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DesigningandDeveloping EnterpriseApplications(DDEA)

Lesson03DesignPatterns (Part01)


DDEA Course Contents

(1)ObjectOrientation &UML (4)EnterpriseApplication Security

(2)PatternsinEnterprise ApplicationDevelopmentand Integration

Standard(GOF)Patterns WebLayerPatterns BusinessLayerPatterns DataAccessLayerPatterns EnterpriseIntegrationPatterns


(5)EnterpriseApplication Implementation Strategies

(6)FutureTrends (3)ServiceOriented Architecture(SOA)

CloudComputing (SAAS,IAAS,PAAS)

The gap between the best software engineering practice and the average practice is very wide perhaps wider than the other engineering

Fred Brooks (A famous

author, ACM award winner)

What is a Pattern?
A pattern is a solution to a problem in a context Context : is the situation in which the pattern applies.
This should be a recurring situation

Problem : refers to the goal you are trying to achieve

in this context. But it also refers to any constraints that occur in the context

Solution : is what you are after: a general design that

anyone can apply which resolves the goal and the set of constraints

What is a Pattern?
This means, a Design Pattern gives you a solution to a common recurring design problem However, The Design Patterns are not meant to be laws or rules; they are just guidelines that you can even alter to fit to your needs

What are Pattern Catalogs?

The much formal way of specifying pattern descriptions
The first and the most definite Fundamental Design Pattern Catalog is GOF
(There are 23 fundamental patterns in it!!)
DesignPatterns:ElementsofReusable ObjectOrientedSoftware (AddisonWesley,1995)




How to create your own design pattern?

Firstly, get the complete design pattern catalog and get familiar with them If you find a new pattern, then apply,
The Rule of Three
Pattern can be called a pattern if it has been applied in real world solution by at least three times

OO vs Design Patterns
Knowing the OO basics (abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism) will not make you a good designer!!!
Oh!!! Whatshould Idothen?

OO vs Design Patterns
Patterns show you how to build systems with good OO design qualities Patterns do not give you code. They give general solutions to design problems Patterns are not invented they are discovered

Fundamental Design Patterns (Gang Of Four - GOF)

GOF Design Pattern Organization

Tolearnpatternsfaster,theycanbeclassifiedas, PatternOrganization1(Whatpatterndoes)

CreationalProcessofobjectcreation BehavioralWaysclassesandobjectsinteractand distributeresponsibility StructuralCompositionofclassesandobjects

PatternOrganization2(Whetherapplytoclassesor objects)

ClassPatternsrelatedtoclasses,createdatcompiletime ObjectPatternsrelatedtoobjects,createdatruntime

GOF Design Pattern Organization - 1

GOF Design Pattern Organization - 1

Creational: Involve object initialization and provide a way to decouple client from the objects it needs to instantiate Structural:Lets you compose classes or objects into larger structures Behavioral: Concerned with how classes and objects interact or distribute responsibility

GOF Design Patterns (23 patterns)

Behavioral :
Strategy Observer Command Interpreter Iterator Mediator Memento Chain of Responsibility State Template Method Visitor

GOF Design Patterns (23 patterns)

Creational :
Abstract Factory Builder Factory Method Prototype Singleton

Structural :
Adapter Bridge Composite Decorator Facade Flyweight Proxy

GOF Design Pattern Organization - 2

GOF Design Pattern Organization - 2

Object: Describe relationship between objects. Patterns are typically created at runtime and more dynamic and flexible. Class: Describe relationship between classes. Patterns are typically created at compile-time.

Design Pattern Organization

Asshownintheabovetabletherearetwoadapters.Oneadapterpatterncanbeappliedtoabstractionof classwhileotherinabstractionofobject

GOF Design Pattern Relationships

Are patterns always great?

Patterns are a tool, which only be used when it is needed Heavy use of patterns will lead to complexity Design patterns can be used as a shared vocabulary for communicating the design to others irrespective of the programming language

What are anti-patterns?

If a design pattern gives you a general solution to a recurring problem in a particular context then what does an anti-pattern give u?
An anti-pattern tells you how to go from a problem to a BAD solution

Why worry about finding anti-patterns?

To prevent other developers from making the same mistake

GOFDesign PatternAnalysis


Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independentlyfromclientsthatuseit.

Design Principles covered - (3)

Design Principle 1
Identify the aspects of your application that vary and separate them from what stays the same

Design Principle 2
Program to an interface not to an implementation

Design Principle 3
Favor composition over inheritance

The Duck Simulation


How about Inheritance?

Thentheinheritedbehaviorwillbeattachedtoallinheritedclasseswhichdo nothavethatbehavior

How about an Interface?

Whats the one thing you always count on in software development?


Then,what happensifyou changeoneof thebehaviors?

Sincethereareno implementation codeininterfaces youhavetotrack downandchange allimplemented subclasses!!!!

