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By A.S.K

Prologue Mortals, mortality in general, there isnt much to say. Their lives are laid before them, a continuing cycle that practically is laid at their feet. But what about those who dont have that path laid before them? What of the damned? The ones who just watch as lives walk in front of them, faces changing with every decade. Contrary to popular belief, we do not lurk in the shadows, we walk in the open, with the mortals, some of which long to be what we are. I sometimes wonder, what if they could see it from the beginning, and live until the point when they realize there is no end. CHAPTER ONE Death Rain poured from the dark sky, soaking the streets and buildings below. Thunder roared, creating a perfect storm. People took shelter under awnings, or the buildings that crowded the city streets. The alley ways created a maze, and to anyone who didnt know them, it was a certain death trap. A girl, young and nave, had chosen this night to cut through these death traps, and to soon, a life unlived would end. She clung to the wet brick building to her right; her dark brown hair clung to her pale face, as she began coughing violently. She lifted her head trying to absorb her surroundings, where was she? What happened? She began to lift one of her legs, making an attempt to stand, but once she rose to her feet, she immediately fell to the ground. Her breathing began to deepen. Get up she whispered to herself amidst the loud thunder. She winced, pulling herself to her feet forcefully as she threw her weak body against the brick wall. She lifted her head looking up at the rain as it crashed onto her skin, rolling down. With a flash of lightening it hit her. There was a woman, who was she? Out of what seemed to be instinct her hand went to her neck, touching the two puncture wounds. As she gazed up at the falling rain she tried to remember, and then she began to realize, there was no pain. Why? You wonder why I chose you, Sarina? came a voice, smooth as silk, from the shadows of the alley. Whos there? she said trying to search the darkness with her eyes, only to find no one there. I sensed something in you. A hunter perhaps, beneath those dark brown waves of hair, but if you cannot see me now, then maybe I was mistaken. What are you talking about? I created you my love. Your eternal soul is mine, and it will be until our immortality runs dry. Her eyes darted around. The voice sounded so close, why couldnt she pin point it. She leaned against the wall again, calming her breathing, resting her head against the wall, eyes closed. The rain trickled down her face, and trailed down her body.

Open your new eyes Sarina look onto the world for the first time. This time the voice seemed more inviting. She did as she was told. Her eyes opened upward toward the sky, only to be met by a piercing gaze of another being. Just look at your eyes, beautiful, striking. It will be your greatest strength. What did you do to me? I gave you a gift. You should be thanking me. Now instead of being attacked by the mugger around the corner you can attack him. You are now one of the undead. What? Like a vampire? You ARE a vampire. Look onto the world, look at your hunting ground; it is different is it not? You can hear things, sense things, hunger for things you never did before. Your twenty year old body will remain as it is now, you will never grow old, and never die a mortals death. However, circumstances leave me in a difficult position. You see Sarina, I havent the time for you, and I created you expecting you to know your way around this new life immediately. Perhaps my instincts are rusty, but yours are dull and it bores me. Look, you chose me! I sensed the fire within you, I know its there, but I have other affairs. Perhaps if destiny is kind, we shall meet again. In that moment, she, the unknown vampire was gone. Sarinas eyes darted around, trying to follow where she had gone. But it was as her mind feared; she had in fact been abandoned. She pushed herself from the wall and stumbled forward, grasping the wall for support. As she reached the side street she looked back and forth, now her eyes could truly see. The world looked different; the passing humans alone looked different. She could hear faint whispers, even though no one was speaking. Give me your money. She heard from her left. Looking over she saw a man, holding a gun at her. But for some reason she wasnt afraid. All she could do was laugh. Didnt you hear me, give me your money or I shoot! Go ahead. She said, laughing as she spoke. Obviously the mugger was taken aback by this. Listen lady, just give me-in a flash the gun was thrown from his hand, and he was screaming. Sarinas hand was holding his wrist. But you didnt even move, how is that-he screamed louder as she began to bend his arm back. Im sorry, just let me go, please. He began to beg. Why, my life was so unimportant to you, why should yours be important to me. She said releasing him.

He stumbled back, falling to the wet pavement. He scrambled for his gun, squinting his eyes through the rain. Where are you, you little bitch! he screamed into the rain. I never moved she whispered from behind him, biting into his neck.

CHAPTER TWO Instinct Sarina dropped the lifeless body. Her heart raced, her mind screamed in pleasure as the mortal blood flowed through her body. How did she know to do that? She had never been taught, she have never learned anything about her new body. How would she learn? More so she was amazed at how none of the passing humans seemed to notice her, or the fact that a dead body laid in the middle of the road. The rain had washed the blood from her hands and face, but the taste still lingered on her lips. What a fascination did blood now hold for her, it was intoxicating. Perhaps that woman was right, there was something within her mortal body that screamed to be unleashed. Without a thought, she simply stepped over the lifeless body and walk away. She pushed her way through the small midnight crowds that wandered the night life, jumping from bars and clubs. How strange must she have looked? A twenty year old girl, wandering the streets alone. The thoughts of others raced through her mind but were more of whispers, murmurs of passing thoughts. She looked back, to the side street where she emerged in her new body, there was still no panic. How strange? she said aloud to herself. Her eyes wandered over the bodies of the passing humans. Men and women going about their business, living their lives. She stopped under and awnings of a coffee shop, looking into the dark store, trying to find a glimpse of a clock. As her focused changed, her eyes met that of her reflection. She blinked several times; her eyes were a brilliant gold that seemed to glow. Sarina stepped back, moving away from her reflection. She began to merge within the small late night crowd that still prowled the streets and continued walking. The rain had begun to let up and the clouds began to disperse. Not many stars lit the sky, and the moon was already beginning its decent into the western sky. Sarina found herself walking to an unknown destination. She just watched the ground as her feet gracefully lead the way. Had she been walking for minutes, or hours? It didnt seem to matter. Assuming that she was in fact immortal now, time seemed irrelevant. As she broke from her thoughts she realized that her feet had come to a stop. She slowly lifted her head, and looked around into the darkness that engulfed her body. The wind whispered, swirling at her feet. She looked down the road ahead, as if someone was calling her name, but there was no one. She was alone. She began to turn, preparing to walk back toward where she came from. To her left there was an old beaten road, full of cracks. It appeared as if it was warped, judging by the large amounts of water that it had collected from the storm. Her golden eyes trailed the puddles in the road, gazing into them as if to look through and see another side. Out of the corner of her eye there was a flicker of light. She looked up, only to find a small building, what appeared to be a bar with a neon open sign in the window. God, this sucks. Sarina heard a voice whisper. She turned around, but no one was there. The tone of the whisper was the same as what she imagined her voice would sound like if she spoke, panicked,

worried, lost. Shit, what am I going to do? the voice spoke again. Sarina felt her heart stop; it was so audible in her mind, why couldnt she figure out where it was coming from? She suddenly looked down. Her foot was in a puddle that was in the middle of the road. When did she start walking? She lifted her head and once more looked at the run down building and finally took a conscious step toward it. As she approached the lifted her hand and turned the metal knob opening the door. The room was mostly empty, but the space seemed very cramp. There were only a few tables scattered around. There was a TV mounted in the corner, broadcasting some midnight poker game, with a news bar scrolling across the bottom of the screen. A few feet from the TV an older man sat, gazing at the news reel, reading its contents. In the center of the room, two men sat with a deck of cards and a full ash tray. The card game seemed uneventful. Her eyes continued to scan, moving over to the bar. Sorry didnt hear you come in. What can I get ya? the bartender spoke. Oh, um, nothing for me. Im not old- Its ok, I dont mind. Figure this stuff is gonna go to waste just sitting here, might as well give it to someone who will drink it, even if she isnt legal. He said with a smirk placing a glass down at the bar. Sarina walked over to the bar slowly, still scanning the room. She lifted herself onto the stool and sat down, moving the glass closer to herself. She wasnt sure what is was and felt that it would probably be best if she didnt ingest it. She turned her body on the stool, leaning with her back against the bar. She looked at the TV trying to seem interested. Everything alright little lady? the bartender asked. You look a little lost. No, Im fine, just, trying to figure some things out. She said looking over her shoulder at him. His smile was warm, inviting. She just smiled back awkwardly trying to be polite. As she turned back toward the television her eyes caught a woman sitting at the other end of the bar. She was alone. The bartender walked around the side of the bar and went to join the older gentleman under the TV. Sarina faced forward, but out of the corner of her eye she began to observe the woman. She was sitting cross legged, tapping her foot to the soft music playing in the background. She wore tight jeans, a plain white sweatshirt that contrasted against her raven hair that cascaded off of her shoulders. She lifted her cigarette to her lips and inhaled, blowing the smoke out slowly savoring the taste, then tapped it against the ashtray to her left. Of course this would happen to me. Came the voice again. Sarina looked around. Where the hell is that coming from? she thought to herself. Just as she mentally completed her sentence the woman looked over at her, directly at her. She swung her legs around the bar stool, picked up her ash tray and began walking toward her. You could hear that? she said with a smile.

What are you talking about? Sarina said. You heard my thoughts. That was you talking? Or thinking rather? Yeah! she said jumping up onto the stool next to Sarina. You must be one too! Im so glad I found another one. She continued on with excitement. You seem kind of young though, where is the one who made you? And why the hell did you come to this place? I couldnt tell you. Well its not that I cant, its more of I dont really know the answer to either of your questions. And what do you mean one too? A vampire stupid! You really are new to this arent you? Granted Im only a week old myself, and I only know so much-she paused lifting her cigarette to her lips again, inhaling deeply. - but I know the basics. Im just wondering why a newborn like yourself is out wandering alone, you should be with the one who made you, didnt they say where they went? As far as I know, shes gone. I never caught her name, couldnt really see what she looked like either. I just remember waking up a few hours ago in an alley, and she basically took off. Well youre lucky to be alive. My maker is dead, found him a few days ago. Not sure how but he told me that if anything were to happen like that to leave. I guess the reason I came here was because I heard you calling me, or calling anyone. Sarina said looking into the womans eyes. Whoa! Have you seen your eyes chica? Those are the reason youre not dead yet, lucky bitch. I would kill for eyes like that. Mine are just boring traditional black, but still, that must be a rare thing. She said extinguishing her cigarette. Im Dove by the way. What yours? Sarina, I think thats what she called me. Sarina, really? Thats the best she came up with? That doesnt suit those eyes one bit. Oh well I guess its your name now, Ill get used to it. Fuck it; Ill just call you Sari. I guess that I get no say in my name, it just is what it is? Nope, not at all. She said laughing. And to bad for you, we are stuck together now. I dont know about that. I think you might end up ditching me tomorrow too. Sarina said laughing a bit. You know Sari, I think you and I are gonna make a good team. Like sisters, I can just sense it. I guess its just instinct.

CHAPTER THREE Discovered The small clock above the bar struck five in the morning. From the instant that Dove sat beside her she had begun learning. Though Dove herself didnt know much, something was better than nothing, and Sarina had realized, this is the only teacher, the only friend she had in her new life. This way they could learn together. So what about hunting? Know anything about that Sari? she asked. Well not really. I mean I sort of just guessed. Good youve got some blood in your system then. Thats the other thing my creator taught me, there is nothing more dangerous than a newborn vampire with no blood in their system, the instincts will kick in and they will end up killing the first thing that crosses their path. Well judging by the lifeless corpse I left in the alley I was found in, I think I get the general idea of hunting. Sarina said with a laugh. Sari, you crack me up. She said extinguishing another cigarette. I couldnt hunt alone until like my third day. The one who made you will definitely regret ditching you, that bitch. Well one of the few things she said to me was that she sensed something in me, and that she guessed wrong. Well forgive me for not jumping up and killing you right away. Sarina said sarcastically. Well I can imagine for the older vampires, teaching and training the newborns could probably get really annoying. But you are different, only a few hours old and you can accomplish more than I could in my first few days! Ill have to keep you close then. Trust me Dove, Im not going anywhere. And if it werent for you I would be wandering around until the sun cooked me alive. Oh yeah, that reminds me. Were you wearing that necklace when you were changed? Yeah, Sarina said lifting the ruby pendant that hung on her choker. Why? Well for some reason, when you are changed, if you are wearing a piece of jewelry that sort of clings to your body, I guess as long as you wear it you can walk in the sun. I do it all the time. See this? she said holding up her left hand. On her index finger a large elaborate ring clung tightly. Yeah havent taken it off since then and my creator said that would happen. He had a bracelet on for example. Weird. So why do you think he ended up dead? Well he was kind of an idiot. Hunted in crowded places, more flamboyant then most vampires probably, kind of wanted to get noticed. Also he went after a lot of slutty girls, guess he had a thing for them. She said with a small laugh.

