Octorara High School Brave Times Fall-Winter 2012

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Op art is a mathematical themed form of abstract art, using the repetition of simple figures and colors to make the

picture appear to be moving, or vibrating. It contains abstract patterns that usually consist of a contrast between foreground and background, most commonly using black and white for the maximum contrast.

What Do You See? By Nicolas Myers

decemBer 13 is The OJrhs Band and chOrus cOncerT aT 7:00 p.m. all cOncerTs are held in daller audiTOrium aT OcTOrara area JuniOr-seniOr high schOOl. decemBer 14 is The chrisTmas dance. sign up fOr maTh laB. geT help wiTh maTh prOBlems, review a lessOn, Or geT help wiTh hOmewOrk. The newspaper is sTill lOOking fOr sTudenTs TO cOnTriBuTe pOems, raps, cOmics, wOrks Of arT, wriTing samples, spOrTs cOverage, eTc... if yOu are inTeresTed please see mr. heffner in rOOm 233.

The Brave Times

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter By Kelli Maher

Volume 2, Issue 1 Fall / Winter 2012

What do you see A girl or an old women?

You see the word Liar. But now, turn your head sideways What do you see?

Brave Horoscopes By: Rose Semeneck

A Horoscope is a chart of the heavens, showing the position of planets. There are 12 signs of the zodiac based on the date of your What do you see What do you see A man playing the sax or a womens a candle holder or two people talking? birth. Some believe the horoscope can predict the events in a persons silhouette? life or even their future behaviors. Some people think that your horoscope determines your destiny and it cannot be changed. We dont believe this! We think it shows possibilities! How will you use your horoscope? We hope your horoscope helps guide your future behaviors to be BRAVE! August 24th to September 22nd Virgo- This year is nonstop action for you. You appreciate speed but still dont like to venture into the unknown. When your life changes to quickly, its impossible to know where it will land. September 23rd to October 22nd Libra- Some people have been dreading 2012 and the end of the world but not you. Business is tricky to navigate when it comes to balances of giving and taking. October 23rd to November 21st Scorpio- This is the year of reckoning. You have successfully learned how to think outside the box and be creative. Its how you work the best now. Your creativity can turn into big job opportunities. November 22nd to December 21st Sagittarius- Youve experienced dramatic endings and beginnings recently. You expand your talents with your work and its a perfect time to find a job and mentors that suit what you like to do.
Octorara Area School District is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, and handicap in Editor-in-chief: David Heffner activities, programs, or employment practices as required by Title VI, and section Nelly Christ Sabastian Murphy 504. For information regarding civil rights, grievance procedures, or service, activiAlisha Arora Emily Maser Nick Myers ties and facilities that are accessible to and usable by handicapped persons, contact Libby Sweet Ashlee Leamont Rhiannon Haven Director of Special Services at: Kevin Luna Diego Tenorio Kelli Maher Octorara School District Holly Fisher Faith Piper Rose Semeneck Kayli Dickinson 226 Highland Road Jason Guzman Anna Cassidy Atglen, Pennsylvania 19310 (610)-593-8254

Newspaper Staff:

