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Provincial Torrijos Presented in the Draft "The Chronicles of King Don Pedro" Provincial Torrijos presented in the draft

"The Chronicles of King Don Pedro" They recreate historical passages occurred in Torrijos during the time of Pe ter I The whole town embraces the celebration of this anniversary VII edition Toledo, Spain, January 05, 2013- The Deputy Provincial Development, Employment a nd Economic Development, Jos Luis Rivas, and also provincial deputy and mayor of Torrijos, Juan Jos Gmez-Hidalgo, presented this morning at the House of Toledo The seventh edition of The Chronicles of King Pedro I, held in the town between 16 and 17 June. Also participating in the presentation historian and president of the Associatio n of Friends of The Collegiate, Longobardo July, and the Councillor for Culture and Heritage Hall, Jos Mara Flores, who have shelled the historical aspects of thi s conclusion, based on historical events that occurred in Torrijos, back in 1353 , on the occasion of the feast of the baptism of the daughter of King Pedro I Be atriz and different events and activities scheduled for those days. Attendees stressed the importance of supporting a celebration of this caliber, w ith the public support and is responsible for recreating historic events that oc curred in the town, recreating the past and history in becoming an economic reso urce and tourism. One of the main features of The Chronicles of King Pedro I is the active partici pation of actors and extras of the municipality itself, from various groups and neighborhood associations, cultural, youth clubs and a long list of collaborator s, among which mention the Friends of Collegiate Torrijos and the theater group torrijeo "Carpe Diem", which they do under the artistic direction Longobardo July . The technical management of the project is provided by the Councillor for Cultur e and Heritage of the town, Jos Mara Flores, head of the staff of the City of Torr ijos. During the days of celebration will recreate several scenes from the life of Pet er I, focusing specifically on the birth of their first child. The historical sp aces used for the conference are located in the Palace of Pedro I, San Gil Squar e and surrounding streets, the Plaza of Spain, Dr. Cifuentes Square and Constitu tion Square. For these scenarios will run the cavalcade of royal procession and develop various representations. On Friday, June 15, will present the events of The Chronicles of King Pedro I in the Palace Hall. Saturday will begin with the opening of the market and the arrival in town of mu sicians and comedians, complemented by various medieval competitions and exhibit ions, to prepare the exit of the royal entourage, to dusk. And Sunday will the various activities, to purge torchlight penalties of King Do n Pedro, to be held at night, thus putting an end to a popular and historic cele bration, with the general recognition and growing participation and interest in learning about the historical events that occurred in Torrijos in the fourteenth century. contact: Media Relations

Media Relations Value-Optimized Solutions, Inc. 441 Santaluz Path Austin, TX 78732 208-585-7344

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