Caller: in This Issue

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January 6, 2013

Issue 01

In This Issue
Remember in Prayer 2 Spiritual Disciplines Wk 2 Prayer Requests, Dec. 30 2 Serving in the Military 2 Thank Yous/Statistics 2 Worship Ministry 3 Ronald McDonald House 3 Sweet Ministry 3 Epiphany Sunday 3 Pastoral Relations 3 MLK Jr, Celebration 4 Fullerton Stories Hero 4 Tri-Tip Ministry 4 Final word of thanks 5 Baptism Renewal 6 Alzheimers 6 Ministry Teams/Comm. 7&8 Serving Sunday 9

Events January 6, 2013 January 13, 2013

is published weekly (Deadline Wednesday at Noon) by First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 109 E. Wilshire Ave. Fullerton, CA 92832 714.525.5525

The Caller

Senior Pastor: Rev. Darrell McGowan Associate Pastor: Rev. Debra Todd Editor: Donna Woodbridge

January 6: Commissioning of Elders 8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service 9:00 A.M. - REFRESH, Contemporary Service 9:00 A.M. - Classes for all ages 10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER, Traditional Service January 7: 7:00 P.M. - Alzheimers Support Group, Chapman Lounge 7:00 P.M. - 12-Step Class, Choir Room January 8: 10:00 A.M. - Pathways of Hope Executive Board, CL 6:30 P.M. - BA @ Barry Woodbridges January 9: 7:00 P.M. - Darrells Pastoral Relations Committee, CL January 10: 3:30 P.M. - Lord, Teach Us to Pray Bible Study, CL 6:30 P.M. - Bell Choir rehearsal 7:30 P.M. - Chancel Choir rehearsal January 13: 8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service 9:00 A.M. - REFRESH, Contemporary Service 9:00 A.M. - Classes for all ages 10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER, Traditional Service 11:30 A.M. - Elder Training, Chapman Lounge January 14: 7:00 A.M. 9:30 P.M. Chapel on Wheels Fundraiser @ Pollys 7:00 P.M. - 12-Step Class, Choir Room January 15: 9:00 A.M. - Pathways of Hope General Board, CL Noon - Sr. Adult Meeting, Chapman Lounge 6:30 P.M. - BA @ Barry Woodbridges 7:00 P.M. - Contemplative Service, Sanctuary January 16: 11:30 A.M. - Child Care Committee Meeting 6:00 P.M. - Discipleship Ministry Team, Chapman Lounge 7:00 P.M. - Worship Ministry Team, Chapman Lounge Outreach Ministry Team, Choir Room AA Groups - Sun. 8:00 P.M., Friday, 7:30 P.M., Sat. 8:30 P.M. ,NA Group, Tues., 7:30 P.M.

Remember in Prayer
Continue to pray for: Jenny Alldridge, Acquistapace and Geiger families, Donna Bagley, Helen Bailey, Margie Barlow and family, Dottie Bense, Harold Brickens, Mary Brill, Betty Ruth Buchanan, Linda Christman, Chris Collett, Lorna & Skip Farnum, Lin Garcia and family, Anna Lou Horspool, Kevin & Linda Johnen, Nancy Knott, Flora Miller, Betty Rollo, John & Marj Schwenker, Claudia Tammen, Dorothy Tanner, Cathy Thompson and family, Jack Townsend, Barbara Tucker, and Bob Vannoy.

Prayer Requests: Dec. 30, 2012

Sherry Herrera

Sibyl Dittberner

Pat Van Vliet Elizabeth Beech Jan McCuen

Readings and Prayer Concerns for Week of January 7 January13, 2013

Monday, January 7: Reading: Acts 8:14-17; pray for the Alzheimers Support Group as they start the New Year sessions. Tuesday, January 8: Reading: Psalm 29:1-5; pray for the Pathways of Hope Executive Board meeting in Chapman Lounge today. Congregational Prayer Day, Wednesday, January 9: Reading: Psalm: 29: 6-11 pray for Darrell and his Pastoral Relations Committee as they meet tonight for their quarterly meeting. Thursday, January 10: Reading: Isaiah 43: 1-4; pray for Mitch as he attends conferences the next week. Friday, January 11: Reading: Isaiah 43: 5-7; pray for Global Ministries Missionaries in East Timor, Monica & Tom Liddle. Saturday, January 12: Reading: Luke 3: 15-17; pray for the Elder Training session to be held after the 10:15 a.m. service tomorrow. Sunday, January 13: Reading: Luke 3: 18-22; pray for those renewing their baptisms today.