Brave Times Equal Opportunity Statement

Harry Potter over four million copies sold world wide in over sixty-seven languages. The phenomenon of its popularity has flowed over from ink and paper to the real world. Located at the Island of Adventure in Orlando Florida, Harry Potter has literally come to life with shops, rides, restaurants, and more. One of the must see attractions is the Forbidden Journey, but youll want to get there early if you want to escape the possible two hour wait without air conditioning. Another way to escape the wait is to just be excited. When my family and I were about to get in line we were literally jumping up and down with excitement. That was until a worker stopped us, after he asked us if it was our first time, we found our selves being sent through the castle straight to the front of the line. Looks like we were at the right place at the right time as far as that goes. My luck of course ran out after that, but Ill get back to that later. The shopping was great, even if I didnt end up buying a lot due to high prices. Be careful what you buy, make sure to think it over or your money will be gone in the blink of an eye. All of the shops were great, but my personal favorite was Honeydukes, the candy shop. There they sold the most iconic treats from Harry Potter, one of them being the chocolate frog. These frogs didnt try to jump away from you like in the movies; they did, however, have a card just like in the books. There were only five cards you could get: one of the four Hogwarts founders or Albus Dumbledore. I purchased three frogs, knowing that left only a one in one hundred twenty-five chance of me getting the one card I didnt want. Needless to say, they were all Rowena Ravenclaws, the only card I dont particularly like. Some of the not so great things, and there werent many, would be things like the heat or how crowded it was. Both of those things are out of the parks control though. As far as things to watch out for, there isnt a whole lot of variety at the restaurants, so dont plan on eating every meal there. As I mentioned before, be careful how you spend your money, as a lot of the things there are quite expensive. The biggest thing, I think, is to arrive early. It may be a drag getting up so early on vacation, but itll be worth it once you see how long the lines get later in the day. It was most certainly an amazing trip, we planned for years and it was definitely worth it in the end. For all you Harry Potter fans, if you ever get the opportunity to go its fantastic. And for those who havent understood a word of this article, try reading the book. It will take you some place even more magical without even having to leave the comfort of your home.
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Life of a Scout By Faith Piper