Well that explains why he picked you then. Sarina said with a smirk. Oh my God, shut the hell up Sari. She said bursting with laughter. But fair point. Besides its not like you were any better, I mean walking around in the rain, in a dark alley, looking for some easy money? I havent the slightest idea. I dont even know who I was, dont remember my name, or anything from my first life. She said trying to think. Yeah, I dont remember either. Now that I think about it, I dont remember any vampires that really do, and if they do they dont talk about it. Who knows? Probably better off that way, no goodbyes and all that. I suppose. She said, still trying to remember. Sari? You okay babe? Dove said placing her hand on Sarinas shoulder. Huh? Oh yeah Im fine. Just bothers me that I dont remember who I was. Im sure it bothered you too. Yeah I guess it did. But we have each other now, and together we are going to rock the vampire world. You hungry? Dont know, how can you tell? Thats a yes. Cmon lets go catch us something. Dove slid of her bar stool and left a few bucks on the counter for the bartender. Sarina followed her out, straying close behind. I only left him a tip cause he thought that I had a cute ass. She said laughing, throwing her hair over her shoulders. As the two of them walked Sarina began to use her new found abilities to the best she could. Reading passing peoples thoughts, watching a moths fly by in slow motion, her eyes were finally open. As she began to become lost in her own world she ran into Dove who had stopped walking. Man Sari, space out much? she said with a laugh. Its all good, I did it too. Kind of like being a little kid again. Where are we? Sarina asked. Well I figured that this would be the best place to pick up a good kill. Its a train station just outside of the city. Its underground, usually not all that busy, and I can hear someone that sounds like they are alone. Let us test your skills. Are you a good actress? What does that have to do with hunting? Absolutely everything, dont worry. Just trust me.

Sarina began to descend the stairs. Dove was right. It was extremely quiet. Only a few lights flickered above them and her vampire senses could tell the actual train was about twenty minutes away. She walked onto the platform and looked around, finally spotting gentlemen. He was middle aged and constantly stared at his watch as if he was anxious, or late for something. She inhaled and exhaled slowly and walked over to him. She felt her body sort of sway in a different manner than usual, as if some primitive hunting instinct was taking over. She felt a smile spread across her lips and her eyes grew narrow and flirtatious. Excuse me. She said in sort of a whisper. I was wondering if you could tell me when the next train is scheduled. Oh, sorry I didnt see you there. Well since its still early I should be here in about thirty minutes. He said briefly looking up from his watch, only to have his eyes trail back to it immediately. Thanks. She said with a giggle and in her mind listening to the train that was about ten minutes away. So are you late for something? Well just work. And not late I just like to get there a little early, now if you would excuse me. He said turning and walking away to sit on a bench. Sarinas posture quickly changed. She sighed heavily and began to walk toward him. Her eyes adjusted, everything began to move in slow motion. The trains whistle sounded from the darkness of the tunnel. Five minutes. With every step that she took time moved slowly. Four minutes. She was maybe a foot away from the gentlemen. With one more step she found her body falling. She looked and her foot had stepped off the platform and her body began to fall onto the tracks. She looked up, her hand on the stone slab that lay beneath the tracks. Miss?! Are you ok?! You have to get up the train is coming! the gentlemen shouted to her. He knelt down extending a hand forward. Sarinas head snapped into the direction of the tunnel in which the train was coming from. The light was blinding. She slowly started to lift herself up. Quick, give me your hand! he screamed trying to get her to her feet. She turned and looked up at him. Please, youll get run over! Sarina blinked and slowly made it to her feet. The man jumped back. The train came speeding past. The man stood up looking at the open doors to the train. All aboard, doors are now closing. The automated voice spoke as the doors shut. Oh God! What happened?! the man shouted as the train began to slowly leave. He ran to the edge of the platform and looked down at where Sarina had been, but there was nothing there. Why are you screaming? Dove said from behind him. There was a girl, she fell on the tracks. The train just hit her! he said beginning to panic.

I dont see anything sir. She said raising an eyebrow. You feel okay? I swear to you there was a girl. She was right- Who her? Dove said pointing across to the other side of the platform. The man turned to see Sarina standing there, with her arms crossed tapping her foot impatiently. She looked down at what appeared to be a watch. Dove walked closer to the man and put her hand on his shoulder. He jumped and turned to face her, a smile spread on her face. Excuse me sir, can you tell me when the next train is? Sarina said suddenly appearing in front of him, standing in mid air above the tracks. His head snapped around as he began to sweat. Suddenly he screamed. Doves fangs were embedded in his neck, tearing the flesh from his bones. He fell to the ground, writhing in pain. With another scream, Sarina bit his wrist, and began to drain him, and Dove once again latched onto his neck. Within minutes the body was dry, falling to the ground. Man, Sari, even I got chills. Definitely pulled that off. Dove said wiping the blood from her chin. Well it is a rather nice watch. She said with a smirk looking down at it. Youre crazy chica. Dove laughed shaking her head. Well at least now I know I can see I have a good hunting partner. Shame that he missed his train though. She said with a laugh, soon joined by Dove. What too soon? The day life Sarina had found was a little less exciting than the previous night. She did enjoy the little bit of sunlight that broke through the thick layers of lingering storm clouds. The two of them prowled the city streets, not hunting but looking at all the potential prey that was being delivered to them. To the passing mortals, they were nothing special. Not a single one got a vibe from them that maybe they were deadly, but they probably didnt look it. The lack of direct sunlight seemed to make the day drag out. Sarina longed more than anything to experience the real night life. As you can tell there isnt really a lot to do during the day. Too many people, way too easy to get caught ya know? So as far as hunting goes, night is obviously the best time. But prowling during the day is good, also its easier to walk around in the open like this, especially if you have somewhere you want to go. Speaking of going, I really hope youre not dreadfully attached to your rain ruined clothes, because if your gonna walk around with me, you have got to change. That whole, loose fitting hoody baggy jean look wont work. She said laughing aloud. Well thanks Dove, good to know that youre not shallow enough to ditch me cause of my looks. Cmon Ill buy you something. The good thing about being what we are is that we mostly look amazing on our own, and clothes dont really get that dirty, so one outfit should last you a while. You need something just as sexy crazy as you, maybe with like a rocker style to it.

Thank you? Sarina said laughing a bit. Serious. Mine is, well in my opinion, that fashionable, trendy kind of hot girl. Ya know? I can see it. You just dont strike me as one to follow trends much. I guess. And where do you plan on getting said clothing? I have some money. Got it off one of my more recent kills, she wasnt gonna use it. She said laughing pulling out a wallet from her back pocket. ~**~ It only took a few hours to satisfy Doves initial image of Sarina. She now wore a tight black tank top that clung to her small curves. It was solid, just simple. A pair of torn jean hung from her hips, exposing her knees from beneath the shredded fabric. Her hair was now combed and pulled back in a messy bun, several strands hung in her face. Several rubber bracelets laid on her wrists, more on the right than on the left, in mixtures of black and white. Looking good mama, but youre still missing something. I think we need to find you a pair of boots, something tall and sleek. Like those. She said walking over to the window of a store. Behind the thin glass was a pair of knee high boots, black faux leather, a string lacing up the front. Sari, those were made for you. Dude, I dont want you spending all of your money on me. But its not really my money; its some dead bitchs money. Who cares? With that said, Dove quickly entered the store, dragging Sarina in behind her. The ones from the window slipped on and fit perfectly, sliding on like a glove. As Dove paid for them, Sarina strutted around the store, browsing the small selection. She leaned over the window display looking down at the various styles. She looked up slowly, watching people pass by as it began to rain again. Sarina squinted, looking out past the crowd. Across the road stood a man who appeared to be looking directly at her. Dove? she said not taking her eyes off of the unknown figure. What are you doing Sari? Look at that guy across the street. Is it just me or is he watching us? she said turning to look beside her as Dove leaned down trying to match her eye level. What guy? I dont see anyone? The one right-she said looking back across the street to find no one there. -there. She said her sentence trailing off.

Okay, whatever, everyone is crazy except for me. Cmon, lets go, I know this place where we can go tonight, might want to get there early though, fills up fast. Dove said walking behind Sarina and out the door. Sarina slowly stood and followed. They came to what seemed to be a night club. The doors were just opening; it was still early in the evening, about six oclock or so. Dove walked straight in, while Sarina hesitated at the door. What is up with you? Cmon. Dove said grabbing her hand and pulling Sarina inside. They found a small couch and sat down. The DJ was beginning to set up and had some music playing softly as he worked, bobbing his head to the beat. A few people stood at the bar ordering drinks from happy hour and quickly went to claim a seat. The tables, chairs and even the ceiling were illuminated by a slight hint of blue neon, giving the club the right type of atmosphere. When the light would finally dim down, Sarina could see why hunting here would be easy. A dark place, with a large crowd and loud music, someone could easily go missing. I come here a lot, even in my mortal life; its the only thing I remember really. It gets super packed, usually you can never find a seat, lucky us right. A young blonde waitress came over; wearing a short mini skirt and a tight sheer T-shirt which exposed her black bra she wore beneath it. Can I get you anything? her voice was filled with excitement, to Sarina it sounded like nails on a chalkboard. No Im good right now. Sari want anything? Dove said nudging her with her elbow. No, Im fine thanks. kay. The girl said as she walked away. What is up with you? Dove said hitting Sarina playfully. Nothing, Im just, taking in my surroundings I guess. Some people would call it learning. Ok you smart ass. She said laughing. Within the hour, the club filled up. The music roared through the speakers. Dove had managed to find her way to the dance floor, dragging Sarina with her. The both swayed seductively to the music. Dove was surrounded quickly by young men, just as moths are attracted to a black light. Sarina couldnt help but laugh as Dove lead them on, using her charm to accept them and just as quickly reject them. She could see that Dove took great pride in having that power. Im going to go sit down! Sarina screamed at Dove. What?! she screamed laughing over the loud music.

Im sitting down! she shouted telepathically to Dove. Okay! Ill be right there, just got to reject one more. This is way to fun! Sarina laughed and pushed her way from the dance crowd. She began to weave in and out between crammed people, eventually using force to get to a table. She sat on one of the tall stools, looking around at the people as the danced, at the slutty waitresses who flirted shamelessly. She was soon joined by Dove who was laughing loudly. These guys, I just dont know. This is too much fun. Cmon you have to try it, at least once. No, flirting has never really been my thing. Im getting plenty of entertainment watching you do it though. Nothing like crushing guys. Most definitely. Hello ladies. A waiter said setting down his tray and placing some drinks in front of them. Hey we didnt order these. Dove said as she picked it up drinking from it. NO we didnt but obviously that doesnt stop you. They are from the gentleman sitting at the bar. He said pointing at him. The one with the sun glasses. What idiot wears sun glasses in a dark club? Dove said laughing. Dont know. The waiter said nodding his head walking away. So you just drink something a stranger buys you? Sarina said pushing hers toward Dove. Sari, you are way too paranoid. Dove said willingly accepting her drink. No, I think that is the guy I saw earlier. Is he following us? Sarina said looking over her shoulder at him. Look I didnt see anyone Im sure your just losing it. Sarina turned back toward Dove who had finished the second drink. Sarina just shook her head. What? You gave me yours; Im not letting it go to waste. Besides he is kind of cute. Oh please, he looks like one of those guys who are full of themselves. Whatever he is kind of cute. I dont think I will understand how your taste in men works, it will just be one of the eternal mysteries of life. Yeah, probably better that way. I dont fully understand my taste either.