Susie Wright

Antonio who was burned over 90% of his body and is not expected to live. Friend, Rose Moore and Family as her husband passed away recently and her son now has terminal cancer. Barbara Tucker is on her last days. Lisa and Robbie Meer, health and relationship issues. Sister, Joan and her husband, Ron, who are both experiencing many health issues. Peace and justice in our world.

Serving in the Military:

Adam Hawley, Deb Taylors nephew. Adam left Saturday, December 29, for deployment to Afghanistan. He will be gone nine months from his wife and new baby. Lt. Patrick OConner, Betty Rollos grandson-in-law, now back at his home base. Lt. Patrick Rollo, Betty Rollos grandson. He is also back at his home base. Joshua Reynolds, Jane Reynolds son. He is at Ft. Riley, KS dealing with PTSD and will be returning to Afghanistan soon.

Thank Yous
I want to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, dinners, and most of all for their love shown me during my operation. What an awesome church and awesome people we have, Thank you!!! Thank you!!!! I still have a ways to go but I will get there!!!! Love, Mary Brill Betty Rollo also would like to thank everyone for all their prayers, cards and concerns as she recuperates from pneumonia. She says she is feeling better every day but must still stay in for a few more days.

Sunday Statistics
December 30 12 110 (Remember Service) 6 (Reawaken Service) 7 (Refresh Service) No Contemplative Service Weekly Giving: $6,197.88 Budget Goal: $4,681 Mission: $926.12 Christmas Offering: $25

Thank You
I would like to begin my tenure as Chair of the Worship Ministry Team giving a special thanks to Barbara Fenters who presented the wonderful story of the many contributions that John and Marj have made to the life and ministry of FCCF over the years they have been members, to Ada Rodman who secured pictures from Marj to be shown on the screen, and to David and Amy Styffe for the slides created and shown during the presentation. The Worship Ministry Team plans to continue to recognize more pairs of stalwart saints in our congregation on the fifth Sundays that will occur during 2013. Barry Woodbridge

Sweet Ministry - (Cookie Bakers)

Do you like to bake cookies? On the first Wednesday of each month First Christian Church provides a hot dinner for those in need (Hot Meal Ministry). We have a dedicated group of members who provide cookies for these dinners dessert, if you will. Our schedule works out to providing 5 dozen cookies about every 5 months. A few of those who have been providing cookies for the past couple of years, have found it necessary to withdraw their participation in the Sweet Ministry and we could use a few more of you to don your aprons and help us out. If you would like to participate in this important ministry of FCC, please contact Barbara Fenters (, 714526-7940) or Donna Vannoy (, 562-691-1471).

Ronald McDonald House Charities

Linda Johnen is still collecting pop tabs from soda cans for the Ronald McDonald House Charities. The decorated box is in the back hallway. She would appreciate your donations. You are invited to participate in their Walk for Kids coming up on April 7, at the Honda Center; 6:30 a.m. registration, 8 A.M. walk starts. The walk will feature a great 5K course along the Santa Ana Riverbed trail, live music and entertainment, a Walker Village with free food and giveaways, Kids Zone will interactive games provided by the Anaheim Ducks. To register for the walk, go to and select Orange County Ronald McDonald House or by email at

Pastoral Relations Committee

The Pastoral Relations Committee (PRC) is a non-decision making body that can make recommendations only. Its primary task is to be the liaison between the congregation and the Pastor to further communication and to be a support for the Pastor. It consists of 5-9 members. The PRC meets quarterly unless otherwise needed. Darrells PRC will meet on the second Wednesday of each quarter at 7:00 P.M.: January 9, April 10, July 10, and October 9. The PRC and Darrell welcome any celebrations, questions or concerns and you may contact Darrell or any of the members listed below. We look forward to hearing from you. Ben Stuart (Chair), Leslie Beck, Chris Fee, Richard Graves, Randy Langston, Connie Townsend, and PJ Vannoy

Today is Epiphany Sunday

Epiphany gets its name from the Greek word epiphaneia, meaning to appear, to show or to manifest. The ending date of Epiphany is determined by Ash Wednesday. Traditionally, Epiphany Day marks the coming of the Magi to worship the infant Jesus. The significance of Epiphany for Christians is that it symbolizes the first recognition of Christ by non-Jews. The season of Epiphany emphasizes the divine nature of Jesus a truth that justifies his perfection as the model of real life.