The Importance of Art and Music: How Do the Arts Contribute to Education? By Libby Sweet
Education is no substitute for pure raw talent. However it is a good foundation on which talent may build. (David Allio) Did you know that students who participate in art education are three times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement, elected to class office in their school, participate in a math and science fair, win an award for school attendance, and win an award for writing an essay or poem. Did you also know that it has been proven that art educated students get higher SAT scores than their peers by an average of 91 points? These are just some of the many reasons that art education is important. Numerous schools across the nation are faced with serious budget deficits and have no choice but to cut programs. Some schools in America have chosen to cut sports programs or move to booster club sponsored activities. Many schools are stopping or cutting back on Art education. One out of four schools cut their Art education programs. This statistic could continue to get worse if the economy doesnt improve. No one knows how bad this could get. Here are some reasons that schools should continue to fund Art education and why students should continue art education. The following facts were taken from several studies completed across the nation and here are the findings: 1. Music and art helps students academically. Seven out of ten principals believe that music education is very important to a students academic success. As said above, Art educated students get higher SAT scores then their peers by an average of 91 points. That could make the difference of getting in a top college or not. It gives students a challenge. Learning notes and the ways to play them is an extremely challenging thing. This prepares students to work harder in other subjects. 2. Music and art ability uses the right side of the brain. This side of the brain also includes many of our bodys actions, thoughts, imagination, and creativity. This helps you use your brain more and influences you to focus and work on tasks. 3. Music and art builds self esteem. Performing at concerts shows you can set goals and accomplish anything you set out to do. Self esteem will make you more confident in yourself. This can help you academically as well as getting into a college or being hired for a job. 4. Music and art are an escape from the real world. They can help calm an individual and can be meditative. If you were struggling in math or if you are going through a rough patch in your life, music can act as therapy for you. Music also helps focus someone. Some people believe that art and music are distracting to students but recent studies show just the opposite. Some students with attention issues can help remove external distracters by listening to music quietly while reading or studying text. In some cases it helps students be more focused and it doesnt harm them at all. Facts from the studies listed above Page 2 Cont on page 3 This year is the 100th Anniversary of Girl Scouts which started in Georgia in 1912. A little girl named Juliette Gordon Low first started Girl Scouts. One reason Girl Scouts was started was that the Boy Scouts got tired of have girls in their meetings. That sounds pretty mean right! (Talk about ladys first!?) Similar to Boy Scouts, girls learn skills in order to earn merit badges to move up the ranks. The ranks are Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, Cadette, Senior and Ambassador. Daisies are the entry level rank and where you begin the process of becoming an Ambassador. An Ambassador is the equivalent rank to that of an Eagle Scout. At 5 years old you become a Daisy and the vest you wear is blue. You move to the rank of a Brownie at the next stage. This stage begins when you start 2nd grade and you wear a brown vest. In 4th grade you move on to the rank of a Junior and you receive a green vest. After that youre a Cadette in 5th grade and wear a tan vest for the rest of the ranks. Senior rank starts in at 9th grade and finally the Ambassador in 11th grade. Unlike other ranks you only have one year to complete this last rank. My troop is a Cadette ranked troop and we will achieve the rank of Senior next year. My troop number is 4673 and it is a small troop of only four girls. If you are interested we are in need of more people to join our troop. One of the goals of Girl Scouting is to complete awards and merit badges. I am currently working on the Silver Award. Only 5% of Girl Scouts complete Silver Award project, its the highest level award a cadette can earn. It teaches responsibility and leadership. You also have to work really hard on this project and if you dont it just a waste of time. Some people are doing their Silver Award for a scholarship. Im doing my project because I found a cause to work with and to give to the teaching staff and students of Octorara Area School District. The basic recruitments for this this project is as flowed. 1. Identify issues you care about. 2. Build your Girl Scout Silver Award team or decide to go solo. 3. Explore your community. 4. Pick your Silver Award project. The Silver Award project must be done in the local community(beyond the Girl Scout community). 5. Develop your project and submit it for approval. 6. Make a plan and put it into motion. 7. Reflect, share your story, and celebrate. Unlike some individuals, I am doing the project not just for the scholarship but I am doing it for the teachers, staff and students at Octorara. For my project, I am renovating the schools faculty room. The steps I took to start my project were, first I went to training and I was so excited to go that day. Next, I asked Ms. Wilson what the school needed. Thats how I decided to make the faculty room my project. After doing the paperwork and answering Girl Scout councils survey I came to the conclusion this was a worthy cause. The Silver Award is not a project that you have to do in Girl Scouts. I believe its just something that I think will help the community. As a result of my project, the students and staff will both benefit from the final product. The Silver Award project has been a great learning experience and teaches me something new all the time. It has taught me how to set goals to stay on task. I am learning to be a better leader through assigning small jobs to others. These leadership skills will help throughout life not just for this project. It has taught me how to manage my money as well as individuals. By teaching others what to do and I am learning myself. My number one goal is to provide teachers, staff and students their own space to be free a place to go unwind and relieve some daily stress. Girl Scouts is a wonderful thing to be a part of for many reasons. One reason participating in Girl Scouts is important to me is that it looks good on college applications. Now days with colleges being more and more selective, students need to participate in extra-curricular organizations to get a leg up on the competition. Completing the Silver and Gold projects can help you can get scholarships and the satisfaction of given help to someone in need. Join Girl Scouts today its a great way to learn skills and help others. If you are interested in joining please see Ms. Wallace or I to get more information. Our annual Girl Scout Cookie sale starts right after the holiday break in January. Please support the Girl Scouts by purchasing your cookies! I have included a picture of the Silver Award and of the pin that youll get if you complete the Silver Award project. This is one of the highest awards received in the Girl Scouts.

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The Endangered Species Corner-Snow Leopard By Holly Fisher

