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Dejan Bogdanovic - Dragan Strbac Institut za Bakar Bor (Copper Institute Bor)

INTRODUCTION Copper ore mining has been continuously performed in the underground copper mine "Jama" - Bor since 1903. Three ore bodies are in exploitation today: the ore body "Tilva Ros", the ore body "P2A" and the ore body "Brezonik". New ore body "Borska Reka" is a stage of opening. At this moment, the greatest part of exploitation is performed by the use of sublevel caving method, and around 80% of annual underground mine "Jama" Bor production (up to 1.5 million tons) is realized. This method is applied in the ore bodies "Tilva Ros" and "P2A". Room and - pillar method of stopping with filling of excavated area with flotation tailings is applied in the ore body "Brezonik". Since excavation depth is constantly increased and copper content in the ore is constantly decreased, the conditions for economic excavation of useful mineral raw material are more and more difficult. When previously used method of sublevel caving and its parameters are used at lower depths of excavation, where the ore body "Borska Reka" is spreaded out, then it does not satisfy the economic criteria, so it is necessary to carry out its modification. This modification would enable continuous ore production in the underground mine "Jama" Bor to k -315 m (up to total depth of 754 m), i.e. it would enable a continuation of underground ore mining from the Bor deposit, upon ending of exploitation of the current active ore bodies "Tilva Ros", "P2A" and "Brezonik" at the peak elevation k -76 m.

Modification of this method includes an increase of height between sublevels from existing 15 m to 30 m, an increase of distance between drifts from 14 m to 18 m, what reduces a volume of preparation works. Also, a cross section of drifts will be higher and it will be 23.57 m2 instead of the existing 12.70 m2. In that way, more effective loading will be enabled with less losses and dilution of ore quality. Drilling will be carried out by the use of long blast holes, diameter of 115 mm instead of present 76 mm, what enables effective blasting with more higher ore volume. The modified method will be used for mining in the ore body "Borska Reka" from level k -205 m. Ore will be stoped from this working level to k -175 m, i.e. in a belt of thickness of 30 m. The other working levels would be located by 30 m, i.e. at k -235 m, k -265 m and k -295 m.

MINING - GEOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF DEPOSIT The Bor copper deposit is located in east Serbia and it includes many ore bodies. Some of the ore bodies are depleted, but some of them are mined by open pit or underground mining. The ore bodies "Tilva Ros" and P2A" are located in central part of the Bor copper deposit. Low grade impregnated and stockwork ore with copper content in ore under 1% appears in the ore bodies. These ore bodies are formed in hydrothermally altered andesite. The most present hydrothermal alterations in the ore body "Tilva Ros" are silicification, chloritization and kaolinization, and kaolinization is the most present in the ore body "P2A". Both ore bodies are spreaded to depth under k - 155 m. Mining reserves in boundary line of 0.4% copper is 12.2 million tons in the ore body "Tilva Ros" with average copper content of 0.791%, and 11.6 million tons in the ore body "P2A" with average content of 0.75%. The ore body "Tilva Ros" was long time stoped by open pit mining. By getting down to level k -5 m, the parts of ore body, which are now mind by underground

mining, were left on north, west and south part at the pit sides. Until now, about 50% of ore reserve was mined and now the mining is carried out at peak elevation k -16 m. The ore body "P2A" is mined at peak elevation k + 30 m, and about 65% of ore reserve was mined until now from this ore body. Mining of both ore bodies will be carried out to peak elevation k -76 m until 2003 year. The ore body "Borska Reka" is located on the outermost north - west parts of the Bor ore field. It is situated in intensive hydrotheramally altered andesites and their volcanites - silicified, chloritized, coalinized and pyritized andesite. According to the scales, porphyritic mineralization of the ore body "Borska Reka" belongs to a category of medium deposits with a little increased copper content. Its strike of bed is NW-SE, and it dips to the west, i.e. south-west at angle of 45o - 55o in general. Maximum length of ore body is 1410 m, measured at k -395 m. Maximum width of 635 m was measured at the same level, and the average one is about 360 m. Average ending thickness of ore body from the ground surface is about 920 m. From the given data, it could be seen that the ore body is situated deeply under ground surface. The first greater continuous area of ore body is situated at k -75 m, and the last one is situated at k -715 m. Mining of this ore body by the use of modified sublevel caving method will start in 2003. In this way, the upper part of this ore body will be mined to peak elevation k 315, and about 20.7 million tons of ore with average copper content of 0.777%. Figure 1 gives a schematic review of given ore bodies locations in the Bor deposit.