MLK Celebration Jan. 13

The PSW Regional Church's annual celebration of the life and ministry of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is set for a week from Sunday, January 13, at 4 P.M. at First Christian Church, Pomona. The church is just north of I-10 off of Garey Avenue. Go north one block from the freeway to Artesia. Turn left at Artesia. The church is located at the northwest corner of Park and Artesia. The parking lot is west of the building on Artesia. The entrance to the sanctuary is just off of the parking lot. Two every important activities are part of this event. One is the awarding of the MLK scholarship to a Disciples' student, or students, attending Chapman University. The other is the recognition of someone, Disciple of the Year, in our Region who has given exemplary leadership over the years in the pursuit of peace and justice as did Dr. King. If it's been awhile since you went to the MLK Celebration of our Regional Church, or if you've never attended before how about going this year? If you plan to attend, please let Donna know of your plans so that we can assist you in carpooling to Pomona. Finally, the offering received is earmarked for the MLK Scholarship Fund. The Outreach Ministry

Follow-Up On The Tri-Tip/Bratwurst Project

The article I wrote for last week's issue of "The Caller" generated a lot of interest from people about the possibility of continuing the sale of tri-tip and bratwurst sandwiches at the Farmers' Market, held in front of our Fellowship Hall on Thursday evenings from April through October. The following people told either Mariette or me they would be interested in helping with this project, if it continues: Phil Forbes, Terry Knott, Edee Stahnke, Barbara and Gordon Fenters. I'm grateful for these expressions of interest in this project to benefit the outreach ministries of our congregation. I had previous expressions of interest from Tom Beck, Rod Farley and Donna Woodbridge. I've talked to Paul Smith who coordinated this project for many years. He is willing to provide training for the volunteers who want to take over this project from him and the others who've been responsible for it over the past twelve years. If you are interested in being part of this project, please speak to me, or call me at 909-392-6688, or send me an e-mail at: Though at this point the format for doing the work that is required for this project is to be determined, I'd like to know how many possible volunteers we will have to continue this project in 2013 before the Outreach Ministry meets for the first time in 2013 on Wednesday, January 16, at 7 P.M. in the Choir Room. The tri-tip/bratwurst mission fundraising project will be a major item on the agenda for our January 16 meeting. All who are interested in this project are welcome to attend this meeting, whether or not they volunteer to serve on the Outreach Committee during 2013. Ed Linberg, Chair Outreach Ministry, 2013

Fullerton Stories Heroes of 2012

Davis Barber, son-in-law of Jackie and Jerry Brown and a member of this congregation publishs online news of what is happening in Fullerton. In his last issue he chose to list some local heroes. Hero status, in his definition, are those people who take action on their own accord. These are people who improved our city and made us think. They had the courage to hold themselves up to public scrutiny. They have earned our admiration and thanks. One of our own was chosen by Davis. Here is what he wrote: Susan Garfield Wright: This self-described prayer warrior often speaks at city council meetings, challenging the Council and public in her soft, graceful, voice to do more for others. Reserved yet resolved, Wright doesnt shy away for sensitive or controversial topics, such as supporting Fullerton Police Department, the homeless and the mentally ill.