This year, I will be doing a column on endangered species. As a result of over hunting, global warming and the worlds population hitting 7 billion this past year many species are facing extinction within the next 20 years. Some scientists predict nearly 1/3 of all species could face extinction before the end of the century. The definition of an endangered species is an animal thats population is so small that the species is at risk of going extinct. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has calculated the number of endangered species is 40% of all organisms. I will be showcasing four endangered species this year that I believe we should all try to help. The first Endangered Species showcase will focus on the Snow Leopard. Snow Leopards Have you ever gone to the zoo and seen the beautiful Snow Leopards? This animal resembles its cousin, the tan leopard. Their spots look alike, along with most everything else about them. The snow leopard is most recognizable by its long tail and almost white coat. This helps them blend in with their surroundings but also contributes to the reason they are nearing extinct. This animal prefers to be high up in the cold, snowy mountains of Central Asia. These beautiful cats have extremely powerful legs, and can leap up to 50 feet. They use their long tails for balance and warmth in the cold mountains. Like most cats the snow leopards as you can imagine eats a lot. They are carnivorous, which means they eat mostly meat, but they also eat some plants. They are known to be able to kill animals three to four times their size! It is not unheard of for a Snow Leopard to attack and eat a mountain goat! These animals are beautiful and their coats are highly valued on the black market. As a result poachers are killing them in alarming numbers. The sad fact about this animal is that it is an endangered species. The exact number of snow leopards left in the wild is unknown, but the estimated population is 4,500 to 5,000. There are two main causes for the decrease in population. One is that this beautiful animal is hunted for its fur and bones. Another reason for the decline is destruction of their habitat. Many countries including the United States are beginning to house and breed these beautiful leopards in zoos around the nation. The closest place to see a Snow Leopard is the Cape May Zoo! Please help save this beautiful creature! To learn more about the snow leopard, you can go to these websites; http://www.wcs.org/saving-wildlife/big-cats/snow-leopard.aspx http://www.defenders.org/snow-leopard/basic-facts?gclid=CPfykNPSn7MCFQOf4AodPC8AWA http://snowleopardconservancy.org/text/help/help.htm?gclid=CP_X1qXTn7MCFdI7OgodqSYAjQ http://www.snowleopard.org/

Cont from page 2 are found in the following websites. Perhaps school districts should take a long hard look before cutting or eliminating Art and Music programs. By cutting these programs schools may actually be doing more harm than good. If you are interested in more information relating to support for Art and Music education, there is a program supporting this cause called VH1 Save The Music Foundation. You can donate to this cause through http://vh1savethemusic.com/. Even if you dont donate, just check it out! Maybe you can attend one of their concerts that music and the arts are worth saving! http://www.dosomething.org/tipsandtools/11-facts-about-arts-education http://www.parenthood.com/article-topics/what_the_arts_teach_our_kids.html http://quote.robertgenn.com/getquotes.php?catid+90 The arts position in the school curriculum symbolizes to the young what adults believe is important. (Elliot W. Eisner)

Octorara Junior High Starts a Cross Country Team By Anna Cassidy

In the past years Octorara School District has had to make some difficult discussions concerning the middle school sports program. As a result of budgetary cutbacks the junior high has lost a number of sports teams and has lost its diversity in the athletics department. This year has been different. The number of athletic sports available to students has grown by adding back an activity. That activity was Cross Country. The team consisted of sixteen runners, all of which gave a 100% and pushed themselves hard. As a new sport, there were many uncertainties and newcomers to the sport. With the combined effort of the team and Coach Rudisill they were able to complete a fantastic season on October the 26th at the Chesmont League Championship meet. Cross Country is different from most types of sports. Distance running is used for conditioning in a number of sports but it is not the main event. Cross Country is the sport of running but different from Track and Field. It is more than just running on the track or on the road. Cross Country is running over all terrains imaginable. Courses include many hills, rocks, trails, fields, and even creeks. Runners challenge themselves in many ways. During middle school years the course is two miles long. In high school, the course is 3.1 miles long and in college the course is five miles long. Cross Country allows people to stay conditioned so they are ready to play harder in their primary sports season. Some of these sports include baseball, basketball, and wrestling. In order to be a good distance runner you must have a number of strengths. Distance runners need to be dedicated, work hard and develop great endurance. Participants must use many different types of muscles in their upper and lower bodies as well as great core strength. In order to be successful, you need to have courage and in most cases endure more pain than your competitors. Cross Country is unique because it is both an individual sport and a team sport. Individuals can have fun beating their personal records, their opponents, or they can even enjoy beating a team mate on occasion. The race is run as an individual, but at the end of the race the top five runners from each team have their places in the race totaled to create a team score. Like golf, the lowest score wins. Throughout the season the team worked hard in order to improve their endurance skills, personal times and the team score. In the last race of the season at the Chesmont League Championships, all team members had personal records by improving on their times by fifty seconds or more from the first race of the season. Congratulations runners and here is to many more successful seasons ahead! The 2012 Cross Country team members included: Coach: Mr. Rudisill Team: -Andrew Allison 7th -Shannon Amole 7th -Ian Auberzinsky 8th -Zymera Butcher 8th -Anna Cassidy 8th -Billy Dastalfo 7th -Colin Delestienne 7th -Dylan Kendig 7th -Bryce Knox 7th -Ashlee Leamont 7th -Brent Mattis 7th -Adrianna McCaw 7th -Bailey Pappas 7th -Elise Robinson 7th -Matt Rudisill 7th -Ben Stapleton 8th