Figure 1. Schematic review of ore bodies locations in the Bor deposit

EXISTING METHOD OF SUBLEVEL CAVING As it was mentioned, the existing method is used for sublevel caving of the ore bodies "Tilva Ros" and "P2A". Basic caving unit in those ore bodies includes drifts and sublevel drifts. Sublevel drifts are driven in a counter of ore body where the drifts are just driven in the ore body. The drift were driften at mutual distance of 14 m, and in a chess order per height, and height distance between sublevels is 15 m (Figure 2). Based on this, every two alternating sublevels have the same schedule of drifts which are axially moved by 7 m regarding to the located sublevels between, over and under of these sublevels. Connection of those sublevels is carried out by incline. Average coefficient of preparation for the ore body "Tilva Ros" is 3.42 mm/t, and for the ore body "P2A" is 3.17 mm/t. There, a coefficient of preparation presents relation between total length of all preparation rooms, and ore reserves which is seized by given preparation. Drifts and sublevel drifts have lowarched profile, width 4 m and height 3.5 m and they are adopted to the used equipment, primarily to the drilling machines, why they have relatively high height. Selection of this sublevel caving method was a result of its possibility to realize high productivity, use of modern equipment, but also because many methods could not be successfully and safety used in caving conditions under of surface

stope. Possibility of appearance the high stresses in rock and specific caving conditions of open pit slope have both the influence on method selection and definition of preparation conditions, stoping method, formation of caving fronts and others.

Figure 2. Sublevel caving

Drilling of boreholes is carried out independently of other operations upon ending of preparation works, often at sublevel located under sublevel where ore blasting, loading and transport are carried out Drilling is carried out by the use of SIMBA H 253 rig with outer hammer drill COP 1238 ME - T38E07 and drill bit f 76 mm. Technological process of drilling-blasting works is based on the following: drilling of boreholes in a fan shaped pattern of defined geometry and parameters of each borehole (Figure 3). charging of boreholes (machinized) is carried out by the use of AN-FO explosive mixture, and blasting is carried out per "NONEL" system. Number of boreholes in a fan is 6 and their length is from 11 m to 24 m. Total drilling length of one fan is 110 m. Distance between fans is 2.5 m, and only one fan is blasted. Transport of explosive and charging of boreholes is carried out by the use of charger Anol - CC 1000. Blasting of one fan drops average 1,375 t of ore. Specific explosive consumption is 0.55 kg/m3. Since the average value of ore volume mass is about 2.8 t/m3, standard quantity of explosive consumption per ton is approximately 0.2 kg/t. Burden is 2.50 m, and coefficient of ore dropping at one blasting is 12.5 t/m3 (relation between quantity of dropped ore and total borehole length of one fan). Upon ending of ore blasting in caving block, the blasted ore is gravitationally transported at a level of loading drift where, by the use of loading machines with diesel drive "WAGNER ST GC", it is loaded and transported to the ore shafts ("P2A"), or it is transported at k 16 m of the ore body "Tilva Ros", where it is reloaded over ramps of bulk material, directly into trains of 20 "OK" waggons.

Ore is transported to the haulage shaft by the trains, where upon crushing, it is hoisted on the surface. Annual capacity of ore production is up to 1 million tons in the ore body "P2A", and it is up to 0.5 million tons in the ore body "Tilva Ros".

