Answers Only: 11.1 Case Study

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ITECH5401 Professional Communication - Tutorial 5-10 Tooba Aamir - 30102620

Answers only: 11.1 Case Study 11.1.1 Model essays are very beneficial for students as they help students to understand the demands of essays and to compare quality of their essay with the one of model essays. Also these sample essays provide a guideline as to what is needed to be included in essay and what is not. But on the other hand wrong use of these essays give rise to problem of plagiarism. Moreover, sometimes these model essays are not up to the mark, and usage of such essays can result in low quality work by students. 11.1.2 This essay is very effective in understanding changing use of language. It helps in explaining the breakdown and general usage of language. Moreover, Chomskys four levels help a lot about the map out of language for example, using words context and its usage in the required context. Also pronunciation context of the words is also discussed. 11.1.3 In order to improve the quality of this paper references can play important role. Along with this, it should be noted that references are in text and bibliographic too. Moreover, structure of essay could be improved with help of appropriate headings and bullet points showing important points of essay. 11.2 Case Study 11.2.1 According to given mind map themes that can be used are: If exports are improved, it can help in becoming an equal trading partner with other main trading nations. Another important growth factor is resources available along with world market situation and talent available in Australia. To overcome export problems it is important to pay special attention to export of primary and secondary products along with services and art sector. 11.2.2 Outline: Globalisation and its effect on Australian exports Technology and its role in international trade New economy stakes and Australias part in it Major Australian trade partners like: o Japan o South Korea o China Special Events in Australia and economic boost due to them o Special events like the Olympics, The Rugby World Cup, The Melbourne Cup, the Grand Prix, and Oscar 11.2.3 Export Performance Measures in Australia and the United Kingdom, Chris Styles, Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 6, No. 3 (1998), pp. 12-36, Published

ITECH5401 Professional Communication - Tutorial 5-10 Tooba Aamir - 30102620 by: American Marketing Association, Article Stable URL: Australian cultural diversity and export growth , Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Volume 16, Issue 6, 1995 Social Factors Influencing Export Initiation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Paul Ellis and Anthony Pecotich, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 38, No. 1 (Feb., 2001), pp. 119-130, Published by: American Marketing Association, Article Stable URL:
A. Diamantopoulos, B.B. Schlegelmilch, K.Y. Katy Tse, (1993) "Understanding the Role of Export Marketing Assistance: Empirical Evidence and Research Needs", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 27 Iss: 4, pp.5 18

The Foreign Service and Foreign Trade: Embassies as Export Promotion, Andrew K. Rose, Article first published online: 19 JAN 2007, The World Economy, Volume 30, Issue 1, pages 2238, January 2007 Pre-Export Activity: The First Step in Internationalization, Finn Wiedersheim-Paul, Hans C. Olson and Lawrence S. Welch, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 9, No. 1 (Spring - Summer, 1978), pp. 47-58, Published by: Palgrave Macmillan Journals, Article Stable URL:

11.3 Case Study 11.3.1 These notes are sort of from brainstorming of ideas as it is most basic way of generating ideas for essay. It helps to build concept map and ideas what are to be included in essay. Also it provides a map as to how to structure the essay and what methods to be used while writing. 11.3.2 To improve these notes, it is important to make a structure of essay as to what writing style is needed to write the essay. 11.3.3 Next step is to organise the material in logical order and to determine major topics and subtopics to be discussed. Along with this it is essential to recognise thesis statement. 11.3.4 Topics under discussion: Origin of immigrants o Immigration programs o Demography of immigrants Multicultural issues o Effects on society o Effects on media, as in to cater needs o Problems for migrant workers o Illegal migrants Communication problems o Cultural differences o Australian attitude towards migrants o Difference in income o Migrants and Australian institutes Major needs o Importance on interpreters and translators

ITECH5401 Professional Communication - Tutorial 5-10 Tooba Aamir - 30102620 o o o Community facilities Issues of discrimination Effects of migration on education system

