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POCT Jan Test Paper

20 Marks Date: ___________04-01-2013____________________________________________________ ABM / MBM Name: __________M .ANWAR__________________________________________ HQ: _____________HYDERABAD___________________________________________________

1. Find out incorrect statements mentioned below regarding wet chemistry electrolyte analyzers. (2 M) Wet Chemistry electrolyte analyzers require: a) b) c) d) e) f) Trained technicians for operation and handling No need of daily maintenance Calibration after every 4 hours to ensure correct results Na,K,Cl & Reference Electrodes replacement / maintenance at regular intervals(6 - 12 Months) Annual service contract as it requires servicing by engineer No need of 24x7 uninterrupted power supply

Ans: ___B___ and ________ statements are incorrect

2. Mention True or False: (2M) a) In Wet Chemistry electrolyte analyzers Daily cleaning of the tubing is required to be performed using special company solution. This solution has to be purchased separately This increase actual cost per test

Ans: _____ True

b) In Wet Chemistry Electrolyte analyzers, all Electrodes needs to be kept submerged in filling solution all day for life till expiry- This electrode filling solution has to be purchased separately This increase actual cost per test Ans: ______ True

3. SpotChem EL the ideal choice for customers having workload: (1M) a) 1 to 3 samples / day b) 10 to 15 samples / day

Ans: _____A

4. SPOTCHEM EL SE 1520 - New Generation Electrolyte Analyzer with NO HIDDEN COST Explain what we mean by NO Hidden Cost in SpotChem in Detail: (3M) Ans: There is no maintenance cost for electrodes replacement after certain period. There is no reagent required during start up of instrument and no need of daily maintenance reagent for calibrating the instrument. No need to keep the instrument ON throughout the day. No need for electrode filling solution or cleaning solution to be purchased separately which in turn increases the actual cost per test. Hence, Spotchem Electrolyte Analyzer with NO Hidden Cost.

5. What is Reagent Free calibrationin SpotChem EL (2M) Ans: For every time calibration of the instrument requires certain amount of reagent in wet chemistry analyzer. Whereas spotchem is provided with a magnentic strip with every E-plate cartridge kit so, calibration is reagent free and no cost involved per test. Calibration can be done any number of times throughout the day or till the last test cartridge.

6. What is full form of EOC Technology and ISE Principle in SpotChem EL. (2M) Ans: EOC means Electrode on chip technology and Ion- selective electrodes. ISE Principle: An Ion-selective electrode is a sensor which converts the activity of a specific ion (dissolved in a solution) into a voltage, which can be measured by an ion meter. The voltage is theoretically dependent on the logarithm of the ion activity in the solution.

7. In SpotChem EL, Whole blood, serum, plasma and urine can be measured with just ________uL of sample volume (1M) Ans: 22 uL

8. What does a High level of Blood Ammonia indicate? Explain in brief. (3M) Ans: A high level of ammonia in blood indicates the cause of liver dysfunction due to many liver diseases or due to porta caval shunts or due to urea poisoning and also liver cirrhosis or severe hepatitis can result in dysfunction of liver which in turn accumulates ammonia in blood. Normally liver converts the ammonia into urea and it is then excreted in urine. Severe heart disease or kidney failure can also lead to raise the ammonia levels. Other causes are due to bleeding from the stomach or intestines. And in new born babies, high ammonia values can indicate hemolytic disease of the newborn.

9. Mention any 5 problems currently faced (In wet chemistry) during Blood Ammonia measurement: (3M) Ans: Ammonia levels should be measured immediately after sample collection, if not the values will show a false high level of ammonia. Sample and ammonia kit should be collected and maintained at 0 degrees or not the level goes up. Ammonia kits in labs required pre-treatment of sample which is a very tedious process. Ammonia reagent kit requires frequent calibration which increases extra cost of test. The ammonia reagent kit once opened has a open stability period hence it has to be used in very short time causing wastage of money.

10. PocketChem BA analyzer is based on _____________________________ method (1M) Ans: Micro diffusion method

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