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Group 7 | 4CA5 Case 1: Cherifer Forte with Zinc

BELTRAN, Alyssa Marie RODRIGUEZ, Joy Michelle TORRECAMPO, Ma. Ella Mae VILLANUEVA, Shekinah Rose

Table of Contents
Brief Background ............................................................................................................................ 2 Where Are We? Standing in the Market ............................................................................................................ 3 Users Responses ..................................................................................................................... 3 Why Are We There? SWOT Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 5 The S-R Strategy ...................................................................................................................... 6 Target Person ...................................................................................................................... 6 Target Responses ................................................................................................................ 6 Tone Personality ................................................................................................................. 6 Key Marketing Issues .......................................................................................................... 6 Where Do We Want To Be? Primary Target Market ........................................................................................................ 7 SecondaryTarget Market .................................................................................................... 7 Key Objectives ..................................................................................................................... 8 How Do We Get There? Phase 1 ................................................................................................................................ 9 Phase 2 .............................................................................................................................. 10 Phase 3 .............................................................................................................................. 11 Phase 4 .............................................................................................................................. 11 Funds Allocation Television .............................................................................................................. 12 Radio ..................................................................................................................... 14 Print ....................................................................................................................... 15 Events .................................................................................................................... 15 Are We Getting There? ................................................................................................................ 17

Brief Background
15 years ago, Cherifer was introduced in the Philippine market. The manufacturer of this brand is GruppoMedica Inc., and the marketer is InterMed Marketing Philippines Inc., under the Meneses Group of Companies. In that time, Cherifer was the first to introduce Chorella Growth Factor with other multivitamins. The actual molecule of CGF is contained in Cherifer. With its formulation and production, the high-concentration of CGF was made use of. So, Cherifer, because of the pure form of CGF in every bottle, is said to maximize the growth potential of a child. Now, one of Cherifers product lines is the one called Cherifer Forte with Zinc. This one is for a child who is currently in his growth gap years (2-6 years old) and need to maximize his growth potential and a boost in his immune system. This is an orange-flavored vitamin with double strength Chorella Growth Factor that gives greater chance of a child in maximizing his fullest growth potential. Also, Cherifer Forte with Zinc contains Amino Acids, Lysine, Taurine, and Zinc. Lysine improves a childs appetite and helps the body in converting the nutrients of the food. Taurine helps in enhancing the brain and the development of the retina of the eyes of the child. Zinc helps in boosting a childs immune system. And other vitamins, like vitamina A for giving a better health of the eyes of a child and vitamin B for helping his metabolism, are also contained in each bottle. All these vitamins and minerals can boost its effects when it goes along with the proper diet, rest/sleep, and nutrional intake of a child.


Standing in the Market Cherifer has established itself as one of the leading brands in the multivitamins and food supplement industry that exhibits the pampatangkad concept. The brand and its product lines have positioned themselves in the market as the brand that offers its consumer the help they need in terms of growing taller. And because of that, Cherifer is able to gain a big market share. In the Philippines during the year 2006, Cherifer ranked as the 8th drug that had the most number of sales in the May 2006 IMS Drugstore and Hospital Sales. In this rankings, Cherifer is the only multivitamins and food supplement that was mentioned. Cherifer and its different variants like the Cherifer Forte with Zinc is currently available in all most drugstores here in the country. Also, some of its variants are sold in the supermarket. Internationally, Cherifer is available in Seafood City branches in California and Las Vegas, Nevada. Users Responses It has been three years already since I started giving my children, 4 years old and 5 years old, the Cherifer Forte with Zinc. So far, I havent seen any changes when it comes to their height. The only things that I see are their healthier appetite and a change in their sleeping habit. So, maybe, the Tangkad-Sagad thing is not real. - Gina My 6-year old twins are using Cherifer Forte with Zinc for a year and a half now. And I cant see any results. Its just either me or baka masyado pang maaga to tell kung umeepekto. With the Tangkad-Sagad concept, its too soon to tell pero baka totoo nga naman. - Faith