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Book: Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles #1) Published: December 1, 2009 Authors: Kami Garcia, Margaret Stohl For fans of: Twilight by Stephanie Meyer If you like: Witches, wizards, vampires, and love stories with some crazy adventures. Summary: Nothing happens in the small town of Gatlin, South Carolina. Nothing. In fact, Ethan Wate is impatiently waiting for the day when he graduates high school and can finally leave Gatlin. Things change for Ethan when a new girl comes to town. Lena Duchannes is somehow related to the mysterious Macon Ravenwood- and for that reason, no one likes her. When she and Ethan start to talk, they find out that they can not only talk without speaking, but they also have dreams that are pretty much the same. Now that Ethan knows her secret, he wont ever look at Gatlin the same way again. Comments: There are four books (and a short story) in the Caster Chronicles, and all that have come out so far are really good. Ive read Beautiful Creatures, Beautiful Darkness, and Beautiful Chaos, which are the first three books. The fourth book, Beautiful Redemption, comes out on October 23, 2012. Theres also going to be a movie based off of the first book. Its going to be in theatres starting on February 13, 2012. I think theyre all really great, and I hope that the movie follows the books well. Rating: 10 Website: To learn extra information about the characters and books, you can go onto http://thecasterchronicles.wikia.com

Brave Book Reviews By Ashlee Leamont

Cont from page 8 leaving yourself behind. It can be informative, fun, exciting, scary, funny anything you want it to be. The best way to find the book for you, is find a friend or somebody who has the same taste in movies or even books as you and read what they like, maybe you can read each others top ten list of books. Reading is an adventure, and reading is not for nerds. Pick up that Cabot or Collins book and uncover the plot and story written in those pages. You never know you might like it!! HAPPY READING! The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn the more places youll go. I asked reading experts on why they thought reading was important and here are their replies. Why Students Should Read There are many reasons why students, and everyone, should read on a regular basis. Reading builds our vocabularies, increases our knowledge, makes us better writers, and opens up opportunities for us. Research shows that students who read the most are the highest achievers. In fact, the single Braves Times Crossword Challenge most important predictor By Emily Maser & Nelly Christ of academic success is the amount of time a student 1 2 spends reading. But really, the most important reason students should read is that 3 reading is fun. Reading 4 takes you places, opens up 5 6 7 the world for you, and helps you learn about yourself and others. Students who dont 8 9 enjoy reading just havent found the right books yet. 10 11 ~Mrs. Hinton Reading is an important skill to master no matter what path you take in life. As a coach, I know you dont improve without practice. Hopefully, students will take advantage of the opportunity to practice and improve their reading skills each and every day. ~Mr. Miller
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Book: Anna Dressed in Blood Published: August 30, 2011 Author: Kendare Blake For fans of: Ghost stories, the Strange Angels series by Lili St. Crow and I think fans of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins would like this book as well. If you like: Ghosts and ghost hunters Summary: Cas Lowood has an odd job for a seventeen year old- he kills the dead. Armed with his knowledge and his dead fathers deadly athame(a knife that can kill ghosts) he and his kitchen-witch mother travel across America and sometimes into Canada following stories of violent ghosts. When he goes to Canada to hunt down a ghost that the locals call Anna Dressed in Blood, he doesnt expect much other than his usual routine, but he was so wrong. Instead, he finds an innocent girl tangled in a web of curses with a gruesome past of killings. Anna kills anyone that steps over the threshold into her house, and for whatever reason, she spares his life. Comments: They do swear in this story, and it is violent, so if you dont really like violence I suggest that you dont read this story, because it is very detailed. There is a sequel called Girl of Nightmares, which came out this past summer. The story is amazing. Its 320 pages but its a quick read. Rating: 10 Website: for information about the author, Anna Dressed in Blood and its sequel, and reviews from critics and authors, you can go onto http://kendareblake.com Page 4


