FC-enabled systems where additional storage has been configured for Other Hosts, the nas_raid cleanup script will not touch other Storage Groups, and will leave Array Security and Access Logix intact and enabled. # cd /tftpboot/setup_backend # ./nas_raid -n ../bin/navicli -a <spa_ip> -b <spb_ip> -s cleanup Log will be created in the current directory System is up System is up Detecting Data Movers...2 3 Done. Clariion Array: SL7E1080700121 Model: AX4-5F8 Memory: 1023 !!! WARNING !!! The CLARiiON array connected to this Celerra control station contains an existing configuration. "Celerra_nx4" This could include user data. If you continue by selecting 'y' to cleanup the system at the next prompt all existing CLARiiON configuration for Celerra_nx4 will be

destroyed and the system will have to be reinstalled. Proceed with caution! !!! WARNING!!! Do you want to clean up the system [yes or no]?: yes Cleaning Storage Group "Celerra_nx4" Removing LUN ............ Removing diskgroup ... Removing initiators .... Removing storage group "Celerra_nx4" Removing spares Security domain removed Done Note: If the tftpboot directory is not present, unzip, and untar from the /nas/tools directory # tar xvfz /nas/tools/tftpboot.tar.gz

7. 8.

Remove the S95cable_check file (if applicable) # rm -f /etc/rc3.d/S95cable_check Verify that the SPS(s) are fully charged and that Write Cache is enabled on the array -->See emc207561 for more details Insert the 5.6 CD-ROM, reboot the Control Station, then begin the NAS factory install by entering "serialinstall" at the screen where "boot:" is displayed. Do not configure the External LAN network for the Control Station during the installation process (This will be done using the CSA wizard after the NAS reinstall completes). Please note that the installation process will be quite long for the NX4 system because the LUN bind operation does not have the fast bind feature for this version of FLARE.

If for some reason, the nas_raid cleanup command fails to clean up the Celerra storage from the array, and the system is managed by Navisphere Express, use the following steps to break down the backend array: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Configure a laptop or workstation with a valid IP address on the primary Celerra internal network (for example, IP address of and netmask of Connect an Ethernet cable directly between the workstation and the SPA LAN port (there is only one LAN port on an AX4-5 SP). Launch a web browser and enter the internal IP address for SPA (for example, Log in to Navisphere Express with the appropriate username and password. In the Manage>Virtual Disks>menu, select a Celerra LUN name. 1. Click the checkbox to select the host connection name from which to unassign the Virtual Disk (LUN) Connection Name Celerra_emcnas_i0 Click apply. Repeat this step for all other Celerra Virtual Disks (LUNs).

2. 3. 7.

In the Manage>Virtual Disks menu, highlight a Celerra LUN, then select Destroy Virtual Disk. Repeat this task until all Celerra LUNs (Virtual Disks) are destroyed. You can only destroy one LUN at a time. From the Manage>Disk Pools> menu, select the Celerra Disk Pool (for example, Disk Pool 1), verify that the Virtual Disks listed are for Celerra, and then click on the Destroy button. Repeat this step if there are any other Disk Pools associated with the Celerra installation. Note: Disk Pools are equivalent to RAID Groups, and are named differently from RAID Groups typically seen on other NAS systems. For example, there is no RG0, only "Disk Pool 1", "Disk Pool 2", and the like.



Remove the Data Mover Blade Initiator records from the array. From the Manage>Connections menu, select the respective "HBA Port type: Fibre Channel" Initiator records under the Server listed for Celerra, and click on the Deregister button. Proceed with the Factory reinstallation using a NAS 5.6 bootable CD-ROM. Specify serialinstall at the boot: prompt, and continue with the NAS installation. At the configure external LAN prompt, do not set up the external IP address or hostname for the Control Station. (This will be done after the factory installation using the CSA wizard.)



Reboot the Control Station at the end of the factory installation. Then configure and register the system using the CSA Wizard.

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