Hindi naman umepekto yung Cherifer na yan sa anak ko. Dalawang taon din yun mula 3 siya hanggang 5. Kaya, hindi ako naniniwala dun sa Tangkad-Sagad na yan. - Linda Gumana naman sa anak ko yun. 2 years old pa lang nagstart na siyang uminom noon. Tapos, every year, tinitignan ko kung may epekto ba at kung tumatangkad ba siya. At, oo, tumangkad naman ngayong 8 na. Kaya yang Tangkad-Sagad, kapani-paniwala naman. - Encar Actually, nagstart yung anak kong uminom nun ng mga 4 ata siya. Napansin ko lang na lumakas yung kain niya. Pero, yung sa tangkad, parang wala naman. Mga 5 years din siyang uminom pero wala, eh. Kaya parang di na ko naniwala sa Tangkad-Sagad. - Christy Maliit talaga anak ko, pati kami ng asawa ko. Kaya pinagamit ko siya nung 5 siya. Eh, 8 na siya ngayon. Medyo tumangkad naman pero di tulad ng inaasahan ko. Pinapainom ko pa naman siya kasi naniniwala akong Tangkad-Sagad! - Beth Hindi. Hindi talaga gumana. 4 years kong pinagamit yon sa anak ko. Mula 8 hanggang 12 siya, eh hindi naman siya tumangkad. Sayang lang yung pera ko kaya di ko na tinuloy nung sinabi ng doktor na painumin ko pa nung isang klase ng Cherifer. Hindi na ako naniniwala dun sa Tangkad-Sagad. - Nenette It didnt work for my child na 9 years old na ngayon. She started taking it ng 3 siya pero, ayon. Wala naman nangyari. She still has the same height. So, di na ko naniniwala sa Tangkad-Sagad na yan. - Digna


SWOT Analysis Cherifer Forte with Zinc Strength Product Place Price Promotion

- Cherifer Forte with Zinc has double strength CGF. So, it offers more in maximizing the growth of the child It is fortified with Amino Acid, Lysine, Taurine and other different vitamins. -It has Zinc which offers help in improving the immune system.


-Many people say that it is not effective. -Its loyal consumers were not satisfied with the results that it gave to them.

-It is available in the drugstores that people usually go to. -Some of its variants are also found in the some local supermarkets. It is also distributed abroad, specifically in California and Las Vegas, Nevada. -It is not available in the small drugstores and those that sell generic medicines.

-It is very affordable for a product that offers the amount of nutrient that it does.

-It already produced TV commercials. -It already released ads in the print media like magazines and newspapers. -It offers sponsorship for different events.

-It does not justify its price because it is not effective.


-It can use more research on how it can make the product effect.

- Strengthen its push strategy in terms of the distribution of products in the market.

- Make it cheaper or maintain price but make the product justify the price.

-It does not deliver what it advertises. No celebrity endorsers. -No radio ads. -The TV ads are in low quality and very amateurishlooking. -Change brand identity in the market since it is known as a product that helps children in growing taller but does not produce such


-There are competitors with the same market that offer the same contents in their products. -And competitors products are effective.

- It competes with other different brands with the same identity in the drugstores.

-The price of the competitors is much cheaper compared to Cherifer.

result. -Produce more high quality ads. -Competitors have better advertising campaign. -Competitors have stronger brand identity.

The S-R Strategy Target Person: Cherifer Forte with Zincs target person or market is a mother who has a child who is 2-6 years old and is in his growth gap years. The parent is seeking for a food supplement that does not only help a child with his health but also for his height and immune system. Target Response: Tinulungan ako ng Cherifer na tumangkad, sumigla, at layuin sa mga sakit! Tone Personality: Cherifer Forte with Zinc is a food supplement that helps a child to improve his growth potential, to make him healthier, and to enhance his immune system. KEY MARKETING ISSUE: The main issue that is needed to address the most is the many consumers do not accept the Tangkad-Sagad concept anymore. They do not believe so much in this any longer because of the ineffectiveness of the product and that the product makes them hope for nothing.


Primary Target Market: Moms with kids 7-12 years old Classes from A, B, and C

Our campaign will focus on Filipino moms with kids 7-12 years old because most often they are the ones that decide on which vitamin supplement their child would take. We imply that either a working mom or a household one, being a mom is the most important factor. We included the following social classes because a bottle of Cherifer is a little bit pricey but still offers more for them when it comes to what it contains. Psychographics: A caring and supportive mother who wants the best for her growing child especially on the growth gap years. She expects her child to grow taller, healthier, with better eyesight and smarter all of this to its utmost potential. With this, she expects that her child will face his life with enthusiasm that will mold his bright future. Secondary Target Market Mothers with children from 2-12 years old Classes C and D Cherifer Forte with Zincs secondary target market is mothers with children that have the ages of 2-12 years old. This is because that even those who are under the age of 7 can also take the food supplement. And it is much suggested that a child starts drinking this at the age of 2 onwards because that is when growth gap years start. Then, the classes C and D are also in the secondary target market because usually, they are the families who have numbers of children which need nutrition like vitamins and minerals in their bodies.

