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R v Clarke An offer cannot be 'accepted' by doing the required act in ignorance of the offer.

Williams v Carwardine Motive for accepting is irrelevant.

Boulton v Jones No valid acceptance may be made be a person who is not an offeree.

Must be in response

Lancaster v Walsh Where reward has been offered in return for information, the only person entitled is who gave that info first. Intense Investments Acceptance may be made by conduct without communication. Conduct

Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Where an offer is made to the world, a valid acceptance may be made by any person with notice of the offer.

Hyde v Wrench Mirror image rule Acceptance must be unqualified and must correspond exactly with the terms of the offer.

Powell v Lee Acceptance through the 3rd party must be authorised.

Yates v Pulleyn If a method was prescribed for the benefit of the offeree, the offeree can waive a stipulation for his benefit and use an alternative mode, provided it does not disadvantage the offeror.

3rd part communication


Prescribed mode of acceptance

Entores v Miles The acceptance by insta communication comes into force upon receive

Instantaneous communications Powell v Lee Acceptance must be communicated The Brimnes, Denning LJ @ Entores v Miles The acceptance is valid if an offeree reasonably believe that he communicated the acceptance, but the offeror failed to receive it properly. Conduct of the offeror Revocation of a posted acceptance Unilateral contracts

Manchester Diocesan The offeror must manifestly exclude all the methods of acceptance that won't suffice. If he fails to do that any (but no less advantageous) method will be a valid acceptance.

Mondial Shipping v Astarte If an offeror is a business company, the acceptance must be communicated during the ordinary office hours. Otherwise it comes into effect next office hour.

Felthouse v Bindley Silence cannot amount to acceptance, the offeror must know that he is bound. GNR v Witham The acceptance of a unilateral offer is made by complete performance of the act required by the offer.


Wenkheim v Arndt Revocation of an acceptance cannot be made when already posted.

Fire Insurance v Grant The postal rule applies even if the letter of acceptance is lost or delayed.

Adams v Lindsell The acceptance takes effect from the moment the letter of acceptance put into an official letter box


Postal rule

Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball The communication of acceptance is waived because it is implied by the conduct

Daulia v Mill Bank The offeror cant prevent full completion by withdrawing the offer at this stage

Ousting Holwell Securities v Hughes The postal rule is not applied when it leads to 'a manifest inconvenience and absurdity'. Impliedly Quenerduaine v Cole There may be an implied requirement that the acceptance should be made by an equally speedy method. Expressly

Holwell Securities v Hughes The use of word 'in notice... to' ousted the postal rule

Henthorn v Fraser A postal acceptance will only be valid at the time of posting if it is reasonable for the offeror to expect an acceptance by post.

Fire Insurance v Grant The postal rule may avoided by the offeror saying 'your answer by post is only you bind me if it reaches me'.

Getreide v Contimar The postal rule may ousted if the offeree failed to benefit from it, i.e. misdirected the letter

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