Mutual Fund Performance Analyser

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Mutual Fund Performance Analyser

A mutual fund is a document issued by a bank or can be purchased from the stock market. In this project should identify an investor for regular trading in mutual funds and placed order for purchase and sale through the bank or share-broker. The fund managers analysis reports are stored in this project. The investor has been transmitting the order to bank and execute it.

In this project help to open an account with a bank if the user want to save the money, make cheque payments, credit card payments etc, all the details are stored in this system. Generally, all mutual funds by default and by definition are open end funds. The funds manager can offer a share to the public at a higher price. In this project also help to maintain the list of premium issued investors and maintained the current position of the mutual funds.

Mutual Fund Trading is a recent way of buying and selling mutual funds. Now the investor can buy and sell any funds, the fund anglicizing graph is stored in this project. The Funds analyzing methods of statistical measures is calculates the risk-adjusted returns based on popular statistical ratios. A powerful comparison tool, which enables comparison of performance of various schemes selected across different time-frames. Different reports are available which capture the entire details of the latest declared portfolio of each and every scheme.

Front-End Back-End Operating System

: : :

VB.NET SQL Server 2000 Windows XP


Module Design
The project modules included are Applicant Details Funds Details Funds Facts Fund Performance

Applicant Details

In this module is under obligation to offer the securities in both physical and demat mode, the user have the choice to receive the securities in either mode. If the user wishes to have securities in demat mode, they need to indicate the name of the depository and also of the depository participant with who have depository account in the application. In this module is creates an application details, membership fess details and mutual funds details.

Funds Details

The Module includes AMC Snapshot, Asset Under Management details and the Fund manager details. The AMC Snapshot details consists of the No of Schemes, Debt and equity schemes and the gift fund details provided for the applicant. The Asset under Management (AUM) can be viewed at a glance. Reports like AUM classification provided insights into the asset class wise break-up of the entire industry across all the mutual fund houses. The Fund Managers has the activity here to maintain the details of the fund are given here.

Fund Facts

The fund facts calculations are maintained here to generate regular income through investments in fixed income securities and capital appreciation through investments of portion of assets of the scheme in equity and equity related investments. The portfolio are given here for the fund facts as Fund size, asset allocation, equity, debt and other company related details. The dividend details are maintained here.

Funds Performance The Compare fund details in this module are a powerful comparison tool, which enables comparison of performance of various schemes selected across different time-frames. The option of ranking of funds is calculated here to maintain the corresponding details maintained here. The Rank no, fund type, category, Period are maintained here to find the toppers on the various schemes. The latest NAV is calculated under the fund house and the scheme name on the particular date. The SIP calculator and the returns calculator is provided for the users to maintain the details.

Company Profile
Sharekhon Trading Co is a registered broker at the National Stock Exchange (NSE), Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and a Corporate Member of Cochin Stock Exchange. The company is established the year 1995, it is situated in Peelamedu. Our daily research reports are providing to purchase and sale of stock tips is 99.9% accuracy. Share broking is undertaken at all branches where commodity broking is carried out. The service in share broking include on line buying of share/securities through NSE/BSE, Depository Services, Internet Trading and giving proper advices in selecting stocks for short term as well as for long term investment. A prudent investor must have the right plan and they must trade on active liquid stocks where they can recoup high rate of return with minimum risk. For the market, it is the trend that matter and not the price at which they are enter into. We will always be totally honest with customers. We hate the idea of hidden costs, so we have none. We promise to tell the customers everything upfront. We have outlet offers the following services: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Online BSE and NSE executions (through BOLT & NEAT terminals) Free access to investment advice from Sharekhon's Research team Daily research reports and market review (High Noon & Eagle Eye) Pre-market Report on Morning. Daily trading calls based on Technical Analysis Live Market Information Depository Services: Demat & Remat Transactions Derivatives Trading (Futures and Options) Commodities Trading and IPOs & Mutual Funds Distribution Internet-based Online Trading: SpeedTrade

The system, which is followed at present, is a partly computerized system. The system consists of database that has to be maintained with various informations. The report generation and printing work are difficult. In the existing system each and every time a reference should be made. There are no high possibilities to commit errors and mistakes, which leads to produce the wrong statements to the management. Report keeping is also not an easy work.