Key Objectives: Communication Program Objectives: To generate brand recall and establish a strong brand identity is the main goal of Cherifer Forte with Zinc through redefining its position as a vitamin supplement for children. The agency was tasked to put together a communications platform that will equate Cherifer Forte with Zinc to being a leading brand on bone growth, and at the same time, re-define the current perception of the consumers that its benefit is only focused on making the child taller, depending on the Tangkad Sagad tagline. Marketing Objectives To generate sales by 10% To make the non-followers switch to Cherifer Forte with Zinc

Expected Deliverable: To drive and maintain the growth of the product. Campaign Duration and Timing: Twelve months Phase 1 Presentation of Print Advertisements through the use of Guerilla marketing in newspapers, family magazines, and public areas emphasizing on the other benefit of the product. Phase 2 Introduction of Radio Advertisement and Television commercial Phase 3 Introduction of a new Television Commercial with the celebrity endorser. Phase 4 Launch of a Summer family event to mark the end of the 1-year campaign


We will utilize Tri media and events marketing to quell advertising problems. In line with this, Paradigm came up with a 4-phased solution that would run in a years span having four quarters, starting from June 2013 to May 2014. Each quarter the company will provide strategies that would guide the product in achieving the key objectives. Phase 1: June 2013-August 2013 For the first quarter, we will introduce the product through the use of Print as our media to the public. Guerilla style of marketing is chosen in order to minimize the expenditure but not compromising the effectiveness of the campaign. The first phase will run from June to August next year and is aimed to raise the products awareness. It will be shown in newspapers, lifestyle magazines, and public areas such as MRT and LRT stations, waiting sheds, Ad spaces in malls and the like to amplify awareness to the new message of the product. A sample is presented below.

Phase 2: September 2013-November 2013 Radio advertisement and a short TV commercial will be introduced on the second phase of the campaign while the print ads are still publicized. The duration of this phase is from September to October next year. This is to serve as a strengthening the appeal of the ads concerning the campaign. A fifteen-second radio ad will be aired on selected FM radio stations according to its target listeners parallel to our target consumers who are the moms then class A, B and upper C consumers. In the case of this campaign, the following radio stations are selected: 1. Wave 89.1 2. Monster RX 93.1 3. Mellow 94.7 4. WRock 96.3 The aforementioned top 5 radio stations will be the prior stations that will air the radio ad. If successful, the radio ad will be aired to other stations depending on the consumers response and return of investments.
Cherifer Forte With Zinc Radio Ad Duration: 00:00:15


Moms, Alam niyo ba na ang Cherifer Forte with Zinc ay hindi Tangkad Sagad lamang? Hindi lang double-strength Chlorella Growth Factor ang Cherifer Forte with Zinc.

Music Fade-in: Cherifer BGM Tangkad Sagad Minus One Mayroon itong: 10

Taurine: pampatalas ng isipan at mata Lysine: pampagana sa pagkain Vitamin B-complex: pampasigla ng katawan At Zinc: pampalakas ng resistensya Kaya, hustuhin ang paglaki ng iyong anak. Tangkad, Lusog, Talino: All in-one bitamina ng iyong anak, Cherifer Forte with Zinc! Music Fade-out

Regarding the short TV commercial, it will be only a commercial that will showcase the products other features, in line with the redefining campaign for the product. No celebrity endorser will be shown yet. It is the same as the script that is used for the radio ad but with visuals showing the product. The commercial will be shown to GMA, ABS-CBN and TV5. This is done to ensure that the new message of the product will be widely known to the target consumers. The celebrity endorser will be revealed in the next commercial for the next phase. The focus of this phase is to instill the new message in the target consumers mind. Phase 3: December 2013-February 2014
The third phase starting November until January will introduce the longer, thirty-second commercial with the celebrity endorser, Jillian Ward, included. The commercial will be aired to the same TV stations aforementioned.

Phase 4: March 2014-May 2014 The fourth and last phase of the campaign will start from March and end in May. The highlight of this phase is the summer event called All-in-One Lakas ng Pamilya! that will start its promotional activities on February and the event will be held on April and May. This two-day events purpose is to promote family bonding through water games and sports on the beach. This event is open for families in the National Capital Region with 4-6 family members. 100 families are the maximum number of families that can join the event.