Across 8. What does the 'B' stand for in the 'BRAVES' acronym? 9. The 'R' in 'BRAVES' stands for what? 10. The 'S' in the acronym 'BRAVES' stands for what? 11. How many pets does Mrs. Rios have? 12. What is one of Mr. Heffner's hobbies? 14. How many math teachers are in the Jr. High School?

Down 1. The 'A' in the 'BRAVES' acronym stands for... 2. How many years has Mr. DiMaio been teaching? (2 Words) 3. What does the 'V' stand for in 'BRAVES'? 4. Who has the most experience in the OJHS? 5. Who is the art teacher in the Jr. High School? 6. What does the 'E' stand for in the 'BRAVES' acronym? 7. Who is the band director for the Jr./Sr. High? 12. Mr. Miller's favorite sport. 13. What is Mrs. Kieffer's favorite color?

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Art Showcase By Nicolas Myers

Name: Olivia Phillips Grade: 8th What are your feelings about art? I love art. To me art is very relaxing and fun. Who is your favorite artist and why? Vincent van Gogh is my favorite artist. My favorite work of his is Starry Night.
1. A: Yes

New Staff Interview Mr. Calvin D. Samuel By Jason Guzman and Sabastian Murphy
Q: Is this your first year of teaching? 2. Q: What made you want to come to Octorara? A: Student Teaching at Lincoln University placed me at Octorara. 3. Q: Why did you choose to be a History teacher? A: I chose to be a History teacher because of my mentor and Professor Walker. Originally, when I came to college I didnt have the notion of being a teacher in mind. However, through the tutelage and wisdom of Professor Walker she inspired me that teaching and learning can free ones mind from ignorance and misconceptions. Additionally, being able to serve and inspire twenty five-thirty students at a time is a mind blowing and powerful concept that should not be taken for granted. History is a subject that students shy away from and think that is going to be boring. However, when I help students to understand that their lives are as important as an event in history. Then, they are more inclined to learn the occurrences of history and it doesnt become random facts and dates that are meaningless. Over the past four and a half years the pedagogy that has been bestowed upon me from Lincoln University the first Historically Black College and University. I am following in the footsteps of individuals such as Langston Hughes (Harlem Renaissance writer and poet), Thurgood Marshall (first black Supreme Court Justice), and the first presidents of Africa. The teachers that have shaped my indulgence in teaching are: Dr. Babatunde, Professor Walker, Dr. GaitherHardy, Dr. Nwachuku, Dr. Butler, Dr. Petchauer, Dr. MaWhinney, and Dr. West. Let me not be remised to forget any and all faculty that has shaped my professional and academic development. Concluding, this is why I want to become a History teacher I understand the sacrifice my fore parents and ancestors went through and I owe a great service to them along with the future scholars that are to come. 4. Q: Where are you from? A: I am from Brooklyn, NY 5. Q: What other schools have you taught at? A: I have taught Edison High School, Coatesville Elementary, and School of the Future. 6. Q. What are some of your likes? A: I like to read, be a mentor, learn from life experiences, watch football, and my favorite is the Indianapolis Colts. I am also an avid fan of the game of basketball and my favorite team is the Los Angeles Lakers. 7. Q: What are some of your dislikes? A: The things I dislike are: problematic people, who are filled with drama, and the New England Patriots. I dislike individuals are not genuine in what they portray to present. 8. Q: Where do you go to college? A: Lincoln University 9. Q: If you could pick any other job, what would you be? A: I would be a motivational speaker. 10. Q: What is your favorite food? A: My favorite food is a Caribbean dish called roti. Roti is a wrap that is filled with potatoes and an assortment of meat. 11. Q: What is your favorite animal? A: My favorite animal is a lion. 12. Q: What is your favorite color? A: My favorite color is blue. 13. Q: If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would you live? A: I would live in an island in the Caribbean that is called Antigua. The reason is because my family is from this beautiful island that has 365 beaches one for every day of the year. 14. Q: What is your favorite movie? A: There are a number of ways that I could answer this question. However, if I have to narrow it down to one it would be Just Wright. This movie co-stars Queen Latifah and Common. Queen Latifah is a representative for Cover Girl amongst being a musician and actress. She has acted in movies such as Barber Shop 2, Beauty Shop, and Just Wright. Common is a musician that is originally from Chicago and he invites the audience into the movie. This is the first movie I ever saw with my girlfriend so that is of sentimental value as well. 15. Q: What was your favorite subject in school? A: Public Speaking A special thanks to Mr. Samuel for allowing us to interview him after school. Check our next newspaper issue for another student teacher interview.

