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Pasuram 22 of Andals Thiruppavai The full text of all 30 Pasurams may be found here. Also, a scholarly discussion can be found at the link given below. A word-by-word translation is given at See below the images of the English and Tamil texts of Pasuram No. 22 of Andals Thiruppavai. For those who wish to read the text in other languages, please go to Andal is considered to be Sridevis amsaavataaram. She was born at Srivilliputoor (close to Kanchipuram, also the city where Indira Gandhis son and Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated), as the daughter of PeriyAzhwar. She is also the only female among the 12 SriVaishNavite Azhwars. She longed for union with Her Lord and insisted that she should be taken to Srirangam where she eventually merged with Lord Ranganatha. You can read more about Andal at the link given above (or click here). The immortal Thiruppavai, attributed to Her, is a divine composition, filled with deep esoteric meanings, on which many commentaries have been written over the centuries. In the first pasuram, ANDAL invites Her friends for the Vratham observance. In the second paasuram, She spells out the rites to be observed and the deeds to be abandoned. In the third Paasuram, She describes the fruits of the Vratham. The aacaaryas who have blessed us are considered to be like the milk giving cows with overflowing udders. In the fourth Paasuram, Andal is directing her prayers to Varuna (actually to KrishNa who had the complexion darker than the darkest rain bearing clouds), the god of the rains, and comparing the bounty bestowing by aacaryas to the bounteous rains showered by Varuna. In Pasuram 5 Andal tells us that He would completely burn off all of our accumulated sins much like a fire burns pieces of straw thrown into it.

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Simple Word for Word meanings ( )

aNG kaN maa NYaalaththu aracar * apimaana Beautiful this big world (it's) kings (their) presitige paNGkamaay van^thu nin paLLik kattiR kIzhE * relinquishing (who) came to your sleeping bed under caNGkam iruppaar pOl van^thu thalaip peythOm * (and) gathered; like that (we) have come near you (and) approached. kiNGkiNi vaayc ceytha thaamaraip pUp sweet sounding mouth make (open) lotus pOlE * flower like

ceNG kaN ciRuc ciRithE emmEl vizhiyaavO * beautiful eyes little bit on us (please) look thiNGkaLum aathiththiyanum ezhun^thaaR pOl * the moon the sun waking up ; like that aNG kaN iraNtum koNtu eNGkaL mEl nOkkuthiyEl * those eyes two bring (and) on us [us on] if you look eNGkaL mEl caapam izhin^thu on us [us on] (our) death (will be) relieved . El Or empaavaay Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu In Pasurams 6 to 15, Andal finishes waking up 10 different types of bhaktas and they all join her in the performance of the Paavai nombhu. In Pasuram 16, the arrival of the entire party at the palace of Nanda Maharaja is described. They ask the doorkeepers to let them in. Pasuram 17 describes their entering the inner bedchambers to wake up Nanda Maharaja, Mother Yashoda, Krishna and His younger brother Baladeva. Each of them is praised. In Pasuram 18, Andal and her friends try to wake up Nappinnai, the eternal consort of the Lord, since attempts to wake up Krishna (Kannan) proved futile. Here Nappinnai is described as the
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daughter-in-law of the noble Nanda Maharaja. In Pasuram 19, Andal and her friends are again waking up Nappinai (this is the 2nd pasuram in which this continues) since Krishna does not seem to respond to them. In Pasuram 20, they again address Nappinnai after finding Krishna unresponsive. They praise her as being the most enchanting, with soft and lovely breasts, enchanting red lips, and an elegant slim waist. She can enchant the Lord and make Him shower His grace upon them all. In Pasuram 21, they address Krishna directly since Nappinnai has by now agreed to join them. Andal and her friends plead that they have come to Him, on their own, unlike others, with no other expectations other than His grace and to sing His glories. In Pasuram 22, Andal and her friends are trying to wake up Krishna Himself. They are assembled on His bedside, like great kings who after being vanquished (of their arrogance, ahankaram) realized that He is their only refuge. The gopis on the other hand realized the same without being in that state of excessive pride and haughtiness. They just want Him to glance at them with His beautiful lotus-like eyes, like the cool moon, or the sun, when they rise.

The artistic image of Pasuram 22 shows Krishna lying on his bed and kings waiting to receive His glance when He wakes up. The story of Arjuna and Duryodhana, before the start of the Mahabharata war, is worth recalling in this context. Andal says that if He would just cast His glance upon them (like the rays of the rising sun, or moon), all of their sins would be destroyed. Duryodhana got all of Krishna's armies but Arjuna got Krishna Himself for a charioteer. Commentators also point out that the number 22 is significant here. Ahankaram (abhimaanam) is listed as number 22 in the list of Mahat-tatvas, which may be thought of as the basic ingredients that were created by Bhagavan even before Brahma could begin the work of creation of the material universe. The conquest of ahankaram represents the final conquest in the quest for liberation.