A Final Word Of Thanks

With the end of 2012, I have relinquished my role as Chair of the Worship Ministry to Barry Woodbridge whom the congregation elected to this post at the Annual Meeting on November 18. As my last activity in this role, I want to express my gratitude to the members of the Worship Ministry, and to the many others, who did so much work in support of our congregation's services of worship during 2012. Darrell and Debra, our pastors, provided consistent leadership in all of our worship services and challenged us with their preaching of the gospel in all three of our Sunday morning services, plus the Tuesday night Contemplative Service. Mitch and Sharlane, with an occasional assist from Cam Malotte, directed our Choir in the presentation of beautiful music all year. They were ably assisted by Deb Taylor and Rod Bagheri as our choir accompanists, with Deb serving during the first six months of the year, while Rod came on board in September. We are also grateful to Sharlane for her leadership of the Bell Choir. And, we are very grateful to the members of both the Choir and the Bell Choir without whose dedicated attendance and work at rehearsals, plus on Sunday mornings, gave us such beautiful music. Special thanks goes to Jeanne Tarbell and Jack Townsend who shared responsibility for the Prelude on most Sundays at the Remember Service. David Ruby, with help from his father, mother and brother, has been the key music leader in our 9 A.M. Refresh worship service since it was launched in April. Another key person in the music for this service, initially, was the late Mark Archuleta whose vision for the service and talent at the keyboard was a great asset. Another key person who was involved in the music at the beginning was Elliott Lawless who played drums until he moved to Portland in late June to take a teaching position there. Stepping in during the fall to help with the music have been two Hope International University Students--Josh and Taylor. Consistent from the beginning as a singer in this service has been Emily Steward-Styffe. Craig Wallace has been the man coming in early to set up, then operating the video and sound equipment for the Refresh Service and cleaning up afterwards Judi Smedley, Jodie & Bill Martin and Linda Johnen have been responsible for the coffee and goodies: at the service. Jack Townsend, as he has done for years, has ably set up and taken down our audio system's components in the sanctuary, not to overlook his monitoring of this equipment throughout the year. He has also coordinated the training and the work assignments of those in charge of the sound and video on Sunday mornings. The operators have included Clare Keech, David Ressler, Alyssa, Paul and Travis Robidoux, and John Styffe. Emily Malotte and Emily Steward-Styffe also helped out during the first half of the year. Behind the scenes, David and Amy Styffe created the slides for the hymns, the prayers and other components of the worship service, as well as the announcements. Sammie Adams, with a big assist from her husband, Ted, has been responsible for the changing of the banners and the other visual features that have graced the sanctuary throughout the year. Chris Fee coordinated the assignments of the Elders who have provided exemplary leadership through their prayers at the table and their serving of communion by intinction for those who choose this option for receiving the bread and the cup. Leslie Beck coordinated the work of the members of the Diaconate--preparing, serving and cleaning up--in providing communion for our 10:15 A.M. service, plus the many special services held during the year. The Diaconate also received our offerings each week. Donna Woodbridge, week in and week out, has contacted the persons serving as Lay Leaders and those presenting the Children's Moments, as well as Greeters, Ushers and Guest Book personnel to remind of their responsibilities for the upcoming Sunday. In addition, she prepared the weekly worship bulletins with assistance from Nancy Geiger who has folded and stuffed the bulletins and Caller each Friday. Dozens and dozens of our members have taken turns serving as Lay Leaders and Presenters of the Children's Moments. We are grateful to all of them for sharing their faith as they led worship. Sammie Adams receives special thanks for recruiting these worship leaders week in and week out during 2012. Finally, I am most grateful to the persons who were members of the Worship Ministry during 2012. Their wisdom and their work were a major factor in our worship ministry throughout 2012. Those persons are: Leslie Beck, Mitch Hanlon, Jane Reynolds, Ben Stuart, Jack Townsend, Anna Van Diest, Janelle Vannoy, plus Barry and Donna Woodbridge. Also serving with us during part of the year were Mark Archuletta, Cyndi Cairns, David Ressler and Susie Wright. Our ex-officio members were: Ted and Sammie Adams, plus David and Amy Styffe, all of whom did "behind the scenes tasks" but chose not to attend meetings. We were blessed to have in our meetings the consistent presence and insights of both of our Pastors, Darrell and Debra. The Worship Ministry was truly a team in 2012! Ed Linberg, Chair, Worship Ministry, 2012