Reading is an adventure. You have probably heard that quote or seen that written on a poster in your C.A teachers room. It is not just a random slogan every reading teacher says; it is the truth. There are many reasons why you should read. To start with, the slogan itself has a meaning: reading can really take you on an adventure. Books sometimes teleport you into the plot and make you feel the thoughts and feelings of the characters. Some books are so well written that the book gets your adrenaline going, gets you on the edge of your seat, and gets you so involved into that story that you wont even hear the dismissal bell. Books also expand our knowledge and conception of the world around us. You may argue that movies, shows and documentaries do just that too, but I believe that books are a much better alternative. They allow each reader to experience the same story using ones own imagination. When a hundred people watch a movie or a show, they see the same thing whatever the director or the operator wishes to show. Those movies or shows dont give you the opportunity to take and use the message given and incorporate that in your own perception. Books are very different. The experience achieved through reading is richer and more personal, since the same description and the same word choice will result in as many different interpretations as there are readers. We are all unique, and books allow us to experience whatever is narrated, in the light of our own personal values, through our own ideas and our imagination. Another reason why you should read is that when you write you can input different styles of different authors to make your writing unique and interesting to read. Writing plain and boring makes your reader feel that you are plain and boring. But if you write creatively with neat ways to say the same thing, your reader will really be impressed and feel what you are trying to convey. Books enrich our vocabulary, and also introduce us to new ideas and offer us a wider choice of words. With every book you read, you become more intelligent. Even reading one fiction book per month, can enrich ones personal vocabulary with dozens of new words, and help build more concise sentences and help to express oneself better, making ones speech more intelligent and sophisticated. Reading for some people, is an escape from the real world. It helps people take a break from their normal lifestyle. Reading is a nice way to relax and take our mind off of things. Reading is proven to increase brain function, concentration, and decision making abilities, all categories of books- fiction novels, non-fiction, biographies, etc. enable us to learn from the characters and possibly relate to the characters experiences. Lastly, reading is fun, I know that is an opinionated statement but there is nothing not to like about reading. Reading is a relaxing and effective way to have fun and get away from it all. You get into someone elses shoes for a while Page 8 Cont on page 9