Sarina turned and looked back over at the man sitting at the bar. He slowly removed his sunglasses and smiled at her and Dove. Dove laughed and waved at him. Her focus was broken as a waitress approached him standing in their line of sight. Lets get out of here. Sarina said jumping down from her stool. Aw, but why? Arent you having fun? Yeah, but I need to test something. Ugh, fine. Youre lucky I love your ass. Dove said laughing as she followed Sarina through the crowd. The reached outside. A large line formed along the building. As they made their exit, the bouncer lifted the velvet rope and let a few more people in. Sarina walked out into the street looking both ways from between the parallel parked cars. Dove stood behind her. Well Miss Mad Scientist, what are we testing? Dove said trying to follow Sarinas gaze. Nothing will happen yet. Just follow me. She said walking across the street quickly. Just tell me whats going on. Cmon, Im curious! she pleaded. Just wait a minute. Sarina said stepping around a crowd of smokers. She started to look back and forth, as if she was looking for something that she had lost. Sari, youre starting to freak me out. I dont remember what it was like to be a newborn so you kind of have to give me a play by play. Its not a newborn thing. Sarina said stopping dead in her tracks. What the hell is it now?! Dove said stopped next to her. Look. Sarina whispered. A few feet in front of them, sitting on a bus stop bench, was the man who bought them drinks. Okay, I get it now. Im officially freaked out. Dove said narrowing her eyes at him even though he didnt acknowledge them. Cmon, this way. Sarina said stepping down a side street grabbing Doves arm. Oh yes, lets just take the side street. Isnt that where you woke up after, oh I dont knowbeing bitten by a vampire! she shouted sarcastically. Trust me. Just go with it. Sarina said picking up her pace. She continued for a few more inches, and darted down another side street, catching Dove off guard.

Geez woman, feel like warning me? she said sounding slightly irritated. Hold up. Sarina said stopping and releasing Doves arm. In a flash, Sarina was gone. Great! What was that about not ditching me, huh?! Hello. a deep voice from behind Dove. She turned quickly only to have her eyes meet the chest of the man in the sunglasses. Look buddy, you dont want to mess with me. She said stepping back. I dont want to hurt you. I just want to talk. He said lifting his hands. Thanks for the drinks, now get the fuck away! she shouted, getting ready to attack. In a flash, his body flew to the left slamming into the wall, causing it to crack. What the hell?! Dove said looking as he slowly began to get up. He stood brushing himself off, laughing. Well she is certainly quick on her feet. Who are you? And what the hell are you talking about?! In another flash, Sarina had him pinned against the cracked wall by the neck. She was half his size, but even he could tell that her strength outmatched his. Her fangs were exposed and a dull snarl in her breath. Sari?! What the hell?! Where did you come from? My nameis James. He said smiling as Sarina let up her grip.

CHAPTER FOUR The Kings Court How did you find us? Dove questioned walking closer. Well, my clan heard rumor that there were newborns wandering the city. One of our hunters found a dead body in a train station a few miles from here. Once it was reported back to us, my king sent me out to find what we assumed was one, but Im pleased to see two beautiful ladies before me. He said looking back at Sarina. Well Im impressed. Dove said crossing her arms. Thank you, as the high prince of my clan- James began to say. I was talking about Sari. Dove said laughing. Yes, of course. James said bowing his head smiling. Her skills are indeed impressive. Ive never seen eyes like that before either. Yeah, she definitely is different. Granted I myself havent seen many vampires. Dove said walking over to Sarina putting her arm around her waist. My adopted little sister, glad I snatched her before someone else did. Is she always this quiet? James said reaching a hand out to stroke Sarinas cheek. Dont touch me. She snarled, hitting his hand away. And stop talking about me like Im not here. Cmon Dove, lets go, we dont need him. Actually Sarina, you would benefit from my clan. They could teach you how to better you special abilities. And Dove, you would make an excellent addition as well, a deadly beauty such as yourself. Oh please. Like I would really fall for something like that. Dove said shaking her head. I mean it. My clan is looking to expand. We are one of the great clans, very powerful, very wealthy. And now you bring money into it? Sarina said raising an eyebrow. Well money to vampires, granted isnt important. But you both would live very comfortable lives, anything you want. Im sure you both have many questions, all of which can be answered by my king and queen. James said lifting his hand to shake with either of them, as I making a business deal. They both stood quietly. Neither of them knew for sure what to make of all of this. Dove, you decide. Sarina finally spoke. I go where you go. I owe this to you; if it werent for you I would probably be dead already. Sari, you dont owe me anything.

I want you to live comfortably. You belong with other vampires, and for all I know I probably do as well. Yes, vampires tend to be social. Though most prefer to hunt alone, they still prefer to have a sense of family. James spoke. Dove stepped forward, hesitating she reached out her hand and placed it in James grip. He responded, lifting and lowering their hands slowly. It is nice to officially meet the two of you. I promise that you made a smart decision. And Sari, he said turning his attention over to her. I am personally glad to have a natural born hunter serving in my clan. Youre welcome. Sarina said bowing her head respectfully. Now, let us return home shall we? Follow me. Its not far from here. Sarina and Dove walked side by side. Sarina could sense Doves excitement with every step they took, though she attempted to make it unknown. Sarina began to look around, learning the way to their new home. Tall trees surrounded them, if it werent for the moon in the sky it would be complete darkness. There were no paths, no roads, nothing. She began to wonder if this place even existed. Though the trees she could see what appeared to be a river, she listened as the water swirled over the rocks. In the distance she began to make out what looked like a faint candle light. One candle turned into hundreds. This is our temporary home. As you can see its large, so it wont feel crowded. Most of the clan is probably out surveying our land, making sure any unwanted visitors dont come here. First we will go to the throne room, so the king and queen can look the two of you over. James said as he stopped to face them. And what if they dont like us? Sarina said. Dont worry, they will love you. They arent quick to judge, and with your abilities there is nothing for you to worry about. Sari stop being so paranoid. Dove said playfully elbowing her. Its not paranoia Dove. Im not sure what it is. They walked up to the building in the distance. It wasnt a castle like Sarina imagined it would be. It appeared to be a large home, a large expensive home. The walls were brick, and only a few small windows could be seen on the top level as well as a large balcony. They walked up a few stairs, coming to two large dark wooden doors that slowly began to open with a creak as the three of them approached. To Sarina and Doves surprise the inside was lit fairly well. The walls were light in color as well as the floor.

The room they entered was mostly empty, a few scattered paintings dotted the walls and a large round rug rested in the center beneath a crystal chandelier. Well Im impressed. Dove said as her eyes wandered the walls. I assume that like most newborns you think vampires live in tombs and dwell in medieval castles. James said. Well I didnt picture a tomb, but definitely not something like this. And what do you think of it Sari? James said making eye contact with her. Its nice. But Ive never seen other vampire dwellings so not much to compare it to. Well Im glad that you both like it. Its your home now. Feel free to wander. James continued forward, and began to take the corridor that led to the right. The halls were narrow, full of twists and turns, much like that of a labyrinth. From the walls of the narrow corridor, it opened up into a large candlelit room. The floor was a majestic black marble, the walls were blood red. Infront of them was a staircase. James took a few steps forward and knelt at the foot of the stairs. My queen. He said rising to his feet. James, we werent expecting you back for several hours. She spoke. Her voice had this eerie seduction about it. Smooth as silk, inviting her prey in. She reclined in her throne, her tan legs crossed at her ankles, exposed from beneath the silk black fabric of her dress. In her hand she held a wine glass, the smell of warm blood pouring from it. Her hair hung lazily over her tan face, a rich brown which contrasted with her silver eyes. I see you brought me a gift. Yes mlady. This is Sarina and Dove. The queen rose gracefully, the silk flowing behind her in some nonexistent wind. She descended from her perch and tossed her hair over her shoulders. She laid a hand on James shoulder gently caressing it and approached the two. And what a beautiful find. A smile spread over her lips. I am Silvia, the queen of this clan. Please forgive my king; he is out at the moment. You see we werent expecting James back for several hours. Hunting seems to bethe only thing that calms him these days. She turned to Dove, reaching her hand up and curling her fingers in Doves thick black hair. Your master has passed on into the next eternal life, thus leaving you to fend for yourself. But it appears that you have done perfectly my dear. She then turned to Sarina, starring into her eyes. And you my child, your story is very different than your sisters. Created and then abandoned, how tragic. But from my understanding you skills are unmatched compared to most newborns. But what is itwhat makes you so special compared to those of us who have been on the earth for centuries?

I had a feeling that they would suit your taste my queen. James said wrapping an arm around Doves waist. Yes James, you have done exceptionally. Be a dear and take them to the room on the third floor, they can rest there until the king returns. Of course my queen. Ladies follow me please. James said directing Dove and Sarina out of the room. Yes, I feel given the correct training those two will be perfect. There is a killer in her, I can sense it James. Silvia said walking back up the stairs returning to her throne lifting her glass to her lips. ~**~ The room they were placed in was fairly small. A small window was centered in the back wall. Two leather couches sat perpendicular to a large unlit fireplace. Sarina laid on one of the couches. Her legs draped over one of the arms as she starred at the ceiling. She could hear distant voices through the walls, but couldnt understand what they were saying. Dove paced the room, reading the spines of the various books laid about the room. So whats the matter? she said finally cracking open a book, skimming its contents. I feel like an animal in a zoo, stuck in a cage. Dont you? Sarina said looking over at her sister. Not really. I mean Sari just think of it this way. We would only survive out there for so long. Granted we would get by somehow, but this clan gave us a home, a family and essentially free food. She said snapping her book shut and tossing it over her shoulder. I get that but- And was it just me or was the queen on edge about something? she said jumping onto the couch opposite of Sarina. Sort of. Kind of freaky how she could get all of that information from us just by looking at us. Oh well she is just jealous. I mean we are probably way hotter than she will ever hope to be and well it looks like I have reeled in James without even really trying, and you could kill her with the flick of a wrist. Sarina laughed slightly. We dont even know what abilities I have. We have only seen me attack two people. So who knows. We dont even know what she can do, I mean she has to be a queen for a reason. Sarina said sitting up running a hand through her hair. Oh come on, why did you become dull all of a sudden? Whats wrong with you?

I told you, I feel like Im in a cage. She said walking over to the window, opening it and sitting on the sill. Whatever, youre probably just hungry. Dove said lying down on the couch. Im going out for a bit. Just dont die on me Sari. Do you really think that I would? I dont think there is anything out there that can kill me. What the queen said went straight to your head didnt it. Dove said sitting up, looking to see that Sarina was gone. Sarina walked at first, taking in the smells and sounds of the surrounding woods. She closed her eyes, inhaling and exhaling repeatedly. She walked and reached a clearing. The moonlight shined down on her pale skin, giving off a faint glow. She looked up at the sky, spreading her arms and stretching up toward the starlight sky. She swayed, feeling the freedom surround her body. Her mind screamed, longing to run, longing to explore. She jumped up, catching a branch of a nearby tree and pulled herself up. She swung her legs over, allowing them to fall over the branch. She turned her body, leaning on the trunk of the tree. Her head snapped as a deer entered the clearing. She stayed still, admiring the majestic beauty of it, watching its every move. Its ears twitched, listening, it knew she was there and yet didnt seem to care. It bent its head down, grazing at the grass below its feet. As Sarina stared at it she began to hear its rapid heartbeat. She stood slowly, trying not to disturb the deer and climbed up onto the next branch up, slowly ascending the tree. As she reached the top, the sounds and smells faded. Her hair blew in the light breeze, the moons glow seemed to stretch out over the landscape. This sight was truly beautiful. In her mortal life she would have probably never found this place, never witnessed its beauty. She closed her eyes once again, clinging to the thin tree branches at her side. She heard a twig snap below and as she looked down through the trees she saw the deer run from the clearing. It was running away from something, something other than her. Sarina crouched down, grasping the branch beneath her feet, watching, waiting. Without warning she jumped down from the tree, bracing herself for the impact of her landing. To her surprise she landed gracefully, absorbing the impact. She stood slowly, her knees cracking. Her heart now raced from the adrenaline of the jump. She gazed back up the tree from which she jumped; it was at least fifty feet tall. Well, immortality has its perks. She said aloud to herself, laughing as she brushed her clothes off. What senses told her to duck, she wasnt sure, but she threw herself at the ground, catching her body with her hands. She looked up, she knew something or someone was there. She looked at the tree she had been in, there was now a large chunk missing from it. Something tried to attack her. She lifted

herself slowly her eyes scanning every which way. As she got to her knees her body was slammed back to the ground. Stay down. Dont move. A husky males voice ordered. Sarina quickly worked her way out of his grasp, turning and kicking in his direction, only to find he wasnt here. She paused, calming her breathing. Suddenly she whipped around, meeting his fist with her hand, which was considerably smaller. She snarled at him, baring her fangs. He did the same. How did you find this place?! he demanded, spinning their bodies around, slamming her into the tree. How the hell did you find me?! she retaliated pushing him back a bit. Dont ask a king such questions! he said grabbing her hands in his. The king? she said calming herself. Answer my question! he shouted getting close to her, his breathing heavy. In a flash she pushed him back, sending his body to the ground. If youre going to scream at me, the least you could do is keep a decent stance. She said cockily, causing him to laugh. Well then, forgive me young one. You probably didnt wish to see your king in such a state. He said pulling himself to his feet. He was tall, and towered over her. His hair had fallen out of the tie keeping it back from his face, it was long and dark, similar to the queens as were his eyes. He had a friendly smile which despite his obvious dark side was warm. I knew kings needed to keep up appearances but if a new born can knock you to the ground I am a little worried. She said laughing a bit. Well its not a common thing I can assure you of that. He said standing close to her again. Her heart stopped as she gazed up at his shadowed face. Your eyes are, different than most. In all my years I have only seen one pair of eyes like that. Thats what everyone keeps saying. Dont know why its so special. Its a sign young one, you will be known for your eyes. He said brushing her hair over her ear. Why are you so far from our home? I just needed to get out for a while. I felt- Caged? he asked with a smile. Well I know that feeling all too well.