Renewing Our Baptism on Sunday January 13

Each year as we observe Jesus' own baptism on the second Sunday in Epiphany, we have opportunity to renew our own baptisms. Last week's article on remembering our baptisms discussed what it means for Disciples of Christ to remember their baptisms. We said that baptism normally occurs once in a lifetime; we do not repeat it. Yet, by faith, we remain hopeful that whatever changed within us on the day of our baptism long ago remains with us always. This "renewing by remembering" may be somewhat parallel to renewing our wedding vows or perhaps even taking "booster shots," for this annual observance gives us a chance to renew that change in our lives when we were washed in Christ, clothed with his garments, renewed in a mind more like his. Thus on Sunday January 13 we shall be invited to come dip our hands in the baptismal waters and hear the words of promise that we are made new again in Christ. We can prepare by doing three things: 1. We may remember our own baptism or the time we are told about. 2. We may renew our decision to live "in Christ," to participate in his baptism, his death, and through that in his rising again. 3. We may share our baptism story to encourage others. Lin Garcia Remembers Her and Her Children's Baptisms I was Methodist even before I was born. As such, I was born into the tradition of Infant Baptism and Confirmation at the age of reason. My parents took me to church when I was about three months old and had me baptized. They made promises to God and their community to raise me as a Christian, take me to church and teach me about God and being a good person. When I was twelve I was confirmed. At that time, the minister wanted the entire class to be baptized, but my parents maintained that I had already been baptized. The only reason I wanted to participate was because "all my friends" were doing it. I am glad my parents stood firm. As I grew older and had my own children, I came to feel as they did. God had blessed me with such a wonderful gift in my child. I felt it was important to "return" that gift through their baptism and vowing to raise them in the best way I could with His help. I know this is not the view of this or many other churches; but it is mine. My parents "returned" me to my Heavenly Father. I feel I was "born into Christ" at that moment as were my children. -Lin Garcia

2013 Ministry Teams & Committees

You are encouraged to attend and participate on any of these Teams that interest you. Times and dates are listed next to each Ministry Team. Being a part of one of these teams will give you a better insight into what FCCF does and what better way to get to know and build relationships with the people of our church? HOSPITALITY & WELCOME (Lin Garcia, Chair) Time to be announced The Hospitality and Welcome Ministry Team shows care for all church members and visitors. We shepherd new members into our extended family congregation and familiarize them with the activities of the church. We offer social activities during the year. We also staff the Coffee Cart each Sunday. WORSHIP (Barry Woodbridge, Chair) Meets Third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in Chapman Lounge The Worship Ministry Team puts into action ideas and procedures that enhance meaningful worship. Working with the minister, the team strives to insure spiritual growth through Sunday morning services and special programs. We plan worship services that engage our hearts and minds while we experience the Grace of God. DISCIPLESHIP (Pam Findley-Flor, Chair) Meets Third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in Chapman Lounge The Discipleship Ministry Team works to provide both formal and informal educational opportunities for all ages in the church to learn about our dynamic Christian Faith, our Disciple heritage, and ways to express Gods love in todays world. Activities are planned for both individual spiritual growth and development in the life of the entire church. WORLD OUTREACH (Ed Linberg, Chair) Meets Third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the choir room The World Outreach Ministry Team tries to follow Christs example by providing opportunities for service and personal involvement. We serve and support local, national and worldwide programs for people in need. We work to channel the efforts and donations of our congregation to the most dedicated mission purposes we can find. STEWARDSHIP & PROPERTY (Dorothy Keech, chair) Meets Third Wednesday of each month in the kitchen off Chapman Lounge Our worldly resources have been given to us by God. The Stewardship Team works to broaden the understanding of commitment and the investment of personal talents and energy in our congregation. We educate our members about church stewardship and promote enthusiastic support. We prepare the budget and oversee the financial accountings of the congregation. Stewardship embodies our service to God and the use of our gifts from God. The Property Team oversees the care of our beloved Lords house. We manage maintenance and repairs to the education building. We organize workdays for the congregation to share with minor jobs. We seek out and secure competent, economical contractors to conduct major jobs for the church. ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR INVOLVEMENT In addition to the Ministry Teams, there are a number of other committees that work with and for various functions of the First Christian Church, Fullerton. If you would like to be a part of any of these committees, please see the chair of that committee for more details. Your help and support is always welcome. MEMORIAL COMMITTEE Sharlane Blakeley The Memorial Committee oversees the memorial funds given in memory of loved ones. We see that the funds are used properly for the purposes the deceased and their family wishes. 7