For the families who want to join the event, they just need to buy Cherifer Forte with Zinc in a Mercury Drugstore and show their receipt to a Cherifer sales representative in the drugstore. They will be given a stub for every receipt and they need to fill out the registration form that will be also given by the sales representative. The first 100 families to register will be the ones to participate in the event. The first day of event will be held on April 20 at Laiya White Cove Beach Resort at Brgy. Laiya, San Juan, Batangas. Then, the second day will be on May 15 at Thunderbird Resort Poro Point at San Fernando City, La Union. The event will start from 3PM 7PM and the families will enjoy this since it will be composed of different family games, short variety shows like puppet shows, and prizes. The main highlight of this event will be the relay games. For the first day, the first 10 families that will accomplish the relay game will advance to the second day of event. On the second day, there will be three winners: 2nd place, 1st place, and the champion that will win Php10,000, Php25,000, and Php50,000 respectively. Funds Allocation
TELEVISION Channels GMA Primetime spot Rate Duration Airing Schedule September: 2x/week Wednesday and Friday


15 seconds

October: 3x/week Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday Afternoon spot ABS-CBN Primetime spot P400,000 15 seconds P30,000

September: 2x/week Monday and Wednesday

October: 3x/week Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 12

Afternoon spot TV5 Primetime spot

P30,000 September : 2x/week P400,000 15 seconds P30,000 Tuesday and Thursday

October: 3x/week Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Afternoon spot

Channels GMA Primetime spot



Airing Schedule


30 seconds

November: 1x/ week, every Friday

December: 2x/week, Monday and Afternoon spot P200,000 Wednesday January: 2x/week, Tuesday and Thursday ABS-CBN Primetime spot P1,000,000 30 seconds

November: 1x/week every Thursday

Afternoon spot


December: 2x/week every Wednesday and Friday January: 2x/week every Monday and Tuesday


Primetime spot


30 seconds

November: 1x/week every Wednesday


Afternoon spot P200,000

December: 2x/ week every Monday and Friday January: 2x/week every Tuesday and Thursday

RADIO Station Wave 89.1 Rate P 10,000 Duration 15 seconds Airing Schedule September: 6x/week Friday, Saturday and Sunday 2x afternoon, 2x evening) October: 6x/week ) Monster RX 93.1 P 5, 880 15 seconds Friday, Saturday & Sunday (2x afternoon, 2x evening September: 6x/week Friday, Saturday and Sunday (2x afternoon, 2x evening) October: 6x/week Friday, Saturday & Sunday (2x afternoon, 2x evening) Mellow 94.7 P 5,000 15 seconds September: 6x/week Friday, Saturday and Sunday (2x afternoon, 2x evening) October: 6x/week g ) WRock 96.3 P 6,000 15 seconds Friday, Saturday & Sunday (2x afternoon, 2x evening) September: 6x/week Friday, Saturday and Sunday (2x afternoon, 2x evening) October: 6x/week Friday, Saturday & Sunday 14

(2x afternoon, 2x evening) PRINT

Newspaper Philippine Star Philippine Daily Inquirer Manila Bulletin Magazines Good Housekeeping Smart Parenting

Rate P 400,000 P 400,000 P 400,000 Rate P650,000.00/month

Size Full page Full page Full page Size Full page Full page

Schedule June: 1x/week-Sunday July: 1x/week-Sunday August: 1x/week-Sunday Schedule June, July, and August June, July, and August


OOH Shed Ad Placement LRT 2 Train Ad Placement Billboard

For the month of June (30 days) P80,000 P700,000 P1,195,000

Events April 20 Resort Transportation Miscellaneous 600,000 150,000 150,000

May 15 Resort Transportation Miscellaneous 200,000 100,000 250,000 15

Total Budget per Advertisement Placement: A. Television: B. Radio: C. Print -Newspaper: -Magazine: -OOH D. Events Php 4,800,000 Php 3,372,000 Php 1,975,000 Php 1,450,000 Php 97,800,000 Php 1,290,000


PHP 110,687,000



One of the marketing objectives of this IMC plan for Cherifer is generate sales by 10%. This percentage should maintain Cherifers position as the leading brand in its market and category. So, Cherifer is targeting to gain 2.1B of sales by the end of June 2014. The target sales will depend on each phases activities. From the 110.687M expenses, the likely return of investments is the 1.8B target sales. For the first 2 phases, the expected response of the market is the stronger awareness of the Cherifer Forte with Zinc product. Through the print ads and the radio ads, the market is expected to know more about Cherifer Forte with Zinc. And also, it is expected that on this first two phases, the non-followers of the brand and the secondary target market will be able to start testing the product. For the third phase, this is the time that the campaign will be able to establish their strong brand identity by pushing more through the release of the second TV commercial with the new celebrity endorser. But also, this phase only includes the TV commercial since it is also the time that the campaign will be starting to prepare for the last phase. The last phase is consisted of the summer event. By this time, it is expected that the campaign has been able to gain loyal consumers to the brand. Also, it is important that on this phase, the campaign will be almost reaching their 10% target in terms of the sales.


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