So you were out hunting? No, not particularly. Like you I just needed to get away. Well I didnt begin hunting until I heard you that is, a very hard catch. How did James manage to grab you I wonder? Actually I grabbed him. She said proudly. Forgive me, you remind me of myself when I was young. Im Alexander, the king of this clan, it is nice to finally meet youhe said hoping that she would fill in the blank. What you cant read my thoughts like your wife? Unfortunately that is her talent. I can read minds, but not clearly. Im sorry I didnt catch your name. Sarina. Well thats my actual name but everyone so far seems to be calling me Sari. She said shrugging looking up at the starry sky. Beautiful arent they? he said following her gaze. Yeah, they really are. Yet another eternal being. They have their fate just as we have ours. They pierce the night sky, and will stay there for eons, just as we will. But stars die eventually. As do vampires, we all have our time, some last longer than others. How old are you if you dont mind me asking. Not at all, Sarina. To put it in perspective, he said looking down at her. I was reborn the day after the Titanic sank; found drifting in the Atlantic Ocean. That must have been painful; you actually died, so to speak. I was clinging to the edge of mortal life, its the only thing that I remember from that life, a very painful memory, and the water was possibly colder than my skin is now. He laughed slightly. Were you afraid? I cannot say for sure. I can imagine I was. Who wouldnt be in that situation? But I dont remember the exact moment of my death; I just remember my body hitting that cold water. It was Silvia who found me. She is my mistress, and my eternal love. Perhaps we should both return home? he said offering Sarina his arm as an escort. Sarina placed her hand lightly on his arm and they began to walk.

Would you be interested in training to better your skills as a hunter? You might even be able to show the others a thing or two. None of them have been able to throw me like that, just to give you an idea. He said laughing. It would probably be the smart thing to do. Well then my fair Sarina. Until tomorrow evening then. He said placing a kiss on her hand, bowing and vanishing. Sarina looked up, they had reached home. She walked around the building, looking up to see the still open window of her and Doves room. She bent down, feeling the muscles in her legs cringe. She shot up, jumping passed the window, and gliding down. Her fingers gripped onto the sill and she pulled herself up, only to be met with a pillow to the face. You scared me you bitch! Dove shouted at her laughing. Thought you were some creeper vampire or something. No unfortunately Im not your precious, she paused lifting herself into the room. James. Shut up! Its not that obviousis it? Its kind of slapped on your forehead. Shit, no its not! I swear to you. The phrase James, I want you is slapped on your forehead.

CHAPTER FIVE Daylight Dove laid face down on one of the couches. Her hair a tangled mess over her face as she slept calmly. Sarina sat in the window sill, having been awake for several hours. One of her legs dangled against the outside of the wall, her back rested against the frame. She watched the sun rise, its rays possibly more calming than the moon from the previous night. Below she watched as several vampires returned home, trying to keep to the shadows. She saw James leave at one point, probably to find any stragglers that he may have missed when he found them. Her mind drifted to the king, should she really attend these training sessions. From the sound of it, there would be many skilled hunters there already, those that had been trained to kill for their clan. Well you should just go and shut up, Im trying to sleep. Dove said in a grogy voice as she turned covering her face. And you should stay out of my head. She said laughing. Oh, James is coming by the way, just in case- In an instant Dove was at her side, looking out the window. Where? she said scanning the ground beneath them. Sarina began laughing. Okay, that was low, even for you. What do you mean even for me? she said jumping down from the window. I mean that was so mean, I was so comfortable. She said walking back over to the couch. You dont even know him, besides if he is a prince then he probably is married. I will have you know missy that he isnt. I read his mind when we first showed up here. But hes been looking she said. Oh please, you could do so much better. Perhaps, but for now I like my chances. She said with a smug smile. So what do you think is on the agenda today, other than your date with the king? Its not a date, killing things I dont consider romantic. But you want it to be a date? No. If anything he wants it to be one. He was all over my personal space last night. Sarina said jumping over the back of the couch, landing on the soft cushions. Maybe he has a thing for you. Youre better than that old queen, I mean what reason would he have for leaving? She must be driving him crazy. Maybe when you spend an eternity with one person you kind of lose it. I dont blame him.

So attack him. Use your charm girl! You could have him if you wanted. But I dont want him. Well if me and the prince get it on then my little sister deserves some meat too. I will find someone, or they will find me preferably. Maybe there will be cute ones there when you go. Dove said sitting beside her. Guess Ill find out. Keep an eye out for me too. She laughed. What happened to your beloved prince, James? Sarina said pulling her hair back, tying it up. He is the top of the list, doesnt mean I cant have my options open. She said giggling. Youre terrible. Shut up your just as bad. Dove said playfully shoving her. Oh please, I dont have anyone in mind. And here you are already thinking about more guys than you even know about! she said shoving back.

CHAPTER SIX Curiosity Several hours passed. For the most part the halls were quiet. Only a few vampires seemed to walk around in the light. Dove had spent the last few hours reading. Sarina found herself pacing the room with her thoughts. Im bored. She said finally. Really? Couldnt tell. Dove said not looking up from her book. Can we go do something? I dont care what it is, just something. Sarina said leaning against the back of the couch, peering over her sisters shoulder. And what does my curious little sister have in mind? Lets wander the house. Just kind of get an idea of how many vampires are actually here. Half of them are probably sleeping stupid. Dove said turning the page. So?! Ill go by myself if you dont want to come. Id just like some company is all. Whatever. She said still her nose in the book. Fine then. I will go all alone. I think James is back by the way, might run into him, Ill tell him you were looking for him. Dove lowered her book. Do it and I will destroy you she said not looking directly at Sarina. Sarina reached over her sisters shoulder and grabbed her book. Well I got your attention at least. Fine. I will indulge your curiosity. Thank you! Youre the greatest sister ever. Sarina said throwing her arms around Doves shoulders. Sarina skipped to the door, in an attempt to make Dove laugh. Dove didnt react. Oh, cmon, you could at least have some fun. I was comfortable damn it. And reading a book that isnt even in the English language? Shut up.

Well it wasnt. It was in French or something. How do you know I dont know French? Dove said as she stepped out of the room. You dont know French. Ok fine. I dont know French. But it seemed interesting. You were just as bored as me werent you. Unfortunately, Dove said as Sarina walked in front of her, closing the door behind them. your snooping skills have finally paid off. I was bored, but Im too lazy to walk. You are a vampire, and youre too lazy? What? We can be lazy. Whatever. So where are we headed? I havent the slightest idea. Thats why its called wandering. Okay smartass. Sarina walked in front of Dove, looking up and down long empty halls. They wandered back to the main staircase and began to walk down the stairs. When they reached the bottom Sarina stood beneath the chandelier and looked up. Light bounced from it reflecting the suns rays thought the room. That Sarina said with her head still tilted back. Is really high up. Dove shook her head. Yes thank you for bringing me on this fabulous adventure so you could see how high up the chandelier was. Hi James. Sarina said still looking up. Would you quit it with that joke! Not a joke, he is right behind you. She said still starring up, pointing behind Dove. He so is- she said turning to see James leaning on the railing of the stairs. Standing right there she said. Good afternoon ladies. He said with a laugh. Why are you so embarrassed Dove? Cause she wouldnt listen to me. Sarina said finally looking down. Shut up Sari!

Listen to you about what I wonder? he said walking over to stand beside Dove. Nothing, at least something thats not all that important. Lets just say I told her so. Ah, a sister thing I take it. Probably best if I dont fully understand. Yeah Sari, so keep your mouth shut. Yes mother. She said with a half smile. So what an honor it is that the high prince should stumble upon us this afternoon. Actually, I was coming to relay a message to you Sari. The king and queen wish to test your skills. They think you have what it takes to be one of the elite vampires to protect the clan. Really? How do they know? Well the king is the one that suggested it. He said that he saw you out last night hunting and could sort of sense your skills. So what is this test then? Dove said turning to face James. Essentially she will be lead into the middle of the woods, she wont know where she is, and she has to fight off any other vampire that gets in her way. The object is to return to our home and reach the king before any of the others do. What happens if I kill them on accident? she said jokingly. Well it happens from time to time. Im more worried for you Sari, some of these vampires are bred for killing. You may end p being the one killed. Thats doubtful. James this is her third day in her vampire body and she has already almost taken you out. I think she will do fine. You have a point Dove, but even my skills cant compare to some of these men. So its a bunch of guys? Sarina said arching an eyebrow. Yes, there are women too, but the usually dont participate in trials such as these. So basically you mean to tell me the king and the queen are feeding me to the wolves? No. James said with a laugh. These are much worse than wolves. If youre saying that to scare me its not working. Im not trying to scare you Sari. Im trying to give you an idea of what you will be put up against. And what Dove doesnt get to try this?

No. She can watch though if she wants. Might be interesting. Dove said. Watching my sister kick ass. Well then, perhaps I will attend too. James said with a smile. So this is going to be a show now? Im expecting some kind of money for this. I dont entertain for free. Im glad I snatched you up before someone else did. James laughed. Youre sense of humor is so, whats the word for it? It makes her look like a smart ass. Dove said looking at Sarina. Shut up you love me for my ass Dove. I do youre so right. She said laughing. So then its settled. The two of you can meet me down here tonight at around eight. Why not now? Sarina said. We already know that your skills are decent enough in the sunlight. Many of the older vampires cannot go out in the daylight, so there will be nothing to fight there. Its when the sun goes down. And tonight its supposed to rain, there will be no moonlight to help you, it will be only your senses.

CHAPTER SEVEN Survival James had been right. Around six oclock the sun had disappeared in a void of storm clouds. There was thunder in the distance and a few drops of rain had fallen onto the windows. Sarina sat impatient at the bottom of the stairs, tapping her feet. She watched as many vampires began to emerge from their days sleep. Most of them walked in couples, holding hands or linking arms. Youre just going to sit here arent you? Dove said sitting beside her sister. Why not? I could be sitting upstairs reading a French book. Okay it was one time. It was still funny. Besides ever since James told us what was going to happen, my blood has been screaming. She said tensing her hands. I dont think that is healthy Sari. Dove said laughing. Oh would you stop it. Besides holding in that much desire for someone isnt healthy either. Ha ha, very funny. Is it just me or is it like every vampire here is a couple? Well they are probably older than us, so they have found someone to spend eternity with. Its a shame a lot of these guys are hot. Would you stop it?! Sarina said glaring at her sister. Im looking for you babe. I dont want you looking for me. I will hunt down my own man thank you. Okay, okay. If you insist. So are you freaked out at all? I mean you could die. Thanks for the confidence, thats definitely reassuring. Im just saying. I mean I have confidence in you, but James was somewhat right. You dont really know what youre going up against. Is it weird that Im not scared? Mean as a mortal I probably would have been but now, I kind of want to be attacked. You are different. Must be an adrenaline thing. That or you want to show off for the king. Sarina turned and glared at Dove.

