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Vikram Pandian

Period 5

Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources: 1."Abdication of Nikolai II, March 15, 1917." 15 Mar. 1917. Ed. The Times., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2012. <>. This is the actual document of Czar Nikolai II abdication. This is when he removed himself from the throne. This led into the Revolution.

2.Khlmann, Richard Von. Address. Reichstag. 30 Nov. 1917. First World War. Ed. Michael Duffy. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2012. <>. This is an interview of Richard Von Kuhlmann. He explains what Russia is like after the Revolution. It was better than when it was ruled by the provisional government.

3.Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich. "The April Theses." 7 Apr. 1917. Marxists. Ed. Isaacs Bernard. Marxists, 2005. Web. 19 Nov. 2012. <>. This is Vladimir Ilyich Lenins April Theses. He declared his thoughts of the provisional government to The Bolsheviks. He promises that if they were able to overthrow the government, they will get peace, land, and bread (food).

Vikram Pandian

Period 5

Secondary Sources: 4.Walters, David. "Lenin Internet Archive." Marxists. Ed. David Walters. Marxists, n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2012. <>. Timeline This is a full archive on Vladimir Lenin. It has pictures, documents, and a biography of Lenin. Lenin was a key player in the Bolshevik party. He led them to their victory.

5.Rabinowitch, Alexander. "Russian Revolution." Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Online, n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2012. <>. This is an online database. It has an article on the Bolshevik Revolution. This told me when the Bolsheviks had attacked and won. They attacked on Oct. 24 1917 and were able to win.

6.Rational Revolution. Rational Revolution, 22 May 2003. Web. 19 Nov. 2012. <>. This website gives me information on how Russia was before the revolution. It tells me how the Bolsheviks formed and was able to overthrow the Russian provisional government.

Vikram Pandian

Period 5

7.Kreis, Steven. "The Aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution." The Aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution. Steven Kreis, 2000. Web. 11 Dec. 2012. This website tells me about what happened after the Bolshevik revolution. Even after the provisional government was overthrown, not everyone wanted to be ruled by the Bolsheviks. But Lenin made his best effort to convince them. 8."The Provisional Government." The Provisional Government. History Learning Site, 2012. Web. 05 Jan. 2013. <>. This website gave me information on the Provisional Government. It told me why it formed. It also gave me information on the Kornilov affair.

9.WebChron. David W. Koeller, 1999. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. <>. This tells me how the Bolsheviks rose to power. Peasants and workers despised the provisional government already so they made a group to rebel. Lenin joined it in 1917 from his exile. The Bolsheviks main goal was to overthrow the government.

10.Townsend, Robert B. "What Was the Bolshevik Revolution?" Historians. Robert B. Townsend, 23 Feb. 2002. Web. 11 Dec. 2012. This has info on how Russia was not improving in anything in the early 1900s. It also has the Bolshevik partys main leaders and about the government.

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