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In the previous verse, Andal having spoken of the denial of selfpride and ownership, reinstates in this pasuram with clarity that the entire ensemble of Gopis are subservients to Kannan alone and none else. am kaN maa NYaalaththu arasar abimaana pangamaay vandhu nin paLLi(k) kattiR keezhE sangam iruppaar pOl vandhu thalaippeydhOm In this vast universe, a few picturesque realms were captured by men thinking high of themselves to be the paramounts on land. In the course of time, having lost all their possessions, they soon parted with their pride and lustre. The once kings who, came with a feeling of soham now came to you in a state of solitude and with utter humility and subserviency reflecting the feeling of daasoham. They attained a mature state of mind by which they refused to accept the royal throne if bestowed again. They came and found their final place of refuge beneath your reclining couch of Adishesha. We, similarly, after having unshackled all our faculties from their worldly leanings, have assembled here at the foot of your reclining couch to surrender them unto your service and to be in your servitude. The nobles surrendered unto you after having found no other means. We on the other hand have surrendered unto your lotus feet after having been drowned in the flood of your inherent auspicious attributes, similar to Lakshmana, who set out to the forest accompanying Sri Rama, having been overwhelmed by his divine auspicious attributes. To this Kannan asks, Alright now, what do you seek of me? kingiNi vaay(ch) cheydha thaamarai(p) poo(p) pOlE sengaN chiRu(ch) chiRidhE emmEl vizhiyaavO You should grace us with your divine glances. Your eyes resemble a lotus bud now. During the sunrise, the lotus buds bloom slowly. Initially, it would bloom a little and would resemble a pearl. In a similar way, you should open your eyes slowly.
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Only then would we be able to experience the vision of your exquisite beauty. Your lotus like eyes would blossom once they see the torments that we are going through. It would definitely bloom seeing the ensemble of devotees waiting. The fields of crop that has seen enough drought at a time need to be irrigated in measured quantities only, taking measures to see that they are not flooded. Similarly, to us who have broken down completely having been bitten by the pangs of your separation, your merciful glances filled with the waters of your grace need to be allowed in slowly. You should see us first when you wake up. That would delight us just as how it would delight the crops that have been showered with munificent rain after a rough draught. thingaLum aadhiththanum ezhundhaaR pOl am kaN irandum kondu engaL mEl nOkkudhiyEl One of your eyes is like the blazing Sun, that does not allow the vicious and the vile to near you, and would turn them down to ashes. The other eye is like the cool moon, showering its cool glances of mercy and bringing Delight into everyones hearts. Pray see us with both these eyes of yours. engaL mEl saabam izhindhu Your glances of grace on us, who have been craving for it, would reduce the torments on account of having been bitten by the pangs of your separation. Just the mere glances of the accomplished, who own the powers of mantrasiddhi is said to be
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sufficient to free one from the effect of poison. Similarly, we pray unto you, to cast your glances on us and to free us from the iniquitous influences that impede us from attaining the bliss of beatitude. You should free us of our torments and should bring delight to us similar to Nrusimhan, who, with one eye, showered rage and fury on Hiranyakashipu while with the other showered munificent and compassionate anugrahams on Prahlada. Though a lion always battles the elephant, it still feeds its calf with utmost affection. Similar should be your anugrahams towards us. A disciple due to the benevolence of his preceptor showered on him realises that the body is essentially different and distinct from the soul and prays unto the lotus feet of the Lord to grant him the eternal bliss of beatitude. The following taken verbatim from Dear BhakthAs: Today is sacred Sri Vaikunta EkAdasi day. Our Lord at Srirangam would have blessed all those traveling with Him through the Sri Vaikunta Vaasal. In the previous paasuram, the Gopis described to Lord KrishnA their abhimAna Soonyathai (their state with freedom from ahankAra-mamakArams). In this paasuram, the Gopis declare their ananhArya sEshathvam (exclusive servitude to the Lord and Lord alone) according to JananyAchArya Swamy. With Nappinnai's niyamanam, the Gopis approach the foot of KrishNA's bed and assure Him that they have arrived in a state of freedom from SvathanthrAthma Bramam (delusion that they have the independence & power to act as their own protectors) and anya-sEshathva Bramam (delusion that other devathais can be obeyed as their Masters instead of Sriman NaarAyaNan alone). They reveal thus the perfection of their tatthva Jn~Anam. The Gopis tell KrishNA that it must be a curse (saapam) that stood in the way of receiving His anugraham, although they are fully qualified to receive that anugraham. They appeal to Him to look at them with both of His eyes to banish that Saapam and bless them with the boon of anushtAna poorthi.

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SRI BHUVARAHAACCHAR SWAMY'S DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTEXT OF PAASURAM Sri Krishna (innocently) inquires with the Gopis the reason for their visit; and they reply: Oh Lord! even though You know very well that we have approached You as refugees having no one else to give us protection, You have not condescended to cast Your nectarine glances on us. We are born of a family (of AzhwArs) whose constant prayer is for Your grace and that You should talk to us by moving Your coral-like lips. We, like the vanquished kings, have cast aside our ego and have assembled at the foot of Your bed seeking Your protection. Our sole ambition is to be the target of Your merciful eyes. Your inquiry regarding the purpose of our visit appears to be a new practice in Your relations with us. Know that we, who should be always united with you, are today pining in separation from You. This situation, which appears to be due to some curse, can be modified only by Your nectarine glances. It is only for this comforting look that we have come to You and not for any other favour. So open Your eyes slowly and steadily and look at us.