Okay, you dont want him I get it, just trying to be funny. I know. A bit early arent we? James said from the top of the stairs. More like impatient. Sarina said standing. Well since the sun is essentially down, and the rain is about to begin, I figured that we could get you in place. The hunters are ready and the king is anxious to see you perform. Lets go then. Sarina said stretching and cracking her back. Please let her get this out of her system. I think if she is like this much longer Im going to lose my mind. Dove said standing and following. James led Sarina outside. The thunder began to close in, getting louder with every minute. The wind also began to pick up, whipping Sarinas hair every which way. Good the storm is picking up. James said looking up at the sky. Turn around, I need to blindfold you. Somehow I have a feeling this doesnt involve the test. It has everything to do with it. It will help us judge your speed and senses. He said placing a thin sheet of black silk over her eyes. Dont be jealous sister Sarina said mentally with a smile on her face. Dove just shook her head, rolling her eyes. Okay. Dove you stay here, the king will be out here shortly. I need to lead Sari into the woods. It is up to her to survive and get back here before anyone else. Good luck Sari. Like I need it. She said laughing as James led her away. Rain began to fall. It was light, and didnt block much noise. Sarina listened as she followed James, taking in scents as well. She could hear in the distance other vampires, or so she assumed, run looking for places to position themselves. As the rain began to thicken Sarina felt James come to a stop. You will have a limited time. Think quick, be fast on your feet and be ready to attack anyone who gets in your way. That is the only advice I can give. He said in a soft voice, barely audible through the loud rain. A sharp wind hit her body. She opened her eyes, fluttering them open and closed, gaining her sight back. She looked around, squinting through the raindrops. The ground beneath her feet grew soft and water collected around her feet. She took a step forward and then took off in a sprint.

Thunder screamed overhead. She didnt stop running, turning and marking on trees, in hopes that she wouldnt double back. How fast was she running? Where were the other vampires? She slid to a stop, panting heavily. She suddenly dropped herself back, bending at her knees as a hand swept the air above her. She sprung up, landing on her knees. Her hands grasped onto the mud beneath her. She spun her head around, her wet hair whipped and clung to her face. Standing a few feet away was a male vampire. Arms crossed. He said nothing, didnt even move. She slowly began to stand, ready to run. Tick tock little girl. There is little time! he said charging at her. She jumped up, her feet making contact with the base of the tree. He swiped at her, catching a few strands of her hair. She sprung back at him, only to have him vanish, causing her to land in the mud once more. Tick tock. He said laughing. She spun around on the ground, extending her foot tripping him causing him to fall with his back to the ground. Good to see you do have fight in you. He said jumping to his feet. He looked down to see that she had vanished. Her feet carried her away in the split second his back met the wet ground. Branches and leaves whipped her cheeks. She could feel her legs almost begin to strain. She knew that this pace was impossible to keep up with, but she had to. She jumped, gracefully gliding over a fallen log. As she cleared it, she turned, throwing her arms up to block her face. You are quick arent you. Another male vampire said grinning as his hand gripped her arm. Yeah, quicker than you at least. She said trying to break free. Ha, I dont think so. He said tightening his grip, throwing her against the log, causing her to grunt. Youre not the good yet baby. He said, his body over hers. The rain dripping from his hair falling down onto her face. Its a shame, you are kind of cute. Her small body squirmed beneath his, trying to break free. Unfortunately, you have failed your test. Think again! she shouted pressing her foot to his chest, twisting out of his grip. He blinked, trying to realize what was happening. Dont be so quick to judge something based on size. She said twisting his arm back until it cracked.

He released her quickly, drawing his shattered arm back. Sarina jumped up and spun around. She wiped away some mud from her arms and turned once again continuing to run. Quick little bitch, isnt she? the first vampire said emerging from the shadows. I wasnt expecting this, no. the second said snapping his arm back into place. Well shall we go get her then? She is getting close to the prize. She wont be able to take us both will she? It is doubtful. But Im not sure. Dont tell me youre going to go soft on her. Of course not, but she was right, we shouldnt judge her based on size, or age for that matter. For being only three days old, she knows more than we did at that age. Alexander must know something that we dont. Can we go get her now? You are just as restless as she is. We were given a job to do, we have to do it. Sarina found herself slowing down. Her feet began to drag in the mud, leaving a clear trail behind her. Shit. She said out of breath. She stopped and rested her hand on a tree. Looking up she grasped at the lowest branch and lifted herself up. She began to climb, getting several feet about the ground. She sat finally, leaning against the tree. Her heart raced, she was exhausted. She closed her eyes and began to calm her breathing, listening to the rain. She shot up, grabbing onto the branch for support. Below she heard her pursuers running, their feet crashing through the water. Where the fuck am I? she whispered aloud to herself. She looked out, trying to see in the distance. She could barely make out a faint light and the shadow of a large building. Okay, now to get down she said trying to find a place to land. As she began to climb down she could hear the footsteps getting closer. If you plan on hiding sweetheart, The worst place to pick is a tree. She looked up after the two of them spoke. Her eyes wide. How the-

Youre not that hard to find to us. She jumped down, collapsing to her knees and springing up. The two soon followed. As she continued running she felt them close in beside her. She stopped suddenly and jumped up, avoiding a kick from her left. As her feet returned to the ground she ducked avoiding a blow to the head. She then continued to run, dodging their attacks. Her clothes were completely covered with mud. She continued to run and it seemed that she got some distance between herself and the two vampires. As home was in sight she sighed, running faster. She could see Dove standing outside, leaning against the brick wall. As she stepped into the open she was pulled to the ground. What the hell?! Let her go! Dove shouted running over to her sister. Sarina snarled and squirmed trying to break free. Get the fuck off of me! she shouted, kneeing his stomach. Just as quickly she pulled herself free and stood up. She crouched down, snarling at her attacker as the other emerged from the woods. Jesus Sari. What the fuck happened to you? Faint applause soon chimed in. A job well done Sarina. The king said stepping into the light. And a job well done to the both of you. He said bowing as the two came closer. So what thats it? Sarina said still crouched down. I ran my ass off to get attacked by these losers? Who are you calling losers honey? one of them spoke. Thats enough Khan. The king said raising his hand. What cant we have a little fun with her Alexander? the one called Khan said winking at her. Try it and see what happens Sarina said standing. She does have fire in her doesnt she. The other spoke. Victor what would you even know about that? Youll have to forgive the two of them; they are brothers so to speak as well as my personal body guards. They met long ago and have been traveling for some time together. Ladies, please let us go inside and Sarina can get cleaned up. The king said directing them into the building. You make it sound like we dont do anything Alexander. Khan said following, Victor trailing behind him. Khan was shorter than Victor, but not by much. Both had thick black hair that loomed over red eyes. Khans held a slight curl and moved freely, he also had a small patch of facial hair. Victors hair on

the other hand was slicked back; he was very clean cut. Watching the two of them walk side by side, Sarina felt as if Yin and Yang had human identities and couldnt help but laugh to herself. So let me guess, Dove said. Khan youre the more in your face kind of killer and Victor is the silent but deadly? she said laughing.

CHAPTER EIGHT A Prize Won Sarinas body lay in a thick layer of bubbles. The warm water soothed her aching skin. She lifted her arms out of the water, the marks where she had been grabbed still visible. She lowered herself, emerging her head in the water. Who would have thought vampires bruise easy? Dove said sitting on the counter of the large bathroom. Sarina slowly lifted herself out of the water. I mean, look at you, you look- Like shit? Those guys definitely gave me a run. Yeah Ill say. Dove said as Sarina turned and examined her back in the mirror. Shit man, look at that. Sarina pulled her hair from her back and peered at the large bruise that spread across her back. Yes its truly a piece of art isnt it? she said ringing her hair out. Door. She said leaning closer to the mirror examining the small cuts on her face. Sure enough there was a knock. Dove slid off the counter and walked over, cracking the door slightly. Shes naked, can I take a message? Doe said leaning against the frame. Yes, greatest sister in the world. Sarina mumbled to the mirror. I heard that bitch. I just brought Sarina some bandages, figured since we are all going out; probably look better if she covered the bruises. Victor said handing Dove some gauze. Thanks, but I think she would rather show off her battle scars. Seeing as she kicked you and your brothers asses, kind of a rite of passage. I also heard she broke your arm tough guy. She did. He said laughing. Well good, I would have ripped it out. She would. Sarina said pushing past her sister, a towel wrapped around her body. Thank you, but she is right, battle scars will be displayed this evening. What can I say, I know this bitch. I can feel the love. Victor said bowing his head and departing the room.

So sweet upgrade sis, thanks to you we now live in luxury. Dove said jumping on the silk red comforter that was placed on a large bed. Had I known this would be our fate, I would have done it a while ago. Sarina said walking over to the door and locking it. She dropped her towel and lifted a small black thong up. Really? she said glaring at Dove. What? Dont you want to look like a sexy she devil? She devil would be tight black jeans and a tight shirt in my head. Youre trying to make me a whore. Am not, Im almost insulted. She said giggling. Really? Sarina said holding up a short denim skirt. Okay fine, so I think you should show off your sexy legs. They are long for a reason. Just because you like to show off, doesnt mean I do. Fine, so dont wear it. But you promised to display those battle scars, so do it. Wear like a halter top or something. That could be hot.

~**~ She performed well then I take it? Silvia said sitting on the balcony of her bedroom. Better than expected. Alexander said, gazing out as he stood beside his queen. Think he will be interested? More than likely. I would wonder if he wouldnt want her. So what are you going to do? Obviously she is willing to kill for anyone who tells her. She could still use practice. From what I saw, practice is something she doesnt need. Why not let her learn firsthand my love? She is quick, beautiful and deadly. That is true, but her skills could be amplified. We will leave that for him to decide. Its only a matter of time before he makes himself known. You are worrying too much.

Im not worried about his reaction, Im worried about hers. Do you care for this one? she said running her hands through his hair. I remembered something when I met her, from my mortal life. I had a daughter. I loved her more than life itself. When I look at her, I see my daughters face. You will get over it my love. She is a prize, but not for us, not anymore. She will learn.

CHAPTER NINE In the Open At the base of the staircase Khan, James and Victor waited. The large doors were open, letting a cool breeze from the passing storm fill the building. I hate women, especially vampire women. Khan said pacing. Just because youre impatient? Victor asked laughing at his brother. We are not just waiting for them. James said. The king and queen have gone and left with the first group. We need a few more escorts; you two know why we must wait. So get the stick out of your ass and calm down. Victor said jumping onto the hand railing of the stairs. You can shut up Victor. Besides I dont have the hots for one of them. Thats a lie; you think both of them are beautiful. I do. Youre right, but our prince gets first call. Its obvious who he wants. Perhaps. James said smiling. Finally Brian, Khan said as another male walked into the room, a small female trailing at his feet. And the lovely Mica, I wasnt aware that you were joining us this evening. He said taking her hand kissing it softly. Dont flatter yourself Khan. She said in a quiet voice. There are my favorite ladies. James said as the two descended the stairs. Something tells me we arent the only two that are your favorites. Sarina said as she and Dove reached the others. Shall we? he said offering his arm to Sarina. Ill pass. She said laughing at his gesture. ~**~ The group made their way out of the manor. It was darker now that it had been before; the clouds had closed in around the moon. Dove had taken James arm and they walked together in perfect sync. Brain trailed behind the two and Mica followed in his shadow. On either side of Sarinas body, Khan and Victor stood, as if they were protecting her.