Another important drawback of existing system is time factor. It will not help the management to solve the problem in time. The management could not act on any issue; planning of item ion unless getting the reports in time controls cannot be used.

Limitations of existing system Manual Error is occurred. Security of information is low. A lot of time consumed to calculate the return. Needs of lot of manpower to find the fund facts. Frequent occurrence of error. Calculations are difficult.

The proposed system will be fully integrated with the companys requirement and enhances the capabilities of the current system, since the proposed system is a graphical user interface oriented application. The proposed system allows security features by providing various right and privileges in according the data. All this aspects will enable the business to function as an independent system. It also provides the latest technology embedded in the system, which will yield the desired result. When the existing system was replaced by the proposed system then Menu driven User friendly Timely information Database is normalized Updating and modification can be done easily Full extend query is used for searching and retrieving



Processor Speed RAM capacity Floppy disk drive Hard disk drive Key Board Mouse CD Writer Printer Motherboard Cabinet Monitor

: : : : : : : : : : : :

Pentium IV 2.8 GHz 256 MB 1.44 MB 120 GB Samsung 108 keys Logitech Optical Mouse 52x LG DeskJet HP Intel ATX 17 Samsung

Operating System Front end used Back end used : : : Windows XP Visual Basic.NET 2005 SQL Server 2000



Visual Basic (VB) is a programming language based on the original DOS language called BASIC (Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code). VB.NET 2005, an offshoot of Visual Basic, is an object-oriented programming language based on VB that is implemented using the Microsoft .NET framework. The basic syntax of the Visual Basic language remains unchanged in VB.NET 2005, but includes additional features such as structured exception handling and short circuited expressions to enhance the infrastructure of the programming language. Developers have found VB.NET to be controversial as some of the software and developmental changes clash with the original language within VB and have caused compatibility issues. Visual Studio .NET is the predominant integrated development environment (IDE) that VB.NET developers employ. Visual Basic programmers supporting VB.NET indicate that language constructs and user interface features in the newer system have caused programming issues within the original VB system. Developers using VB.NET recognize that the upgraded VB system incorporates

contemporary object oriented programming paradigms in a more stable environment than was originally thought possible.

Visual Basic .NET is a programming language that can be used to create winforms or webapp applications and create programming based in any object-oriented programming language (OOP), ADO.NET, Multithreading or Windows Services. VB.NET programming utilizes concepts connected to string encryption, forms inheritance, regular expressions and deployment. The .NET Framework Architecture The .NET framework is a software technology that is directed towards connecting information, people, systems and devices seamlessly. The high level of software integration that has been attempted through use of XML web services enables the creation of small, discrete, building block types of applications. These applications are connected to other applications over the Internet. Central to the .NET framework architecture is the effort to provide support to for the next generation solutions. The direction of change is to ensure that software deployment and versioning conflicts are avoided or minimized in the .NET Framework. User defined codes are released from the confines of the local storage systems and can be stored anywhere on a network and executed from any point in the network. Performance problems associated with scripted and interpreted environments are removed. Codes can be safely executed and the developer experience is consistent across widely varying types of applications, such as Windows based applications and web based applications. The thrust of design is towards creating a standard communication facility that is standardized so that .NET codes can be integrated with other codes easily and seamlessly. At the core of the .NET infrastructure is the Common Language Runtime (CLR) and the .NET Framework class library.

The runtime functions, like an agent, managing code at execution time. It provides core services such as memory management, thread management and remoting. It enforces strict type safety and ensures code accuracy. This makes for security and robustness and provides a platform for running managed code. The .NET Framework provides several runtime hosts. It also supports the development of third-party runtime hosts. For example, ASP.NET hosts the runtime to provide a scalable, serverside environment for managed code. ASP.NET works directly with the runtime to enable ASP.NET applications and XML Web services. The .NET Framework can be hosted by unmanaged components such as the Internet Explorer. These load the common language runtime into their processes and initiate the execution of managed code. This creates a software environment that can exploit both managed and unmanaged features. This makes for mobility of the code. Advantages of VB.NET

1. VB.NET provides managed code execution that runs under the Common Language Runtime (CLR), resulting in robust, stable and secure applications. All features of the .NET framework are readily available in VB.NET. 2. VB.NET is totally object oriented. This is a major addition that VB6 and other earlier releases didn't have. 3. The .NET framework comes with ADO.NET, which follows the disconnected paradigm, i.e. once the required records are fetched the connection no longer exists. It also retrieves the records that are expected to be accessed in the immediate future. This enhances Scalability of the application to a great extent. 4. VB.NET uses XML to transfer data between the various layers in the DNA Architecture i.e. data are passed as simple text strings.