Reading Is an Adventure By Alisha Arora

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Grade 7 Shannon Amole Gina Angelo Alisha Arora Jeremy Beveridge Donald Black Jessica Brewer Kaija Brown Samantha Carlin Miranda Carr Savannah Craven Ethan Creveling Jarod Dagney Emily Dewey Taylor Esh Kendall Gibson Andrew Hansen Jordan Hart Michael Johnsen Ashlee Leamont Leah Lofgren Kelly Lomboy Daniela Lopez Brent Mattis Adrianna McCaw Paige McKenna Nicole Meek Sarah Meek Joseph Meyer Aaren Milne Natalie Mowrey Emma Myles Meredith Norris KeAsia Oliver Megan Priddy Christian Ray Elise Robinson Jada Rubincam Matthew Rudisill Joshua Ruger Hannah Sellers Lauren Sweigart Sofia Tellez Miranda Thompson Kelly Wenzka Bailey Wilson Grade 8 Haley Arnsberger Tabatha Boohar Emily Bright Courtney Burkhardt Anna Cassidy Trevor Crews Sarah Croft Devon Dorbich Myra Eckman Hope Anne Formica Daniel Garfinkle Christian Hampton Sean Hazen Margaret Hutchison Brooke King Cassidy King Camryn Koennecker Erin Lomboy Timothy Lubrano Kelli Maher Jordan Martino Nicolas Myers Samuel Schempp Benjamin Stapleton Olivia Strauss Lindsey Topper David Villagomez Zachary Ward Emma Warhol Deanna Yarrish Melina Yelovich

Skittles eat the rainbow. Andrea Alonzo Yennifer Bedolla Zymera Butcher Emma Carr Brett Carrigan Michael Choudhary Austin Clolery Nashalie Cruz-Vega Mark Daisey Olivia DeHaven Nicholas Dewey Kayli Dickinson Mason Dillon-Hill Alexander Dilworth


Taylor Dixon Kiersten Dougherty Chloe Feeny Meredith Fox Lucas Friel Kylee Fuller William Gildersleeve Emily Grady Christopher Ham Rhiannon Haven Amanda Herr Joseph Hills Noah Hoopes Miles Horton Isabelle Jobe Sarah Johnson Kylie Kettner Katie Kuderka Nathan Lantz Madeleine LeFevre Briana Lewis Nathan Lewis Elizabeth Luscavage Madelyn Mahoney Andrew Maillie Jonathan Michalski Alayna Miller Camilo Molina Allison Nunemaker Kendal Reynolds Brandi Rowe Alexander Sellitto Rose Semeneck Emily Solomon Daniel Tarlo Jessica Thompson Amanda Trauger Emily VanKoevering Nathaniel Walter Brandon Watterson Emily Wheeler


Annie Arriviello Liam Babauta Joshua Budzik David Butler Colin Cassel Juan Chavez-Paniagua Kara Clark Madison Cocchi Mackenzie Coombs Amiri Cooper Isabelle Croteau Savanna Davis Colton Domblesky Joshua Engel Sadie Ervine Nadia Faragalli Jason Foote Tessa Gordon Satchel Harris Isabella Heagy Jesse Himelright Quinn Hurley Andrew Imberiowicz Brandon Jackson Kylie Johnson Hannah Jones Taylor Jones Christopher Kelly Christopher Kendig Jakob Kettner Dezyrae Leamy Dominic Leamy Franklin Leslie Page 7 Domonik London Daniel Martinez Emily Maser Gabrielle Maurer Kylee McKim Benjamin Mellema Eric Miller Tyra Miller David Neal Wilfredo Ortiz Kerrilyn Perks Jeffrey Petersen Dustin Salzman Anthony Schweitzer Gregory Seltzer Mackenzie Sheeler Carley Stecher Adrianna Strauser Paige Sullins Kilah Summers Tyler Suveg Charles Sweet Elizabeth Sweet Sarah Swift Allie Townsend Joseph Umble Madeleine Vitale Abby Wilde Sara Woodall Morgan Yoder Dania Zavala

Mmmm ... Rainbow

By Diego Tenorio & Jason Guzman

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