I find it interesting that only a few hours ago the both of you were hunting me down to tear me apart, and now I cant seem to get you to go away. Sarina joked. Why would we? We have given you the perfect opportunity to turn and stab us both in the back. Im not letting you out of my sight. Khan laughed stepping in front of her laughing. Please give him time, he will grow on you. Victor said leaning down, whispering into her ear. You seem to be the one latching onto me. She said looking at him. He just feels bad about basically attempting to snap you in half. Sari, stop flirting with them, you can only have one! Dove shouted back at her. Sarina only rolled her eyes. The remainder of their walk was mostly in silence. The crickets chimed in the distance, and the thunder roared from miles away as the storm still passed over. The woods suddenly began to thin, the dark canopy of trees began to open up and the city lights began to glow before them. They found themselves in a warehouse district. Large, crumbling cement buildings lined that street. A faint smell fell on the breeze. The smell of decay came from one of the buildings, the full stench sealed behind its large metal doors. Where is that music coming from? Dove said, her face lighting up. At the end of the street, that building there, Brian said pointing. Its a vampire club, easiest place not to be disturbed by the mortal life, though it stumbles in and out from time to time. Its rather popular, not to just our clan, but to others as well. Granted ours tends to take up most of the space. Mica said with a giggle as she pulled her blonde hair from her face. Doesnt a gathering of vampires make it all the more dangerous?Sarina asked. This is where we come in love. Khan said. Most vampires here have it out for us, considering how high up we are. Lets just say for the sake of time, Victor said. Vampires, especially from other clans tend to cause chaos. Its a dominance thing. So we are basically hired security? What did you think you signed up for? This is our job first and foremost, but there is usually enough time to get in a dance or two. Khan said leaning down taking Sarinas hand and kissing it softly. Dont make me hurt you in the open. She said pulling her hand away from his lips. As to be expected, the warehouse they ended up at was black, the large window panels were covered with plywood. At the door stood two large vampires, both cloaked in think black velvet capes.

James stopped at the door, and pulled back the thick black curtain that blocked the way into the warehouse, and allowed everyone to file in. The interior was dim, few lights hung overhead. The intoxicating smell of blood lingered in the air. Make yourselves at home ladies. James said walking between them. I will find the king and queen, and tell them we arrived safely. He said vanishing into the crowd. Get that idiotic looks off of our face. Sarina said looking at Dove. What face? she said distantly. The please dont leave me face. Shut up. I just thought we would get to spend more time together is all. I have a feeling he will be back. Brian walked over to the bar, grabbing a seat and flagging down the bartender. Mica surprisingly wasnt following at his heels. Khan and Victor separated and began to walk the perimeter of the dance floor. As Sarina looked out at the floor, it looked like one single mass of bodies. All were in sync with one another and swayed almost hypnotically. Lets go and dance until James gets back. Dove said walking toward the dance floor. Sure. Sarina said scanning the large building. Hello? Still with me? Dove said walking back up to her sister. Girl what is up with you tonight? I feel like I am getting stared at. Everyone is always looking at you. Cmon get over it and dance with me. She said dragging her sister into the mass. Dove began to observe the crowd and began to follow their movements, swaying her hips seductively, raising her arms above her head. Sarina slowly began to follow her motions, blending in with the rest. She began to tilt her head back and spin slowly, gazing at the ceiling where all of the light seemed to gather. May I cut in? James said snaking and arm around Doves slender waist. He slowly began to flow with her body. James hands slowly moved down, resting on her hips. A grin spread over Doves lips and her hands slowly moved up his chest to rest on both sides of his neck. He spun her around, pressing her back to his chest. Sarina slowly began to inch away from them. She fought her way through the crowd and

eventually made her way out of the crowd. Sarina slowly walked over to the bar and grabbed a seat next to Brian. Why did you stop dancing? Brian said taking a sip of his drink. Got awkward. She said pointing over to James and Dove. I see. He said smirking and taking another drink. Where is Mica? If I had to guess, with some man somewhere on the dance floor. Interesting so you let her- We arent a couple. Its okay, youre not the only one who thinks that, the way she latched herself to me. Ever since I joined up with this clan she has stuck in my shadow, calls me here favorite project. He laughed. Congrats on not dying by the way. The last female that they tested didnt last very long. Nice to finally have one on the team. Youre a hunter then? So to speak. But compared to your skills you sort of put me to shame. How do you figure? she said spinning to face him more directly. Well the fact that even now you are on high alert for starters, which isnt a bad thing. As far as those two go, they can get rather relaxed about situations, it might be good to finally have a woman whip them into shape. Yeah, I dont think so. Might be easier to show them up. She laughed. Yes you were most definitely needed. Glad we got to you and your sister before anyone else. Sarina crossed her arms and leaned onto the bar. Her eyes scanned the mirror at the back of the bar, as her eyes focused she could spot James and Dove as their lips began to lock. Great. She sighed. You say that as if you didnt know what was going to happen. Brian laughed, sliding her, his drink. I knew that it would eventually, she said throwing the drink back. I just didnt plan on witnessing it unfold. I suppose that is rather unfortunate. He said trying not to laugh. Sarina rested her head on her arms and groaned, causing Brian to laugh even harder. Its not funny. She mumbled.

Well it is from this angle. Dont worry though, it wont last. Why are you planning to sabotage it? Not in the least bit. I suppose that is my gift, I can see certain things, get a good sense of them. Keep in mind its not detailed, but I can see it. Well dont tell her that then. I dont want to listen to it. Wasnt planning on it. He smiled. She sat up, unpinning her hair and letting it fall. Can vampires get headaches? she asked rubbing her temples. I couldnt see why not. Well apparently they can. Well maybe its just part of your instincts, get up something is wrong. He said standing. She turned and slid off the stool. To her nothing appeared wrong. She looked over and saw Khan leaning against the far wall. Victor began to get closer to the dance floor as is he was closing in on something. She looked up. Her eyes wandered over and she saw the king and queen sitting at a table in the corner. Suddenly she could hear her heart begin to race. The world around her began to enter a state of slow motion. She turned and began to walk toward the king and queen. Her heart rate began to slow and her mind entered real time again. Her breathing became heavy as she blinked trying to focus again. Hello Sarina. Alexander said smiling up at her. She turned. She was now standing next to their table. Sarina. The queen said bowing her head. Hi. She said quietly as if still in her trance. Something the matter Sarina? Silvia said touching her hand, causing her to jump. No its nothing she said trailing off. As she closed her eyes to blink, she felt someone coming toward her. She shot her eyes open and swung a hand up palm open. In a flash, directly through the center of her hand a knife pierced her skin and drove through to the other side. She winced but without hesitating she grabbed her assailants wrist with her other hand and twisted it, causing him to release the knife. She spun him around and slammed him into the wall.

Shit. Alexander said getting up from the table and holding the man to the wall. In an instance Khan, Victor and Brian were at their side. Who are you? Alexander said pressing him to the wall harder. Sarina still had a grip on his arm. You dont know do you. You sit here asking for death, it will happen you will see. He laughed. Sarina tightened her grip, blood dripping from her other hand. He asked you a question. She snarled. Sarina youve done enough, tend to your hand. Victor, get her out of here. Alexander ordered. Victor came up behind her and gently took her injured hand, examining it. I dont know how you did it, but I would be screaming. He joked leading her away. He walked her over to the bar and sat her down, Brian and Khan had followed. Man, Im not that fucking crazy. Khan said jumping up and sitting on the counter. Will we be able to save it doctor? he joked. Its not funny; Ive never seen anyone move like that. Brian said holding her arm up so Victor could look at it more clearly. This might hurt, I have to get it out. He said slowly pulling at the knife. She twitched. Fuck my life. She said under her breath. Oh you big baby. You were fine when it went through your hand, suck it up. I will use this and put it in your brain. She threatened as Victor set the knife down onto the counter, the scent of blood began to pour into the room, causing several vampires to look up. What the hell? Sari, what the fuck happened to you? Someone attacked the king? James asked almost as if he knew. His eyes wandered over to Alexander as he still interrogated the attacker. Well tried to, got her first. Like a hungry tiger this one, just jumped at him, knife in hand and everything, I mean that quite literally. Khan joked. Shit, are you okay? Dove said looking over Victors shoulder. She will be, it will be healed by morning. He said pulling out shards of the blade from her wound. I cant look away from you for a second can I? Dove said trying to laugh. You were too busy with James. I get it. She said watching Victor work.

Dont worry, I promise I will never let anything happen to you. Victor said looking up as Sarina watched. Thats comforting, why did you let this happen then? she joked. Its not my fault youre faster than me. Also I call it pay back for breaking my arm. Perhaps we should leave. James said directing his attention back to the small group. We are in the open now.

CHAPTER TEN Unfolding Sarina laid flat on her back, her injured hand hovered over her face as she examined the delicately wrapped cloth around it. The events that had happened only hours ago began to flash in her mind. As the sun began to shine through the small opening in the curtains, she listened as vampires began to tread the halls and enter their rooms to sleep. She rolled over onto her stomach and sighed. You arent as quiet as you think you are. She said with her face embedded in her pillow. So how was your night, or morning or whatever you want to call it? Well if you really want to know, Khan said jumping onto the bed beside her. Guessing you thought I was your sister? he laughed. She sighed. Its okay, Ive been told I have a feminine step about me. He laughed again. And what dare I ask is it that you want? she said rolling to her side facing him. I was told to come and check on you, forgive me for being concerned. I mean you did lose a lot of blood. Must you be so reckless? he joked taking her hand in his. Sorry. She said allowing him to examine her hand. Im just giving you a hard time. He said releasing her hand. So where is she? Who? Your sister? No the tooth fairy. She said sarcastically. My guess is with James. Rumor has it that he might marry her. How can he be so sure? I mean these are just rumors right? Well he has been looking for someone. And she seems to be the only one who has caught his eye recently. Recently? He has been a vampire for a while, so its only natural he looks. Khan, if I were to ask you something, would you be honest with me? Well you wont really know if I am being honest but go ahead and ask your question.

She raised an eyebrow. Just ask your question. This clan, well it was attacked right? If that was your question, then you should know the answer. I wasnt done. When I stood between the attacker and the king, and I grabbed his wrist, I heard him say a name. I guess my question is, who is Gabriel and why does he want Alexander dead? Khan sighed. Look, there are secrets, secrets that even in the vampire world go unanswered. If you find yourself poking around in one of these secrets its the quickest way to end up dead. So I take it, this Gabriel, he is important then? Yes and know. I have only heard rumors about him. Its said that he is as close to one of the originals as it gets. But no one really knows much about him. So he- Sarina said as the door quickly opened and shut. Oh, my, God. Dove said. Sari, I am so proud of you. She began to laugh. I actually just got here, wanted to make sure that she wasnt bleeding slowly to death. If anyone should be proud it should be me, my sister and the prince, how romantic. Shut up. And yes for your information it was very romantic. There were roses everywhere and- Thats enough. I really, and I mean really dont want to know. Khan Im- Dont worry. I should leave the two of your alone. He smiled and lifted himself from the bed. What? Dove said looking at her as the door closed. What? Sarina repeated. Nothing little sister, you are just so blind to the ways of men. Oh yes, because I was so aware that talking about me losing blood and getting stabbed was sexy. Well I will give you this, you most definitely look like shit. Like I havent slept and lost a good amount of blood like shit. She said laughing. ~**~ Khans eyes wandered the empty halls; only the laughter from the other side of the door could be heard. He turned to his right and began to walk down the narrow hall. As he continued walking he felt a presence behind himself, and stopped.

So she knows? James said in a hushed tone. Perhaps the next time he sends an assassin, he will do better to make sure that his name isnt used. What did you tell her? All that I know, which essentially is, nothing. Alexander is meeting with Gabriel as we speak. From what I can tell he is impressed. Meaning that Alexander will just roll over and let him toy with us. I wouldnt call it toying. Gabriels word is law to us. You cant possibly agree with any of this. It doesnt matter if I agree with it or not. And what happens when she doesnt agree to this? That isnt our decision. Victor chimed in. How is this fair brother?Khan said turning to face Victor. I never said it was fair. I simply said we dont get a say in it. Khan, you know as well as I what was possibly going to happen. We have a duty and we must follow it through even if we dont feel it is right. I dont agree with it but- You still will just sit back and watch like you always do. Thats enough both of you. Victor is right Khan; we must follow what Gabriel says. James said interrupting them. He has decided. Silvias voice rang from behind them all. Decided what exactly? James turned and questioned. Alexander just got back with the details. I suggest that all of you got and meet with him to learn the details. ~**~ A door at the end of the hall clicked shut. Micas small figured leaned against the door, her fists clenched as a tear streamed down her face. She pushed herself from the door and wandered to the window, placing her small fragile hand against the glass. You shouldnt eves drop like that. Brain said coming into the room. What will he do with her?