5. Error handling has changed in VB.NET. A new Try-Catch-Finally block has been introduced to handle errors and exceptions as a unit, allowing appropriate action to be taken at the place the error occurred thus discouraging the use of ON ERROR GOTO statement. This again credits to the maintainability of the code. 6. Another great feature added to VB.NET is free threading against the VB singlethreaded apartment feature. In many situations developers need spawning of a new thread to run as a background process and increase the usability of the application.


SQL Server is a database management system (DBMS) developed by Microsoft. SQL Server is relatively easy to manage through the use of graphical computing environment for almost every task of system and database administration. Features of SQL Server 2000

Internet Integration The SQL Server 2000 database engine includes integrated XML support. It also has the scalability, availability, and security features required to operate as the data storage component of the largest Web sites.

Scalability and Availability SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition supports features such as federated servers, indexed views, and large memory support that allow it to scale to the performance levels required by the largest Web sites.

Ease of installation, deployment, and use

SQL Server 2000 includes a set of administrative and development tools that improve upon the process of installing, deploying, managing, and using SQL Server across several sites.

Backup and recovery DBMS must have a subsystem that is responsible for recovery from hardware or software errors. For example, if a failure occurs while a database application updates a hundred rows of a table, the recovery subsystem must roll back all previously executed updates to ensure that the corresponding data is consistent after the error occurs.

Security and Authorization Security means that the data stored in a database is protected against any kind of unauthorized users or against a misuse. Additionally, some users may have only read access to the data, whereas others may have read and write access to the same data.

Data Flow Diagram








Funds Details

Applicant Report

Funds Report


Fund Facts


Performance Performance Report Funds Performance

Fund Fact Report

Table Name: User Primary Key: Ucode SNO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Field Name Ucode UName UType UAdd City Pin State PhNo CellNo Email AuthID Remarks Data type Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Numeric Varchar Numeric Numeric Varchar Varchar Varchar 10 25 25 250 20 6 15 9 9 15 15 50 Size Description User Code User Name User Type User Address City Pin code State Phone Number Cell Number Email Authentication ID Remarks

Table Name: User Allotment Primary Key: Ucode SNO 1 2 3 4 5 6 Field Name Ucode UName UType Pass Rpass AuthID Data type Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar 10 25 25 30 30 15 Size Description User Code User Name User Type Password Retype Password Authentication ID

Table Name: User Login Primary Key: Uname SNO 1 2 Field Name UName Pass Data type Varchar Varchar 25 30 Size Description User Name Password

Table Name: Fund Master Primary Key: Fcode SNO 1 2 Fcode FName Field Name Data type Varchar Varchar 10 25 Size Description Fund Code Fund Name

Table Name: AMC Snapshot Primary Key: FhouseCode Foreign Key: Fcode SNO 1 2 3 4 Field Name Fhousecode FhouseName Scheme Options Data type Varchar Varchar Numeric Numeric Size 10 25 9 9 Description Fund House Code Fund House Name No. of Schemes No. of Schemes including options 5 6 7 Equity Debt Short Numeric Numeric Numeric 9 9 9 Equity Schemes Debt Schemes Short Term Debt Schemes 8 9 10 11 12 Money Gift Corpus Key Fmanger Numeric Numeric Numeric Varchar Varchar 9 9 15 250 250 Monry Market Gift Fund Corpus Value Key Personnel Fund Managers

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Fcode Fname Perdt Days30 Days91 Year1 Year3 Fsize Fdate

Varchar Varchar Date/Time Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Date/Time

15 50 8 9 9 9 9 9 8

Fund ode Fund Name Performance Date 30 Days Performance 91 Days Performance 1 Year Performance 3 Years Performance Fund Size Fund Size Date

Table Name: Asset Management Foreign Key: Fcode SNO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fcode FName Scheme Pdate Pcorpus Cdate Ccorpus Field Name Data type Varchar Varchar Numeric Date/Time Numeric Date/Time Numeric 10 25 9 8 9 8 9 Size Description Fund Code Fund Name No. of Schemes Previous Date Previous Corpus Current Date Current Corpus

