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January4seepage206&832 Preclass:namethefollowingcovalent compoundsusingtheprefixmethod.

SO2Np3O8 CON2O5 CCl4Si3N4 PBr3PtF6

Dec20,2012. Objective:Tobeabletowritesentencesdescribing reactionequations. PreClass:CopyTable2page265intoyournotes.

Chapter8: 1.Listsomeexamplesof chemicalreactions

Chapter8: 1.Listsomeexamplesofchemical reactions a.Lightingamatch b.dyeingyourhairchemicalchange c.Combiningcopperandnitricacid. d.reactingsodiumandchlorinetomake salt. e.burningwood f.Bakingsodaandvinegarreacting. g.Aluminumreactingwithsulfuricacid.

2.Evidenceofchemicalchanges.See Table1seepage261

3.Reactionscanbediscussedintermsof reactantsandproducts: ReactantsProducts IronandOxygenRust GasandoxygenCarbondioxideandwater

4.Termsneededforlearningabout ChemicalReactionsandEquationsChapter8 Writeameaningordefinitionforeachofthe following Reactant Product > coefficient subscript (aq)page263 diatomicelementPage23N2,H2,O2F2,Cl2 Br2I2

5.Exampleofachemicalequation. Writetheequationforthereactionof methanegaswithgaseousoxygenwhich yieldsCarbondioxidegasandwatervapor. Methanegas+Oxygengas>Carbon dioxidegas+watervapor

5.Exampleofachemicalequation. Writetheequationforthereactionofmethane gaswithgaseousoxygenwhichyieldsCarbon dioxidegasandwatervapor. CH4(g)+O2(g)CO2(g)+H2O(g)


Do now Page 266 # 9, #10 # 17

Copyeachequationinyournotebook.leave3lines beloweachonetowriteoutthesentencedescribing thereaction. #17Page266 17a.Zn(s)+2HCl(aq)ZnCl2(aq)+H2(g)

Copyeachequationinyournotebook.leave3 linesbeloweachonetowriteoutthesentence describingthereaction. #17Page266 17a.Zn(s)+2HCl(aq)ZnCl2(aq)+H2(g) SolidzincisreactedwithHydrochloricacidand itproducesaqueouszincchlorideand Hydrogengas.

Dec 20, 2012 Prelab: Tests for Iron(II) and Iron (III) Read the introduction and procedure. copy title, materials, testing reagents, iron compounds, Data table. Include all the symbols and words. Conclusion leave space

Dec 20, 2012 Prelab: Tests for Iron(II) and Iron (III) Read the introduction and procedure. copy title, materials, testing reagents, iron compounds, Data table. Include all the symbols and words. Conclusion leave space

NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)

Homework: REad pages 272 - 273 Page 274 Do # 1 - 4 a,b,c,

Homework Page 266 # 11 - 16 Turn this in on paper You must start it now.

Chapter 8 Dec 20 Objective: To know how to balance equations containing polyatomic ions. To be able to identify types of chemical reactions. Preclass: p 274 5a &b

Objective: to be able to write formulas when given the word equation. Preclass Page 266 # 9 and 10

solid silicon and

Si (s) +


Page 266 # 10.

Objective: To learn how to balance equations. Pre class: count the number of atoms in each of these compounds 2H2O 6 C3H8 5 CuSO4 Ni(ClO3)2

Do now Page 266 # 9 and 10 9. Silicon tetrachloride + magnesium


silicon +magnesium chloride



magnesium oxide

IntroduceLabreport project. Decidewhichlabyouwant towritealabreportabout. Homeworkpage266#510 ClassworkTranslateeach equationintowords.#17 Page266

Constructingachemicalequation Symbolsandformulasrepresent compounds Coefficientsshowtherelativeamountof eachsubstance Thenumberofeachtypeofatomoneach sideoftheequationmustbeequal Arrowsrepresentyieldsorproduces +representscombineswithorreactis with

Page 292 # 8 a- c copy each then write the formulas and equation underneath. Leave several lines to write it out. Rough draft first....Charges etc.

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