ITECH5401 Professional Communication - Tutorial 5-10 Tooba Aamir - 30102620 7.1 Case Study Decision making strategies and related communication interaction includes: 1. Consensus in decision, as all team members get the chance to voice their opinion until decision is taken and if any one disagrees discussion continues. Sometimes compromises are also made to fit the best suited solution. 2. Decision of majority, i.e. democracy in decision making and majority is authority. 3. Minority makes the decision, i.e. a subcommittee is formed which decides the matter keeping in mind needs of all and give recommendations. 4. Getting experts help, i.e. if no one from the team can handle the issue or fix the problem extra help is hired to resolve the issue. 5. Authoritys rule, i.e. team leader uses his/her power to decide about conflicting issues without discussing with other team members. 6. Using authority with discussion, i.e. team leader disusses matter with all and gets their feedback but final decision is always made by him/he. 7.2 Case Study In the given case study problems can be solved by diverging the energy towards creativity. Along with this working on set schedule can also help and brainstorming can be used to get more ideas and to resolve issues. Moreover, from all possible ideas most feasible is to be chosen and to help group in structuring along with listing all pro and cons. Case Study The conflict is about rostering of duties as existing roster system is not being followed and no reasons of this mismanagement are given. Conflict is more severe this time because it is not the first time that same situation has arisen but also without notice changes in roster has created many problems various times. To start with mind map is needed to get the ideas of all.


ITECH5401 Professional Communication - Tutorial 5-10 Tooba Aamir - 30102620 Case Study 9.1 As per case study all four introductions contain examples of ideas used but none gives ultimate information and gives attention gaining and structured opening that attracts listeners attention at the spot. Also as the topic is vast so to grab listeners attention solid informative points are needed about scope and structure along with clarity of all ideas and themes used. Moreover, in the ending all tried to sum up all they have said none end on challenge or thinking note for audiences. Also actions were not taken to encourage listeners to ask questions. Case Study 9.3 Following strategies are to be followed in cases of gives mishaps. If forgot to bring handwritten notes, just write down the overview and use the resources available. Encourage the audience to ask questions and use it as cover about forgetting of notes. If no markers to write on white board, always rely on your own markers or ask the venue manager to bring some for you. Otherwise if not available manage with the resources in hand. If power point is not working ask venue manager to handle the situation. Before start of presentation make it sure that all equipment needed are in working order. If wind blow out all notes then take some time, dont panic and collect all material. Just stay calm.

ITECH5401 Professional Communication - Tutorial 5-10 Tooba Aamir - 30102620 Case Study 10.1 Major problem is the wrong usage of grammar, gives bad name to companys repute. Along with this these is non-consistence in format and style of notice making it non-professional. This non-professional style of notice and wrong grammar and structure gives bad name to company, resulting in negative publicity of organisation. Case Study 10.2 To make the passage easy and understandable for all readers, writer has used easy language and used vocabulary which is familiar to readers. Along with this, usage of hyperlinks for technical and difficult terms, in online document helps to understand technical terms. Furthermore, the sentence structure of writers with usage of metaphors helps in creating mental picture. Case Study 10.3 His friend can hep him by suggesting ways to improve his assignment and by making him understand as in what lecturer expects and how to cater all demands of lecturer. He should consider it favour from lecturer to be able to redo the work and respect him for that along with being thankful as it is for their own benefit.

ITECH5401 Professional Communication - Tutorial 5-10 Tooba Aamir - 30102620 Case Study 5.1 For lawyers case studies help in referencing of cases, to highlight other proceedings and use those as an argument in their own cases. Similarly for marketers case studies act as focus groups and help in identifying market patterns and larger market opportunities. Whereas, teachers uses case studies as learning aid and helps students to understand certain ideas and concepts with practical examples. Moreover, advantages include, developing of analytic and problem solving skill. Also it allows for exploration of solutions for complex issues and helps to apply new knowledge and skills. Case Study 5.2 1. Mostly I use Google as it has wider database and very common one. 2. Results show similar pattern as given in case study but as I have not use metasearch engine before so cannot give expert opinion. Case Study 5.3 As per the case studies show there is no wrong and right decision. In every situation ethics always are applied according to the context of the situation and one decision which is considered right in any situation can be ethically considered unethical in other situations. For example as per situation in first scenario it is difficult to decide that what should be decision as using duty based ethics it is professors duty to report the incident as soon as he came to know about this. But on the other hand if student was going through some sort of extreme problem can result in relaxation in rules, but even then such practice should be ruled out and students should be encouraged to come forward to discuss their problems. Similarly, in second situation although it is employees duty to think about the companys benefit but here decision making is difficult as in comparison to companys benefit onstake is wellbeing of greater community.

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