Table Name: Fund Manger Primary Key: Funcode Foreign Key: Fcode SNO 1 Field Name Funcode Data type Varchar 10 Size Description Fund Manager Code 2 FunName Varchar 25 Fund Manager Name 3 4 5 6 7 Desig Educat Exper Fcode Fname Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar 25 25 50 10 25 Designation Education Experience Fund Code Fund Name

Table Name: Fund Fact Foreign Key: Fcode, Funcode

SNO 1 2 3 Fcode

Field Name

Data type Varchar Varchar Varchar 10 25 25


Description Fund Code Fund Name Asset Management Company

FName Acompany

4 5 6

Regist Scheme Funcode

Varchar Varchar Varchar

25 25 10

Registrar Types of Scheme Fund Manager Code




Fund Manager Name





9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

SIP STP SWP Option Inceptdt Fvalue Fsize Expratio Pratio

Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Date/Time Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric

2 2 2 10 8 9 9 9 9

SIP Yes/No STP Yes/No SWP Yes/No Options Inception Date Face Value Fund Size Expense Ratio Portfolio Turnover Ratio




Minimum Investment





Purchase Redemptions

20 21 22

NAV Eload Exload

Varchar Varchar Varchar

10 10 10

NAV Calculation Entry Load Exit Load

Table Name: Portfoliosr Foreign Key: Fcode SNO 1 2 3 4 5 Fcode FName Fsizedt Fsize Asstdt Field Name Data type Varchar Varchar Date/Time Numeric Date/Time 10 25 8 9 8 Size Description Fund Code c Name Fund Size Date Fund Size Amount Asset Allocation Date 6 7 8 Equity Debt Others Numeric Numeric Numeric 9 9 9 Equity Value Debt Value Others Value

9 10 11 12 13

Cname Inst Rating Mvalue Pervalue

Varchar Varchar Varchar Numeric Numeric

25 25 25 9 9

Company Name Instrument Rating Market Value Percentage of Net Asset

Table Name: Dividend Foreign Key: Fcode SNO 1 2 3 4 5 Fcode FName Scheme Rdate Ratediv Field Name Data type Varchar Varchar Varchar Date/Time Numeric 10 25 25 8 9 Size Description Fund Code Fund Name Scheme Name Record Date Rate of Dividend

Table Name: Fund Compare Foreign Key: Fcode SNO 1 2 3 4 Fcode FName Category Fcode2 Field Name Data type Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar 10 25 25 25 Size Description Fund Code Fund Name Category Compare Fund Code 5 Fname2 Varchar 50 Compare Fund Name 6 Month Varchar 10 Monthwise Compare 7 NAV Varchar 25 NAV Value

8 9 10

Category Struct Avgper

Varchar Varchar Numeric

10 10 9

Category Structure Average Performance




BSE Sensex

Table Name: Fund Rank Primary Key: Rank SNO 1 2 3 4 Rank Type Category Period Field Name Data type Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar 10 25 25 25 Size Description Rank Code Type of Funds Category Period

Table Name: NAV Foreign Key: Fcode SNO 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fcode FName Sname Date NAV Perform Field Name Data type Varchar Varchar Varchar Date/Time Numeric Varchar 10 25 25 9 9 25 Size Description Fund Code Fund Name Scheme Name Date NAV Value Performance

Table Name: SIP Calculator Foreign Key: Fcode SNO Field Name Data type Size Description

1 2 3 4

Fcode FName Bmark Insamt

Varchar Varchar Varchar Numeric

10 25 25 9

Fund Code Fund Name Bench Mark Installment Amount

5 6 7 8 9 10

Period Eload Sdate Fdate Tdate Value

Varchar Varchar Varchar Date/Time Date/Time Numeric

25 10 10 8 8 9

Period Entry Load SIP Date From Date To Date Value

Table Name: Return Calculator Foreign Key: Fcode SNO 1 2 3 4 5 Fcode FName Fdate Tdate Return Field Name Data type Varchar Varchar Date/Time Date/Time Numeric 10 25 8 8 9 Size Description Fund Code Fund Name From Date To Date Return Percentage

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