Figure 3. Fan shaped pattern of longholes (sublevel caving)

MODIFIED SUBLEVEL CAVING METHOD Methods of sublevel caving the overhand rock masses were adopted, as the only possible techno-economically acceptable alternative for mining the ore body "Borska Reka". The authors of this work was directed by this choice to the selection of "Super scale sublevel caving", i.e. variant of sublevel caving by the use of long boreholes, diameter 115 mm. The greatest importance in determination the basic sizes of mining unit in sublevel caving methods has a height of mining belt, which depends on possibility of drilling the long boreholes. Also, width of drifts and distance between them are important, what has an importance on possibility of obtaining a distinct parallel arrangement of boreholes in fan. Mutual distance between

drifts was also caused by conditions of blasted ore running out, i.e. width of run out ellipsoid. Basic mining unit in the ore body "Borska Reka" includes drifts and sublevel drifts. Distance between drifts will be 18 m with chess order per height (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Super scale sublevel caving Height distance between sublevels is 30 m. Preparation coefficient is considerably minor than in sublevel caving method and it is 1.15 mm/t. Drifts will have lowarched profile, width 6 m and height 4 m, until sublevel drifts will also have lowarched profile, width 4 m and height 3.5 m.

The mining will be started from level k -205 m. Ore will be sized from this caving level to k -175 m, i.e. in a belt of thickness of 30 m. The other caving levels will be by 30 m, i.e. at k -235 m, k -265 m and k -295 m. The existing equipment, used in the existing process of ore mining, will be used for ore body mining, as well as a new equipment. So, a drill rig with two branches and hydraulic hammer drills will be used for drifting, loading will be performed by the use of loaders with diesel engines, drilling of long boreholes in fans will be performed by the use of drill rig Simba type, until charging of long boreholes with ANFO explosive mixture will be carried out by the use of charger with diesel-drive vehicle. Transport level will be located at level k 315 m. One of the key technological work stages in the ore caving process, by the use of adopted sublevel caving method, are drilling-blasting works. Control of blasting process in method of sublevel caving, concretely the method of "Super scale sublevel caving" will present a serious work, because the final effects of successful method function will be caused by blasting effects. Drilling rig SIMBA H 4356 class with outer hammer drill COP 4050 and drill bit 115 mm has been chosen. Technological process of drilling-blasting works is based on the following: drilling of boreholes in a fan shaped pattern of defined geometry and parameters of each borehole (Figure 5); charging of boreholes is carried out (mechanized) by the use of AN-FO explosive mixture, and blasting is performed by "NONEL" system. Number of boreholes in a fan is 8, and their length is 223 m. Distance between fans is 4 m, and one per one fan is blasted. One charger Anol-CC 1000 is used for explosive mixture transport to a site and charging of boreholes.

Figure 5. Fan shaped pattern of longholes (super scale sublevel caving) By blasting of one fan, average of 5235 t ore is dropped. Standard quantity of explosive consumption per ton is approximately 0.288 kg/t. Burden is 4 m, and coefficient of ore droppage in one blasting is 23.5 t/m.


Upon ending of ore blasting in a caving block, the blasted ore is gravitationally transported to a level of caving (loading) drift, where the ore is loaded and transported to the mine shaft by the use of loading machines with diesel drive "WAGNER ST 8B". Annual capacity of production by the use of this sublevel caving method will be 2.4 millions tons.

COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SUBLEVEL CAVING METHODS For the aim of comparison, the existing sublevel caving method with modified method, a review of basic parameters of given sublevel caving methods is given in Tables 1 - 7. Super scale sublevel caving 30 18 23.57 (6mx4m) 17.47 (5mx3.5m) 1.15

Development Sublevel height, m Axial distance between caving drifts, m Surface of cross-section of caving drifts, m2 Surface of cross-section of sublevel drifts, m2 Preparation coefficient, mm/t

Sublevel caving 15 14 12.70 (4mx3.5m) 12.70 (4mx3.5m) 3.17-3.42

Table 1. Development parameters of analyzed sublevel caving methods


Drilling parameters

Sublevel caving SIMBA H 253 2 PCs 76 6 (110 m) 2.5

Super scale sublevel caving SIMBA H4356 2 PCs 115 8 (223 m) 4

Drilling machine type Drilling bit diameter, mm No. of boreholes in a fan Distance between fans, m

Table 2. Drilling parameters of analyzed sublevel caving methods

Blasting parameters

Sublevel caving ANOL CC 1000 2 PCs. ATLAS COPCO DC 90/11 2 PCs. AN-FO J1 323 1540 0.21 12.5 NONEL

Super scale sublevel caving ANOL CC 1000 1 PCs. ATLAS COPCO DC 90/11 1 PCs. AN-FO J1 1507 5235 0.288 23.5 NONEL