Hmmm..... Ibadlyneeda design Patternnow!

Classroom Exercise (30 min)

Divide the class into 3 groups and each group need to come up with a design pattern to solve this issue related to the change of behaviors related to objects.
(P.Note: Each can group can come with their own example)

How to overcome this?

Design Principle 1
Identify the aspects of your application that vary and separate them from what stays the same

Take what varies and encapsulate it. So it will not effect the rest of your code This results,

Fewer consequences Adds flexibility

Separating behaviors

By separating behaviors from concrete classes, you will get the flexibility even change those behaviors with a minimal code change

In the previous example, if there are 10 sub classes extended or implemented the Flying behavior, you got to change all 10 sub classes if there is any change to the Flying behavior.

Separating behaviors
By separating behaviors from concrete classes, concrete classes will not need to know any implementation details of its own behaviors This approach is different to previous two approaches, which basically coupled the behavior to concrete classes

The behavior was implemented extending a super class The behavior was implemented providing a specialized interface to the sub class

Design Principle 2
Program to an interface, not an implementation
Does not mean a Java construct interfaces. This means a supertype However this is usually abstract class or an interface Doing this will create the opportunity to dynamic behavioral changes with the help of Polymorphism Programming to an implementation Dog dog = new Dog(); Programming to an interface / super type

Animal dog = new Dog();

How does this handle Reuse?

With this design other types of objects can reuse behaviors because they are no longer hidden away within concrete classes We are able to add new behaviors without modifying any of our existing concrete classes, which have these behaviors

Integrating the behavior

The behavior variables are declared as interface variable types performQuack() and performFly() replaces quack() and fly() PerformQuack() and performFly() methods delegates behavior implementations to the behavior classes

Design Principle 3
Favor composition over inheritance

When you put more than one class together as class variables that is called composition This has the Has-A relationship This gives a lot of flexibility Lets you encapsulate a family of algorithms into their own set of classes By doing this allows you to change the behavior runtime

Setting the behavior dynamically

Here any concrete class behavior can be changed dynamically by using the setter methods specified within the abstract class

Setting the behavior dynamically

Think of each set of behaviors as a family of algorithms These algorithms are interchangeable
Duck model = new ModelDuck(); model.performFly(); model.setFlyBehavior(new FlyRocketPowered()); model.performFly();

StrategyPatter n Defineafamilyofalgorithms,encapsulateeachone,andmakethem interchangeable.Strategyletsthealgorithmvaryindependentlyfrom clientsthatuseit.

Setting the behavior dynamically

Example: Duck Simulator


Example: Duck Simulator


Example: Duck Simulator


Example: Duck Simulator



Define a onetomany dependency between objects so that whenoneobjectchangesstate,allitsdependentsarenotified andupdatedautomatically.

Design Principles covered - (1)

Design Principle 4
Strive for loosely coupled designs between objects that interact

The Observer Pattern







When the in Subject changes, subscribers arenotified TheobserversaresubscribedtotheSubject to receive updates when the Subject data changes


The Observer Pattern

The subject and the observers are having a one to many relationship The observers are dependent on the subject When the subject state changes, the observers get notified In the observer pattern, (About the state)
Subject is the object that contains the state and it owns it Observers use it but do not own it

The Observer Pattern - Explained

Subject: Maintains a list of Observer references. Subject also
provides an interface for attaching and detaching Observer objects.

Observer: Defines an updating interface for objects that

should be notified of changes in a subject.


Stores state of interest to ConcreteObserver objects and sends notifications to its observers upon state changes.


Maintains a reference to a ConcreteSubject object and a state that should stay consistent with the subject's.

The Observer Pattern - Explained

The only thing the subject knows about an observer is that it implements a certain interface (The observer interface) Observers can be added to the system at any time No need to modify the subject to add new observers It means, the subject and the observers are very loosely coupled

Design Principle 4 Strive for loosely coupled designs between objects that interact Loosely coupled designs allow us to build flexible Object Oriented systems that can handle change How?

Because they minimize the interdependency between objects

An Example

An Example

Thisiswherethesubjecttellsalltheobservers aboutitsstate.Sincealltheobservers implementtheupdatemethoditiseasyto notifythem


Encapsulate a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterize clients with different requests, queue or log requests,andsupportundoableoperations

Concrete Command Objects Invoker Receiver





Concrete Command





Head First Design Patterns: by Eric Freeman & Elisabeth Freeman Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software: Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson & John Vilssides (GOF) ( Core Security Patterns: Best Practices and Strategies J2EE Web Services and Identity Management: Chris Steel, Ramesh Nagappan, Ray Lai, Sun Microsystems Core J2EE Patterns, Best Practices and Design Strategies: Deepak Alur, John Crupi, Dan Malks, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall/ Sun Microsystems, 2003

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