CHILD CARE COMMITTEE Time of meeting to be announced The Child Care Committee provides support and oversight to the First Christian Preschool and Infant Center on behalf of the church. We are always looking for persons interested in this ministry to the community. BUILDING USE Craig Wallace The Building Use Committee oversees the groups that use the church facilities. We take applications for using the building to the Council of Elders for approval. It is the responsibility of this committee to see that the groups that use the church facilities take proper care of them. SCHOLARSHIP Jan McCuen The Scholarship Committee raises funds and disperses memorial funds designated for scholarships to applicants who are invited to apply in the spring. DISCIPLES WOMEN Sharlane Blakeley The Disciples Women is open to all the women of the church for fellowship, study of the Bible, service projects and more. This group is responsible for receptions for memorial services, baby and bridal showers for our members. The Mary Circle meets on the first Tuesday of the month in Chapman Lounge at 10:30 a.m. This group of women does various service projects for the community and the church, has devotions and shares in a social time around coffee and goodies. They give monetary and in kind gifts to the Fullerton Interfaith Emergency Services. They work with the Disciples Women to put on the Mother/Daughter/Special Friends banquet. DISCIPLES MEN Barry Woodbridge The Disciples Mens Fellowship is open to all men of the church. They meet on the first Saturday of the month at 8 a.m. for breakfast this is a time of fellowship, a devotional and reflection upon the devotional that is presented and usually lasts about 1 hour DIACONATE - Leslie Beck The Diaconate is elected every November rotating to serve a three-year term to serve communion and receive offering during the morning worship service each Sunday. WORSHIP ELDERS Sharlane Blakeley The Worship Elders are elected every November to serve the next year three years serving at the Communion Table as Presiding and Stewardship Elders and to be a presence in the Narthex for anyone needing assistance. They also assist the minister with calls on shut-ins or parishioners who need spiritual assistance. HOT MEAL MINISTRY Tom and Leslie Beck On the first Wednesday of every month a group from FCCF serves a hot meal to the homeless in the Fullerton area at 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. CHAPEL ON WHEELS Chapel on Wheels is a weekday religious education program that has classes at the Fullerton Elementary Schools. They hold a paper drive on the first Saturday of each month at various locations in the Fullerton area. They are in need of a representative from this church on their board. Interested??? FARMERS MARKET TRI-TIP Outreach Ministry Team We are in the process of staffing each Thursday night between April October selling tri-tip sandwiches, bratwurst, sodas and water to raise funds for charities selected by the Outreach Ministry Team. We would love to have your participation.

First Christian Church 109 E Wilshire Avenue Fullerton, CA 92832

Reawaken (Early Worship Service) Sunday, 8:00 A.M. Refresh (Contemporary Worship Service) Sunday, 9:00 A.M. Church School for all ages: Sunday, 9:00 A.M. Remember (Traditional Worship Service) Sunday, 10:15 A.M. Youth Groups: Sunday, 1:00 P.M. & Wednesday, 3:30 5:15 P.M. Contemplative Service: Tuesdays, 7:00 P.M. Joyful Noise (Now WOW Worship) Third Sunday Evening Service, 5:00 P.M.

Serving January 6, 2013

Greeter: Tim & Lilly Acquistapace Guest Book: Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry Acolytes: Acolyte Parent: Henke Sound: Alyssa Robidoux Video: PJ Vannoy Lay Leader: Sharlane Blakeley Childrens Moment: Alice Wallace Elders: PJ Vannoy, Randy Langston, Norma Rill Diaconate: Leslies Team Prepare: Nancy Geiger, Sherry Herrera Ushers: Phil Forbes, Dena Heathman Serve: Leslie Beck, Diane Daugherty, Sue Harless, Dena Heathman, Sherry Herrera, Randy Langston, Amy & David Styffe Clean Up: Leslie Beck, Diane Daugherty, Sue Harless Alternates:

Serving January 13, 2013

Greeter: PJ & Nolan Vannoy Guest Book: Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry Acolytes: Acolyte Parent: Acquistapace Sound: Clare Keech Video: Paul/Travis Robidoux Lay Leader: Ben Stuart Childrens Moment: Jan McCuen Elders: Sharlane Blakeley, Emily Malotte, Pam Findley-Flor (HC) HC Elders: PJ Vannoy, Randy Langston, Emily Malotte Diaconate: Leslies Team Prepare: Phil Forbes, Nancy Geiger Ushers: Phil Forbes, Sherry Herrera Serve: Leslie Beck, Diane Daugherty, Sue Harless, Dena Heathman, Sherry Herrera, Randy Langston, Amy & David Styffe Clean Up: Nancy Geiger, Amy & David Styffe Alternates: 9

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