Depends if she- No! her small voice shouted. None of that bullshit, I know you, and I know what you saw. Damn it Brian, tell me, and tell me the truth! What does she have that I dont? Why did he chose her and not me?! her tears began to stream down her face. Then you should know the answer to that. I dont need to tell you her fate, he paused and sighed.Or yours. So then you saw it too? Mica, look, try to understand, you of any of us should know not to listen like you did. That bitch, she has been an omen since the day she walked through that door. Her and her sister have fallen on us like a plague. And what may I ask do you plan to do about it? Kill them both? If I have to then yes, that way I can pursue Gabriel. He was supposed to choose me not some newborn. You know that is suicide. Dont be so stupid, you are blind with jealousy. Then help me. She begged. If we alter your future, what will happen to everyone else. You could destroy us. It doesnt matter. But it does Mica. You saw how it plays out, our clan might as well fall here and now. Gabriel wants her and only her; there is nothing you can do. There has to be, I cant die like this. She began to panic. Mica, Brian whispered, his eyes were closed. Im sorry, but I know you feel strongly for Gabriel, its the only reason why- he stopped, reaching his hand into the pocket of his baggy jeans. Brian? Why? she said, her voice was quiet, as if the air had been taken from it. In Brians extended, open hand lay an empty vial with a needle attached to it. It is because of your jealousy. I couldnt let you take your fate into your own hands. You would have destroyed yourself in the end. Mica fell to her knees, her breathing became irregular, her sobs began to quiet. Brian walked over to her and knelt in front of her hunched body, placing a hand on her cheek. I did it for you. I couldnt watch you destroy yourself. Please forgive me, Mica.

Her body went limp, he skin grew hard and lifeless. Brian lifted her small figure from the ground and carried her to her bed, placing her down, folding her hands over themselves. Perhaps in another life, we will in fact meet again. ~**~ The sisters lay beside one another on the carpeted floor. Sarina on her stomach, feet waving back and forth, and to her left, Dove was on her back, with her knees bent. Im just going to say that it was amazing. She laughed. I already told you I dont want to know, so let us keep it that way. Sarina giggled. But sisters are supposed to share everything. I feel that this doesnt constitute as everything. Fine, dont know, continue living your boring life. Boring? Who is the one that got stabbed a few hours ago. She laughed holding her injured hand up. Oh and only because I love you, James is totally hooked. According to Khan, you are now his blushing bride to be, but you didnt hear that from me. Shut up! she shouted with a smile on her face. I only speak the truth dearest sister. That was oddly easy. He sighed as the smile faded from her lips. Thats it? Not exactly what I was expecting but okay. No, I am excited, but you should know by now, I enjoy a challenge. Well I just wanted a crazy, filled with excitement, cant contain her giggling, reaction, but I suppose I will settle with what I got. Sarina laughed. Oh stop it. Stop what? I am happy for you and feel that I should share my happiness. Enough with the sarcasm. Oh please you love it. And besides it looks like this vampire life is looking up for us now. Yes, Dove said standing and walking over to the bed side table, lifting two champagne glasses filled with blood. The plot it would appear is finally unfolding.

CHAPTER ELEVEN Run See good as new. Dove said pulling the bandage from Sarinas hand. Odd. Sarina said flipping her hand over and back again. Well thats lame. What is? There isnt a scar or anything. Isnt that a good thing? she laughed. That scar would have been bad ass! Are you kidding me? I had a blade, she pointed at her hand. Through the fucking center of my hand, and you ask why its lame to not have a scar? Its like you dont know me at all. All Dove could do was laugh. The sun suggested that it was high noon. They had the curtains on their window drawn back, allowing the sunlight to poor into the room. A quiet tapping came from the door and both looked over. Nose goes. Sarina said touching her nose. Yes very mature of you. Dove laughed as she walked over to the door, cracking it and peering out. Whats that? Sarina said peaking over Doves shoulder, causing her to jump. Will you stop that! she laughed leaning down and picking up a rose. I dont think that boy could have been more clich. Sarina said laughing as she walked away. I think its cute how hard he tries. She said slipping the simple gold band from the rose and onto her left ring finger. What happened to being a challenge? Sarina said crossing her arms. Him! Not me. She laughed admiring her new trinket. Oh thats right, youre easy. Silly me for forgetting. She said dodging a playful hit. So youre calling me a whore now? Dove laughed. No I believe you just called you a whore. She said sticking her tongue out. Another knock sounded at the door, followed by Victor sliding into the room. Popular today arent we. Sarina joked.

Something happened. He said closing the door behind himself. Care to expand on that thought? Dove asked raising her eyebrows. Someone was found dead. Throat slit, blood was everywhere, meaning there was a fight. This means whoever did it, could still be wandering our halls. Everyone is on edge. So shouldnt we leave? Most of the clan cant leave in daylight, including the Queen. Wait, you are telling me our own Queen, in all her greatness cant walk in the sun? Dove laughed slightly. No, she cant. And because of that, we need to take extra precautions. Who was killed? The two of you wouldnt have known him. You might have seen him briefly last night but not more than that. We are moving the king and queen shortly. Khan said entering the room. Another one was found dead, as well as Mica. Though with her it looked like she did it herself. Do you think she is the one who killed the others? I cant say for sure. But whoever this is means business. The sooner we move the better. Victor said opening the door and walking out into the hallway, watching as vampires began to leave their rooms. Khan followed and imitated his motions. Dove and Sarina slipped through the door and followed them. Where are you going? Sarina asked Dove as she began to stray from everyone. Its never been this quiet before. Victor whispered. Something is going to happen, and soon. Which is why if we are done wandering, we need to go now. Sarina said grabbing Doves arm. What about James? What about me? he said grabbing onto her hand. There prince charming is fine, can we go now? Sarina said releasing her. James what is going on? Khan said in a hushed tone.

Its not safe to walk here. We need to leave. Brian is waiting at the entrance with another group, we will leave with him. James said leading Dove to the stairs. Victor, Khan and Sarina trailed behind. Vampires began to panic it seemed. Sure enough when they reached the entrance, Brian towered over the small group that he gathered. Victor, Khan, the both of you go on and tend to the King and Queen. They need more help than we do. Gather up any remainders and lead them to another location. If we are being hunted, it will be harder to find all of us if we are scattered. Brian pushed the large doors open with little effort and the group began to filter out as James led the way with Dove on his arm. Sarina followed them and slowed as she approached Brian. Im sorry about Mica. She said quietly. She had it coming, she was against us all along. He said allowing Sarina to walk out the door before he closed it. She was against us? How do you-she paused as he held up the empty vial. I knew for a while, I tried many times to convince her she was wrong, but in the end I did what I was trained to do. He said pocketing it once more. The group walked in silence. Faint whispers traveled amongst the crowd of around thirty unknown vampires. They began to weave though the trees in what looked like a rehearsed dance number in a movie. We will stop here, it should be far enough. James voice echoed above them. Sarina looked and laughed quietly to herself. She was standing at the edge of her clearing, where she had met the king. As the vampires disbursed James and Dove began walking toward Sarina and Brian. Brian, James said addressing him. Keep watch over head. When the sun falls beyond the mountains, Sarina you will take over. Yes, sir. He said leaping up into a nearby tree and ascending to the top. What will happen to us I wonder? Sarina whispered watching him climb the tree. For now we have a small number of clan members, we will have to do what we can to survive out here until we meet up with the others. Until then, we wait. You make it sound as if you knew this would happen, James. She said looking over at him. Alexander had a feeling that something like this was bound to happen. He turned and began to walk back toward the clan.

James, she said turning to him, causing him to stop in his tracks. I know that I am still new to this, but, she paused again and inhaled. if anything happens to her, I will find you and end you. That almost sounded like a threat Sari. He turned to face her. It half was. I owe her everything. I know she could handle herself, but she cares for you a lot and I think that she needs you now more than ever. If Im not there I want you to care for her. She is all I have in this life. She walked passed him, bowing her head, and continued on toward her sister. As the sun lowered in the sky, the wind grew; carrying on it new scents and sounds, beckoning the night. Sarina and Dove sat beneath a tree watching James make his rounds. You okay? Sarina asked Dove. Yeah. What do you think will happen now? Nothing is going to happen, Brian is up there right now, and James is here and so am I. You make me sound like Im not good for anything. She laughed. I didnt mean it like that; I was just saying it to comfort you. I know little sister; Im just giving you shit. She said resting her head on Sarinas shoulder. Just dont do anything stupid. She said. Me? Stupid? Its like you dont even know me. Sarina laughed. Doves laughter soon joined in. The two then stood and began to walk around surveying the land, taking in the scents. Its interesting. What is? Dove said intertwining her arm with Sarinas. I feel like Im in high school. What the hell does that mean? Look, they are all in little clicks. Like the popular kids, and the jocks, and- You are ridiculous. We are in a life and death situation and all you can think about is high school clicks? she laughed. Sari, James beckoned across the clearing. Go stand watch, I will call if we need anything. In a flash Sarina jumped up and caught a branch in her hand, pulling her body up. With each ascending branch, the wind picked up, whipping her long hair across her face.

Its unnerving. Brian said without looking down at her as his body moved with the tree. The fact someone, the very person who killed those vampires could be right here with us, completely masked within the hoard. Not really. You know, I understand that you shouldnt panic but- No, think about it, in all of the murder mysteries, the killer is always in front of you. I guess thats a fair point. Besides I thought you could see the future or whatever? I can, but it isnt always clear. Its never laid out like a story book. Well then what good are you? she laughed. Who are you to question? he smirked. Speaking of questions, well mine is more of a favor I suppose. Protect Dove. No matter what hellish ordeal we may be headed for, protect her. Does she need it? Probably not, but I just have this feeling. I want to know that if something happens that she will be safe. I will do what I can for her. I swear it. ~**~ Night had fallen the wind had brought in clouds that loomed overhead. Brian had left hours ago and proceeded to take several vampires out to hunt for blood. Sarina remained in her perch. Why is it so quiet? she whispered aloud to herself. She laughed slightly to herself. What of the damned? she asked continuing to laugh. Makes me sort of miss mortality. Guess you always have yourself to talk to. She continued to laugh. Taking up talking to yourself as a hobby now? Brian said climbing up beside her. Happy hunting? she asked watching him climb above her. For now, I sensed something out here on the way back, so best to lay low for now. At least it was something. I could also smell a fire. Not sure I would like to know from where though.

I smelt it to. There. He pointed at the orange glow that began to engulf the night. Its the house. You can tell? Smell. He said as she inhaled. What is that? she said covering her nose. Vampires, he sighed. Burning to death. So that means they are closing in doesnt it? Yes. What about the King and Queen? They left before we did. She began to climb down the tree, James figure stood at the base. What is it? he asked as she leapt to the ground. Fire. She said out of breath. They burned it down James. Brian landed behind her with a loud thud. Sire, it would be best to move now. If they have found our home that means that we are the next target. We should go join the King and Queen. No. Right now we need to leave them out of it. They are safe I can guarantee it. I meant more for the safety of us but- Thats enough Sari! James shouted at her. Sarina stepped back clenching her fist. Listen. Tension is high right now. The only choice we have is to move deeper into the woods. Thats suicide. Brian said. None of the ones here know the lay of the land that far. It doesnt matter. If we stay here, If we stay here I can at least handle them. Sarina said asserting herself. Sari. James growled.

She is right. Brian said calmly. We will be moving out. He ordered pushing past Brian. Dove trotted over to Sarina. Whats up with him? He has a stick up his ass. Brian joked. He is just on edge; it must be hard for him to handle all this right now. So whoever is after us got to the house? Dove asked. Unfortunately, not everyone got out. Serious? No, Im kidding. Sarina said rolling her eyes. Shit, now what? I guess we follow James. Brian said. As they walked tension between everyone began to rise. Dove found her way up to stand beside James, and Sarina could tell from her body language she was trying to calm him. I think she tries too hard. Brian said to Sarina. She loves him I guess. People do crazy shit like that. Youre probably right but I think with him, if he is angry, I would just stay away. And that is why you are still alive. She laughed. The glow from the fire died down, returning the night to its darkened state. Sarina found herself kicking a rock as she walked in hopes to keep herself occupied. Brian grew silent as the night carried on and the tension between the groups died down. The clouds began to clear from the sky allowing the moons glow to light the sky. Its a beautiful night. Sarina said looking up at the stars. Shame we are spending it running for our lives. Brian said laughing.