Charging machine type

Service vehicle Explosive type Explosive quantity in blasting of one fan, kg Quantity of dropped ore per one blasting, t Specific explosive consumption, kg/t Coefficient of ore dropping (t/m) Blasting system

Table 3. Blasting parameters of analyzed sublevel caving methods


Parameters of ore loading and transport

Sublevel caving Wagner ST 6C 6 PCs 150

Super scale sublevel caving Wagner ST 8B 4 PCs 200

Loader type Average transport length, m

Table 4. Parameters of ore loading and transport of analyzed sublevel caving Methods Super scale sublevel caving 41 5 174

Parameters of labour

Sublevel caving 62 5 75

No. of workers Supervision Caving efficiency, t/shift

Table 5. Parameters of labour in analyzed sublevel caving methods Super scale sublevel caving 2.4 17280 88-90 12

Ore production

Sublevel caving 1.5 10800 85 15

Annual ore production, mt Annual copper production in ore, t Ore recovery, % Ore quality dilution, %

Table 6. Ore production from analyzed sublevel caving methods


Standard quantities

Sublevel caving 0.21 0.0039 0.0039 0.0008 0.0008 0.0009 0.036 0.0010 0.003 0.0007 0.00005 0.000018 0.39 0.04 0.0713

Super scale sublevel caving 0.288 0.0015 0.0015 0.0004 0.0004 0.0005 0.023 0.0005 0.002 0.0004 0.00003 0.000013 0.28 0.028 0.564

Explosive - ANFO J1, kg/t NON-EL detonators, pcs/t Amplifiers, pcs/t Starting segment, pcs/t Drill pipes, pcs/t Drilling bits, pcs/t Industrial water, m3/t Plastic pipe for water and air, m/t Hoses for air and water, m/t Ventilation pipes, m/t Tires for loader, pcs/t Tires for drilling equipment, pcs/t Fuel, l/t Oil and lubrication, kg/t Electric energy, kWh/t

Table 7. Standard quantities for analyzed sublevel caving methods Based on comparative analysis (Tables 1 - 7) it could be seen that the modified sublevel caving has a range of advantages regarding to the existing sublevel caving method. Those advantages are reflected, first of all in considerable lower preparation coefficient, higher quantity of dropped ore in blasting of one fan and lower standard quantities, what would enable more economical caving by the of modified method in the ore body "Borska Reka".


CONCLUSION Underground copper ore mining in Bor is greatly carried out by the use of sublevel caving method. Due to an increase of mining depth low-grade copper in ore, it is necessary to carry out a modification of the existing mining method with the aim of satisfactory the economic criteria in caving. Modification of the existing caving method includes a change of preparation geometry (increase of height between sublevels from existing 15 m to 30 m, increase of distance between drifts from 14 m to 18 m, increase of drift-section from 13.70 m2 to 23.57m2) what decrease a volume of preparation works from 3.17 - 3.42 mm/t to 1.15 mm/t. Also, drilling will be carried out by the use long boreholes, diameter 115 mm instead of existing 76 mm, what enables an effective blasting of more higher ore volume. Supply of new equipment with maximum use of the existing equipment is required for successful use of modified Super Scale Sublevel Caving Method. New equipment is necessary for drilling (new SIMBA with accompanied equipment and drill bits, diameter 115 mm, due to a change of geometry and drilling and blasting parameters) and for ore loading and transport (loaders Wagner ST 8B). The other existing equipment could be applied in use of modified method. By the use of modified sublevel caving method, the standard quantities of caving (Table 7) are considerably reduced, what makes possible the conditions for economical caving, especially at higher depths and, in this way, a continuity of underground copper ore mining is provided in the Bor deposit.


LITERATURE 1. H. Hamrin; Guide to underground mining-methods and applications, (1986), Atlas Copco, Stockholm, Sweden, p.27-29. 2. D.Nenadic, D.Bojovic, R. Kojdic, Z. Milicevic; Development strategy in mining in RTB Bor Holding, XXVII October Conference, (1995), Conference Journal , p. 1-10. 3. S.O. Olofsson, Applied explosives technology for construction and mining, (1988), APPLEX, Arla Sweden. 4. Documents of Mining Department in Copper Institute Bor, (1999).


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