LITERAL MEANING OF THE PAASURAM (DR. V. K. S. N. RAGHAVAN): (The Young girls pray to the Lord in the strain of defeated kings surrendering to the emperor, who is the Supreme Sovereign) Oh Lord! We have come to You just as the kings of the vast beautiful Earth, who stay contented in large groups at the foot of Your cot (throne) after renouncing their haughtiness and self-esteem. Oh Lord! Will You not look at us, with Your gentle and exquisite eyes, resembling the half-blossomed lotus similar to a small kinkiNi (jewel-like little bells) opening little by little (gradually)? If You direct Your glance at us, with Your pair of beautiful eyes that resemble the rising Sun and the Moon, we will be freed from the curse of sins (past, present and future). UPANISHAD BHASHYAKARAR'S LILTING SANSKRIT EXPLANATION -mahAmaNdalAdhipathaya: nirasthAbhimAnA:santhO sangIbhUya thvadhIya manja adhasthAna pradEsE yatho Upavisanthi tathA thvadhguNa vivasA bhUthvA aagathya aasrithA:sma --(just as the great kings casting aside their ego have arrived at the foot of Your cot, we are also standing overcome by Your guNAdhisayam and have sought Your protection).
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KinkiNi Vaai seytha thAmari-- dhara-vikasitha puNDarIka sadhrusa raktha nayanAbhyAm mandham mandham asmAn aalOkaya (with Your slowly opening red lotus like eyes, please look at us and bless us). ThinkaLum --saapam azhinthu: udhitha Chandra Soorya sadhrusAbhyAm athisundara nayanAbhyAm asmAn pasyasi chEth asmadhIyAni pApAni nasyanthi (If You look at us with Your Sun and Moon-like, most beautiful eyes, all of our sins will be destroyed). PERUKKARANAI SWAMY'S ANUBHAVAM ON SELECTED PASSAGES: 1. abhimAna BhangamAi Vanthu = There are 8 kinds of delusions that a human beings have that interferes with their Tatthva Jn~Anam: (a) Delusion that one's SarIram is AathmA (b) Delusion that one is a svathanthran (c) Thought that we are servants to some one other than the Lord. (d) Delusion that there are bhandhus other than Sriman NaarAyaNan to help us. (e) Delusion that one can attain purushArtham (mOksham) by seeking UpAyams other than Bhakthi & Prapatthi. (f) deep desire to wallow in perishable pleasures. (g) the delusion that we do everything by our own power. (h) the tendency to commit apachAram to BhaagavathAs. The release from these eight kinds of delusions is the conviction that one is Bhaagavatha Seshan (the servant of the devotees of the Lord). 2. AngaNmA Gn~Ala paasuram is the 22nd one in Thiruppaavai. AhankAram is the 22nd Tatthvam in the hierarchy of Tatthvams. While talking thus about abhimAna Bhangam (ahankaram's banishment), ANDAL chooses the 22nd Paasuram to house the thoughts on AbhimAnam (ahankAram). 3. When seeking Lord KrishNA's help in the war to come at KurukshEthram, Arjunan stayed at the feet of the sleeping Lord and DuryOdhanan chose the position at the head of the cot. Once Lord KrishNa woke up, his nectarine glances fell on ArjunA and blessed him. ArjunA chose the Lord Himself and DuryOdhanA chose the army of KrishNA for help in the ensuing battle. The results of that choice are well known. It is better to be at the foot of the Lord's cot rather than at the other side. That is what the Gopis are alluding to here (SenkaNN yemmEl VizhiyAvO). The Gopis pray for the prathama KatAksham of the Lord.
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4. ThingaLum Aadhithyanum: Chandran makes one joyous with his cool rays. Sooryan chases away the enemies with its power. Lord's eyes are like the Moon and the Sun. The Gopis pray for both the blessings (prasanna Aadhithya varchasam Chandra kAnthAnanam Raamam atheeva Priya darsanam is the description of the Lord in Srimath RaamAyanam). 5. AnkaNN iraNDum koNDu: Seeing with one eye or half eye (kaNN chimittal) generates base instincts (kaama VikAram). Hence, the Gopis pray for Him to look at them with both eyes like a caring Mother looking at her child with both eyes. This is the proverbial VishNO: KatAksham. The Gopis remind Him that they are not there for half or one eyed glance that will lead to Madhana VikAram (Manmatha ChEshtai like in Raasakreedai). They want the two eyes of the Lord like Moon (cooling, comforting glance) and Sooryan (Removal of the darkness of aj~nanam) to bless them for Moksham. 6. When One recites the 22nd ThiruppAvai Paasuram daily with niyamam, then all the sins committed by us will be eliminated according to PoorvAchAryAs. This is an appropriate thought for this Vaikunta EkAdasi day. ANDAL is indeed our Maarga Darsini.

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