CHAPTER TWELVE Unknown Hours seem to pass. They hadnt stopped walking and the night was slowly turning into the next day. We will stop here. James said with anger still in his voice. Finally. Sarina sighed flopping down onto the ground. Tired? No, bored! she groaned with a smile. She lifted her head from the dirt and watched as Dove began to walk to them. Her hand trailed through her hair as she stood above Sarina. What are you doing? Dying of boredom, you? she joked. James any better? Brian asked. I cant tell. I tried to get him to talk but he just stayed quiet. What a drama queen. Sarina said sitting up. Something is really wrong with him; I wish he would tell me. He is just pissed because Sarina was right. Brian joked. Probably. Dove laughed. If the three of you are done joking about me behind my back, James said from behind Dove. Sari, I need to you scout the land. Brian I need you to back track, make sure we didnt lose anyone or that we werent followed. James, why not have Sarina do that since I know the land out here better? She could just end up- She needs to learn, this is the only way. Do not speak against me Brian. The rage began to build in his voice. James, calm down, he is just trying to help. Dove said reaching out her hand to touch his shoulder, which he quickly knocked away. I dont need comfort from you right now! he shouted at her, causing Sarina to jump up defensively. Its okay Sari. She said calmly.

Sarina relaxed her stance and began to walk past James. As she entered a patch of waist high grass she looked back and watched as Brian took off in the opposite direction. She sighed and turned to face the direction she was walking in. It was uneventful. The crickets chimed in the distance and the wind had calmed. Sarina found herself humming quietly to break the uneasy silence, and slowly she began dancing comically to entertain herself. Jumping off trees and into the air, her motions became more exhilarating, causing her heart to race. A beat slowly began to sound in her mind causing her to laugh. Suddenly she stopped, jumping back. As her heart slowed, she walked back to her original location. She looked down from the top of a large cliff that opened up into a vast, bare valley. To her left a waterfall roared over the rocks, crashing against the sides of the riverbed in which it landed. Wow. She gasped. Her eyes began to follow the river, watching it wind and twist. She took a few steps back from the cliff face and darted forward. As her foot touched mid air she tensed her leg muscles. Her hair flew back behind her body, the adrenaline rushing though her veins. She closed her eyes as she neared the ground and smiled, bracing herself for the impact her body would make on the ground. One of her feet made contact with the earth below, causing her eyes to dart open and her hands to fly out before her torso, catching her body before it collided with to the ground, followed by a grunt. She stood and looked up at the waterfall as she stood in it thick cloud of mist. She inhaled taking in its tranquil scent and exhaled slowly. She turned and began to walk onward. ~**~ James paced back and forth, while Dove sat in a tree above him. Will you tell me whats wrong now? she said down to him. Nothing is wrong. Well you lashed out at me for no reason, which kind of reads like something is wrong to me. Look. You are new here, he said stopping and looking up at her. That place was everything to my clan. Now I have nothing. Youre not the only one who lost anything James. Sari and I lost the only thing we had going for us. At least you still have us right? Thats not good enough! he shouted at her. I had everything and in less than twenty-four hours I lost it. Will you calm down? Please James, Im just trying to help.

I know. Im sorry. He said rubbing his eyes as he sighed. I didnt ask for an apology. Trust me I know what you feel right now, and Im sure it sucks. But stop looking at the bad shit and think about how much better it will be. She said jumping down and walking behind him to rub his shoulders. I guess. He said cracking his neck. When Sari and Brian get back, we will all talk about what we are going to do, calmly. She stressed. Okay? ~**~ Sarina had stopped and sat beside the river. She began to hum the same tune from earlier, kicking the dirt at her bare feet. From time to time she would look up at the moon to guess at the time. She sighed and pulled herself back to her feet. She bent down, picking up her boots and sliding them under her arm. She then stepped into the river and began to walk in the water, against the current. Through the thin set trees her eyes focused onto the waterfall. When she reached the base of the cliff, she looked up and sighed, stepping out of the water and sliding her feet back into the warmth of her leather boots. She extended a hand and began to climb up. As she reached a few feet from the ground she looked back out at the landscape. In the distance there appeared to be a castle. She squinted her eyes and continued to climb up. As she gained more height she looked back out at the castle in the distance. What the hell? she whispered to herself, as the wind began to pick up again. As she spoke aloud, she began to hear faint whispers that seemed to be coming from the same direction as the castle in the distance. She continued upward and sat down as she reached the top. Her breathing became quiet as she tried to focus in on the voices. He grows impatient. Where is she? one spoke quietly. Soon, he knew that he would have to be patient, it takes times to catch one as skilled as she is. This voice was female. Do you hear something? the first voice said again. Shit. Sarina said jumping up and jogging back into the heavy woods. ~**~ Brian shortly rejoined the group, Dove ran to greet him. Everyone to my knowledge is accounted for and there is no evidence that we were followed. He said looking down at her.

Thats good. Is Sarina back yet? No, she isnt. James just left to go find her. I figured that she would be back before me. You know her, she is always curious, probably wandered off. She laughed. But it can be dangerous, especially for a vampire like her to wander into the unknown. He said walking with her back to the main group.

CHAPTER THRITEEN Taken Sarina had slowed her pace. Curiosity ran its claws trough her hair, calling her to turn around and investigate. She stopped mid step. Her head slowly turned, her eyes fluttered open and shut. Finally she turned her entire body back in the direction from which she came. She took a deep breath and began to walk back. Every small step she took held hesitation, causing her heart to rise and fall with every lift of her feet. The wind whispered warnings, but she just shrugged them away. Once again the tune found its way singing into her mind, which she proceeded to hum once again. As she reached the cliff, the wind suddenly died down. She stopped humming; she could only stare out at the ominous building in the distance. The water beside her roared and seemed to begin to pull her into its swift current. She leapt up, clearing the settling mist and began to fall back to the distant ground. As she neared the landing, she pushed off of a tree, mid fall, and began leaping from branch to branch. She could feel the branches shatter with every push from her body, the power raged through her veins. The edge of the thinly spread trees was in sight. Sarina reached out her hand and grabbed a stray branch and swung around the trunk and brought herself back to the earth. She found herself suddenly afraid, her heart slowing almost coming to a stop. She swallowed and began to walk into the large shadow of the castle. The voices she had heard before were louder, but there were so many, none of the words could be identified and constructed into sentences. It grew larger as she got closer, more so that she had first imagined. Lost are we? a voice said from the shadows. Sarina jumped. A female figure emerged, her fangs visible in her smile. So who are you? None of your business. Sarina retaliated baring her fangs as well. Ah, well a vampire such as you is no match for us. She said walking forward, several other vampires appearing behind her. I think handling a newborn will be easy. She laughed. Sarina darted in the opposite direction, at this point she began to panic. She could hear them closing in behind her. Her eyes darted in every direction, looking for the best way out. To her left a clawed hand reached out for her, scratching her arm. She screamed, the pain was intense, almost unbearable. She tumbled to the ground, lifting herself again quickly, squeezing her arm tightly as blood poured from between her fingers. Her attacker stood before her, a silver gauntlet glistened in the moonlight, her blood trickling down it.

I smell fear on your blood. a females voice said seductively. Dont think you can win this one? she laughed, tracing her tongue across the metal, taking in Sarinas blood. Sarinas breathing grew heavy. She tightened her grip on her arm, the wound seemed to be growing, and the blood flow became heavier. She shook her head, trying to get her eyes to focus. Amazing. To a mortal, its harmless, to a vampire, an overdose can be deadly. Her laugh grew and was soon joined by others. Sarina turned her body, facing the swarm of vampires that surrounded her body in a ring. Im not afraid of you! she snarled out, releasing her wound. If you want me dead then try it! You say youre not afraid, but we can smell it on you. The woman said tilting her head beckoning forward three vampires from the swarm. They charged at Sarina. She spun gracefully, avoiding several blows. She began to swing her arms, trying to land a hit or two. Hitting their bodies was similar to that of striking a brick wall. With every move, blood poured from her arm, her vision blurred more. She snarled as more closed in on her. Her hand tensed and she swung, nails out. She managed to make contact, how effective it was she couldnt tell, but her hand was covered in blood that was not her own. She continued to dodge attacks as the swarm continued to close in. She wont last much longer. A voice rang out from the crowd. She shook the thought from her head and continued to thrash about. She began to feel her body collapse from underneath her. Shit. She growled falling to her knees. Enough. Another voice rang out. Sarina continued to attempt to stand, her legs trembled. As her vision cleared for a moment she looked as the swarm backed away from her, all but two, not including herself, stood in the center. The female from before, her gauntlet easily recognizable, the other stood with his face in the shadows, a large scratch across his chest. She couldnt help but laugh. And what is funny, if you dont mind me asking? the woman spoke. I got him. Sarina spoke as if there was no breath left in her lungs. It wasnt lethal. The womans eyes narrowed. Doesnt matter, Sarina said standing tall. Its all I need. Without warning Sarina turned and charged at the woman. Her unsuspecting target fell to the ground as Sarina flipped mid air over her body. Landing a few feet away with a slid, she fell once again to

her knees, looking up as the woman stood, brushing herself off. The gauntlet was now embedded in a nearby tree, still glistening in its beauty. And what did you think that would-the woman paused and slowly lifted her hand to her neck, swiping away blood. Her glare turned back to Sarina who had been crouched on the ground, ready to dart again. I see. She said as her blood began to flow down her body, and still she laughed. Sarina stood again, breathing heavily, wiping her hair from her eyes, a trail over blood following her fingers. I smell fear on your blood. She mocked as the female vampire collapsed to the ground. The lifeless body slowly curled in on itself, chilling the air. The swarm once more closed in on her. The vampire with the scratches on his chest approached first. Come at me. Sarina whispered. Gladly. The male said charging. Sarina met his body, immediately her fangs met with his hard, cold skin. Like an animal, she ripped the flesh from him, sending him back screaming out in pain. In a constant flow, like the waterfall behind her, vampires attacked, coming at her from all directions. It seemed to go on and on, more of them coming from nowhere. ~**~ Dove paced impatiently, nibbling at her fingernails anxiously. They should have been back by now. She finally said stopping and facing Brian who was lounging against a large boulder. And if she wandered off, might take James some time to find her. Something happened. I just know it. Nothing happened. This is Sari we are talking about, trouble follows her. Dove. Brian said appearing in front of her. His hands reached down and grabbed her shoulders. Relax. He said pulling her into an embrace. She sighed and wrapped her arms around his waist. I just know something happened. ~**~

The bodies began to pile around her, and yet they still came. She had been fighting blindly for what seemed like eternity. Her vision had almost left her; she could only see blurred outlines of bodies flying at her. As she continued to dodge and strike, her knees could no longer hold her up. Sarina fell into the slow moving river. As her knees collided with the water, she felt pain shoot through her body. Tears came streaming from her eyes due to the pain. She could feel every scratch on her body, the warm blood trickling out and into the waters below. Her nostrils flared at the smell of her own blood and began to nauseate her. She lifted her hands out of the water. They were trembling immensely, as was the rest of her body. She blinked several times, trying to get her eyes to focus. For a moment, her mind cleared. Standing opposite of her in the river she could see a familiar figure. She raised her head and looked up at his face. James? she sighed, body still trembling. Get up Sari. He ordered. I cant. she said trying to lift herself up. I said get up! he shouted at her. She slowly began to lift her body, reaching out for something to support her weight. James walked to her, taking her wrist in his hand, holding her up. James, how did you- she was cut off. A sharp pain flowed through her body. She looked down, a choppy breath passed through her lips. A knife had pierced her stomach. James held onto the other end. Her eyes looked back up at him, once hopeful now full of rage. Learn your place. He whispered into her ear. Let the venom take you. Sarina pushed with what strength she had left, away from him. The cold blade slid from her skin, the blood began to trickle down. She turned to face the swarm that stood behind her, anxious to pounce. I will end you. She mouthed in a breathless whisper to James. In an instant, her body collapsed down into the water. Her blood surrounded her. Her breathing slowed, her eyelids grew heavy. As they closed James came and stood over her. He lifted his hand and motioned for someone. Take her. He whispered, turned and walked away out of her sight. Sarina closed her eyes, her breathing stopped and her mind entered blackness.

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